Zubeydah Al-Badawiyyah: Difference between revisions

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|photo = [[File:Abe and Zubeydah.jpg|x400px]]
|photo = [[File:Zubeydah Elevation - Portrait by Francesca di Lucca.png|x400px]]
| photocaption = Zubeydah & [[Abe Vivitar Von Gebric|Abe]] at Ansteorra 40th Year, 2019<BR>Photo by [[Gunhilda Adeleva Amberstar]]
| photocaption = Elevation to the Order of the Pelican, July 2021.<BR>Photo by [[Francesca di Lucca]]
| location = [[Vindheim]] / Northern Region<BR> Claimed by [[Mooneschadowe]]<BR>Dwells in [[Northkeep]]
| location = [[Vindheim]] / Northern Region<BR> Claimed by [[Mooneschadowe]]<BR>Dwells in [[Northkeep]]
| regname= [http://oanda.sca.org/oanda_name.cgi?p=Zubaydah%20al-Badawiyyah Zubaydah al-Badawiyyah]  
| regname= [http://oanda.sca.org/oanda_name.cgi?p=Zubaydah%20al-Badawiyyah Zubaydah al-Badawiyyah]  
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| OP = [http://heraldry.ansteorra.org/OP/op-names.php?search=Zubaydah%20al-Badawiyyah&id=4903 Kingdom of Ansteorra]<BR>
| OP = [http://heraldry.ansteorra.org/OP/op-names.php?search=Zubaydah%20al-Badawiyyah&id=4903 Kingdom of Ansteorra]<BR>
[http://wimble.outlandsheralds.org/individual_record.php?PersonID=10325 Kingdom of the Outlands]
[http://wimble.outlandsheralds.org/individual_record.php?PersonID=10325 Kingdom of the Outlands]
| device = [[File:Zubeydah Device3.png|x400px]]
| device = [[File:Zubeydah Achievement by Alisandre.jpg|x350px]]
|devicecaption = Azure, an ewer bendwise within an orle argent.}}
|devicecaption = Azure, an ewer bendwise within an orle argent. Achievement by [[Alisandre Oliphant]]}}
== Her Excellency, Sheika Zubeydah Jamilla al-Badawiyyah, BQC, OP==
== Her Excellency, Zubeydah Hanim, Bastion of Vindheim==
[[File:Zubeydah Baroness Scroll.jpg|200px|thumb|left|Original Court Barony Scroll by [[Annais Elanor de Montomerie‎‎]] presented at Saturday's High Court at Ansteorra 40th Year, by [[81st Crown|Vladislav & Margaret]]]]
[[File:Zubeydah Baroness Scroll.jpg|200px|thumb|left|Original Court Barony Scroll by [[Annais Elanor de Montomerie‎‎]] presented at Saturday's High Court at Ansteorra 40th Year, by [[81st Crown|Vladislav & Margaret]]]]
While her registered name is Zubaydah, she prefers the alternate spelling, Zubeydah. <BR>
While her registered name is Zubaydah, she prefers the alternate spelling, Zubeydah. <BR>
(The initials after her name (BQC), are the designation given to those who are Bearers of the Queen's Cipher of the Kingdom of the Outlands.)<BR><BR>
'''Nicknames, Known-Bys, and Odd Titles: '''
'''Nicknames, Known-Bys, and Odd Titles: '''
* Zuzu  (This nickname was given by [[Sigen Fridreksdottir]], and is welcome and makes her smile.) (Beydah is NOT her name. Zub is RIGHT OUT.)  
* Zuzu  (This nickname was given by [[Sigen Fridreksdottir]], and is welcome and makes her smile.) (Beydah is NOT her name. Zub is RIGHT OUT.)  
* In Mooneschadowe, she is known as Don Zubeydah of the Waterbearing Mafia * / **
* On the Armour Archive, she holds the title of Dark Overlord Chick of the Universe and is best known for her summary and index of The St Florian Project by Robert MacPhereson '''([[File:The St Florian Project - A Summary of Work.pdf]]).'''
* On the Armour Archive, she holds the title of Dark Overlord Chick of the Universe and is best known for her summary and index of The St Florian Project by Robert MacPhereson '''([[File:The St Florian Project - A Summary of Work.pdf]])''', liberal political views, and a certain discussion of ladies underpinnings.
* Zubeydah uses the Turkish title for Peerage, "Hanim."
* In the Northern Region, she is known as the Patron Saint of Chocolate
* For a span of time in March of 2020, she was given the title of "Official Neutral Marshal of Mayhem" for her arbitration of a wiki-content-battle between the Barony of [[Namron]] and the Barony of [[Wiesenfeuer]].
<nowiki>*</nowiki> Important!! ''This does not, in any way, imply that Zubeydah has a White Scarf of Ansteorra. Please note the 'Mafia' part of the name.'' :D<BR>
<nowiki>**</nowiki> The first rule of the Waterbearing Mafia is that we don't talk about the Waterbearing Mafia...<BR>
'''Previously Known As:''' When she first started in the SCA in the Outlands, she used Kestrel of Ravenshold.<BR>
'''Previously Known As:''' When she first started in the SCA in the Outlands, she used Kestrel of Ravenshold.<BR>
'''Pronunciation:'''zoo-BAY-dah AL-bah-dah-WEE-yuh<BR>
'''Pronunciation:'''zoo-BAY-dah AL-bah-dah-WEE-yuh<BR>
'''Pronouns:'''  She/Her<BR>
'''Pronouns:'''  She/Her<BR>
====Alternate Persona====
====Additional Registered Heraldry:====
Zubeydah is currently exploring an alternate, Norse persona, named (Hersirkona) Ilsabet Wilhelmsdattir.<BR>
The following badge associated with this name was registered in February of 2022 (via Ansteorra):  Sable, a ray of the sun issuant from sinister chief argent.<BR>
Zubeydah enjoys telling the story of how this badge came to be inspired by [[Kassandra De Haas]] and you should totally ask her some time. <BR>
===Additional Registered Heraldry: Achievement===
Mantling: Argent goutty azure, and Azure<BR>
Mantling: Argent goutty azure, and Azure<BR>
Helm: Persian helm argent, faces affronty<BR>
Helm: Persian helm argent, faces affronty<BR>
Crest: a human hand bearing a quill, writing upon a scroll.<BR>
Crest: Dexter human hand holding a quill, writing upon a page, argent<BR>
Coronet: Baronial with six points topped with pearls<BR>
Coronet: Baronial with six points topped with pearls<BR>
Dexter Supporter: Domestic cat rampant guardant sable, armed and orbed gules, maintaining a book Or<BR>
Dexter Supporter: Domestic cat rampant guardant sable, armed and orbed gules, maintaining a book Or<BR>
Sinister Supporter: Griffin rampant guardant sable, armed and orbed gules, maintaining a book Or<BR>
Sinister Supporter: Griffin rampant guardant sable, armed and orbed gules, maintaining a book Or<BR>
Motto: That which is not written is forgotten<BR>
Motto: That which is not written is forgotten<BR>
Notes: Compartment is a pile of books and scrolls. Bears a Pelican wreath. <BR>
Notes: Compartment is a pile of books and scrolls. A wreath of Pelican feathers encircles the arms. <BR>

* '''Local:'''
* Local Offices Held
** Prior Northkeep Baronial Waterbearer
** Prior [[Northkeep]] Baronial Waterbearer
** Current Chronicler, Barony of Northkeep, June - Present
** Prior Interim Chronicler, Barony of [[Northkeep]], June 2021 - February 2022

* '''Regional:'''
* Regional Offices Held
** Prior Northern Regional Waterbearer (Warranted Office - 2003-2004)
** Prior Northern Regional Waterbearer (Warranted Office - 2003-2004)

* '''Principality:'''
* Principality Offices Held
** ER Deputy Seneschal, June 2023 - December 2023
** Gifts Liaison for Their Serene Highnesses, [[1st Vindheim Coronet|Romanius and Deanna]]
** Gifts Liaison for Their Sanguine Highnesses, [[2nd Vindheim Coronet|Jean-Paul and Gilyan]]
** Gifts Liaison for Their Serene Highnesses, [[3rd Vindheim Coronet|Micauley Morison and Caterina Giovanni]]
** Gifts Liaison for Their Serene Highnesses, [[4th Vindheim Coronet|Skeggi Berbeinn Sebbason ins Sterka and Emmelina de Medeland]]
** Gifts Liaison for Their Serene Highnesses, [[5th Vindheim Coronet|Romanius II and Deanna II]]
** Gifts Liaison for Their Serene Highnesses, [[6th Vindheim Coronet|Dafydd Whitacre and Octavia de Verdon]]
** Special Deputy to the Seneschal, December 2023 - present.

* '''Kingdom:'''
* Kingdom Offices Held
** Prior Waterbearer's Guild Vscribe (non-warranted)
** Prior Scribal Guild Vscribe (Warranted Office - 3 years): Tripled the number of featured original works, created the [http://scribe.ansteorra.org/library/index.htm Charter Library] and [http://scribe.ansteorra.org/insignia/index.htm Insignia Library]
** Prior Vscribe to the Historian's Office (Warranted Office - 2 years)
** Site Administrator - Ansteorra Wiki, 2011 to Present
** Kingdom Historian, September 2019 - Present
** Kingdom Historian, September 2019 - Present
** Site Administrator - Ansteorra Wiki, 2011 to Present
** Special Deputy to the Exchequer, Secondary Signatory, 2021 - December 2023
** Prior Vscribe to the Historian's Office (Warranted Office - 2 years)
** Prior Scribal Guild Vscribe (Warranted Office - 3 years)<BR>
** Prior Waterbearer's Guild Vscribe (non-warranted)

