68th Crown

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68th Crown Crown

Photo by Richard Threlkeld / Caelin on Andrade
Sovereign: Jean-Paul II (Jean Paul de Sens) (OP)
Consort: Gilyan II (Gilyan Alienora of Clonmacnoise) (OP)
Crown Tournament: July 14, 2012 Northkeep
Coronation: September 22, 2012, Namron
Stepped Down: April 27, 2013 Elfsea
Predecessors: Hrafn and Elizabeta
Heirs: Lochlann II and Gwen II

Reign Overview

Crown Tournament

Event Stewards:


  • Event Stewards:
  • Site:
  • Special Activities / notes:
    • King's Champion Tournament


Royal Whims or Declarations

November 2012:

It doesn't happen often in Ansteorra, but we would like to officially announce a Royal Whim for the duration of Our reign. We have already announced this in several courts, but are using this venue to get the word out even further.

It is Our wish that bye's will not be deadly.

When a combatant draws a bye in a tournament, that's what they get - by. The combatant may still fight someone, depending on the wishes of those in charge of the list, but no matter the outcome of the physical combat, the combatant will progress to the next round of the tournament. If you are confused with how the bye process works logistically in a tournament, please contact his Majesty. He loves to draw things out and show people the math. He may even start to carry around a whiteboard so he can draw at the proper scale.

Staff Members

  • Royal Steward:
  • Chancellor:
  • Head of Entourage:
  • Star Signet:
  • Sable Scroll Pursuivant:
  • Golden Staff Herald:
  • Largess Coordinator:




Peers Elevated

Name Date Peerage
Ameline du Bois (OP) 2012-10-20 Pelican
Morgan Black Dragon (OP) 2012-12-01 KSCA
Kira no Takuan (OP) 2013-03-14 KSCA
Beatrix Alfraye (OP) 2013-04-20 Laurel
Magge MacPherson (OP) 2013-04-27 Laurel

Special Recognitions


Dafydd Whitacre

Gauntlets & Gloves

King's Gauntlets

Queen's Gloves

Progress While Heirs

Words of the Coronet

Progress While Crown

Words of the Crown

October 2012:

Wow! It's been a whirlwind of activity and travel over the past several weeks, but We couldn't be happier to have this chance to serve Our kingdom once again. Before We get too much further into this reign, We would like to extend Our deepest thanks to everyone who has helped Us so far, and who will be helping us in the future. It is through your gracious service and assistance that this kingdom continues to shine above all others.

We want to thank all of the populace who have written to us, and given their recommendations for awards. While We will strive to do Our utmost to find and recognize those members of Our populace who deserve recognition, there are always those whose efforts and labors somehow get missed, whether be due to the constraints of time or real life. We ask that you please look for those people, and commend them to us, so that We can recognize them as well. While there is an award recommendation form on the Ansteorran website, We will take award recommendations in whatsoever form that you submit, be it emails, hand-written, text message, morse code, semaphore, or smoke signals.

A great many thanks to Our Baronies of Namron and Northkeep for mobilizing their populace and focusing their enthusiasm to offer Us bids for Our Coronation within *one week* of Our happy day at Crown Tournament. The Barony of Namron continued to work tirelessly and with smiles on their faces during the ten short weeks to plan and execute a wonderful event. We also greatly appreciate the Shire of Brad Leah for coming back with a bang and hosting Gilyan's Queen's Champion tournament in another relatively short time frame. Their plans promise a most enjoyable day for Her Majesty and the populace.

Kingdom Eisteddfod will be held during Our reign and We are accepting bids. While We are working on a date and location for this competition. We will continue to work with the Kingdom Bard on the details, but Our preferences will be towards the following: sing-along songs and teaching songs, both about the SCA in general or Ansteorra specifically. Look for more details online or in future Black Stars.

Looking far into the future, We would like to advertise that We are sponsoring a special competition at Kingdom A&S in February. The competition is for "Most Awesome Work Done By A Group." To compete, the work must have been worked on by at least 3 people, each contributing a different art or skill to the project. Look for more details online or in future Black Stars.

Even further into the future is Gulf Wars. We have been attending for many, many years and are extremely excited to be Crown during this war. Although We have many ideas and thoughts for what We want to do at war, We would like to hear from *you* regarding what *you* would like to see done at Gulf War. As mentioned in the above paragraphs, keep your eyes and ears open for more information online and in future Black Stars.

