1 |
Jun 16, 1979 |
Jonathan DeLaufyson Macebearer and Willow de Wisp
2 |
Nov 18, 1979 |
Lloyd von Eaker and Joselyn Allyne Reynard
3 |
Jun 21, 1980 |
Jan w Orzeldom and Kemreth Danil
4 |
Jan 31, 1981 |
Sigmund the Wingfooted and Sieglinde Syr
5 |
Jul 18, 1981 |
Finn Kelly O'Donnell and Elzasif Ironhand
6 |
Jan 30, 1982 |
Lloyd von Eaker and Joselyn Allyne Reynard
7 |
Jul 10, 1982 |
Charles Inman MacMoore and Arrowyn of Emerald Moor
8 |
Feb 12, 1983 |
Sigmund the Wingfooted and Sieglinde Syr
9 |
Sep 4, 1983 |
Simonn of Amber Isle and Tessa of the Gardens
10 |
Mar 3, 1984 |
Charles Inman MacMoore and Arrowyn of Emerald Moor
11 |
Sep 8, 1984 |
Jonathon DeLaufyson Macebearer and Willow de Wisp
12 |
Feb 27, 1985 |
Charles Inman MacMoore and Arrowyn of Emerald Moor
13 |
Jul 27, 1985 |
Seamus of the Cats and Karlanna of Applecross Woods
14 |
Feb 15, 1986 |
Dinaris the Wanderer and Marguerite de la Croix
15 |
Jul 19, 1986 |
Charles Inman MacMoore and Drusilla of Northumbria
16 |
Jan 31, 1987 |
Hector Philip Martel and Rowan Beatrice von Kampfer
17 |
Jul 25, 1987 |
Seamus of the Cats and Karlanna of Applecross Woods
18 |
Jan 23, 1988 |
Hector Philip Martel and Rowan Beatrice von Kampfer
19 |
Jul 23, 1988 |
Mikael of Monmouthshire and Rebekka die Blonde
20 |
Jan 28, 1989 |
Gerard MacEanruig and Vanessa de Verona
21 |
Jul 1, 1989 |
Patrick Michael Gordonne and Julia de Montoya
22 |
Jan 27, 1990 |
Mikael of Monmouthshire and Rebekka die Blonde
23 |
Jul 21, 1990 |
Patrick Michael Gordonne and Julia de Montoya
24 |
Jan 26, 1991 |
Rowan Beatrice von Kampfer and Hector Philip Martel
25 |
Jul 13, 1991 |
Charles Inman MacMoore and Athena Mawrcan Derwen Ddu
26 |
Jan 25, 1992 |
Patrick Michael Gordonne and Julia de Montoya
27 |
Jul 18, 1992 |
William Miesko and Catherine Blackrose
28 |
Jan 23, 1993 |
Sutan Bloodaxe and Regina Gunnvor Morningstar
29 |
Jul 17, 1993 |
Kein MacEwan and Alisha MacLeod
30 |
Jan 22, 1994 |
Inman MacMoore and Athena Mawrcan Derwen Ddu
31 |
Jul 16, 1994 |
Jean Richard Malcolmson and Anora Frayne of Winward
32 |
Jan 28, 1995 |
Mikael of Monmouthshire and Mikaela of Monmouthshire
33 |
Jul 22, 1995 |
Patrick Michael Gordonne and Julia de Montoya
34 |
Jan 20, 1996 |
Galen Edwin Kirchenbauer and Rebekah Kleinspielerin
35 |
Jul 20, 1996 |
Mikael of Monmouthshire and Mikaela of Monmouthshire
36 |
Jan 18, 1997 |
Abd al-Mahdi Jamal ibn Hakim and Valeria Richela Navarro
37 |
Jul 26, 1997 |
Kein MacEwan and Alisha MacLeod
38 |
Jan 17, 1998 |
Jean Richard Malcolmson and Gladwen of Aylesford
39 |
Jul 11, 1998 |