=== Persona History: ===
===Persona History:===
Born without many prospects, she was affianced at an early age to a wealthy merchant. At his urging, she and her family accompanied her fiance on a mercantile venture to the Middle East. The caravan was attacked. She was the sole survivor, left for dead. Found by a wandering tribe of nomads led by Sir Haroun ibn al-Dhi'b al-Abyadh of the Outlands, she was rescued from the cruel sands of the desert and nursed back to health. She was given the name Zubeydah by Haroun. Her restless spirit did not allow her to accept his hospitality for long, and earned her the name 'al-Badawiyyah' - the Wanderer. She left the deserts and found a home in Ansteorra, where she was captured, body and heart, by an unusually well-dressed Ostrogoth named [[Abe Vivitar Von Gebric]]<BR>
Born without many prospects, she was affianced at an early age to a wealthy merchant. At his urging, she and her family accompanied her fiance on a mercantile venture to the Middle East. The caravan was attacked. She was the sole survivor, left for dead. Found by a wandering tribe of nomads led by Sir Haroun ibn al-Dhi'b al-Abyadh of the Outlands, she was rescued from the cruel sands of the desert and nursed back to health. She was given the name Zubeydah by Haroun. Her restless spirit did not allow her to accept his hospitality for long, and earned her the name 'al-Badawiyyah' - the Wanderer. She left the deserts and found a home in Ansteorra, where she was captured, body and heart, by an unusually well-dressed Ostrogoth named [[Abe Vivitar Von Gebric]]<BR>

== Interests: ==
* Waterbearing (alas, not able to actively do so any more due to physical limitations)
* Service through Arts:
** Primary: Lampwork & Jewelrymaking
** Secondary: Silk Banners, Block Printing, (electronic) Heraldic Art
* Coordinating Gift and Prize Baskets; SCA Fundraising
* Cooking / Baking / Confectionary
* SCA-focused Web Design/Administration/Data Collection: Event, local group and Guild websites, photo albums, web graphic design. Administrator of the Kingdom Wiki. Editor-in-Chief, Chronology of the Northern Region
===Timeline of Activity:===
====1986 - 2005 ====
[[File:Affirmation.jpg|200px|thumb|right|Affirmation of Handfasting, artwork by Nahama Joy (Adelaide)]]
1986:  Zubeydah's first SCA event was on 1986-06-14, in the brand-new Kingdom of the Outlands: their first Crown Tournament in which Gunwalt was crowned king. Her clearest memory of that event was the first Royal Court, and everyone present singing the anthem of the Kingdom of Atenvelt as a form of good-bye. She was only active in the SCA in the Outlands for about 6 months. (As the majority of her family lives in the [[Outlands]], she can be seen at events there on rare occasions for special events.) <BR><BR>
2000: Living in California, Zubeydah is invited by her family to attend the Estrella War. As several of the Household are participating in the combats, she gets an introduction to Waterbearing at the hands of Baroness Dovita of Al-Barran.<BR><BR>
2001: Having moved to Oklahoma in October of the prior year, Zubeydah seeks out the SCA in the fall/winter of 2001. She meets Northkeep's Hospitaler, Amanda Blackwolf, who provides contact information for the Barony.<BR><BR>
2002: Zubeydah attends a few hours of [[Northkeep Castellan]], and is also able to make it to the [[Baroness' Toy Tourney]] and King's College, which is held in Namron. There, she meets [[Dyan du Lac Calendre]] who makes a very strong impression on her with her artistry and more importantly, her kindness. She regularly attends Fighter Practices and Populace meetings in the Barony. At three Fighter Practices, she hosts informal Middle Eastern Dance classes. She also begins charter painting.<BR><BR>
2003:  In January, Zubeydah attends and teaches at wInterkingdom Collegium for the first time. In February, she heads back to Estrella War, where she demonstrates the fine art of well Equipped Waterbearing, for which she receives wordfame in the Kingdom of the Outlands, and Northkeep receives funds from the Volunteer hours she put in. At Crown Tournament that year, Zubeydah is called into court, all the while silently cursing that she had not taken the Introduction to Court class offered by [[Etienne De Saint Amaranth]], because she had no idea what to do... At Castellan, she focuses on waterbearing and chatting with the fighters.  "I simply ensure that my friends leave the field with as much honor as when they entered," is the epic comment by [[Owen ap Aeddan]]. Abe meets Amanda's husband, Thormund Blackwolf, and they realize they knew each other from youth, and from the Army. At Castellan, they are introduced by [[Balvin Thorfinnsson]] to Hersir [[Thorgrim Bjornson]] and Baroness [[Sigen Fridreksdottir]], who welcome Abe and Zubeydah into their camp, provide them with a fire, feast, and fellowship. Fall brings Mooneschadowe Guardian, and Zubeydah meets Ollj and Mylicent, who are awesome.  Later in the evening, [[Owen ap Aeddan]] presents Zubeydah with a blade, saying "This was given to me by [[47th Crown|Patrick Michael]], during his fifth reign as King. When he gave it to me, he told me that my presence and participation made the game better for him. Zubeydah, you make the game better for me, with all that you do. I'd want you to have this."  Late in the evening, Zubeydah gets to chat with Master [[Tarl Godric the Brokentoe]], and hear the tale of the Ansteorran Adventuring Hat. The following day, Zubeydah receives her official Non-Contact Authorization Card, signed by the Northern Regional Knight Marshal, [[Owen ap Aeddan]].  In October, Protectorate brings new opportunities and challenges. [[Thorgrim Bjornson]] gives Zubeydah a Gryphon medallion, in thanks for her efforts and in solidarity for efforts towards a Principality in the region.  She visits Oxlande's vigil and is quite impressed by all the panoply, and meets [[Niccolaia Valore]] for the first time, who very kindly spends several hours mentoring Zubeydah on charter painting.  In December, another wInterKingdom is held. Zubeydah hosts two classes for youth, and one for adults.  Zubeydah is named a '''Master Waterbearer''' and the '''Northern Regional Waterbearer''' in court by the Kingdom Chirugeon and Baron of Northkeep, [[Ainar Magnusson]]. <BR> <BR>
[[File:Zubeydah Pelican Scroll - by Franchesca and Thomas.png|200px|thumb|left| Patent of Arms created by [[Francesca di Lucca]] & [[Thomas de Groet]]]]
2004:  Zubeydah attends several work sessions in Talequah with [[House Halfiras]].  At Kingdom Arts & Sciences/ Mooneschadowe Tribute to Ansteorra, Zubeydah teaches a class on waterbearing, and is able to certify several folks for their non-combatant authorizations. Master Oxlade's beer flows "like a happy brown river" and puts Abe under its spell.  Event Reviews:
[[Event Review - Northkeep Castellan 2004 - by Zubeydah|Castellan]], [[Event Review - Argent Anniversary 2004 - by Zubeydah|Ansteorra's Argent Anniversary]] [[Event Review - Queens Champion 2004 - by Zubeydah|Queen's Champion]], [[Event Review - Mooneschadowe Guardian 2004 - by Zubeydah|Mooneschadowe Triumphe]], [[Event Review - Namron Protectorate 2004 - by Zubeydah|Namron Protectorate]], [[Event Review - Weisenfeuer Yule 2004 - by Zubeydah|Wiesenfeur Yule]]
2005: Event Reviews:  [[Event Review - Estrella War 2005 - by Zubeydah|Estrella War]], [[Event Review - Northkeep Castellan 2005 - by Zubeydah|Northkeep Castellan]], [[Event Review - Mooneschadowe Guardian 2005 - by Zubeydah|Mooneschadowe Guardian]], [[Event Review - Namron Protectorate 2005 - by Zubeydah|Namron Protectorate]], [[Event Review - Chemin Noir Fair of the Harvest 2005 - by Zubeydah|Chemin Noir's Fair of the Harvest]]
====2006 - Present====
2006 - 2020: Was participating, but didn't do a very good job of documenting things.<BR>
2021: [[Zubeydah's Elevation to the Order of the Pelican]]. Major projects include creating a [[Vindheim Royal Treasures|banner]] for the Principality, presented at [[Vindheim Premier Coronet Tourney]].<BR>
2022: Mooneschadowe Trade Days is the BEST DARNED EVENT EVER! Outfoxed by [[Nicaise Synger]], trading buttons for garb with wide-eyed newcomers, sending a full set of her beloved Abe's armor to Mooneschadowe, getting bees from [[Asha of Mooneschadowe]] and a multitude of stamps from [[Kyrus Logisson]]... it is a day of laughter and loot, tavern brawls and law changes, and art-as-largess!<BR>
2023: In January, Zubeydah travels to Calontir Clothiers to speak on behalf of Laurel Candidate [[Hugo van Harlo]]. Northkeep Castellan brings another [[The Hero's Portion|Hero's Portion]] and a first effort to utilize a massive wood block Centurion Eagle textile stamp made by [[Kyrus Logisson]]. A second more successful stamping session is completed at King's College. In May, she journeyed down to [[Steppes]] Warlord, honored to speak on behalf of [[Livia da Nicolosi]]. July brings a journey to witness Ansteorran history made right and due honors given, when she travels to meet her Pelican brother, Baron [[Edwin FitzLloyd]] in the Barony of Steppes at their Artisan event.  Mooneschadowe Trade Days is a joy and a delight as always, and she completes trades with many a newcomer and a friend. Namron selects [[Will Rogers Boy Scout Camp]] as the site of their Fall Protectorate event, but Zubeydah must sends words for Laurel candidate [[Dominique Michelle le Vasseur]], rather than deliver them herself when she falls ill.<BR>
2024: Teaches at Northkeep's wInterkingdom Collegium. Travels southward to [[Bryn Gwlad]] [[Candlemas]] for the elevation of [[Anne von Wiese]].  Displays for the first time ever at [[Laurel's Prize Tourney]], held in [[Mooneschadowe]], showcasing works in lampworking, jewelry making, silk painting, illumination, and textile block printing.  Thanks to mobility help from several good gentles and friends, including [[Charles the Grey]], [[Malcom MacCormack]] and [[Koke Gan]], was able to attend Wiesenfeuer Baronial.  Served as Gate Coordinator for Northkeep Castellan, assembling a wonderful team of folks. Succumbed to illness and wasn't able to finish the day.  Lots of help from friends to get packed and loaded up, especially Charles and Koke (yet again!). Helped with some scribal on a surprise for Their Excellencies, Perrin & Jehanne, which was presented in court.  Spends the day at Summer Crown Tournament taking portraits and candid photos, and celebrates the success of Jean-Paul and Gilyan becoming Heirs to the Throne. Travels down to Ardmore for Vindheim Summer Coronet, bringing decor for the Vigil of [[Marcus von Fürth]].  Back in Ardmore only weeks later, attends the first Vindheim Academia della Spada and sits Gate, then hosts an all day Wiki information table. Gets to witness [[Caterina Giovanni]] being given [[The Little White Scarf]]!  At the (much appreciated!!) invitation of Mistress [[Beatrix Alfray]], travels down to distant [[Ffynnon Gath]] for Ansteorra Kingdom Arts & Sciences. There, displays Finnish & Hiberno-Norse beads, gets to shadow-judge with [[John of Severn]], and welcome a new sister of the flock, [[Margery Gilroy]]. Mooneschadowe Trade Days is always an awesome event, and there, she made lots of trades but took few photos... but made up for that at the joint event of Namron Protectorate & the Coronation of our [[89th Crown]], Jean-Paul & Gilyan. There, she swore fealty as a Pelican and as a member of the Populace. At Gilyan's Queen's Champion event, was moved to tears by witnessing (for the first time!!) the rapier community singing to the Queen. For the [[Vindheim 7th Coronet Tourney]], another first: Entered the Coronet Lyst with [[Fyn Alreksson]], who fought his way to the semi-finals. It was a joyful day with many people providing support through the labor of their hands and the love of their hearts.  Wiesenfeuer Yule brought the privilege of speaking for Baroness [[Beatrix Funtyn]] during her elevation to the Order of the Laurel. <BR>
2025:  Marata Midwinter Melees provided the opportunity for service as entourage for Her Majesty Gilyan and the [https://youtu.be/fCC7ogfUptY?feature=shared privilege of speaking] on behalf of [[Kormakr Mikjalson]]. (Link contains entire ceremony).  Braving dense fog, Zubeydah heads south to Duncan, Oklahoma, to Laurel's Prize Tourney, displaying her work in the fields of block printing, lampworking and jewelrymaking.  Wonderful conversations are had with several Laurels, including Mistress [[Kaitlyn McKenna]], Mistress [[Ebergardis von Zell]], Mistress [[Osanna van der Linden]], Master [[Haraldr Bassi]], Master [[Beorhlic Folcwineson]] and Mistress [[Nafisa al-Nadiyah]]. Each gives encouragement in their own way, and two challenge her to enter Kingdom Arts & Sciences.

