2nd Vindheim Coronet: Difference between revisions

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Created page with "{{Coronet | reignnumber = 2nd | coronetportrait = | photodesc = | coronet = | coronettourney = June 18, 2022 | stepdowndate = | predecessors = Not Applicable | heirs = }}..."
(63 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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| reignnumber = 2nd
| reignnumber = 2nd
| coronetportrait =  
| coronetportrait = [[File:Gilyan and Jean-Paul - 3rd Coronet Tourney.JPG|x400px]]
| photodesc =  
| photodesc = December 10, 2022. <BR>Photo by [[Zubeydah]]
| coronet =  
| coronet = Prince [[Jean Paul de Sens]] & Princess [[Gilyan Alienora of Clonmacnoise]]
| coronettourney = June 18, 2022
| coronettourney = June 18, 2022 -  [[Vindheim Coronet Tourney II]]
| stepdowndate =  
| stepdowndate = December 10, 2022 - [[Vindheim 3rd Coronet Tourney]]
| predecessors = Not Applicable
| predecessors = [[1st Vindheim Coronet|Romanius Vesperianus and Deanna della Penna]]
| heirs =  
| heirs = [[3rd Vindheim Coronet|Micauley Morison and Caterina Giovanni]]
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===Staff Members===
===Staff Members===
* Head of Entourage:  
* Head of Entourage: [[Ælfwyn Webbestre]]
* Chief Lady-in-Waiting:  
* Chief Lady-in-Waiting:  
* Signet:  
* Signet:  
* Herald:  
* Herald: Maitré [[Etienne De Saint Amaranth]]
* Gifts Coordinator:  
* Gifts Coordinator: [[Zubeydah]]
* Dog Watcher Extraordinaire: Lady [[Asha of Mooneschadowe]]

* Chivalric Combat: Earl [[Dafydd Whitacre]]: The Prince's Tourney was modeled on [[Northkeep]]'s Drighton tourney: Two 10 minute rounds of a speed tourney. First round was great weapon and second round was fighter's choice. Earl Daffydd won with the most fights and the most wins, and was also the Prince's Choice for Champion.
* Rapier Combat: Lord [[Sævarr Máni]] won the Vindheim Rapier Tourney held at the first ever Vindheim Missile Academy, held on August 27, 2022. The format was  Meatgrinder style: the rounds were 20 minutes single sword, a 20 minute rest/hydration break, and then 20 minutes fought with the fighter's choice of weapons.
* Princess' Blade: It was Her Highness Gilyan's wish to choose a specific champion to represent her personally, and [[Áshildr inn Hárfagri]] received that honor at the Vindheim Missile Academy on August 27, 2022.
* Premier Cut & Thrust: The tournament was held at [[Skorragarðr]]'s Axeman XVII, and [[Johann von Aue]] bested the field to represent Their Highnesses.

===Special Recognitions===
===Special Recognitions===
[[Bastion]]:  [[Vincenti da Murano]]

==Progress ==
==Progress ==
* 17-19: Coronet Tourney - Barony of Namron, El Reno, OK
* 22-26: Lilies (JP)
* 24-26: [[Event Review - 2022 Two Artisans Two Bards by Etienne De Saint Amaranth|Two Artisans, Two Bards]] - Baronies of [[Eldern Hills]] and [[Bonwicke]], Wichita Falls, TX (Gilyan)
* 1-3: OFF
* 8-10: Coronation - Barony of the Steppes, Richardson, TX
* 15-17: OFF
* 22-24: OFF
* 29-31: OFF
* 5-7: Steppes Artisan (big maybe), Barony of the Steppes
* 12-14:
* 19-21:
* 26-28: Vindheim Missile Academy, Barony of Wiesenfeuer, Guthrie, OK
* 2-4: OFF
* 9-11: Crown Tournament - TBD
* 16-18: [[2022 Mooneschadowe Presents Trade Day|Mooneschadowe Presents Trade Day]]- TBD
* 23-25: OFF
* 30-02: Namron Protectorate
* 8: Kingdom Arts & Sciences
* 28-29: Eldern Hills Samhain
* 04:  Skorragardr's Axeman
* 12:  Fall Round Table (Virtual event)
* 17:  Bordermarch War of the Rams