Winter is coming.
Jean Paul and Gilyan

November 2012:

It doesn't happen often in Ansteorra, but we would like to officially announce a Royal Whim for the duration of Our reign. We have already announced this in several courts, but are using this venue to get the word out even further.

It is Our wish that bye's will not be deadly.

When a combatant draws a bye in a tournament, that's what they get - by. The combatant may still fight someone, depending on the wishes of those in charge of the list, but no matter the outcome of the physical combat, the combatant will progress to the next round of the tournament. If ou are confused with how the bye process works logistically in a tournament, please contact his Majesty. He loves to draw things out and show people the math. He may even start to carry around a whiteboard so he can draw at the proper scale.

In Our previous letter, we announced a Group A&S competition to be held at Kingdom A&S in February. We are continuing to work out the details, but the basic outline (so far) is thus:

  • Three or more artisans must work on the project. Experience or Award level does not matter.
  • There is no limitation on size or materials.
  • Documentation is required, but it could be completed by an additional artisan.
  • There is no limit to the number of projects an artisan can contribute towards.

Gulf Wars!! Its coming, and We will need your help! A truly astounding amount of work goes into Gulf Wars each year, but the burden any one person shoulders can be lessened dramatically by additional volunteers. If you have some spare time and want to contribute, or have an idea of something fun to do, please contact us or one of Our Gulf Wars lieutenants. There are grand and nefarious plans afoot... rumors of Bacon Brigades, Tower Work Days, and more fun that legally should be allowed...

Winter is Coming!!
Jean Paul II, Rex
Gilyan II, Regina

December 2012

Greetings Ansteorra, and Happy Holidays! The season of thankfulness is behind us (1), and the season of giving is upon us! Speaking of giving, if ou have one of those "hard to shop for" people on your list, some good ideas are SCA memberships or Gulf Wars pre-registrations! Either one (or both!) will fit inside a stocking or a refrigerator box (2).

Remember to keep working on your sing-a-long and teaching style songs (3) for Kingdom Eisteddfod. If you have further questions about Eisteddfod, please contact the current Kingdom Bard, HL Alden Drake.

We would like to let everyone know that we will be changing the first round of Crown Tournament (4) in January. In order to allow the fighters more fighting, we will be breaking the list into four pools. Depending upon the number of entrants, the top half of each pool will then proceed to a traditional single-elimination, best two-out-of-three tournament. If you were at Queen's Champion (5), the format for Crown Tournament is very similar.

Gulf Wars will be here before we all know it. Spend these next few months wisely and start working on your projects now!(6) If you have finished all your projects, we have several that could use more help. Contact Mistress (squared) Almveg MacIvarsdottir(8) or HL Vincenti da Murano and they can let you know where your expertise or enthusiasm is needed.

To go back to the beginning(9), give yourself a Hug and a Kiss(10) from Us. We thank each and every one of you for what you do to help others and the SCA every day. Without all of us being our wondrous selves, this lifestyle we call the SCA just wouldn't be the same.

Many Thanks and Warm Wishes,
Jean Paul, Rex
Gilyan, Regina

  1. . We are still full, and we hope everyone else is as well.
  2. . Once taped to a cinder block, of course.
  3. . It doesn't have to be a song; could be a poem or a story. Some sort of performance piece.
  4. . Hosted by the Shire of Shadowlands in Deanville, TX.
  5. . Or if you have heard about it. The rapier fighters seemed to have enjoyed the format greatly.
  6. . There's no need to wait until you are packing in March to realize you would really like a new pair of pants, a wagon to carry your stuff, or a new helmet.(7)
  7. . We realize procrastination is an artform in and of itself, but we have all practiced enough to be masters by now, right?
  8. . Some know her as Ameline du Bois.
  9. . And if you have read this far.
  10. . Hershey (TM) can thank me later by sending the kingdom a royalties check.

Words of the Populace

The Final Court of Their Majesties: April 29, 2013

by Etienne De Saint Amaranth

(Spoken to the cadence of Song of the Shield Wall)
Look then you people
Of Mighty Ansteorra!
Look then, behold your King he does come.
Jean-Paul, the mighty, who vanquished the Bastard
Comes not in war but an Angel on his arm.
For Gilyan our Great Queen strides by his side here
Strides and inspires our King and us all.