==Timeline of Activity: ==
====Prior Groups:====
Caer Galen, the Outlands<BR>

===Prior Groups===
===Populace Provided Information:===
====Master Oliver Mordrake, OP, Kingdom of the Outlands (Deceased)====
"I heard a story about you last weekend. I was at an event held for kingdom officers. One of them, from down south somewhere, was telling me about a lady at Estrella last year that totally changed the way she does waterbearing. She'd never thought of carrying anything with her besides water, like tape, etc, or how to be helpful on the field other than just by watering the stickjocks. When she'd told me the story about this incredibly helpful waterbearer, we started comparing notes. The upshot of this was that she was talking about you.  Your good deeds have made you famous and beloved far beyond the borders of your home kingdom." - July 16, 2003<BR>

== Populace Provided Information: ==
====Baroness [[Silvana Corwin]]====
When asked, "What is your favorite shiny", Silvana answered, "Oohhh...that’s tough!! Actually I think it’s my circlet that Zubeydah Al-Badawiyyah made for me. We met via Sable Swap, she was who I had to gift. Anyways, through conversation, I told her it was about time for me to replace my old circlet. So, instead of my buying another, she just decided to make me one. I *love* it for its beauty but more because it represents new friendships and generosity of spirit. And yes, Zubeydah, you can add this to your wiki page! In fact, I insist!!"<BR>
[[File:Elevated to Excellency.jpg|200px|thumb|left|Elevated to Court Baroness by [[81st Crown]] at Ansteorra 40th Year. Photo by [[Gunhilda Adeleva Amberstar]]]]

==Notable Contributions or Accomplishments: ==
====Lady [[Kale Kourtikina]]====
(Words delivered by His Excellency, Master [[Beorhlic Folcwineson]], Baron of Northkeep, Lion of Ansteorra, upon the occaision of the Ansteorran 40th Year Anniversary High Court, September 21st, 2019: [https://youtu.be/csyUNlkK90I?si=zzYcNKkxb-i7QBJz Video HERE])<BR>
To Our Most Honored [[Vladislav Strelec|Rom Baro]], do I, your humble servant, Kallie Kourtikina, send greetings. With affection and good faith, do I beg a boon of your Grace. I wish to speak upon one whom you have shown favor, and offer simple words of praise for her. Zubeydah. Is. Awesome.  For years, she has worked in the quiet background, ensuring our Venerable History shall not be lost to the mists of time. This seems a simple thing, and yet season after season, she has worked to preserve something vital to our Beloved kingdom - not only our Selves, but those who have gone before us. Additionally, she has graced us all with confections that melt on the tongue, dance in the mouth, and leave one wating more, despite the lack of room in our bellies.  Her graceful touch shines in the simplest endeavors she undertakes, all while she cares for others. It breaks my heart that I have been called away to the chill of An Tir, however, I know that I have left my cherished Kingdom in hands that will hold her gently, yet firmly, even in times of tribulations. One more steward has been named, and Zubeydah al-Badawiyyah has my trust and love in the honor and duty she has now been given.  Opre Romani - Vivat the Romani!<BR>
Yours in Service to a Dream,<BR>
Lady Kallie Kourtikina<BR>

===Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions===
====Dona [[Ashildr inn Harfagri]]====
At the 2020 [[Mooneschadowe]] Provincial Games, Her Excellency Zubeydah prepared a fine selection of baked goods available for purchase by the discerning palate. (1) I arrived early, yet knowing the caliber of craft present on that table, knew that if I desired those divine melt-in-your-mouth marshmallows, I had to act fast. As she bounced between delighted Ansteorrans, she dutifully put me down for a bag of the marshmallows and set them to the side. Come lunch, she was swamped by people buying deserts and picking up their many goodies. When I arrived, her smile dropped as she realized she had accidentally sold the marshmallows amidst the rush and hustle and bustle. Then apologizing profusely, as if this was somehow a step down and not an unexpected delight, she started sliding me her special marshmallows. (2) Light brown, just as melty and divine as any other, but with the special bonus of tasting magically like caramel. And she kept sliding them. Bags upon bags of delightful fluffy caramel clouds, all the while apologizing, for her heart is kind and as full of grace as her hands are of magic.<BR>
I waited, until after lunch. I waited till I sat at the side of the rapier field, then unwrapped a marshmallow. Good gentles, I do not lie when I say I fell over. I do not lie when I say Knights and Dons alike looked at me askance, lying on my back by my sword, both feet in the air, '''crying''' because of a marshmallow. Would that I were deft enough with words to sing the praises of this marshmallow. Would that I were clever enough in prose to regale the achievements of Her Excellency that much more. These marshmallows brought me to tears of joy once, twice, thrice. "Her Excellency" is not just the title of this woman, it is a measure of her skill. She is surely some kind of wizard, performing chemical kitchen magics upon what would be otherwise simple goodies. I hope one day to be found worthy of more of her goodies, shiny and sweet alike.<BR>
May she ever look upon us mortals and find us deserving of her continued good works. (and ma'am if you don't take this compliment i will scream) (3)<BR>
''Editor's Notes:''<BR>
# It was a fundraiser for the Medieval Studies Group, to send folks to Gulf Wars.
# Lest anyone think otherwise, these were '''not''' "special" ("edibles") marshmallows, just an experimental batch made with brown sugar and dark corn syrup - they were not available for sale, but rather were gifted to anyone who provided wiki content.
# yes.... i will happily accept this compliment. :D<BR>

== Affiliations: ==
====[[Ivarr runamagi]]====
I came to Eldern Hills because you were being elevated. Then you asked me to speak for you and that was icing on the cake. You are probably the most deserving person I have known to be offered entrance into the Order of the Pelican, your service is far beyond what I did when I was offered entrance. You are a shining example of what a Peer should be and in my eyes you are what a Lion should be. Thank you for the Honor of witnessing your elevation and being asked to tell TRM Ansteorra my thoughts on your qualifications for elevation. You should continue to do what you have been doing, don't ramp it up. The rest of the world ain't ready to try and keep up with you as it is. Hugs, sister. (07/28/2021)<BR>