===The Words of the Coronet===
* 03: Calontir Crown Tournament (out of Kingdom)
* 10: Vindheim Winter Coronet
==The Words of the Coronet==
====June 23, 2022====
Prince Jean Paul and I are very excited to be your new Prince and Princess! Thank you for giving us a couple of days to get re-acclimated to being front and center. It's been a few (cough) years of semi-retirement for us, but it was quite joyous to see all the smiling faces in court rather than the backs of heads! As we were sitting in court Saturday evening, the smiling faces brought back many fond memories. It was good for Our souls.<BR>
There have been several communications already about the many Deeds of Service and Outstanding Administration that were seen at the Coronet Tournament this past weekend. We would like to add Our sincere gratitude to the list. From the moment we stepped on site we could tell the event was well organized. The generosity of Namron and Vindheim was evident everywhere. The water stations staged around site, the fans, and the trays of fruit and salty snacks were exactly what a summer event in Vindheim needed. We would like to add Our praise to those gentles who bent their backs and shoveled and raked the field to make it more safe for the tournament. Through your efforts, there were no injuries due to the poor footing. Thank you for your unexpected but appreciated assistance.<BR>
We both look forward to meeting and speaking with more of the Vindheim populace and listening to your thoughts, suggestions, and opinions on the future of the Principality. If you would prefer to communicate electronically with Us, please do so through the official Prince and Princess emails. We will not have discussions about Principality business on Our personal Facebook profiles. While Viscount Romanius and Viscountess Deanna have done a gargantuan amount of work during their six months in office, there is still more to do. We are ready to take up this burden with the populace's guidance and assistance.<BR>
This weekend, I will be traveling south to the Two Artisans, Two Bards event hosted by the Baronies of Eldern Hills and Bonwicke while Prince Jean Paul will be traveling north to visit Our neighbors in Calontir at Lilies War. If you have never been to a Lilies War we highly recommend it. Lilies is like a fun family reunion full of people you wished you were able to see more often. His Highness has often correlated Lilies to eating pizza. He would really like to eat the whole pizza, but half a pizza or even just one piece of pizza is better than no pizza!  :)<BR>
Cool breezes and safe travels to you all,<BR>
Princess Gilyan<BR>
Prince Jean Paul<BR>
====July Whispers on the Wind====
What a month it's been! The support we have received from the populace has been amazing. Thank you all for everything you do for the SCA, Ansteorra, Vindheim, and your local group. <BR>
It's scorching hot outside, so now is the time to work on indoor projects while you are thinking ahead to BAM and, even further, Gulf Wars! We are in the process of organizing a Principality wide work day on July 30. It is our intent that all those who are able spend this day working on a project for the principality. Gather with a group of friends, your local group, or work in solitude - whatever makes you most comfortable. Make hoods, coifs, tabards, apron dresses, shield covers, banners, whatever you are able but make them in Vindheim colors and with the Vindheim star. Think of how you want your principality to be seen as it answers the call of Their Stellar Majesties, Creppin and Toryn, to be on the field at BAM or Gulf Wars. The next day, July 31, we will be attending the Regional Fighter Practice in Ark City, KS. If you can join us we would love to stand with you on the field of friendly battle. <BR>
Speaking of war - we're going to Bordermarch Autumn Melees (BAM)! We would love to see as many of you there as can manage. Start coordinating rides or tent space, making and freezing food items, and squirreling away gas money. It's historically documented that no one went to war by themself, so find some war buddies! <BR>
As you all know, all of the awards for the principality which the Coronet can give out are still in a proposed status. Regardless, if you see someone doing something that you believe should be recognized with any of the existing awards - or even a new one! - please let us know. We cannot be everywhere and see everything, so we rely on our populace to tell us of worthy deeds. Until we are able to have an online form created, please email us directly. We will be posting reminders and descriptions of what the new awards are over the next few weeks. <BR>
Until we meet again, be kind and practice franchise.<BR>
====September 18, 2022====
We gathered up all the baked goods that we traded for yesterday, we'll at least the ones we didn't eat yesterday, to try and show everyone how much we enjoyed Trade Days. A picture really doesn't do it justice though. The day started with a giggle as Gael, Jacob, and Zach rode the rails of our truck up the hill and ended with a giggle as I packed the truck full of baked goods and cases of Mountain Dew Spark Zero. As [[Zubeydah]] says, my heart is full. My emotional well and spirit have been rejuvenated and filled with happiness and joy. What a wonderful event!<BR>
====September 20, 2022====
At Mooneschadowe Trade Days Saturday we made some updates to two of the principality awards that were created by Romanius and Deanna. Please read on for more details about these changes. <BR>
The Order of the Golden Comb. This recognition is for those who are under the age of 18 and participate and serve in the SCA above what is expected of them. To this Order we have given some special responsibilities and the privileges necessary to complete their task. Members of the Order of the Golden Comb shall serve as messengers for the Coronet. As our messengers, the Golden Combs shall have uncommon access to the Coronet. They may enter a court of the Coronet unbidden to respectfully wait to deliver or receive any messages. In order to ease the burden of the Golden Combs with their new responsibilities, we have also proposed insignia for the Order. They may have a messenger style satchel bag in a sanguine color with a golden honeycomb design on the outside flap. Inside this bag should always be a small notepad and writing utensil for messages. Jean Paul also turned his creativity towards writing a scroll text for recipients of this award during our reign. <BR>
Upon the great tree Yggdrasil, teeth sharp, wit biting.  <BR>
From root to crest message carrying.  <BR>
Bushy tailed Mercury,<BR>
Reality renewing balance giver<BR>
Rattatoskr's descendants move amongst Vindheim,<BR>
Serving to keep it safe, and carrying the messages that bind it together.  <BR>
So vital a service is given by these persons, that We, Jean Paul and Gilyan, first of that name, heirs to Romanius and Deanna, the Founders, recognize in <Rose of Marata> the spirit of the messenger, and call them forth to join the Order of the Golden Comb.<BR>
[[The Award of the Thunderbolt]]. Romanius and Deanna created this award as the Crimson Firebolt and it was to be given to those who distinguished or impressed the Coronet with their martial pursuits. We have changed the name to the Award of the Thunderbolt and expanded the possible recipients to include anyone who has distinguished or impressed the Coronet with an example of phenomenal prowess, extraordinary artistry, or remarkable service. Jean Paul also wrote a scroll text for this award during our reign.<BR>
The skalds say when our ancestors came to this land, storms and winds, rain and fire beset them.  As they learned to dwell in harmony, the fire and lightning became warmth and delight.  The joy in the ferocity, the speed, and the power of Odin's spear became a symbol of those who excelled in the moment.  <BR>
One such person is [[Lillias MacGuffin]], who's actions have caused the notice of the rulers, Jean Paul and Gilyan, first of that name, heirs to Romanius and Deanna, the Founders. For <Lillias'> exceptional nature, they are added to the order of the Thunderbolt, Odin's favorites, and beacons for Vindheims people. Sing their praise, for they are favored on this day.<BR>
As always, if you have any recommendations or recipients for these or any other award, please tell us. We are delighted at the opportunity to recognize deserving people. We also continue to welcome your thoughts and opinions on new principality awards or updates to any of the ones that have been announced so far. While we have ideas and plans in motion, it is not too late to change trajectory with logical and researched data.<BR>
We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at Namron Protectorate! Good things will happen there! (hint, hint)  ;)<BR>
Prince Jean Paul<BR>
Princess Gilyan<BR>
Coronet of Vindheim<BR>
====October Whispers On The Wind====
Sæl, Vindheim! The last two months have been the fire where we temper our strength.  We hope that everyone has come through hale and hearty!<BR>
The principality-wide work day went fabulous, and it was so wonderful to see all the various groups, the things they made, and spend time with our local groups as well as other groups in the principality.  We are especially proud of the 9 Vindheim hoods we made, and plan on making more before we go to BAM.  Our thanks also go to Kyrus Logisson for making Vindheim star stamps for each of the groups. <BR>
We want to complement the Shire of Theobald College in Calontir and their populace on a wonder fighter practice and potluck.  We had a fantastic time, and enjoyed Calontir's hospitality as we typically do.  Big thanks to Centurion Set Sette for organizing Vindheims participation, and even wrangling Ansteorrans from the Central region on their way home from a Calontir event.<BR>
As we write this, we are preparing for Vindheim's Missile Academy, which has also graciously offered to host the Vindheim Rapier Championship.  We look forward to firing and throwing all the things, and know that we will have a great time as we head into the fall season. <BR>
While it's still early in the reign, we would like to let all know that we will be running the Coronet Tournament in a style *extremely* similar to the format of our predecessors, and will put out a public announcement soon.  We encourage you all to prepare yourself, and hope that as many of you as possible will vie in the Coronet list.  We can affirm to you now, it's fun to be the Coronet!<BR>
Finally, many of the awards for the principality which the Coronet can give out are getting close to passing the College of Heralds.  We look forward to bestowing some of these awards in both provisional and official status here in the near future. If you see someone doing something that you believe should be recognized with any of the existing awards - or even a new one! - please let us know. We cannot be everywhere and see everything, so we rely on our populace to tell us of worthy deeds. Until we are able to have an online form created, please email us directly. We will continue to post descriptions of what the new awards are over the next few weeks.<BR>
Until we meet again, be kind and practice franchise.<BR>
Their Munificent Highnesses,<BR>
Jean Paul and Gilyan<BR>
Prince and Princess of Vindheim<BR>
====October 17, 2022====
If you take your time to do things the right way, your work will speak for itself. Friends are always there to help, and they can be counted on no matter what. <BR>
====October 23, 2022====
There are many different kinds of friends, and many ways to express friendship. Some friends like to run and laugh and play together. But others just like to be left alone, and that's fine too. But the best thing about friendship is being able to make your friends smile. <BR>
====October 30, 2022====
Sometimes it can be hard for a shy person to stand up for themselves. When they first try it, they may not like the person they become. But standing up for yourself isn't the same as changing who you are. Learn how to draw boundaries without being unpleasant or mean.  <BR>
====November 2, 2022====
Sometimes you can feel like what you have to offer is too little to make a difference, but everyone's contributions are important, no matter how small. If you just keep your head high, do your best and believe in yourself, anything can happen. <BR>
====November 6, 2022====
Learning to trust your instincts is a valuable lesson to learn. <BR>
====November 9, 2022====
Just because we don't always need your help, it doesn't mean that we don't think you're helpful. You don't have to have superpowers to be a super friend.  <BR>
====November Whispers On the Wind====
Hello Vindheim! It's been a raucous couple of months - there's an event every weekend! We are delighted to get to travel across this Principality to see its populace and enjoy their company. A lot has been happening *at* these events, and just as much is happening in between these events to keep the Principality working smoothly and growing. We would like to thank the first Principality Seneschal, [[Rebekah Aleyn]], for her service and welcome the new Principality Seneschal, [[Villana Palazolo]]. Thank you both for your willingness to spend your time not at events to help and serve the principality.<BR>
We wanted to provide you with some of the ideas behind the honorific we have used most commonly during our tenure, Sanguine. This honorific is His Highness's favorite because of the multitude of ways in which it reflects Vindheim. Sanguine means "hopeful," and we are hopeful for the future of Vindheim and Ansteorra. Sanguine also can evoke a red color, which is evocative of both our heraldry, and the red clay so common in these lands. And finally, Sanguine can mean “bloody”, which is a warning to Ansteorra's enemies. Vindheim stands at the front of the Ansteorran Army of Heroes, and is ready to defend our kingdom.<BR>
In the hopeful vein, we would like to announce the creation of two new principality awards and some updates to others. These new awards were first bestowed at Eldern Hills' Samhain event - be sure to check the Ansteorran OP for a full listing of the well-deserving recipients!<BR>
Recognizing the people, abilities, and aspects of the SCA that often get overlooked was one of the many good intentions which Romanius and Deanna had as they created awards for the new principality. They created the Silver Fountain and the Wellspring to recognize Art as Service and Performance Art as Service. We like this idea and wanted to expand it to include other aspects of the SCA. But, we had a lot of problems coming up with other ideas to flesh out this range of awards into the three aspects of the SCA (martial, arts, and service). So, we are going to combine the Wellspring and Silver Fountain into the Fountain of Vindheim and create two new associated awards, the Pillar of Vindheim and the Brazier of Vindheim. All of these awards will be able to be given multiple times to the same recipient. This grouping continues the elemental award themes from Romanius and Deanna of Art = Water (Blue or Green), Service = Earth/Stone (Black or Brown), and Martial = Fire (Red or Sanguine).<BR>
The [[Fountain]] of Vindheim will recognize those who use their art to support the other two aspects of the SCA - service and martial. Fountains are people who share their art to inspire others or to make others look better. Those who create scrolls, regalia, or insignia. Those who paint or sew banners for processions or campsites or to decorate halls. They can paint shields or craft weapons or targets. To find a Fountain of Vindheim, all you have to do is look around any event at anything that adds to the pageantry or atmosphere that is the SCA.<BR>
The [[Pillar]] of Vindheim will recognize those who use their service to support the other two aspects of the SCA - art and martial. Pillars are people who use their skills to enable artists to make art or organizing something so flawlessly it becomes an art. These are the people who are feeding those who are painting pavilions or watering those who are fighting or throwing weapons. They can run lysts, set up pavilions, or marshal tournaments and melees.<BR>
The Brazier of Vindheim will recognize those who use their martial skills to support the other two aspects of the SCA - art and service. Braziers are people who are a joy to watch when they are fighting or doing other martial activities. These people will also be the ones who constantly share their marshal knowledge with others. They are the ones who fall down hundreds of times at demos to excite the crowd and recruit new members of the SCA.<BR>
We believe it will be remarkably easy to find reasons to give out the Fountains of either type. Artists in the SCA are constantly giving of themselves, their art, and their time. Reasons to give out the Pillar are there, but they may take more explanation and looking at a bigger picture rather than a specific item or task. The Brazier has been more difficult to find recipients. It may just be that there are fewer of these. Statistics show that only 1 in 10 attendees at an event are there for marshallate only endeavors. While marshallate activities can be a big draw at demos, it is the other aspects of the SCA which keep people returning. <BR>
This grouping of awards leans towards the arts and service aspects of the SCA. There are solid examples of martial skills being used to benefit artist communities or to serve the principality and SCA, but not as many. However, the next grouping of awards we will unveil at BAM will lean the other direction. It will have many more martial related examples and fewer arts or service examples. But that's okay. We can all have fun in our own ways and support one another as we are able.<BR>
Their Sanguine Highnesses,<BR>
Jean Paul and Gilyan<BR>
====November 14, 2022====
Greetings, Vindheim! We hope you have all had a chance to look through the wonderful newsletter that has recently been published. If not - go take a look! We'll wait...<BR>
... <pets the dogs> ...<BR>
... It was beautiful, wasn't it?! We love having full page color in the newsletters. And we love having the ability to write as much as we want - because there is so much information we want to share with all of you! As our herald Etienne has mentioned several times over the past few courts, Vindheim is a new principality that is still in the process of learning who we are and how we want to present ourselves to the Known World. We have tried many new things, some of which have not gone so great and some of which have started to resonate. The honorific 'sanguine' has stuck with us.  (And isn't it convenient that the College of Heralds are accepting it as a heraldic tincture now!!?!)<BR>
We wanted to provide you with some of the ideas behind the honorific we have used most recently during our tenure, [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/sanguine Sanguine]. This honorific is our favorite because of the multitude of ways in which it reflects Vindheim. Sanguine means "hopeful," and we are hopeful for the future of Vindheim and Ansteorra. Sanguine also can evoke a red color, which is evocative of both our heraldry, and the red clay so common in these lands. And finally, Sanguine can mean "bloody", which is a warning to Ansteorra's enemies. Vindheim stands at the front of the Ansteorran Army of Heroes, and is ready to defend our kingdom.<BR>
In the hopeful vein, we would like to announce the creation of two new principality awards and some updates to others. These new awards were first bestowed at Eldern Hills' Samhain event and again at Skoragarrdr's Axeman. As always, be sure to check the Ansteorran OP for a full listing of the well-deserving recipients! But also keep a techno-eye on the email list and Facebook group for listings and pictures of the scrolls!<BR>
Pack all your warm things and travel safely to Autumn Melees in Bordermarch! If you are staying home, keep the fires lit until all of our travelers are safely home and warm again.<BR>
With friendship for all,<BR>
Prince Jean Paul and Princess Gilyan<BR>
2nd Coronet of Vindheim<BR>
====November 13, 2022====
You shouldn't let anyone pressure you into doing something you don't think is right. Sometimes you have to tell even your closest friends "no".  #friendshipisvindheim<BR>
====November 17, 2022====
While there are people who will take advantage of your generosity, you should never, ever let that cause you to abandon your generous spirit. Nothing feels worse than taking advantage of the giving nature of your friends. #friendshipisvindheim
====November 17, 2022====
We are sure many of you have seen or heard about the recent Letter of Acceptances and Returns (LoAR) by the Laurel Sovereign of Arms which included the first batch of awards submitted by the Principality. There have been so many people and so much time spent on brainstorming, discussing, researching, and submitting awards for the principality - it would be impossible to recount the names or summarize the time. Let's just stick with it's been a ginormous effort and will continue to be a gargantuan task for a couple more years.<BR>
No matter how much time is put into awards, there are no guarantees all of the submitted ideas will be accepted by Society nor by future Coronets or, even more importantly, the populace of the principality. Awards and recognition are important to everyone (justifiably so) and emotions can be frayed when something you have put time and effort into gets returned or changed. As we have mentioned many times over the past few months, the principality is still growing, learning, and becoming. The process of awards and recognition is no different. Some things will change and some things will stay the way they are. We can all still be friends.<BR>
One of the difficulties in the award process is the lengthy amount of time the process takes. This is not to say that any one person or position is holding up the process - that is absolutely not the case. Just as there is a requirement for how long an office can be open for applications, there is a requirement for how long heraldic items can be reviewed and commented on. Anything that is submitted to the College of Arms for approval and registration could take six to nine months to go through the process. The Ansteorra College of Heralds is supporting and facilitating the process by allowing the principality submissions to skip the kingdom-level discussion and commentary phase. This has cut a month or two off of the timeline, of which we all should be (and are!) extremely grateful! By the end of the typical process, the idea or implementation of the award or recognition could have changed due to many different factors. We would recommend to not get too attached to anything until it has been accepted by the College of Arms *and* has subsequently gone through two coronet reigns.<BR>