They come now in joy, amidst their great people,
They come now resolved to their duty this day.
They serve kingdom and people, protecting and leading
All in these lands Ansteorrans do Hold!

It was with these words that Jean Paul II and Gilyan II entered their last court as King and Queen of Ansteorra. It would be tempting to write how the end of their reign came amidst weather that was dark and rainy and sad and moody; it would be tempting... if it were true. But the line "They come now in joy..." was reflected not only in Their Majesties hearts and the faces and mood of the attending populace, it was also reflected in the weather itself on-site. For there was sunshine and glorious temperatures and a wonderful site.

As Their Majesties were seated, the cadence continued:
Please now be seated, Their Majesties bid you,
Open your ears and rest now your tongues,
For this does open the court Ansteorra
Hear now the words of your King and your Queen.

Their Majesties spoke and moved right to business. Her Majesty spoke then of those who step beyond their fealty and serve as examples of chivalry, more than of fighting skill, more than of peer like qualities, but of the essence of chivalry itself. She called upon three Roses and asked if they knew of such people. Countess Tessa named Sir Karl der Gaenger. Countess Margaret named Sir Dafydd Whitacre. Countess Octavia named Sir Simonn of Amber Isle. Those three then came forward with their sponsors.

Her Majesty then made known her admittance of these three knights to the Order of the Sable Garland. Prior to this there were only 6 members of the order and this moment touched me in a special way as I was present at the Coronation so many years before when the order was announced and when the first members were made in 1997. The last members before today were added in 1998. Fifteen years is a long, dormant period for any award or order; but the order was never closed and some of its members did still appear for the one ceremonial duty they can be called on to perform. By the order's constitution, the members of this order have the privilege and duty, when called upon, to escort Princesses into their Coronation court.

But the meaning of the order is deeper than that one mentioned ceremonial function, though reflected by it. My understanding of the order (as an outsider looking in) was that Knights of the Sable Garland exhibit and were to continue to exhibit the qualities of chivalry shown in a life lived beyond the already demanding standards of a fealty relationship. Not just to fight and teach, not just to give counsel, not just to be an example; but to strive to ever show the courtesy, the romance, and dedication of self that chivalry entails beyond the terms of a fealty oath.

Her Majesty grew the order by 50%. She also changed the original cloak design that served as insignia for the order (though grandfathered the prior cloak design for those already members before this day) and their cloaks (among other changes) now bear the Queen's Rose over each knight's heart.

The Order of the Sable Garland is not new; it is old but not ancient. I look forward to seeing its members, at events, continuing to be examples of chivalry for our populace.

The original charters that were produced by the way are stunning. If you get a chance to see one or all three, do so. They are beautiful artworks reflective of the beauty of chivalry itself.

On to other business. Their Majesties summoned Don Tristan who approached with Lady Solia and presented funds raised. Her Majesty had an idea and they ran with it and presented the Kingdom with funds that were handed to the Kingdom Treasurer directly. It is my hope that some involved will comment and mention the actual fundraiser performed and the amount raised and its purpose as I missed that.

Their Majesties then called by name a variety of people the Crown has been seeking. Three charters were given to award recipients who already had their awards but who had not received a charter before this time; including the Royal Lancer, the Kingdom Middle Eastern Dance Champion and a Queen's Rapier. The Crown also presented to Baron Orlando Giovanni de Gilead a Sable Thistle for Pewter Casting read into law at a prior event. There are other charters in the royal herald's box; if you have not been to court lately, it might be to your benefit to attend the Crown's court.

Two more people were called but were not present and those charters were added to the herald's box.

But then Their Majesties called for Sir William Cameron de Blakstan and made him a Baron of the Court.

In additional exciting news, the Crown then called for populace living in a place named Kyngs Creke and with the Kingdom Seneschal declared them the newest Incipient Canton in the kingdom.

Their Majesties called for the Order of the Laurel and then into that court came the procession of Magge MacPherson. The procession was notable, for those who missed it, by the people who processed in wearing the clothing she has made. Hearing words spoken of her, Their Majesties then invested her with the insignia of the order, received her chosen fealty, and raised her up and declared:
“Hear our words!
Behold, Magge MacPherson.
Behold, a Peer of our Realm.
Behold, a Mistress of the Order of the Laurel.”