== Mundane Information: ==
===Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:===
[[File:Castellan 2012 Luncheon.jpg|200px|thumb|right|Chef and Hostess, Noble's Luncheon, Castellan, 2012]]
====Service to the Society====
* Fundraising: Has raised over $5500 in fundraisers for Northkeep, a Gulf Wars Queen's Tea, the Mooneschadowe Student's Group, Northern Region Tribute to Ansteorra, the Canton of Wyldewode Cooks Guild, the Canton of Chemin Noir's Archery Squad, and Royal travel, by donating directly to fundraising efforts, and serving as coordinator/organizer.
* Service to the Outlands: Donations to Royal Largess, fundraising auctions, backlog scrolls.
* Waterbearer / Waterbearer in Charge / Northern Regional Waterbearer: Service, leadership and instruction: 2000 - 2015.
* Organized and administered the [[File:40 For 40th - Year of the Quest.pdf]]
* Data Collection Coordinator, Primary Contributor: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FUOiGt6iDnW8t1WuC66Q6jJ_AUqo8kBKwTMCi1epJUw/edit?usp=sharing The Chronology of the Northern Region of Ansteorra], for the Application for Principality, 2018 - Present.
* ZOOM Host: During 2020 - 2021, served as a Collegium Room Host for several events, including Winterkingdom (x2) King's College, and Wisenfeuer Baronial, utilizing her personal ZOOM account for the benefit of SCA events.
* Entourage: [[81st Crown|Vladislav & Margaret]], [[1st Vindheim Coronet|Romanius & Deanna]], [[2nd Vindheim Coronet|Jean-Paul & Gilyan]], [[3rd Vindheim Coronet|Micauley & Caterina]], [[4th Vindheim Coronet|Skeggi & Emmalina]], [[5th Vindheim Coronet|Romanius & Deanna]], [[6th Vindheim Coronet|Dafydd & Octavia]], [[89th Crown|Jean-Paul & Gilyan]]
* Secondary Signatory Deputy to the Exchequer, 2021 - July 2023
* Special Event Hostess:
** 2007: [http://www.flickr.com/photos/zubeydah/sets/72157627996431829/ Young Ladies Salon & Luncheon], Northkeep's Castellan - Organized, catered and hosted a RSVP-only event for nine young girls. Guest instructors and self provided two and a half hours instructions on ladylike qualities, manners, and demeanor.  Served lunch and provided gifts for all attending.
** 2008: [[Young Gentleman's Salle - 2008|Young Gentlemen's Salle & Luncheon]], Northkeep's Castellan - Organized, catered and hosted an RSVP-only event for four young boys. Guest Instructors included [[Jean-Paul de Sens]], [[Owen ap Aeddan]], [[Timothy le Corbusier]], [[Therese Maria Giovanni]], and Queen [[Vanessa de Verona]]. Served lunch and provided gifts for all attending.
** 2019 - 2021: Historian's Fireside Chats - weekly meetings beginning April 26 via ZOOM open to all, to discuss aspects of Ansteorra history and culture.
===In Case of Court===
====Service to/through the Arts====
[[File:Treats Delivered.jpg|200px|thumb|left|Payment is delivered to the Jannisary Band (Pennsic War, 2019) The entire tote at the bottom of the pile was filled with cookies and brownies made by Zubeydah]]
* Prolific event photographer spanning more than two decades. Photos featured on the cover of The Black Star and in multiple group newsletters and web banners.
* As Scribal Guild Vscribe, tripled the number of featured original works and created the first [http://scribe.ansteorra.org/library/index.htm Charter Library] and [http://scribe.ansteorra.org/insignia/index.htm Insignia Library]<BR>
* Award Insignia: Between 2018 - 2019, hand-crafted and donated 76 plaited wire AOA or Baronial circlets for distribution by the Crown or Barony of Northkeep.
* Royal (Kingdom) Gift Basket Coordinator for Battlemoor I, Lilies War 2011, Battlemoor III, Battlemoor IV, highlighting the generosity and skill of Ansteorra's artisans
* Royal (Principality) Gifts Coordinator (Coronets 1 - 6, inclusive): Coordinated with artisans across Ansteorra and the Principality to create gift baskets for Gulf Wars and out-of-Kingdom visits by the Coronets of Vindheim. Contributed numerous items as well.
* Scribal Arts: 70+ Kingdom Charters. Multiple Original works including Guardian of the Queen's Hope 2004, local group champion and Baronial Service Award scrolls, and Principality of Vindheim original scrolls.
* Heraldic Arts: 275+ digital files of individual's heraldry, using art from the [http://heraldicart.org/ http://heraldicart.org/] project, and also contributing original heraldic art to the [http://heraldicart.org/zubeydah-al-badawiyyah/|Heraldicart.org project].
* Frequent Vigil / Hospitality contributions in the form of desserts and confections: Mistress [[Michelle Chantal de Charente]]; Mistress [[Magdelena da Cadamosto]]; Mistress Adria; Mistress [[Rhiannon Redwulf]]; Iarll [[Owen ap Aeddan]]; Mistress [[Vanessa de Verona]]; Mistress Melisande; Mistress [[Adena Terricsdottir]]; Master Oliver Mordrake - Outlands; Master [[Reis ap Tuder]]; Namron Protectorate Noble's Luncheon - Desserts, * King's College Desserts (2018); Coronation, October 2018 - Provided individually bagged sea-salt caramels as a thank you to the Royal Entourage; Maestro [[Orlando Giovanni de Gilead]]; Mistress [[Sabine Lefevre d'Armagnac]]; 2019 Winter Crown Tournament sideboard luncheon dessert table; Sir [[Daniel Schade]]; The [[81st Crown|Reign]] of [[Vladislav Strelec]] & [[Margaret ny Connor]]: Treats for Largess, and payment of the Janissary Band hired to herald in the Kingdom at the Opening Procession; Ansteorra 40th Year Hafla desserts sideboard; 2019 Coronation - desserts sideboard; His Excellency, Master [[Elric Dracwin]]; Maestra [[Masina da Ferrara]].
* Royal Baker to [[81st Crown|Vladislav and Margaret]]
* Treats In Quarantine (Spring/Summer 2020): Mailed or delivered 101 customized boxes/bags of treats (Baked items, candies, confections) for individuals in Ansteorra and another 5 Kingdoms to keep spirits up during the Year Like No Other.
* Created the "Wall Banner" for the Principality of Vindheim, presented at [[Vindheim Premier Coronet Tourney]].
* Special Event Hostess/Organizer/Major Contributor:
** 2006: Chef & Hostess, Laurel's Luncheon, Mooneschadowe's Triumphe of the Eclipse
** 2008: Sous Chef, The Outlands Party, Estrella War, Atenveldt/The Outlands (Desserts)
** 2011: Sous Chef, The Queen's Tea, Battlemoor II, The Outlands ([http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8319/7971955998_45da66e32a_c.jpg/ Photo Here]).
** 2012: Chef & Hostess, Nobles' Luncheon, Northkeep's Castellan event: Middle Eastern/Mediterranean themed luncheon, open to all nobles and Peers present at the event, as well as many of the general populace.
** 2015 - Present: [[The Hero's Portion]] of Chocolate: Castellan - a means by which individuals can share word fame and a treat with those who inspire them.
** 2019: The [[Legends Luncheon]] at Ansteorra 40th Year - Chef and Event Organizer
** 2020: Coordinator/Organizer, Ansteorra Lampwork Guild bead swap.
* Special Art Collaboration Projects
** Oertha boasting strand - worked with / coordinated the work of three other artisans on a gift for the Principality of Oertha given by Vindheim's First Coronet at Gulf Wars
** Deanna boasting strand - worked with / coordinated the work of six other artisans on a gift for Vindheim's First Princess
** Harvest Strand - worked with / coordinated the work of 3 other artisans on an item donated for fundraising purposes
** Emmalina Strand - worked with / coordinated the work of 10 other artisans on a gift for Vindheim's fourth Princess, [[ Emmelina de Medeland]]. Featured whimsical elements and a separate necklace with carved amber pendant.
* 2023 - Created a Vindheim and Friends Irises Chat on Facebook, to help foster discussion of artisans in the Principality deserving of recognition by the Crown and Coronet.
[[File:Zubunny.jpg|200px|thumb|right|Art by [[Mariana Von Kul]]]][[Category:Kingdom of Animals]]
* Silk Banners:
** Calontir Pride banner created for/donated to Vindheim goes to Valor Gift Basket 2023
** Gleann Abhan populace badge banner created for/donated to Vindheim Gift Basket at Gulf Wars
** Personal device banner for Magistra Emma de Fetherstan's elevation to the Laurel
** Gift banner for [[6th Vindheim Coronet|Octavia de Verdon]], presented at [[7th Vindheim Coronet]]
* Block Printing:
** Centurion Stamping Project: Commissioned a Centurion Eagle stamp from [[Kyrus Logisson]], and working with him, held two stamping sessions (Northkeep Castellan 2023, King's College 2023) to work out how to utilize the enormous stamp. Stamped 5 cloaks at King's College.
** Mongol trim for Master [[Facon du Pray]]'s elevation garb
** Trim for gift baskets: Calontir, Glean Abhan, Trimaris, Oertha
** Facings and trim for gifted clothing: [[Fyn Alreksson]], [[Facon du Pray]]
====Teaching / Instruction:====
* Middle Eastern Dance (Youth) - WinterKingdom Collegium 2003
* How To Make a Tassel (Youth) - WinterKingdom Collegium 2006
* Making a Crown (Youth) - WinterKingdom Collegium 2003
* Waterbearing 101 - WinterKingdom Collegiums (2003), 2 special 'in home' classes held in Namron and (unnamed) Talequah SCA group, Mooneschadowe Activity Night
* Waterbearing 2.0 - WinterKingdom Collegium (2010): [[File:Waterbearing As I See It.pdf]], [[File:A Checklist for Autocrats.pdf|File:A Waterbearing Checklist for Autocrats.pdf]]'''
* Netted Beadwork - WinterKingdom Collegium 2004, 2006 [[File:Making a netted beadwork anklet.pdf]]
* Middle Eastern Dance for Beginners - WinterKingdom Collegium 2003 & weekly informal classes held at Northkeep Fighter Practice, Summer of 2008
* Diapering Techniques Handout for Scribal Guild developed 2006. Taught at Northkeep A&S Night, 10/2023
* A History of Northkeep: May 2020 - At [[Northkeep]]'s virtual event, Can't-stellan, hosted an hour and a half long educational discussion on the history of the Barony, in conjunction with the Baronial Historian, [[Nimmira Valeria]].
* Making a Braided Wire Circlet:
** [[Mooneschadowe]], August 24, 2021
** [[Wyldewode]], November 2021.
** King's College - June 2022.
* Contributing to the Ansteorran Wiki:
** Winterkingdom, 2013 [[File:Step By Step - How To Create a People Page On The Ansteorran Wiki.pdf]].
** Incipient Canton of Wyldwood (Talequah, OK) - August 28, 2016.
** wInterKingdom 2019.
** [[Eldern Hills]] Artisan, April, 2020
** (Online) Barony of [[Bonwicke]], April - May 2020
** (Online) Spring in our [[Steppes]] E-Vent - May 2020.
** (Online) King's College - June 2020.
** (Online) [[Bjornsborg]] Valkyrfelt, October 2020.
** (Online) Collegium for Service Minded Individuals, July 2021.
** King's College - June 2022.
** Created informational videos published to [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6w5KETZMZgFOl4Ibhlb5kA YouTube].
** Hosted Walk-up Discussion / Info Table: 2019 Spring Crown Tournament, 2019 [[Mooneschadowe]] Provincial Games, 2019 [[Steppes]] Artisan, 2019 Summer Crown Tournament, 2024 [[Vindheim Accademia della Spada I]]
* Introduction to Lampworking:
** Incipient Canton of Wyldewode Project Day
** (Online) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRt72J-KOw8 Northkeep wInterKingdom 2021] (Held a drawing after the class and the winner received a beginner's lampworking kit with the basics required to begin exploring.)
** [[Northkeep]] A&S Night, November 2021.
** King's College - June 2022
** Canton of [[Wyldewode]] Northern Border Skirmishes, October 2023.
** One on one instruction at individual request. Created a Beginner's Lampworking Kit that is loaned to students so they can play with fire and decide if this is the art for them before committing to purchase significant equipment.
* Article: [[Simple Site Token and Largess Ideas by Zubeydah]]
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V0HNvYeWa_fG5M1U20GYwAWhcyfOdGtXpo5MHN11H0c/edit?usp=sharing Small Steps - An Introduction to Service]
** Northkeep wInterkingdom, 2024
===Special Needs===
* Shadow Judging: Northkeep Castellan 2022 (with Magnifica [[Tatiana Verlioni]]), Kingdom Arts & Sciences 2024 (with Master [[John of Severn]])
* Primary Judging: Hellsgate Baronial 2022, Northkeep Castellan 2023,  Wyldewood Northern Border Skirmish 2023
===Gallery of Selected Work:===
<gallery widths="200px">
image:Sibri-Queens-Hope.jpg|First original Work: Guardian of the Queen's Hope scroll, presented by [[51st Crown|Sibri de Aldebourne]]. 2005
image:Vladscrollfinal.jpg|Golden scroll AOA for [[Vladislav Strelec]]. 2005
image:Geoffreys Challenge Letter.jpg|Original Work: Letter of Challenge from Geoffrey Makepeace to Baron Alcyoneus du Battenhelm of Calontir. 2005
image:Haldan AOA.jpg|Original Work: AOA scroll created for Haldan Shieldwrecker (of the Armor Archive), Kingdom of the Outlands.
image:2018 Sable Swap Kings Gauntlet.JPG|Original Work: King's Gauntlet - Replacement for destroyed Award Charter, 2018 Sable Swap
image:Mordrake Pelican.jpg|Legacy medallion of Sir Needham of the Outlands, restrung on amber for Master Oliver Mordrake
image:Kings Glory.jpg|Crafted for the 2013 Battlemoor Royal Gift Basket
image:Vindheim Swag.jpg|lampwork beads and commercial metal beads. Made for her Elevation to the Peerage.
File:Zubeydah - Lampwork Knights Chain.png|"Unbroken Chain of Gold" - Lampwork beads, made for [[Simonn of Amber Isle]]
File:Zubeydah - Lampwork Temple Rings 1.png|Vindheim Pride Temple Rings - Design was laser cut from original art inspired by period examples, beads were artisan-made to client specifications.
image:Zubeydah -2024 LPT Display - Photo by Milokna.png|Displaying at 2024 Laurels Prize Tourney:  Lampwork, Jewelry Making, Textile Stamping, Illumination, Silk Banners<BR>Photo by [[Milokhna d'Riga]]
image:Zubeydah Finnish - Irish Boasting Strand.png|Hiberno-Norse & Finnish Beads (Circa 850s), Jan. 2024. Entered into the Northeep Artisan competition and displayed at Laurel's Prize Tourney and Kingdom Arts & Sciences 2024.
image:Zubeydah - Merovingen Necklace with Pendants.png|Glass beads & (Commercial) Merovingen Pendants, Jan. 2024
image:Zubeydah - Silk Banners 2 - GA Banner.png| Silk banner gifted to the Kingdom of Gleann Abhan, War of the Rams 2023
image:Zubeydah - Silk Banners 3 - Bee Banner.png|Trade Days exchange, 2023
image:Zubeydah - Silk Banners 1 - Calontir Pride.png| Silk banner gifted to Her Majesty Calontir, Marie le Faivre, 2023
====Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions:====
[[File:Blackfox Awards Image.jpg|200px|thumb|left|AS LV William Blackfox Award Winner]]
* [[Caisteal Cridhe]] of Northkeep, from [[Ian Dun Gillan|Ian]] & [[Kelandra Carmichael|Kelandra]], 3rd and Baron & Baroness of Northkeep
* Queen's Cipher, from Slaine I, Kingdom of the Outlands. (This takes the form of a diamond shaped brass pendant bearing a cabochon garnet, worn on a necklace of amber. It was made by [[Omar Mohammud Mirzazadeh]]. Slaine's personal symbol was a thistle, and the pendant is often mistaken for a Sable Thistle.) This was given for donations of largess.
* Merlon of [[Northkeep]] from [[Elisaveta af Isefjord]] and [[Beorhlic Folcwineson]], 6th Baroness & Baron of Northkeep (2020)
* Rose's Token from [[Gilyan Alienora of Clonmacnoise]], given October 29, 2021, at [[Eldern Hills]] Samhain.
* Commended to the Society for Creative Anachronism Board of Directors at the November 2021 Meeting for "creation and enabling of hybrid events" during the pandemic, for hosting the "Historian's Fireside Chat."
* [[Le Bâtisseur]] of Northkeep, from  [[Jehanne de Montauban]] and [[Perrin de Beaujeu]], on January 2022
* Premiere of the Order of the [[Wellspring]], given by [[1st Vindheim Coronet|Romanius Vesperianus and Deanna della Penna]] at [[Wiesenfeuer]] Baronial, April 16, 2022, for Service Through the Arts.
* One of the Premiers of the Award of the [[Clavis Clavium]] of Vindheim - given by [[1st Vindheim Coronet|Romanius Vesperianus and Deanna della Penna]] at [[2nd Vindheim Coronet]]
* 5th Iron Baker of the [[Vindheim Bake-Off]], held at [[2nd Vindheim Coronet]].
* Master William Blackfox Award Winner, Best Special Issue, AS LV (56): The Nordic Saga, Barony of Northkeep - Special Issue dedicated to the celebration of the annual Northkeep Castellan event
* Baronial Act of Dedication (for Service to Northkeep) from [[Geoffrey de Gournay]] and [[Adalia VonderBerg]]
====[[Zubeydah's Songbook]]:====
(Click link above to see original bardic works written by Zubeydah)<BR>
* Zubeydah was featured on the 05/29/2023 "Be Good to Each Other" post, in a photo celebrating with [[Elsa von Snackenburg]] at Elsa's receiving a fourth Thistle at Steppes Warlord.
=== Associations: ===
* Married to [[Abe Von Gybrich]]<BR>
* Consort to [[Fyn Alreksson]] in the [[Vindheim 7th Coronet Tourney]]
* Member, M.A.F.I.A. (Mooneschadowe and Friends In Absentia)
* Prior Protégé to Mistress Seuilla DeCordoba, OP (Kingdom of the Outlands) Released in good standing, in January of 2019 due to Seuilla's departure from the SCA. (As part of Zubeydah's Elevation to the Pelican, Seuilla formally took back her belt in person, as she had not been able to do so previously due to her absence from the SCA.)
* Member of the Waterbearer's Guild of Ansteorra, prior to Guild dissolution
* Member of the Ansteorran Scribal Guild
* Associated with [[House Halfiras]] (Closed Household)
* Associated with Clan McKillinKay, The Outlands, via her brother, [http://wimble.outlandsheralds.org/individual_record.php?PersonID=10096 Nathaniel McPhereson].
* One of the two "Dark Overlord Chicks of the Universe" of the [http://www.armourarchive.org/ Armour Archive]<BR>
* Advocate in the Pelican Circle for [[Beatrix Funteyn]]
===Mundane Information:===
[[File:Zubeydah-1986.jpg|200px|thumb|right|Zubeydah - 1986 / Crown Tournament, The Outlands]]
Zubeydah lives in Tulsa, OK, and mundanely works as a payroll supervisor. ''She is an Oklahoma Notary, and if asked in advance, can bring her notarization kit to events to give an official seal for parental permission forms.'' She is a lifetime nerd AND geek, and is dangerously close to being a full on crazy cat lady. Additional information can be found on [[User:Zubeydah]].
====In Case Of Court:====
Zubeydah is often at events without her beloved, [[Abe Vivitar Von Gebric|Abe]]. In Case of Court, any advanced warning or notice would be Greatly Appreciated, so that he can try to attend and be witness (darren (at) dnbni.com). If he is unable to attend, she prefers that others NOT offer to escort her in his place unless they have already been specifically invited to do so.  Zubeydah does NOT handle surprises well. A little bit of warning is a kindness. <BR>
'''Pronunciation Guide:''' zoo-BAY-dah AL-bah-dah-WEE-yuh... but honestly, she would '''far''' prefer that only 'Zubeydah' was used, rather than the full name which gives difficulties.<BR>
Title: Zubeydah uses the Turkish form of her peerage title, Hanim. The correct title is "Zubeydah Hanim" rather than "Hanim Zubeydah." <BR>
[https://amp.ansteorra.org/members/view/2631 AMP Profile]<BR>
====Special Needs:====
Zubeydah is unable to stand for long periods (ie more than 30 minutes) unsupported, due to problems with her hips and knees, and cannot walk long distances (ie more than 1/4th of a mile) in a single go. She also has social anxiety which makes Big Surprises or Unplanned Speaking In Public difficult. (A little warning goes a Long Way.)<BR>
* [http://www.facebook.com/zubeydah.albadawiyyah Facebook Page]
* [http://www.flickr.com/photos/Zubeydah Flikr Gallery]
* [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6w5KETZMZgFOl4Ibhlb5kA YouTube]
[[Category:Bastion of Vindheim‏‎]]
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[[Category:Textile Stamping]]
[[Category:Wiki Editors]]