Yes, that's a long time. Yes, that's a lot of potential change. But the stuff that sticks will be really stuck and closer to tradition than law. We all know how important tradition is!  :)  While we have changed some of the awards and award names from Romanius and Deanna, their good intentions and solid foundations for recognition within the principality remain intact. Recognizing the people, abilities, and aspects of the SCA that often get overlooked was one of the many good intentions which Romanius and Deanna had as they created awards for the new principality. The elemental theme for awards and recognition was one of many solid foundations put in place. In case you need a refresher, the elemental theme is: Art = Water (Blue or Green), Service = Earth/Stone (Black or Brown), and Martial = Fire (Red or Sanguine).<BR>
They created the Silver Fountain and the Wellspring to recognize Art as Service and Performance Art as Service. We like this idea and wanted to expand it to include other aspects of the SCA. But, we had a lot of problems coming up with other ideas to flesh out this range of awards into the three aspects of the SCA (martial, arts, and service). So, we have combined the Wellspring and Silver Fountain into the Fountain of Vindheim and created two new associated awards, the Pillar of Vindheim and the Brazier of Vindheim. All of these awards will be able to be given multiple times to the same recipient. <BR>
The Fountain of Vindheim will recognize those who use their art to support the other two aspects of the SCA - service and martial. Fountains are people who share their art to inspire others or to make others look better. Those who create scrolls, regalia, or insignia. Those who paint or sew banners for processions or campsites or to decorate halls. They can paint shields or craft weapons or targets. To find a Fountain of Vindheim, all you have to do is look around any event at anything that adds to the pageantry or atmosphere that is the SCA.<BR>
The Pillar of Vindheim will recognize those who use their service to support the other two aspects of the SCA - art and martial. Pillars are people who use their skills to enable artists to make art or organizing something so flawlessly it becomes an art. These are the people who are feeding those who are painting pavilions or watering those who are fighting or throwing weapons. They can run lysts, set up pavilions, or marshal tournaments and melees.<BR>
The Brazier of Vindheim will recognize those who use their martial skills to support the other two aspects of the SCA - art and service. Braziers are people who are a joy to watch when they are fighting or doing other martial activities. These people will also be the ones who constantly share their marshal knowledge with others. They are the ones who fall down hundreds of times at demos to excite the crowd and recruit new members of the SCA.<BR>
We believe it will be remarkably easy to find reasons to give out the Fountains of either type. Artists in the SCA are constantly giving of themselves, their art, and their time. Reasons to give out the Pillar are there, but they may take more explanation and looking at a bigger picture rather than a specific item or task. The Brazier has been more difficult to find recipients. It may just be that there are fewer of these. Statistics show that only 1 in 10 attendees at an event are there for marshallate only endeavors. While marshallate activities can be a big draw at demos, it is the other aspects of the SCA which keep people returning.<BR>
This grouping of awards leans towards the arts and service aspects of the SCA. There are solid examples of martial skills being used to benefit artist communities or to serve the principality and SCA, but not as many. However, the next grouping of awards we will unveil at BAM will lean the other direction. It will have many more martial related examples and fewer arts or service examples. But that's okay. We can all have fun in our own ways and support one another as we are able.<BR>
Their Sanguine Highnesses,<BR>
Jean Paul and Gilyan<BR>
====November 23, 2022====
Being a good family isn't about being perfect as much as it is about being able to get through the rough patches together. About being able to forgive each other for mistakes. Really good friends can also feel like your family. #friendshipisvindheim<BR>
====November 26, 2022====
Vindheim Army Awards<BR>
At the most recent melee event in the Barony of Bordermarch, we unveiled three new awards focused around the Vindheim Army. We continued with the three aspects of the SCA theme as well as the color theme that has thus far permeated the Vindheim awards.<BR><BR>
When considering awards for an army, we wanted to make sure that all aspects of the SCA were recognized for the parts they play in the war effort. Statistics show that only 1 in 10 attendees at an event are there for marshallate only endeavors. While marshallate activities can be a big draw at demos, it is the other aspects of the SCA which keep people returning and keep events running smoothly. Non-martial participants at war-type events are often overlooked and unrecognized for their efforts in aiding the war effort.<BR><BR>
The Vindheim Companies are not reserved only to those who fight. Just as infantry and cavalry needed the support of those in logistics, engineering corps, signals, cooks, the War College, and many other non-combat roles, Vindheim's military is enabled and placed in a position to succeed by such. But all are part of the same military, the same army, and on the same side.<BR><BR>
Whether combat, non-combat, or figurative combat (competitions), when citizens of Vindheim go beyond “doing” and step up to “representing” and further to representing well, beyond the borders of Vindheim, then they have stepped beyond the ordinary and normal expectations of what they are doing to perform the extraordinary and special.<BR><BR>
To be clear, anyone can take up the colors and ensigns of Vindheim and fight for, declare allegiance to, and represent the principality. A person does not have to earn recognition in a Company to fight for or represent Vindheim or to be in any mustered army of Vindheim.<BR><BR>
From among Vindheim's citizens who go beyond doing and take on the burden of representing Vindheim well in foreign lands, who increase the recognition or improve upon the reputation of Vindheim, while fighting, competing, teaching, performing or serving, then at the pleasure of the Vindheim Coronets recognitions in these Companies can be extended.<BR><BR>
At its inception, the Vindheim Army will have three companies. There has been talk since BAM of them being described as Special Forces or Expeditionary Forces of the Vindheim Army. Hopefully future Coronets and creative peoples can develop or maturate the names, but for now they will be the Sanguine (blood red) Company for the martial aspect of the army, the Sinople (green) Company for the art aspect of the army, and the Tenne (tawny orange) Company for the service aspect of the army.<BR><BR>
Each company will have different categories for which a member can be awarded or recognized, the same as the structure for Ansteorra's Sable Talon. A person can be a member of the Sanguine Company for any or all of these reasons: Armoured Combat, Rapier Combat, Steel Combat, Combat Archery, Target Archery, Siege, Thrown Weapons, Youth Rapier Combat, and Youth Armoured Combat.<BR><BR>
The Sinople Company was a bit more difficult to define categories, but with the assistance of the Sable Thistles and an excellent data analyst we have the following: Fiber Arts, Culinary Arts, Performance Arts, Household Arts, Metallurgy/Metalwork (Metal Arts?), Research, Tangible Heraldry, and Husbandry.<BR><BR>
The Tenne Company was even more difficult to define categories for since there is no distinction in any of the common award systems. But, here are our current best ideas: Group Management, Event Administration, Infrastructure, General Assistance, and Event Operations.<BR><BR>
Being recognized for any one category in each of the Companies will entitle the recipient the ability to be considered a member of that Company. Similar to a Sable Talon, each person may only be recognized in each category once. A person could be recognized as a member of the Sanguine Company multiple times (for Combat Archery, Siege, Rapier Combat, and Steel Combat) but still be considered a singular member of the company. We have ideas of what could happen if someone was recognized in multiple categories or, even better, in multiple companies. But not everything has to be done today. 🙂<BR><BR>
Which brings us to insignia. The Companies of Vindheim are all about horses. Her Sanguine Highness Gilyan has released the badge she has been holding for the principality efforts for many years to the principality. It is our hope that the red horse and gold star badge will be incorporated into insignia for the Companies. Again, we have more ideas about this but simply ran out of time.<BR><BR>
We are quite pleased and proud of the premier members of each of these Companies. They are all worthy people who deserve recognition for their support of the principality outside of its borders. Some have been often recognized for their efforts and others not nearly enough. We could have easily included many, many more who overwhelmingly deserved recognition. Such is the pride the Coronet of Vindheim has in its populace.<BR><BR>
Their Sanguine Highnesses,<BR>
Prince Jean Paul<BR>
Princess Gilyan<BR>
====December Whispers on the Wind====
Happy Birthday, Vindheim!<BR>
We have made it a whole year. It seems like just yesterday we were all freezing under a metal roof together and feeling the biting cold wind take our breath away. Wait - that happened last week at BAM too! All but the wind - it was still ridiculously cold! Once again, Vindheim was bonding through adversity and having a great time together! <BR>
Months of preparation came into fruition at Bordermarch. From the moment we put on the Coronets in June, we knew that we wanted to make a statement there. And while the cold kept many away, Vindheim’s brave warriors came out in force to represent our Principality, and they did it the ways that they always do: with tireless service, gracious arts, and ferocious combat. At this event, we unveiled three new awards focused around the Vindheim Army. We continued with the three aspects of the SCA theme as well as the color theme that has thus far permeated the Vindheim awards. <BR>
When considering awards for an army, we wanted to make sure that all aspects of the SCA were recognized for the parts they play in the war effort. Statistics show that only 1 in 10 attendees at an event are there for marshallate only endeavors. While marshallate activities can be a big draw at demos, it is the other aspects of the SCA which keep people returning and keep events running smoothly. Non-martial participants at war-type events are often overlooked and unrecognized for their efforts in aiding the war effort.<BR><BR>
The Vindheim Companies are not reserved only to those who fight. Just as infantry and cavalry needed the support of those in logistics, engineering corps, signals, cooks, the War College, and many other non-combat roles, Vindheim’s military is enabled and placed in a position to succeed by such. But all are part of the same military, the same army, and on the same side.<BR>
From among Vindheim’s citizens who go beyond doing and take on the burden of representing Vindheim well in foreign lands, who increase the recognition or improve upon the reputation of Vindheim, while fighting, competing, teaching, performing or serving, then at the pleasure of the Vindheim Coronets recognitions in these Companies can be extended.<BR>
At its inception, the Vindheim Army will have three companies. There has been talk since BAM of them being described as Special Forces or Expeditionary Forces of the Vindheim Army. Hopefully future Coronets and creative peoples can develop or maturate the names, but for now they will be the Sanguine (blood red) Company for the martial aspect of the army, the Sinople (green) Company for the art aspect of the army, and the Tenne (tawny orange) Company for the service aspect of the army. Each company will have different categories for which a member can be awarded or recognized, the same as the structure for Ansteorra's Sable Talon. A person can be a member of the Sanguine Company for any or all of these reasons: Armoured Combat, Rapier Combat, Steel Combat, Combat Archery, Target Archery, Siege, Thrown Weapons, Youth Rapier Combat, and Youth Armoured Combat.<BR>
The Sinople Company was a bit more difficult to define categories, but with the assistance of the Sable Thistles and an excellent data analyst we have the following: Fiber Arts, Culinary Arts, Performance Arts, Household Arts, Metallurgy/Metalwork Metal Arts?), Research, Tangible Heraldry, and Husbandry. <BR>
The Tenne Company was even more difficult to define categories for since there is no distinction in any of the common award systems. But, here are our current best ideas: Group Management, Event Administration, Infrastructure, General Assistance, and Event Operations.<BR>
Being recognized for any one category in each of the companies will entitle the recipient the ability to be considered a member of that company. Similar to a Sable Talon, each person may only be recognized in each category once. A person could be recognized as a member of the Sanguine Company multiple times (for Combat Archery, Siege, Rapier Combat, and Steel Combat) but still be considered a singular member of the company. We have ideas of what could happen if someone was recognized in multiple categories or, even better, in multiple companies. But not everything has to be done today. :)<BR>
In just two weeks, we will have another December Coronet (our third Coronet Tournament overall), and while it might be cold outside, it will not be inside at the event. We are so grateful for the Shire of Brad Leah for hosting this third Coronet tournament, and hope that you come to support the Principality and the Shire of Brad Leah with us. Even if you are not competing in the main tournament, there will be both armored and rapier championships held there. We are super excited to meet our heirs, and see the direction Vindheim goes.<BR>
Jean Paul and Gilyan<BR>
Prince and Princess of Vindheim<BR>
===The Words of the Populace===
===The Words of the Populace===
====Master [[Etienne de Saint Amaranth]], Herald to Their Sanguine Highnesses====
November 14, 2022<BR>
Greetings Vindheim!<BR>
This is a long post.  Because it is long, I'm going to share two things and then there will be details in the explanation/long post below.<BR><BR>
First, during this reign, our Prince and Princess tried several different forms of address.  But they have settled on "Sanguine Highnesses" and will be using that for the rest of their time in these roles.
Second, the chant I have seen called the Vindheim Chant has a short addition in its current form:<BR><BR>
Vind...  Heim...<BR>
Is...  Home...<BR>
Vind...  Heim...<BR>
Is...  Home...<BR>
Vind...  Heim...<BR>
Is...  Home...<BR>
Vindheim is...  Ansteorran!<BR>
Long post/details:<BR>
During the reign of Jean Paul and Gilyan as Prince and Princess, there was an attempt to try some things and to do some normal things a little differently.  The point of this was to give the populace of the principality a chance to stretch and find things (salutes, forms of address, etc.) that might fit the culture of the principality and which might not be discovered or even thought about if we just do things the way they have always been done.<BR><BR>
The hope was that doing such would encourage the populace to test and try and give feedback.  There was always an acceptance that some things would work and some would not and a few might fail spectacularly.  But the benefit of self-discovery was worth the risk of trying.<BR><BR>
On the forms of address, there was certainly feedback.  Romanius and Deanna used "Serene" (and that is a standard that some principalities do use).  But, Jean Paul and Gilyan have at various events and situations been: Illustrious, Munificent, Benevolent, Redoubted, Fierce, Magnanimous and Celestial.  Also suggested were: Outstanding, Clement, Unemcumbered, Carefree, Concise, Inquisitorial, and Blustery (and even more suggestions than I will list here).  This has been fun and brought some smiles, and brought feedback.  Now, Their Highnesses have found a fit for themselves (and we will see whether this sticks for future highnesses), in Sanguine.  Look for a post to come from His Sanguine Highness on why that one worked for them or listen when he shares in court.<BR><BR>
Court closings have a more mixed history so far.  Very early we used the Scottish Gaelic "slàinte mhaith" as we toasted the Prince and Princess and Vindheim.  Then we moved to trying the Anglo-Saxon form where Their Highnesses salute the populace "Waes Hael!" And the populace salutes them back with "Drink Hael!"  And that stuck for our Prince and Princess.  In that one salute and response, they salute the populace (which is not the norm in SCA salutes to date) and the populace salutes them both back in one response.  Their Highnesses have used that at feasts as well as at court closings.  So, when they open a court, they handle final  salutes that way and then switch to the traditional Ansteorran "Vivats" or "Long lives" for the Royal Heirs and Their Majesties and for Ansteorra herself.  In the context of feedback, there has been less about salutes than for the forms of address but that Anglo salute does seem to have struck some chords positively.<BR><BR>
But when we look at things tried and feedback, there is one thing tried where feedback (what little there was) was almost completely positive while there was an apparent rumor mill that had some negatives and which were not being directly shared back to Their Sanguine Highnesses or myself.  After some time, rumors reached me finally that there was some disgruntlement and it took time for a person who actually was unhappy to approach me directly.  That one thing was what has come to be called the "Vindheim Chant".  The chant has been typically used at an end of court.  If waes hael/drink hael salutes both the Prince and Princess, following that with the "Vind... Heim... is... Home!" was a salute to the principality itself (sort of like Vivat Ansteorra).  When someone finally approached me directly to say it bothered them, the source was fairly simple.  The chant came across to them as though to say Vindheim was home and Ansteorra was not home.<BR><BR>
I got to have a long chat with the person who approached me and I think they left in a better understanding and feeling better.  But I still modified the "chant" (as shown above) to help even further.<BR><BR>
For those who don't know, the single greatest concept that the populace of Vindheim put forward about the culture of this area when names were still being studied was centered around home, hearth and hospitality.  While a lot of ideas about identity in these lands were brought forward (including wind), home was core to how northern Ansteorrans saw themselves at the time.  Home was simply that important to the majority of the populace.<BR><BR>
Additionally, the idea that saying Vindheim is home somehow precludes Ansteorra being home is full of misconceptions.  If someone says San Antonio is home, does that mean they are not Texan or not American.  If someone says Oklahoma is home, again, does that mean they are not American.  Home is a little more flexible and a little more inclusive as a concept than to say "if you call Vindheim home, you have to be saying you are not Ansteorran".  You can have a home city, canton, county, barony, state, principality, country and kingdom.  None have to preclude the other as some sole home.<BR><BR>
But, the core of the issue shared with me surrounding the rumor mill dislike of the antiphonal (responsive) chant is fear.  Cantons and provinces don't break off and become their own kingdoms.  Principalities can.  And there lies the crux of the discontent.  Vindheim could be a principality for the next five or the next fifty years and then fold.  Or it could become a kingdom at some point.  And that last possibility causes some people fear.  I would ask, please don't ever leave fear in a dark place where it festers like a wound infected by rumors; bring it out in the light where it can be addressed or where it can effect change.  If you need someone to talk to, come see me.  I am always happy to listen as are Their Sanguine Highnesses.<BR><BR>
So, the chant has an explicit "Vindheim is Ansteorran!" added for now.  Because it can help bring concerns to light and because it is true (lest any doubt or forget).<BR><BR>
Their Sanguine Highnesses and I will be at War of the Rams, out of kingdom at Calontir Crown Tourney, and then at Vindheim's own Coronet tourney.  Feedback remains welcome as it always has been.  And feedback will be shared with the next coronets, who could do something different.<BR>
====His Excellency, Sir [[Vincenti da Murano]], Maestro of the Pelican, CSS====
At the Vindeim Coronet Tourney something really amazing happened. Viscount Jean Paul and Viscountess Gilyan, prior to their step down as Prince and Princess of Vindheim, made me a Bastion of Vindheim!! I didn't post immediately because well I was busy, and it was huge! I mean I know that as far as precedence the award does not carry any, but to me it is one of the most important ones I could ever receive.<BR><BR>
I am humbled that they would select me as their choice for Bastion. I plan to do my best to live up to this honor and to help the Principality of Vindheim to the best of my ability.<BR>
==Reign Notes==
==Reign Notes==
===Tokens and Gifts===
===Tokens and Gifts===
* Their Sanguine Highnesses presented two gift baskets during their Reign:
** Bordermarch Autumn Melees/War of the Rams - gift to King Axel I and Queen Jacquette I of Glean Abhann, with an overarching theme of textile arts: Woven trim by [[Uallach inghean Ui Dhubhshlaine]], Monmouth cap crafted by [[Elsa von Schammach]], woven trim by [[Asha of Mooneschadowe]], woven trim by [[Nicaise Synger]], two lengths of woven trim by [[Angelique de la Fontaine]], two yards of block printed linen by [[Iziaslava Veronikeia Myshkovicha]], jewelry and lampwork strand by [[Zubeydah]], amber jewelry from the estate of [[Catrin ferch Gwillym o Gonway]] donated by Marc de Provence, beeswax candle and lip balms made by the happy bees tended by Wilhelm Meis, and kumihimo braids in heraldic colors by [[Milokhna d'Riga]].
** Calontir Crown Tournament - Jean Paul traveled to witness the battle to become Heirs to the Falcon throne, and brought with him many labors by Vindheim's artisans: a heraldic painted umbrella by [[Yzabeau Brossier]], woven trim by [[Uallach inghean Ui Dhubhshlaine]], lampwork beads made by [[Francesca di Lucca]], two Monmouth caps in counterchanged colors knitted by [[Ashildr inn Harfagri]], silk gift pouches by [[Cicily Bridges]], MANY MANY wire wrapped stone necklaces in individual gift bags by [[Halldora Hrafnsdottir]], amber jewelry from the estate of [[Catrin ferch Gwillym o Gonway]] donated by Marc de Provence, beeswax candle and lip balms made by the happy bees tended by Wilhelm Meis, two leatherworked heraldic crossbody bags by [[Saevarr Mani]] and jewelry and a tote bag by [[Zubeydah]]