Their Majesties then called a group of people forward and thanked them for their service to the them as Crown and award Golden Stars to:
Etienne De Saint Amaranth
Kate Illchilde
Elsa von Schammach
Montega Black Dragon
Kormakr Mikjallson
Deanna della Penna
Phelim Gervase
Michelle Chantal de Charente
Gunhilda Amberstar

His Majesty then presented King's Gauntlets to:
Rikr Foetipper
Morgan Black Dragon
Cael MacRob
Dafydd Whitacre

Ælfwyn Webbestre, head of Their Majesties entourage for the reign, received both a Gauntlet and a Queen's Glove.

Her Majesty also presented Queen's Gloves to:
Octavia de Verdon
Marguerite Dinard
Timothy le Corbusier
Theresa Maria Giovanni

Their Majesties called then for the Greater Officers of State, pointed them out the people who really run the kingdom on a day to day basis, thanked them for their service, and released them from any personal ties but charged them to continue to serve the kingdom through their office.

Their Majesties called for the landed nobility of the realm. Before all other landed nobility actions they then brought forward Sir Cassius and Honorable Lady Kajira who stepped down as Baron and Baroness of Wiesenfeuer. They were awarded Court Baronies, dated in precedence to their investiture in Wiesenfeuer. Their Majesties called then for Master Ciaran and Honorable Lady Branislava, received their fealty, and installed them as Vicar and Vicaress until the Crown puts a Baron and Baroness in place. They were entrusted with the coronets and lands of Wiesenfeuer, on behalf of the Crown. Their Majesties then released the assembled from any personal ties to them but charged them to continue to guard and nurture the lands they held for the Crown and Kingdom.

Their Majesties then called all, not already released, who were in fealty to them; from magnate or peer to unranked member of the populace and release all form ties and commitments to them but charged them to continue to serve the kingdom they all loved. They asked the chivalry to remain and take their places to guard the thrones, crown, and kingdom after Jean Paul and Gilyan were gone.

Her Majesty summoned the Order of the White Scarf and thanked them and returned the scarf she had been given as Queen. She released the order but retained her champion and the holders of the Queen's Blade of Honor. She bestowed a personal favor (the scarf she had worn into battle at Gulf Wars) upon her champion and presented the holders of the Queen's Blade with charters done in a style to match the one produced for the Queen's Champion. She then released those three from her service but charged them to guard well the kingdom and the next queen until successors were chosen.

All remaining kingdom champions and entourage were called. The King took back the Sword of State from his champion and released. All remaining champions were given the same charge to guard the kingdom, the Crown, and to fulfill the duties of their championship until their successors were chosen. All entourage and assisting heralds were thanked for their services and released.

The Lions of Ansteorra came before the throne unsummoned. The Sword of State was entrusted to their care until a rightful Crown was in place to wield it with justice and equity.

Their Majesties asked for the Roses. And as Her Majesty entrusted the Queen's crown to the Roses, His Majesty placed his upon the throne. Together, as they had entered their reign, Jean Paul and Gilyan, now longer King and Queen, walked from the court to acclaim and as sound died these words were said (again in cadence to Song of the Shield Wall).

This then does close out
For Jean Paul and Gilyan
Their court and their time as our Crown.
Jean-Paul, the mighty, Sovereign and Royal King
With counsel and strong arm he guarded this land.
Gilyan our Great Queen, Consort and soul’s muse
Inspired our hearts and lighted our way.

They leave now in joy, amidst their great people,
They leave now the duty of Crown on this day.
They served a great kingdom and mightiest of people
All in these lands Ansteorrans do Hold!

For they who were our King and Queen, Jean Paul de Sens and Gilyan Alienora of Clonmacnoise VIVAT! VIVAT!! VIVAT!!!

Reign Notes


Gilyan's Garb: Dress by Dunstana Talana the Violet, with embroidery by Dunstana Talana the Violet and Elisabeth Christianne de Calais. Under-Tunic by Sabine Lefevre d’Armagnac.
Jean-Paul's Garb: Tunic by Ameline du Bois.

Queen's Champion:
Gilyan's Garb: Dress by Octavia de Verdon. Embroidery by Octavia de Verdon, Dafydd Whitacre, and Margaret ny Connor


Reign Photos and Media

  • Coronation Photos Available on Richard Threlkeld's [Flikr album