Latest revision as of 10:32, 14 February 2025


Elevation to the Order of the Pelican, July 2021.
Photo by Francesca di Lucca
Registered Name: Zubaydah al-Badawiyyah
Resides: Vindheim / Northern Region
Claimed by Mooneschadowe
Dwells in Northkeep
Status: Active
Joined SCA: June 14, 1986
Order of Precedence
Kingdom of Ansteorra

Kingdom of the Outlands


Azure, an ewer bendwise within an orle argent. Achievement by Alisandre Oliphant

Her Excellency, Zubeydah Hanim, Bastion of Vindheim

Original Court Barony Scroll by Annais Elanor de Montomerie‎‎ presented at Saturday's High Court at Ansteorra 40th Year, by Vladislav & Margaret

While her registered name is Zubaydah, she prefers the alternate spelling, Zubeydah.
Nicknames, Known-Bys, and Odd Titles:

  • Zuzu (This nickname was given by Sigen Fridreksdottir, and is welcome and makes her smile.) (Beydah is NOT her name. Zub is RIGHT OUT.)
  • On the Armour Archive, she holds the title of Dark Overlord Chick of the Universe and is best known for her summary and index of The St Florian Project by Robert MacPhereson (File:The St Florian Project - A Summary of Work.pdf).
  • Zubeydah uses the Turkish title for Peerage, "Hanim."