Line 57: Line 348:
| style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;; background-color:#efefef;" | Food Preferences:
| style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;; background-color:#efefef;" | Food Preferences:
| JP likes spicy foods and will try anything once. Fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and chicken wings are preferred.  Lemon bars.<BR>
We both agree: guacamole, avocados, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, and melons (not watermelons) are not fit for eating.
| Gilyan has braces so what she can eat is constantly in flux. Generally soft things and no chips.  Savory pies, brownies, roasted vegetables and meats, chocolate - the darker and saltier the better.<BR>
We both agree: guacamole, avocados, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, and melons (not watermelons) are not fit for eating.
| style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;; background-color:#efefef;" | Beverage Preferences:
| style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;; background-color:#efefef;" | Beverage Preferences:
| His drink preferences are Diet Dr. Pepper, Lo Carb Monster, and Original Strongbow
| her drink preferences are Tropical Punch Kool-Aid and Diet Mt Dew.
| style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;; background-color:#efefef;" | Persona:
| style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;; background-color:#efefef;" | Persona:
| Burgundian/Landscknecht, 1490s-1500<BR>
| Anglo-Saxon, 9th-11th century<BR>
| style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;; background-color:#efefef;" | Colors:
| style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;; background-color:#efefef;" | Colors:
Line 73: Line 366:
| style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;; background-color:#efefef;" | Interests:
| style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;; background-color:#efefef;" | Interests:
| Watching combat and Making armor<BR>
Jean Paul is an extrovert and enjoys talking to everybody<BR>
| Anglo-Saxon artwork, metalwork, and embroidery, Horses and dogs<BR>
Early period Cut-and-Thrust / Calontir Steel / Watching combat<BR>
Gilyan is an introvert and prefers small groups and quiet places.
| style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;; background-color:#efefef;" | Other:
| style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;; background-color:#efefef;" | Largess Requests:
|colspan="2"|A lot of people don't have a lot of Vindheim wearables yet. So donations/largess of wearables, accessories, etc., with Vindheim visual motifs would be especially appreciated. We would also ask for decorated cardboard / temporary scroll keepers, or project kits: a container with items necessary to complete a small task or learn a new skill (such as thread-wrapped buttons, fingerloop braiding, Fighter Consumables, small notebooks and pens, Garb first aid, etc.)