Barn Silveraxe and Katrionna Heather MacLochlainn
40 |
Jan 16, 1999 |
Gunthar Jonsson and Sara Penrose
41 |
Jul 10, 1999 |
Dafydd Whitacre and Octavia de Verdon
42 |
Jan 15, 2000 |
Alaric Drake and Kay Leigh Drake
43 |
Jul 22, 2000 |
Timotheos Kalamanos and Allyson Tymmess
44 |
Jan 13, 2001 |
Jason MacPherson and Saereid Sigmundsdottir
45 |
Jul 7, 2001 |
Duncan Arthur Ross the Black and Larissa Alwynn Clarewoode
46 |
Jan 12, 2002 |
Aaron MacGregor and Britta MacGregor
47 |
Jul 13, 2002 |
Patrick Michael Gordonne and Julia de Montoya
48 |
Jan 11, 2003 |
Miguel Sebastian da Oporto and Conal Alexandria O'Riordain
49 |
Jul 12, 2003 |
Ulsted the Unsteady and Cateau d'Ardennes
50 |
Jan 10, 2004 |
Miguel Sebastian da Oporto and Conal Alexandria O'Riordain
51 |
Jul 10, 2004 |
Quintus Aurelius Dracontius (Alaric Drake) and Seburga de Aldebourne
52 |
Jan 15, 2005 |
Ulsted the Unsteady and Cateau d'Ardennes
53 |
Jul 9, 2005 |
Jason MacPherson and Saereid Sigmundsdottir
54 |
Jan 14, 2006 |
Abd al-Mahdi Jamal ibn Hakim and Valeria Richela Navarro
55 |
Jul 8, 2006 |
Aaron MacGregor and Britta MacGregor
56 |
Jan 27, 2007 |
Romanius Vesperianus and Deanna della Penna
57 |
Jul 7, 2007 |
Ulsted the Unsteady and Ebergardis von Zell
58 |
Jan 12, 2008 |
Aaron MacGregor and Vanessa de Verona
59 |
Jul 12, 2008 |
Ulsted the Unsteady and Ebergardis von Zell
60 |
Nov 8, 2008 |
Gunthar Jonsson and Elizabeth Seale
61 |
May 16, 2009 |
Hrafn Olafsson and Elizabeta di Valore della Rosa
62 |
Nov 7, 2009 |
Owen ap Aeddan and Genevria di Betto di Adriano
63 |
May 15, 2010 |
Jean Paul de Sens and Gilyan Alienora of Clonmacnoise
64 |
Nov 6, 2010 |
Ulsted the Unsteady and Ebergardis von Zell
65 |
May 14, 2011 |
Lochlann Dunn and Gwen verch Cynwrig de Ynys Mon
66 |
Oct 1, 2011 |
Aaron MacGregor and Amelot Lisette
67 |
Apr 21, 2012 |
Hrafn Olafsson and Elizabeta di Valore della Rosa
68 |
Sep 22, 2012 |
Jean Paul de Sens and Gilyan Alienora of Clonmacnoise
69 |
Apr 27, 2013 |
Lochlann Dunn and Gwen verch Cynwrig de Ynys Mon
70 |
Sep 28, 2013 |
Aaron MacGregor and Nicollet Deuville
71 |
Apr 12, 2014 |
Sven Randullsson and Antigone of York
72 |
Oct 11, 2014 |
Lochlann Dunn and Michelle Chantal de Charente
73 |
Apr 11, 2015 |
Sven Randullsson and Antigone of York
74 |
Oct 10, 2015 |
Creppin l'Ostriche and Toryn Sevenstitches
75 |
April 9, 2016 |
Gabriel of Maccuswell & Sonja Ryzaja
76 |
Oct 15, 2016 |
Jason Drysdale & Margherita de Mantua
77 |
April 8, 2017 |
Gabriel of Maccuswell & Sonja Ryzaja
78 |
October 13, 2017 |
Lochlann Dunn and Gwen verch Cynwrig de Ynys Mon