Previously Known As: When she first started in the SCA in the Outlands, she used Kestrel of Ravenshold.
Pronunciation:zoo-BAY-dah AL-bah-dah-WEE-yuh
Pronouns: She/Her

Additional Registered Heraldry:

The following badge associated with this name was registered in February of 2022 (via Ansteorra): Sable, a ray of the sun issuant from sinister chief argent.
Zubeydah enjoys telling the story of how this badge came to be inspired by Kassandra De Haas and you should totally ask her some time.


Mantling: Argent goutty azure, and Azure
Helm: Persian helm argent, faces affronty
Crest: Dexter human hand holding a quill, writing upon a page, argent
Coronet: Baronial with six points topped with pearls
Dexter Supporter: Domestic cat rampant guardant sable, armed and orbed gules, maintaining a book Or
Sinister Supporter: Griffin rampant guardant sable, armed and orbed gules, maintaining a book Or
Motto: That which is not written is forgotten
Notes: Compartment is a pile of books and scrolls. A wreath of Pelican feathers encircles the arms.


  • Local Offices Held
    • Prior Northkeep Baronial Waterbearer
    • Prior Interim Chronicler, Barony of Northkeep, June 2021 - February 2022
  • Regional Offices Held
    • Prior Northern Regional Waterbearer (Warranted Office - 2003-2004)
  • Kingdom Offices Held
    • Prior Waterbearer's Guild Vscribe (non-warranted)
    • Prior Scribal Guild Vscribe (Warranted Office - 3 years): Tripled the number of featured original works, created the Charter Library and Insignia Library
    • Prior Vscribe to the Historian's Office (Warranted Office - 2 years)
    • Site Administrator - Ansteorra Wiki, 2011 to Present
    • Kingdom Historian, September 2019 - Present
    • Special Deputy to the Exchequer, Secondary Signatory, 2021 - December 2023

Persona History:

Born without many prospects, she was affianced at an early age to a wealthy merchant. At his urging, she and her family accompanied her fiance on a mercantile venture to the Middle East. The caravan was attacked. She was the sole survivor, left for dead. Found by a wandering tribe of nomads led by Sir Haroun ibn al-Dhi'b al-Abyadh of the Outlands, she was rescued from the cruel sands of the desert and nursed back to health. She was given the name Zubeydah by Haroun. Her restless spirit did not allow her to accept his hospitality for long, and earned her the name 'al-Badawiyyah' - the Wanderer. She left the deserts and found a home in Ansteorra, where she was captured, body and heart, by an unusually well-dressed Ostrogoth named Abe Vivitar Von Gebric


  • Waterbearing (alas, not able to actively do so any more due to physical limitations)
  • Service through Arts:
    • Primary: Lampwork & Jewelrymaking
    • Secondary: Silk Banners, Block Printing, (electronic) Heraldic Art
  • Coordinating Gift and Prize Baskets; SCA Fundraising
  • Cooking / Baking / Confectionary
  • SCA-focused Web Design/Administration/Data Collection: Event, local group and Guild websites, photo albums, web graphic design. Administrator of the Kingdom Wiki. Editor-in-Chief, Chronology of the Northern Region

Timeline of Activity:

1986 - 2005

Affirmation of Handfasting, artwork by Nahama Joy (Adelaide)

1986: Zubeydah's first SCA event was on 1986-06-14, in the brand-new Kingdom of the Outlands: their first Crown Tournament in which Gunwalt was crowned king. Her clearest memory of that event was the first Royal Court, and everyone present singing the anthem of the Kingdom of Atenvelt as a form of good-bye. She was only active in the SCA in the Outlands for about 6 months. (As the majority of her family lives in the Outlands, she can be seen at events there on rare occasions for special events.)

2000: Living in California, Zubeydah is invited by her family to attend the Estrella War. As several of the Household are participating in the combats, she gets an introduction to Waterbearing at the hands of Baroness Dovita of Al-Barran.

2001: Having moved to Oklahoma in October of the prior year, Zubeydah seeks out the SCA in the fall/winter of 2001. She meets Northkeep's Hospitaler, Amanda Blackwolf, who provides contact information for the Barony.

2002: Zubeydah attends a few hours of Northkeep Castellan, and is also able to make it to the Baroness' Toy Tourney and King's College, which is held in Namron. There, she meets Dyan du Lac Calendre who makes a very strong impression on her with her artistry and more importantly, her kindness. She regularly attends Fighter Practices and Populace meetings in the Barony. At three Fighter Practices, she hosts informal Middle Eastern Dance classes. She also begins charter painting.

2003: In January, Zubeydah attends and teaches at wInterkingdom Collegium for the first time. In February, she heads back to Estrella War, where she demonstrates the fine art of well Equipped Waterbearing, for which she receives wordfame in the Kingdom of the Outlands, and Northkeep receives funds from the Volunteer hours she put in. At Crown Tournament that year, Zubeydah is called into court, all the while silently cursing that she had not taken the Introduction to Court class offered by Etienne De Saint Amaranth, because she had no idea what to do... At Castellan, she focuses on waterbearing and chatting with the fighters. "I simply ensure that my friends leave the field with as much honor as when they entered," is the epic comment by Owen ap Aeddan. Abe meets Amanda's husband, Thormund Blackwolf, and they realize they knew each other from youth, and from the Army. At Castellan, they are introduced by Balvin Thorfinnsson to Hersir Thorgrim Bjornson and Baroness Sigen Fridreksdottir, who welcome Abe and Zubeydah into their camp, provide them with a fire, feast, and fellowship. Fall brings Mooneschadowe Guardian, and Zubeydah meets Ollj and Mylicent, who are awesome. Later in the evening, Owen ap Aeddan presents Zubeydah with a blade, saying "This was given to me by Patrick Michael, during his fifth reign as King. When he gave it to me, he told me that my presence and participation made the game better for him. Zubeydah, you make the game better for me, with all that you do. I'd want you to have this." Late in the evening, Zubeydah gets to chat with Master Tarl Godric the Brokentoe, and hear the tale of the Ansteorran Adventuring Hat. The following day, Zubeydah receives her official Non-Contact Authorization Card, signed by the Northern Regional Knight Marshal, Owen ap Aeddan. In October, Protectorate brings new opportunities and challenges. Thorgrim Bjornson gives Zubeydah a Gryphon medallion, in thanks for her efforts and in solidarity for efforts towards a Principality in the region. She visits Oxlande's vigil and is quite impressed by all the panoply, and meets Niccolaia Valore for the first time, who very kindly spends several hours mentoring Zubeydah on charter painting. In December, another wInterKingdom is held. Zubeydah hosts two classes for youth, and one for adults. Zubeydah is named a Master Waterbearer and the Northern Regional Waterbearer in court by the Kingdom Chirugeon and Baron of Northkeep, Ainar Magnusson.

Patent of Arms created by Francesca di Lucca & Thomas de Groet

2004: Zubeydah attends several work sessions in Talequah with House Halfiras. At Kingdom Arts & Sciences/ Mooneschadowe Tribute to Ansteorra, Zubeydah teaches a class on waterbearing, and is able to certify several folks for their non-combatant authorizations. Master Oxlade's beer flows "like a happy brown river" and puts Abe under its spell. Event Reviews: Castellan, Ansteorra's Argent Anniversary Queen's Champion, Mooneschadowe Triumphe, Namron Protectorate, Wiesenfeur Yule

2005: Event Reviews: Estrella War, Northkeep Castellan, Mooneschadowe Guardian, Namron Protectorate, Chemin Noir's Fair of the Harvest

2006 - Present

2006 - 2020: Was participating, but didn't do a very good job of documenting things.

2021: Zubeydah's Elevation to the Order of the Pelican. Major projects include creating a banner for the Principality, presented at Vindheim Premier Coronet Tourney.

2022: Mooneschadowe Trade Days is the BEST DARNED EVENT EVER! Outfoxed by Nicaise Synger, trading buttons for garb with wide-eyed newcomers, sending a full set of her beloved Abe's armor to Mooneschadowe, getting bees from Asha of Mooneschadowe and a multitude of stamps from Kyrus Logisson... it is a day of laughter and loot, tavern brawls and law changes, and art-as-largess!

2023: In January, Zubeydah travels to Calontir Clothiers to speak on behalf of Laurel Candidate Hugo van Harlo. Northkeep Castellan brings another Hero's Portion and a first effort to utilize a massive wood block Centurion Eagle textile stamp made by Kyrus Logisson. A second more successful stamping session is completed at King's College. In May, she journeyed down to Steppes Warlord, honored to speak on behalf of Livia da Nicolosi. July brings a journey to witness Ansteorran history made right and due honors given, when she travels to meet her Pelican brother, Baron Edwin FitzLloyd in the Barony of Steppes at their Artisan event. Mooneschadowe Trade Days is a joy and a delight as always, and she completes trades with many a newcomer and a friend. Namron selects Will Rogers Boy Scout Camp as the site of their Fall Protectorate event, but Zubeydah must sends words for Laurel candidate Dominique Michelle le Vasseur, rather than deliver them herself when she falls ill.