===Total Number of Awards Given===
Totals of all Vindheim awards - as of 07-22-2024
{| class="wikitable"
|- style="font-weight:bold; font-size:18px; background-color:#cb0000;"
! Name
! Number
|Golden Comb
|Key of Keys
|Red Bowl
|Sanguine Horse
|Sinople Horse
|Tenne Horse


==Reign Photos & Media==
==Reign Photos & Media==
<gallery caption="Our Coronet" widths="150px">
<gallery caption="Our Coronet" widths="150px">
image:2nd Coronet.jpg|2nd Coronet List - Photo by Gyda
image:Prince JP and Princess Gilyan.jpg|June 18, 2022, Photo by Shelby Wyatt
image:Prince JP and Vanguard at Lillies War - Photo by Alessandra di Piro.jpg|Prince Jean-Paul and his vanguard travel to Calontir to Lillies War.<BR>Photo by Alessandra di Piro (Calontir)
image:2nd Vindheim Coronet at Mooneschadowe Trade Days.jpg|Their Highnesses introduce changes to the [[Golden Comb]] at [[Mooneschadowe]] Trade Days<BR>Photo by [[Zubeydah]]
image:2nd Vindheim Coronet at KAS.jpg|Their Highnesses attend Court at Kingdom Arts and Sciences
image:Coronet 2 Selfie at BAMWOTRFRED.jpg|Arriving safe and sound at [[Bordermarch]] BAMWOTRFRED
image:Calontir Crown Tournament Basket.jpg|Gift basket for Calontir Crown Tournament (please see above for detailed contributor list)
* [https://youtu.be/3Fz8plfjdPk Video of Jean-Paul and Gilyan entering Court] - video by [[Khayra bint Tahir ibn Rashid]]

