Vindheim Premier Coronet Tourney

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Event Details

Event Staff

Event Stewards: Diana de Blyth, Charles the Grey of Mooneschadowe
Gate Coordinator: Elsa von Snackenburg
COVIDSafe Proof Checkpoint: Mikjall Stoti
Site/List Herald: Thomas de Groet
Photography Steward: Theodore Fruechting von Elblag
Feast/Sideboard Steward: Sabine Lefevre d’Armagnac and Deputy: Isabella Coppola
Marshal in Charge: Hrafna Wyrdmake
Social Media/Live Stream Steward: Marjorie Heron
Royal Liaison: Koia Karasova
Site Setup/Pavilions Coordinator: Rafe Slater
Decoration Coordinator: Margherita de Mantua, Caterina Giovanni di Gilead
Minister of the List: Nicaize Maupetit
Sanitation: Caius Flavius Valens

Coronet List Announcement

Greetings Ansteorra,
Here is the list of names of the entrants that will be competing in the Premier Coronet Tourney for Vindheim. We currently have 29 couples vying to become the first Prince and Princess of Vindheim. This tournament will be a random draw single elimination. Each bout will be best two of three and the weapon form will be bring your best. When needed, there will be a destructive bye.

Jean Paul de Sens for Gilyan Alienora of Clonmacnoise
Daffydd White Aker for Octavia de Verdon
Romanius Scipio Vesperianus for Deanna della Penna
Micolay Haiduk for Uliana Haiduk
Cyrus Logisson (Cassius Lepus) for Kajira Camber
William Cameron deBlakstan for Marguerite Dinard
Geoffrey de Gourney for Adalia Vondem Berg
Uriangqadi Cinojin for Adria Lorelle
Andrew Turnbull for Kyna Terricsdottir
Aldric de Kerr for Meadhbh inghean Rois
Damon Xanthus for Megan Flower del Wal
Thomas Bernhardt for Gwenllian verch Madyn
Wulfgard Martel for Runa Bjarnardottir
Michall Morison for Dyrfinna Mikaelsdottir
Harold Graybear for Raisa
Ludeweicus von Liechtenstein for Úallach inghean Uí Dhubhshláine
Turpin Tyme for Nalka Um Al-Jafna
William du Lac for Lima of Mooneschadowe
Alexandre Crane for Yzabeau Brossier
Finnr Jorgenson for Mor Inghean Ricart
Godfrey of Del for Genevria de Betto Deandriano
Set Sette for Elsa Schemmer von Snackenburg
Oddr Marsson for Sam Bramall-Davenport
Hari Kjelsen for Chiaretta da Sanseverni
Titus Marius Maxillanus for Cera ingen Fháeláin
Siaua thugatêr Karsou for Aubrey Ericsdatter
Karl Hungus for Thelia Yildiz
Ulfr Gyldtr for Iziaslava Veronikeia Myshkovicha
Ivo Baller for Elizabeth Brewer

In Service,
Floki and Elizabeth
King and Queen of Ansteorra

Guests of Honor

Visiting us from afar were Her Majesty, Queen Nerissa Della Badessa of the Outlands, and His Majesty, James the Holy of Gleann Abhann, along with their respective vanguards.


The Coronet Tournament was livestreamed to the Known World by Margery Heron. It is still viewable for those wishing to relive the epic day.
Lyst 1
Lyst 2


Tales of Vindheim Premier Coronet Tourney

(Click on link above)