2024: Teaches at Northkeep's wInterkingdom Collegium. Travels southward to Bryn Gwlad Candlemas for the elevation of Anne von Wiese. Displays for the first time ever at Laurel's Prize Tourney, held in Mooneschadowe, showcasing works in lampworking, jewelry making, silk painting, illumination, and textile block printing. Thanks to mobility help from several good gentles and friends, including Charles the Grey, Malcom MacCormack and Koke Gan, was able to attend Wiesenfeuer Baronial. Served as Gate Coordinator for Northkeep Castellan, assembling a wonderful team of folks. Succumbed to illness and wasn't able to finish the day. Lots of help from friends to get packed and loaded up, especially Charles and Koke (yet again!). Helped with some scribal on a surprise for Their Excellencies, Perrin & Jehanne, which was presented in court. Spends the day at Summer Crown Tournament taking portraits and candid photos, and celebrates the success of Jean-Paul and Gilyan becoming Heirs to the Throne. Travels down to Ardmore for Vindheim Summer Coronet, bringing decor for the Vigil of Marcus von Fürth. Back in Ardmore only weeks later, attends the first Vindheim Academia della Spada and sits Gate, then hosts an all day Wiki information table. Gets to witness Caterina Giovanni being given The Little White Scarf! At the (much appreciated!!) invitation of Mistress Beatrix Alfray, travels down to distant Ffynnon Gath for Ansteorra Kingdom Arts & Sciences. There, displays Finnish & Hiberno-Norse beads, gets to shadow-judge with John of Severn, and welcome a new sister of the flock, Margery Gilroy. Mooneschadowe Trade Days is always an awesome event, and there, she made lots of trades but took few photos... but made up for that at the joint event of Namron Protectorate & the Coronation of our 89th Crown, Jean-Paul & Gilyan. There, she swore fealty as a Pelican and as a member of the Populace. At Gilyan's Queen's Champion event, was moved to tears by witnessing (for the first time!!) the rapier community singing to the Queen. For the Vindheim 7th Coronet Tourney, another first: Entered the Coronet Lyst with Fyn Alreksson, who fought his way to the semi-finals. It was a joyful day with many people providing support through the labor of their hands and the love of their hearts. Wiesenfeuer Yule brought the privilege of speaking for Baroness Beatrix Funtyn during her elevation to the Order of the Laurel.

2025: Marata Midwinter Melees provided the opportunity for service as entourage for Her Majesty Gilyan and the privilege of speaking on behalf of Kormakr Mikjalson. (Link contains entire ceremony). Braving dense fog, Zubeydah heads south to Duncan, Oklahoma, to Laurel's Prize Tourney, displaying her work in the fields of block printing, lampworking and jewelrymaking. Wonderful conversations are had with several Laurels, including Mistress Kaitlyn McKenna, Mistress Ebergardis von Zell, Mistress Osanna van der Linden, Master Haraldr Bassi, Master Beorhlic Folcwineson and Mistress Nafisa al-Nadiyah. Each gives encouragement in their own way, and two challenge her to enter Kingdom Arts & Sciences.

Prior Groups:

Caer Galen, the Outlands

Populace Provided Information:

Master Oliver Mordrake, OP, Kingdom of the Outlands (Deceased)

"I heard a story about you last weekend. I was at an event held for kingdom officers. One of them, from down south somewhere, was telling me about a lady at Estrella last year that totally changed the way she does waterbearing. She'd never thought of carrying anything with her besides water, like tape, etc, or how to be helpful on the field other than just by watering the stickjocks. When she'd told me the story about this incredibly helpful waterbearer, we started comparing notes. The upshot of this was that she was talking about you. Your good deeds have made you famous and beloved far beyond the borders of your home kingdom." - July 16, 2003

Baroness Silvana Corwin

When asked, "What is your favorite shiny", Silvana answered, "Oohhh...that’s tough!! Actually I think it’s my circlet that Zubeydah Al-Badawiyyah made for me. We met via Sable Swap, she was who I had to gift. Anyways, through conversation, I told her it was about time for me to replace my old circlet. So, instead of my buying another, she just decided to make me one. I *love* it for its beauty but more because it represents new friendships and generosity of spirit. And yes, Zubeydah, you can add this to your wiki page! In fact, I insist!!"

Elevated to Court Baroness by 81st Crown at Ansteorra 40th Year. Photo by Gunhilda Adeleva Amberstar

Lady Kale Kourtikina

(Words delivered by His Excellency, Master Beorhlic Folcwineson, Baron of Northkeep, Lion of Ansteorra, upon the occaision of the Ansteorran 40th Year Anniversary High Court, September 21st, 2019: Video HERE)
To Our Most Honored Rom Baro, do I, your humble servant, Kallie Kourtikina, send greetings. With affection and good faith, do I beg a boon of your Grace. I wish to speak upon one whom you have shown favor, and offer simple words of praise for her. Zubeydah. Is. Awesome. For years, she has worked in the quiet background, ensuring our Venerable History shall not be lost to the mists of time. This seems a simple thing, and yet season after season, she has worked to preserve something vital to our Beloved kingdom - not only our Selves, but those who have gone before us. Additionally, she has graced us all with confections that melt on the tongue, dance in the mouth, and leave one wating more, despite the lack of room in our bellies. Her graceful touch shines in the simplest endeavors she undertakes, all while she cares for others. It breaks my heart that I have been called away to the chill of An Tir, however, I know that I have left my cherished Kingdom in hands that will hold her gently, yet firmly, even in times of tribulations. One more steward has been named, and Zubeydah al-Badawiyyah has my trust and love in the honor and duty she has now been given. Opre Romani - Vivat the Romani!
Yours in Service to a Dream,
Lady Kallie Kourtikina

Dona Ashildr inn Harfagri

At the 2020 Mooneschadowe Provincial Games, Her Excellency Zubeydah prepared a fine selection of baked goods available for purchase by the discerning palate. (1) I arrived early, yet knowing the caliber of craft present on that table, knew that if I desired those divine melt-in-your-mouth marshmallows, I had to act fast. As she bounced between delighted Ansteorrans, she dutifully put me down for a bag of the marshmallows and set them to the side. Come lunch, she was swamped by people buying deserts and picking up their many goodies. When I arrived, her smile dropped as she realized she had accidentally sold the marshmallows amidst the rush and hustle and bustle. Then apologizing profusely, as if this was somehow a step down and not an unexpected delight, she started sliding me her special marshmallows. (2) Light brown, just as melty and divine as any other, but with the special bonus of tasting magically like caramel. And she kept sliding them. Bags upon bags of delightful fluffy caramel clouds, all the while apologizing, for her heart is kind and as full of grace as her hands are of magic.

I waited, until after lunch. I waited till I sat at the side of the rapier field, then unwrapped a marshmallow. Good gentles, I do not lie when I say I fell over. I do not lie when I say Knights and Dons alike looked at me askance, lying on my back by my sword, both feet in the air, crying because of a marshmallow. Would that I were deft enough with words to sing the praises of this marshmallow. Would that I were clever enough in prose to regale the achievements of Her Excellency that much more. These marshmallows brought me to tears of joy once, twice, thrice. "Her Excellency" is not just the title of this woman, it is a measure of her skill. She is surely some kind of wizard, performing chemical kitchen magics upon what would be otherwise simple goodies. I hope one day to be found worthy of more of her goodies, shiny and sweet alike.

May she ever look upon us mortals and find us deserving of her continued good works. (and ma'am if you don't take this compliment i will scream) (3)

Editor's Notes:

  1. It was a fundraiser for the Medieval Studies Group, to send folks to Gulf Wars.
  2. Lest anyone think otherwise, these were not "special" ("edibles") marshmallows, just an experimental batch made with brown sugar and dark corn syrup - they were not available for sale, but rather were gifted to anyone who provided wiki content.
  3. yes.... i will happily accept this compliment. :D

Ivarr runamagi

I came to Eldern Hills because you were being elevated. Then you asked me to speak for you and that was icing on the cake. You are probably the most deserving person I have known to be offered entrance into the Order of the Pelican, your service is far beyond what I did when I was offered entrance. You are a shining example of what a Peer should be and in my eyes you are what a Lion should be. Thank you for the Honor of witnessing your elevation and being asked to tell TRM Ansteorra my thoughts on your qualifications for elevation. You should continue to do what you have been doing, don't ramp it up. The rest of the world ain't ready to try and keep up with you as it is. Hugs, sister. (07/28/2021)

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

Chef and Hostess, Noble's Luncheon, Castellan, 2012

Service to the Society

  • Fundraising: Has raised over $5500 in fundraisers for Northkeep, a Gulf Wars Queen's Tea, the Mooneschadowe Student's Group, Northern Region Tribute to Ansteorra, the Canton of Wyldewode Cooks Guild, the Canton of Chemin Noir's Archery Squad, and Royal travel, by donating directly to fundraising efforts, and serving as coordinator/organizer.
  • Service to the Outlands: Donations to Royal Largess, fundraising auctions, backlog scrolls.
  • Waterbearer / Waterbearer in Charge / Northern Regional Waterbearer: Service, leadership and instruction: 2000 - 2015.
  • Organized and administered the File:40 For 40th - Year of the Quest.pdf
  • Data Collection Coordinator, Primary Contributor: The Chronology of the Northern Region of Ansteorra, for the Application for Principality, 2018 - Present.
  • ZOOM Host: During 2020 - 2021, served as a Collegium Room Host for several events, including Winterkingdom (x2) King's College, and Wisenfeuer Baronial, utilizing her personal ZOOM account for the benefit of SCA events.
  • Entourage: Vladislav & Margaret, Romanius & Deanna, Jean-Paul & Gilyan, Micauley & Caterina, Skeggi & Emmalina, Romanius & Deanna, Dafydd & Octavia, Jean-Paul & Gilyan
  • Secondary Signatory Deputy to the Exchequer, 2021 - July 2023
  • Special Event Hostess:
    • 2007: Young Ladies Salon & Luncheon, Northkeep's Castellan - Organized, catered and hosted a RSVP-only event for nine young girls. Guest instructors and self provided two and a half hours instructions on ladylike qualities, manners, and demeanor. Served lunch and provided gifts for all attending.
    • 2008: Young Gentlemen's Salle & Luncheon, Northkeep's Castellan - Organized, catered and hosted an RSVP-only event for four young boys. Guest Instructors included Jean-Paul de Sens, Owen ap Aeddan, Timothy le Corbusier, Therese Maria Giovanni, and Queen Vanessa de Verona. Served lunch and provided gifts for all attending.
    • 2019 - 2021: Historian's Fireside Chats - weekly meetings beginning April 26 via ZOOM open to all, to discuss aspects of Ansteorra history and culture.