[[Category:Royal Family]]
[[Category:Royal Family]]

Latest revision as of 14:50, 22 July 2024

2nd Coronet

December 10, 2022.
Photo by Zubeydah
Coronet: Prince Jean Paul de Sens & Princess Gilyan Alienora of Clonmacnoise
Coronet Tournament & Elevation: June 18, 2022 - Vindheim Coronet Tourney II
Stepped Down: December 10, 2022 - Vindheim 3rd Coronet Tourney
Predecessors: Romanius Vesperianus and Deanna della Penna
Heirs: Micauley Morison and Caterina Giovanni

Reign Overview

Royal Whims or Declarations

Staff Members





  • Chivalric Combat: Earl Dafydd Whitacre: The Prince's Tourney was modeled on Northkeep's Drighton tourney: Two 10 minute rounds of a speed tourney. First round was great weapon and second round was fighter's choice. Earl Daffydd won with the most fights and the most wins, and was also the Prince's Choice for Champion.
  • Rapier Combat: Lord Sævarr Máni won the Vindheim Rapier Tourney held at the first ever Vindheim Missile Academy, held on August 27, 2022. The format was Meatgrinder style: the rounds were 20 minutes single sword, a 20 minute rest/hydration break, and then 20 minutes fought with the fighter's choice of weapons.
  • Princess' Blade: It was Her Highness Gilyan's wish to choose a specific champion to represent her personally, and Áshildr inn Hárfagri received that honor at the Vindheim Missile Academy on August 27, 2022.
  • Premier Cut & Thrust: The tournament was held at Skorragarðr's Axeman XVII, and Johann von Aue bested the field to represent Their Highnesses.

Special Recognitions

Bastion: Vincenti da Murano




  • 1-3: OFF
  • 8-10: Coronation - Barony of the Steppes, Richardson, TX
  • 15-17: OFF
  • 22-24: OFF
  • 29-31: OFF


  • 5-7: Steppes Artisan (big maybe), Barony of the Steppes
  • 12-14:
  • 19-21:
  • 26-28: Vindheim Missile Academy, Barony of Wiesenfeuer, Guthrie, OK



  • 8: Kingdom Arts & Sciences
  • OFF
  • OFF
  • 28-29: Eldern Hills Samhain


  • 04: Skorragardr's Axeman
  • 12: Fall Round Table (Virtual event)
  • 17: Bordermarch War of the Rams


  • 03: Calontir Crown Tournament (out of Kingdom)
  • 10: Vindheim Winter Coronet

The Words of the Coronet

June 23, 2022


Prince Jean Paul and I are very excited to be your new Prince and Princess! Thank you for giving us a couple of days to get re-acclimated to being front and center. It's been a few (cough) years of semi-retirement for us, but it was quite joyous to see all the smiling faces in court rather than the backs of heads! As we were sitting in court Saturday evening, the smiling faces brought back many fond memories. It was good for Our souls.

There have been several communications already about the many Deeds of Service and Outstanding Administration that were seen at the Coronet Tournament this past weekend. We would like to add Our sincere gratitude to the list. From the moment we stepped on site we could tell the event was well organized. The generosity of Namron and Vindheim was evident everywhere. The water stations staged around site, the fans, and the trays of fruit and salty snacks were exactly what a summer event in Vindheim needed. We would like to add Our praise to those gentles who bent their backs and shoveled and raked the field to make it more safe for the tournament. Through your efforts, there were no injuries due to the poor footing. Thank you for your unexpected but appreciated assistance.

We both look forward to meeting and speaking with more of the Vindheim populace and listening to your thoughts, suggestions, and opinions on the future of the Principality. If you would prefer to communicate electronically with Us, please do so through the official Prince and Princess emails. We will not have discussions about Principality business on Our personal Facebook profiles. While Viscount Romanius and Viscountess Deanna have done a gargantuan amount of work during their six months in office, there is still more to do. We are ready to take up this burden with the populace's guidance and assistance.

This weekend, I will be traveling south to the Two Artisans, Two Bards event hosted by the Baronies of Eldern Hills and Bonwicke while Prince Jean Paul will be traveling north to visit Our neighbors in Calontir at Lilies War. If you have never been to a Lilies War we highly recommend it. Lilies is like a fun family reunion full of people you wished you were able to see more often. His Highness has often correlated Lilies to eating pizza. He would really like to eat the whole pizza, but half a pizza or even just one piece of pizza is better than no pizza!  :)

Cool breezes and safe travels to you all,
Princess Gilyan
Prince Jean Paul

July Whispers on the Wind

What a month it's been! The support we have received from the populace has been amazing. Thank you all for everything you do for the SCA, Ansteorra, Vindheim, and your local group.

It's scorching hot outside, so now is the time to work on indoor projects while you are thinking ahead to BAM and, even further, Gulf Wars! We are in the process of organizing a Principality wide work day on July 30. It is our intent that all those who are able spend this day working on a project for the principality. Gather with a group of friends, your local group, or work in solitude - whatever makes you most comfortable. Make hoods, coifs, tabards, apron dresses, shield covers, banners, whatever you are able but make them in Vindheim colors and with the Vindheim star. Think of how you want your principality to be seen as it answers the call of Their Stellar Majesties, Creppin and Toryn, to be on the field at BAM or Gulf Wars. The next day, July 31, we will be attending the Regional Fighter Practice in Ark City, KS. If you can join us we would love to stand with you on the field of friendly battle.

Speaking of war - we're going to Bordermarch Autumn Melees (BAM)! We would love to see as many of you there as can manage. Start coordinating rides or tent space, making and freezing food items, and squirreling away gas money. It's historically documented that no one went to war by themself, so find some war buddies!

As you all know, all of the awards for the principality which the Coronet can give out are still in a proposed status. Regardless, if you see someone doing something that you believe should be recognized with any of the existing awards - or even a new one! - please let us know. We cannot be everywhere and see everything, so we rely on our populace to tell us of worthy deeds. Until we are able to have an online form created, please email us directly. We will be posting reminders and descriptions of what the new awards are over the next few weeks.

Until we meet again, be kind and practice franchise.

September 18, 2022

We gathered up all the baked goods that we traded for yesterday, we'll at least the ones we didn't eat yesterday, to try and show everyone how much we enjoyed Trade Days. A picture really doesn't do it justice though. The day started with a giggle as Gael, Jacob, and Zach rode the rails of our truck up the hill and ended with a giggle as I packed the truck full of baked goods and cases of Mountain Dew Spark Zero. As Zubeydah says, my heart is full. My emotional well and spirit have been rejuvenated and filled with happiness and joy. What a wonderful event!

September 20, 2022

At Mooneschadowe Trade Days Saturday we made some updates to two of the principality awards that were created by Romanius and Deanna. Please read on for more details about these changes.

The Order of the Golden Comb. This recognition is for those who are under the age of 18 and participate and serve in the SCA above what is expected of them. To this Order we have given some special responsibilities and the privileges necessary to complete their task. Members of the Order of the Golden Comb shall serve as messengers for the Coronet. As our messengers, the Golden Combs shall have uncommon access to the Coronet. They may enter a court of the Coronet unbidden to respectfully wait to deliver or receive any messages. In order to ease the burden of the Golden Combs with their new responsibilities, we have also proposed insignia for the Order. They may have a messenger style satchel bag in a sanguine color with a golden honeycomb design on the outside flap. Inside this bag should always be a small notepad and writing utensil for messages. Jean Paul also turned his creativity towards writing a scroll text for recipients of this award during our reign.