Service to/through the Arts

Payment is delivered to the Jannisary Band (Pennsic War, 2019) The entire tote at the bottom of the pile was filled with cookies and brownies made by Zubeydah
  • Prolific event photographer spanning more than two decades. Photos featured on the cover of The Black Star and in multiple group newsletters and web banners.
  • As Scribal Guild Vscribe, tripled the number of featured original works and created the first Charter Library and Insignia Library
  • Award Insignia: Between 2018 - 2019, hand-crafted and donated 76 plaited wire AOA or Baronial circlets for distribution by the Crown or Barony of Northkeep.
  • Royal (Kingdom) Gift Basket Coordinator for Battlemoor I, Lilies War 2011, Battlemoor III, Battlemoor IV, highlighting the generosity and skill of Ansteorra's artisans
  • Royal (Principality) Gifts Coordinator (Coronets 1 - 6, inclusive): Coordinated with artisans across Ansteorra and the Principality to create gift baskets for Gulf Wars and out-of-Kingdom visits by the Coronets of Vindheim. Contributed numerous items as well.
  • Scribal Arts: 70+ Kingdom Charters. Multiple Original works including Guardian of the Queen's Hope 2004, local group champion and Baronial Service Award scrolls, and Principality of Vindheim original scrolls.
  • Heraldic Arts: 275+ digital files of individual's heraldry, using art from the http://heraldicart.org/ project, and also contributing original heraldic art to the project.
  • Frequent Vigil / Hospitality contributions in the form of desserts and confections: Mistress Michelle Chantal de Charente; Mistress Magdelena da Cadamosto; Mistress Adria; Mistress Rhiannon Redwulf; Iarll Owen ap Aeddan; Mistress Vanessa de Verona; Mistress Melisande; Mistress Adena Terricsdottir; Master Oliver Mordrake - Outlands; Master Reis ap Tuder; Namron Protectorate Noble's Luncheon - Desserts, * King's College Desserts (2018); Coronation, October 2018 - Provided individually bagged sea-salt caramels as a thank you to the Royal Entourage; Maestro Orlando Giovanni de Gilead; Mistress Sabine Lefevre d'Armagnac; 2019 Winter Crown Tournament sideboard luncheon dessert table; Sir Daniel Schade; The Reign of Vladislav Strelec & Margaret ny Connor: Treats for Largess, and payment of the Janissary Band hired to herald in the Kingdom at the Opening Procession; Ansteorra 40th Year Hafla desserts sideboard; 2019 Coronation - desserts sideboard; His Excellency, Master Elric Dracwin; Maestra Masina da Ferrara.
  • Royal Baker to Vladislav and Margaret
  • Treats In Quarantine (Spring/Summer 2020): Mailed or delivered 101 customized boxes/bags of treats (Baked items, candies, confections) for individuals in Ansteorra and another 5 Kingdoms to keep spirits up during the Year Like No Other.
  • Created the "Wall Banner" for the Principality of Vindheim, presented at Vindheim Premier Coronet Tourney.
  • Special Event Hostess/Organizer/Major Contributor:
    • 2006: Chef & Hostess, Laurel's Luncheon, Mooneschadowe's Triumphe of the Eclipse
    • 2008: Sous Chef, The Outlands Party, Estrella War, Atenveldt/The Outlands (Desserts)
    • 2011: Sous Chef, The Queen's Tea, Battlemoor II, The Outlands (Photo Here).
    • 2012: Chef & Hostess, Nobles' Luncheon, Northkeep's Castellan event: Middle Eastern/Mediterranean themed luncheon, open to all nobles and Peers present at the event, as well as many of the general populace.
    • 2015 - Present: The Hero's Portion of Chocolate: Castellan - a means by which individuals can share word fame and a treat with those who inspire them.
    • 2019: The Legends Luncheon at Ansteorra 40th Year - Chef and Event Organizer
    • 2020: Coordinator/Organizer, Ansteorra Lampwork Guild bead swap.
  • Special Art Collaboration Projects
    • Oertha boasting strand - worked with / coordinated the work of three other artisans on a gift for the Principality of Oertha given by Vindheim's First Coronet at Gulf Wars
    • Deanna boasting strand - worked with / coordinated the work of six other artisans on a gift for Vindheim's First Princess
    • Harvest Strand - worked with / coordinated the work of 3 other artisans on an item donated for fundraising purposes
    • Emmalina Strand - worked with / coordinated the work of 10 other artisans on a gift for Vindheim's fourth Princess, Emmelina de Medeland. Featured whimsical elements and a separate necklace with carved amber pendant.
  • 2023 - Created a Vindheim and Friends Irises Chat on Facebook, to help foster discussion of artisans in the Principality deserving of recognition by the Crown and Coronet.
Art by Mariana Von Kul
  • Silk Banners:
    • Calontir Pride banner created for/donated to Vindheim goes to Valor Gift Basket 2023
    • Gleann Abhan populace badge banner created for/donated to Vindheim Gift Basket at Gulf Wars
    • Personal device banner for Magistra Emma de Fetherstan's elevation to the Laurel
    • Gift banner for Octavia de Verdon, presented at 7th Vindheim Coronet
  • Block Printing:
    • Centurion Stamping Project: Commissioned a Centurion Eagle stamp from Kyrus Logisson, and working with him, held two stamping sessions (Northkeep Castellan 2023, King's College 2023) to work out how to utilize the enormous stamp. Stamped 5 cloaks at King's College.
    • Mongol trim for Master Facon du Pray's elevation garb
    • Trim for gift baskets: Calontir, Glean Abhan, Trimaris, Oertha
    • Facings and trim for gifted clothing: Fyn Alreksson, Facon du Pray

Teaching / Instruction:

  • Middle Eastern Dance (Youth) - WinterKingdom Collegium 2003
  • How To Make a Tassel (Youth) - WinterKingdom Collegium 2006
  • Making a Crown (Youth) - WinterKingdom Collegium 2003
  • Waterbearing 101 - WinterKingdom Collegiums (2003), 2 special 'in home' classes held in Namron and (unnamed) Talequah SCA group, Mooneschadowe Activity Night
  • Waterbearing 2.0 - WinterKingdom Collegium (2010): File:Waterbearing As I See It.pdf, File:A Checklist for Autocrats.pdf
  • Netted Beadwork - WinterKingdom Collegium 2004, 2006 File:Making a netted beadwork anklet.pdf
  • Middle Eastern Dance for Beginners - WinterKingdom Collegium 2003 & weekly informal classes held at Northkeep Fighter Practice, Summer of 2008
  • Diapering Techniques Handout for Scribal Guild developed 2006. Taught at Northkeep A&S Night, 10/2023
  • A History of Northkeep: May 2020 - At Northkeep's virtual event, Can't-stellan, hosted an hour and a half long educational discussion on the history of the Barony, in conjunction with the Baronial Historian, Nimmira Valeria.
  • Making a Braided Wire Circlet:
  • Contributing to the Ansteorran Wiki:
  • Introduction to Lampworking:
    • Incipient Canton of Wyldewode Project Day
    • (Online) Northkeep wInterKingdom 2021 (Held a drawing after the class and the winner received a beginner's lampworking kit with the basics required to begin exploring.)
    • Northkeep A&S Night, November 2021.
    • King's College - June 2022
    • Canton of Wyldewode Northern Border Skirmishes, October 2023.
    • One on one instruction at individual request. Created a Beginner's Lampworking Kit that is loaned to students so they can play with fire and decide if this is the art for them before committing to purchase significant equipment.
  • Article: Simple Site Token and Largess Ideas by Zubeydah
  • Small Steps - An Introduction to Service
    • Northkeep wInterkingdom, 2024


  • Shadow Judging: Northkeep Castellan 2022 (with Magnifica Tatiana Verlioni), Kingdom Arts & Sciences 2024 (with Master John of Severn)
  • Primary Judging: Hellsgate Baronial 2022, Northkeep Castellan 2023, Wyldewood Northern Border Skirmish 2023

Gallery of Selected Work:

Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions:

AS LV William Blackfox Award Winner

Zubeydah's Songbook:

(Click link above to see original bardic works written by Zubeydah)


  • Zubeydah was featured on the 05/29/2023 "Be Good to Each Other" post, in a photo celebrating with Elsa von Snackenburg at Elsa's receiving a fourth Thistle at Steppes Warlord.


  • Married to Abe Von Gybrich
  • Consort to Fyn Alreksson in the Vindheim 7th Coronet Tourney
  • Member, M.A.F.I.A. (Mooneschadowe and Friends In Absentia)
  • Prior Protégé to Mistress Seuilla DeCordoba, OP (Kingdom of the Outlands) Released in good standing, in January of 2019 due to Seuilla's departure from the SCA. (As part of Zubeydah's Elevation to the Pelican, Seuilla formally took back her belt in person, as she had not been able to do so previously due to her absence from the SCA.)
  • Member of the Waterbearer's Guild of Ansteorra, prior to Guild dissolution
  • Member of the Ansteorran Scribal Guild
  • Associated with House Halfiras (Closed Household)
  • Associated with Clan McKillinKay, The Outlands, via her brother, Nathaniel McPhereson.
  • One of the two "Dark Overlord Chicks of the Universe" of the Armour Archive
  • Advocate in the Pelican Circle for Beatrix Funteyn

Mundane Information:

Zubeydah - 1986 / Crown Tournament, The Outlands

Zubeydah lives in Tulsa, OK, and mundanely works as a payroll supervisor. She is an Oklahoma Notary, and if asked in advance, can bring her notarization kit to events to give an official seal for parental permission forms. She is a lifetime nerd AND geek, and is dangerously close to being a full on crazy cat lady. Additional information can be found on User:Zubeydah.

In Case Of Court:

Zubeydah is often at events without her beloved, Abe. In Case of Court, any advanced warning or notice would be Greatly Appreciated, so that he can try to attend and be witness (darren (at) dnbni.com). If he is unable to attend, she prefers that others NOT offer to escort her in his place unless they have already been specifically invited to do so. Zubeydah does NOT handle surprises well. A little bit of warning is a kindness.

Pronunciation Guide: zoo-BAY-dah AL-bah-dah-WEE-yuh... but honestly, she would far prefer that only 'Zubeydah' was used, rather than the full name which gives difficulties.
Title: Zubeydah uses the Turkish form of her peerage title, Hanim. The correct title is "Zubeydah Hanim" rather than "Hanim Zubeydah."

AMP Profile

Special Needs:

Zubeydah is unable to stand for long periods (ie more than 30 minutes) unsupported, due to problems with her hips and knees, and cannot walk long distances (ie more than 1/4th of a mile) in a single go. She also has social anxiety which makes Big Surprises or Unplanned Speaking In Public difficult. (A little warning goes a Long Way.)