Upon the great tree Yggdrasil, teeth sharp, wit biting.
From root to crest message carrying.
Bushy tailed Mercury,
Reality renewing balance giver
Rattatoskr's descendants move amongst Vindheim,
Serving to keep it safe, and carrying the messages that bind it together.
So vital a service is given by these persons, that We, Jean Paul and Gilyan, first of that name, heirs to Romanius and Deanna, the Founders, recognize in <Rose of Marata> the spirit of the messenger, and call them forth to join the Order of the Golden Comb.

The Award of the Thunderbolt. Romanius and Deanna created this award as the Crimson Firebolt and it was to be given to those who distinguished or impressed the Coronet with their martial pursuits. We have changed the name to the Award of the Thunderbolt and expanded the possible recipients to include anyone who has distinguished or impressed the Coronet with an example of phenomenal prowess, extraordinary artistry, or remarkable service. Jean Paul also wrote a scroll text for this award during our reign.

The skalds say when our ancestors came to this land, storms and winds, rain and fire beset them. As they learned to dwell in harmony, the fire and lightning became warmth and delight. The joy in the ferocity, the speed, and the power of Odin's spear became a symbol of those who excelled in the moment.
One such person is Lillias MacGuffin, who's actions have caused the notice of the rulers, Jean Paul and Gilyan, first of that name, heirs to Romanius and Deanna, the Founders. For <Lillias'> exceptional nature, they are added to the order of the Thunderbolt, Odin's favorites, and beacons for Vindheims people. Sing their praise, for they are favored on this day.

As always, if you have any recommendations or recipients for these or any other award, please tell us. We are delighted at the opportunity to recognize deserving people. We also continue to welcome your thoughts and opinions on new principality awards or updates to any of the ones that have been announced so far. While we have ideas and plans in motion, it is not too late to change trajectory with logical and researched data.

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at Namron Protectorate! Good things will happen there! (hint, hint)  ;)

Prince Jean Paul
Princess Gilyan
Coronet of Vindheim

October Whispers On The Wind

Sæl, Vindheim! The last two months have been the fire where we temper our strength. We hope that everyone has come through hale and hearty!

The principality-wide work day went fabulous, and it was so wonderful to see all the various groups, the things they made, and spend time with our local groups as well as other groups in the principality. We are especially proud of the 9 Vindheim hoods we made, and plan on making more before we go to BAM. Our thanks also go to Kyrus Logisson for making Vindheim star stamps for each of the groups.

We want to complement the Shire of Theobald College in Calontir and their populace on a wonder fighter practice and potluck. We had a fantastic time, and enjoyed Calontir's hospitality as we typically do. Big thanks to Centurion Set Sette for organizing Vindheims participation, and even wrangling Ansteorrans from the Central region on their way home from a Calontir event.

As we write this, we are preparing for Vindheim's Missile Academy, which has also graciously offered to host the Vindheim Rapier Championship. We look forward to firing and throwing all the things, and know that we will have a great time as we head into the fall season.

While it's still early in the reign, we would like to let all know that we will be running the Coronet Tournament in a style *extremely* similar to the format of our predecessors, and will put out a public announcement soon. We encourage you all to prepare yourself, and hope that as many of you as possible will vie in the Coronet list. We can affirm to you now, it's fun to be the Coronet!

Finally, many of the awards for the principality which the Coronet can give out are getting close to passing the College of Heralds. We look forward to bestowing some of these awards in both provisional and official status here in the near future. If you see someone doing something that you believe should be recognized with any of the existing awards - or even a new one! - please let us know. We cannot be everywhere and see everything, so we rely on our populace to tell us of worthy deeds. Until we are able to have an online form created, please email us directly. We will continue to post descriptions of what the new awards are over the next few weeks.

Until we meet again, be kind and practice franchise.
Their Munificent Highnesses,
Jean Paul and Gilyan
Prince and Princess of Vindheim

October 17, 2022

If you take your time to do things the right way, your work will speak for itself. Friends are always there to help, and they can be counted on no matter what.

October 23, 2022

There are many different kinds of friends, and many ways to express friendship. Some friends like to run and laugh and play together. But others just like to be left alone, and that's fine too. But the best thing about friendship is being able to make your friends smile.

October 30, 2022

Sometimes it can be hard for a shy person to stand up for themselves. When they first try it, they may not like the person they become. But standing up for yourself isn't the same as changing who you are. Learn how to draw boundaries without being unpleasant or mean.

November 2, 2022

Sometimes you can feel like what you have to offer is too little to make a difference, but everyone's contributions are important, no matter how small. If you just keep your head high, do your best and believe in yourself, anything can happen.

November 6, 2022

Learning to trust your instincts is a valuable lesson to learn.

November 9, 2022

Just because we don't always need your help, it doesn't mean that we don't think you're helpful. You don't have to have superpowers to be a super friend.

November Whispers On the Wind

Hello Vindheim! It's been a raucous couple of months - there's an event every weekend! We are delighted to get to travel across this Principality to see its populace and enjoy their company. A lot has been happening *at* these events, and just as much is happening in between these events to keep the Principality working smoothly and growing. We would like to thank the first Principality Seneschal, Rebekah Aleyn, for her service and welcome the new Principality Seneschal, Villana Palazolo. Thank you both for your willingness to spend your time not at events to help and serve the principality.

We wanted to provide you with some of the ideas behind the honorific we have used most commonly during our tenure, Sanguine. This honorific is His Highness's favorite because of the multitude of ways in which it reflects Vindheim. Sanguine means "hopeful," and we are hopeful for the future of Vindheim and Ansteorra. Sanguine also can evoke a red color, which is evocative of both our heraldry, and the red clay so common in these lands. And finally, Sanguine can mean “bloody”, which is a warning to Ansteorra's enemies. Vindheim stands at the front of the Ansteorran Army of Heroes, and is ready to defend our kingdom.

In the hopeful vein, we would like to announce the creation of two new principality awards and some updates to others. These new awards were first bestowed at Eldern Hills' Samhain event - be sure to check the Ansteorran OP for a full listing of the well-deserving recipients!

Recognizing the people, abilities, and aspects of the SCA that often get overlooked was one of the many good intentions which Romanius and Deanna had as they created awards for the new principality. They created the Silver Fountain and the Wellspring to recognize Art as Service and Performance Art as Service. We like this idea and wanted to expand it to include other aspects of the SCA. But, we had a lot of problems coming up with other ideas to flesh out this range of awards into the three aspects of the SCA (martial, arts, and service). So, we are going to combine the Wellspring and Silver Fountain into the Fountain of Vindheim and create two new associated awards, the Pillar of Vindheim and the Brazier of Vindheim. All of these awards will be able to be given multiple times to the same recipient. This grouping continues the elemental award themes from Romanius and Deanna of Art = Water (Blue or Green), Service = Earth/Stone (Black or Brown), and Martial = Fire (Red or Sanguine).

The Fountain of Vindheim will recognize those who use their art to support the other two aspects of the SCA - service and martial. Fountains are people who share their art to inspire others or to make others look better. Those who create scrolls, regalia, or insignia. Those who paint or sew banners for processions or campsites or to decorate halls. They can paint shields or craft weapons or targets. To find a Fountain of Vindheim, all you have to do is look around any event at anything that adds to the pageantry or atmosphere that is the SCA.

The Pillar of Vindheim will recognize those who use their service to support the other two aspects of the SCA - art and martial. Pillars are people who use their skills to enable artists to make art or organizing something so flawlessly it becomes an art. These are the people who are feeding those who are painting pavilions or watering those who are fighting or throwing weapons. They can run lysts, set up pavilions, or marshal tournaments and melees.

The Brazier of Vindheim will recognize those who use their martial skills to support the other two aspects of the SCA - art and service. Braziers are people who are a joy to watch when they are fighting or doing other martial activities. These people will also be the ones who constantly share their marshal knowledge with others. They are the ones who fall down hundreds of times at demos to excite the crowd and recruit new members of the SCA.

We believe it will be remarkably easy to find reasons to give out the Fountains of either type. Artists in the SCA are constantly giving of themselves, their art, and their time. Reasons to give out the Pillar are there, but they may take more explanation and looking at a bigger picture rather than a specific item or task. The Brazier has been more difficult to find recipients. It may just be that there are fewer of these. Statistics show that only 1 in 10 attendees at an event are there for marshallate only endeavors. While marshallate activities can be a big draw at demos, it is the other aspects of the SCA which keep people returning.

This grouping of awards leans towards the arts and service aspects of the SCA. There are solid examples of martial skills being used to benefit artist communities or to serve the principality and SCA, but not as many. However, the next grouping of awards we will unveil at BAM will lean the other direction. It will have many more martial related examples and fewer arts or service examples. But that's okay. We can all have fun in our own ways and support one another as we are able.

Their Sanguine Highnesses,
Jean Paul and Gilyan

November 14, 2022

Greetings, Vindheim! We hope you have all had a chance to look through the wonderful newsletter that has recently been published. If not - go take a look! We'll wait...

... <pets the dogs> ...

... It was beautiful, wasn't it?! We love having full page color in the newsletters. And we love having the ability to write as much as we want - because there is so much information we want to share with all of you! As our herald Etienne has mentioned several times over the past few courts, Vindheim is a new principality that is still in the process of learning who we are and how we want to present ourselves to the Known World. We have tried many new things, some of which have not gone so great and some of which have started to resonate. The honorific 'sanguine' has stuck with us. (And isn't it convenient that the College of Heralds are accepting it as a heraldic tincture now!!?!)

We wanted to provide you with some of the ideas behind the honorific we have used most recently during our tenure, Sanguine. This honorific is our favorite because of the multitude of ways in which it reflects Vindheim. Sanguine means "hopeful," and we are hopeful for the future of Vindheim and Ansteorra. Sanguine also can evoke a red color, which is evocative of both our heraldry, and the red clay so common in these lands. And finally, Sanguine can mean "bloody", which is a warning to Ansteorra's enemies. Vindheim stands at the front of the Ansteorran Army of Heroes, and is ready to defend our kingdom.

In the hopeful vein, we would like to announce the creation of two new principality awards and some updates to others. These new awards were first bestowed at Eldern Hills' Samhain event and again at Skoragarrdr's Axeman. As always, be sure to check the Ansteorran OP for a full listing of the well-deserving recipients! But also keep a techno-eye on the email list and Facebook group for listings and pictures of the scrolls!

Pack all your warm things and travel safely to Autumn Melees in Bordermarch! If you are staying home, keep the fires lit until all of our travelers are safely home and warm again.

With friendship for all,
Prince Jean Paul and Princess Gilyan
2nd Coronet of Vindheim

November 13, 2022

You shouldn't let anyone pressure you into doing something you don't think is right. Sometimes you have to tell even your closest friends "no". #friendshipisvindheim

November 17, 2022

While there are people who will take advantage of your generosity, you should never, ever let that cause you to abandon your generous spirit. Nothing feels worse than taking advantage of the giving nature of your friends. #friendshipisvindheim

November 17, 2022

We are sure many of you have seen or heard about the recent Letter of Acceptances and Returns (LoAR) by the Laurel Sovereign of Arms which included the first batch of awards submitted by the Principality. There have been so many people and so much time spent on brainstorming, discussing, researching, and submitting awards for the principality - it would be impossible to recount the names or summarize the time. Let's just stick with it's been a ginormous effort and will continue to be a gargantuan task for a couple more years.

No matter how much time is put into awards, there are no guarantees all of the submitted ideas will be accepted by Society nor by future Coronets or, even more importantly, the populace of the principality. Awards and recognition are important to everyone (justifiably so) and emotions can be frayed when something you have put time and effort into gets returned or changed. As we have mentioned many times over the past few months, the principality is still growing, learning, and becoming. The process of awards and recognition is no different. Some things will change and some things will stay the way they are. We can all still be friends.

One of the difficulties in the award process is the lengthy amount of time the process takes. This is not to say that any one person or position is holding up the process - that is absolutely not the case. Just as there is a requirement for how long an office can be open for applications, there is a requirement for how long heraldic items can be reviewed and commented on. Anything that is submitted to the College of Arms for approval and registration could take six to nine months to go through the process. The Ansteorra College of Heralds is supporting and facilitating the process by allowing the principality submissions to skip the kingdom-level discussion and commentary phase. This has cut a month or two off of the timeline, of which we all should be (and are!) extremely grateful! By the end of the typical process, the idea or implementation of the award or recognition could have changed due to many different factors. We would recommend to not get too attached to anything until it has been accepted by the College of Arms *and* has subsequently gone through two coronet reigns.

Yes, that's a long time. Yes, that's a lot of potential change. But the stuff that sticks will be really stuck and closer to tradition than law. We all know how important tradition is!  :) While we have changed some of the awards and award names from Romanius and Deanna, their good intentions and solid foundations for recognition within the principality remain intact. Recognizing the people, abilities, and aspects of the SCA that often get overlooked was one of the many good intentions which Romanius and Deanna had as they created awards for the new principality. The elemental theme for awards and recognition was one of many solid foundations put in place. In case you need a refresher, the elemental theme is: Art = Water (Blue or Green), Service = Earth/Stone (Black or Brown), and Martial = Fire (Red or Sanguine).

They created the Silver Fountain and the Wellspring to recognize Art as Service and Performance Art as Service. We like this idea and wanted to expand it to include other aspects of the SCA. But, we had a lot of problems coming up with other ideas to flesh out this range of awards into the three aspects of the SCA (martial, arts, and service). So, we have combined the Wellspring and Silver Fountain into the Fountain of Vindheim and created two new associated awards, the Pillar of Vindheim and the Brazier of Vindheim. All of these awards will be able to be given multiple times to the same recipient.

The Fountain of Vindheim will recognize those who use their art to support the other two aspects of the SCA - service and martial. Fountains are people who share their art to inspire others or to make others look better. Those who create scrolls, regalia, or insignia. Those who paint or sew banners for processions or campsites or to decorate halls. They can paint shields or craft weapons or targets. To find a Fountain of Vindheim, all you have to do is look around any event at anything that adds to the pageantry or atmosphere that is the SCA.

The Pillar of Vindheim will recognize those who use their service to support the other two aspects of the SCA - art and martial. Pillars are people who use their skills to enable artists to make art or organizing something so flawlessly it becomes an art. These are the people who are feeding those who are painting pavilions or watering those who are fighting or throwing weapons. They can run lysts, set up pavilions, or marshal tournaments and melees.

The Brazier of Vindheim will recognize those who use their martial skills to support the other two aspects of the SCA - art and service. Braziers are people who are a joy to watch when they are fighting or doing other martial activities. These people will also be the ones who constantly share their marshal knowledge with others. They are the ones who fall down hundreds of times at demos to excite the crowd and recruit new members of the SCA.

We believe it will be remarkably easy to find reasons to give out the Fountains of either type. Artists in the SCA are constantly giving of themselves, their art, and their time. Reasons to give out the Pillar are there, but they may take more explanation and looking at a bigger picture rather than a specific item or task. The Brazier has been more difficult to find recipients. It may just be that there are fewer of these. Statistics show that only 1 in 10 attendees at an event are there for marshallate only endeavors. While marshallate activities can be a big draw at demos, it is the other aspects of the SCA which keep people returning.

This grouping of awards leans towards the arts and service aspects of the SCA. There are solid examples of martial skills being used to benefit artist communities or to serve the principality and SCA, but not as many. However, the next grouping of awards we will unveil at BAM will lean the other direction. It will have many more martial related examples and fewer arts or service examples. But that's okay. We can all have fun in our own ways and support one another as we are able.

Their Sanguine Highnesses,
Jean Paul and Gilyan

November 23, 2022

Being a good family isn't about being perfect as much as it is about being able to get through the rough patches together. About being able to forgive each other for mistakes. Really good friends can also feel like your family. #friendshipisvindheim

November 26, 2022

Vindheim Army Awards
At the most recent melee event in the Barony of Bordermarch, we unveiled three new awards focused around the Vindheim Army. We continued with the three aspects of the SCA theme as well as the color theme that has thus far permeated the Vindheim awards.

When considering awards for an army, we wanted to make sure that all aspects of the SCA were recognized for the parts they play in the war effort. Statistics show that only 1 in 10 attendees at an event are there for marshallate only endeavors. While marshallate activities can be a big draw at demos, it is the other aspects of the SCA which keep people returning and keep events running smoothly. Non-martial participants at war-type events are often overlooked and unrecognized for their efforts in aiding the war effort.

The Vindheim Companies are not reserved only to those who fight. Just as infantry and cavalry needed the support of those in logistics, engineering corps, signals, cooks, the War College, and many other non-combat roles, Vindheim's military is enabled and placed in a position to succeed by such. But all are part of the same military, the same army, and on the same side.

Whether combat, non-combat, or figurative combat (competitions), when citizens of Vindheim go beyond “doing” and step up to “representing” and further to representing well, beyond the borders of Vindheim, then they have stepped beyond the ordinary and normal expectations of what they are doing to perform the extraordinary and special.

To be clear, anyone can take up the colors and ensigns of Vindheim and fight for, declare allegiance to, and represent the principality. A person does not have to earn recognition in a Company to fight for or represent Vindheim or to be in any mustered army of Vindheim.

From among Vindheim's citizens who go beyond doing and take on the burden of representing Vindheim well in foreign lands, who increase the recognition or improve upon the reputation of Vindheim, while fighting, competing, teaching, performing or serving, then at the pleasure of the Vindheim Coronets recognitions in these Companies can be extended.

At its inception, the Vindheim Army will have three companies. There has been talk since BAM of them being described as Special Forces or Expeditionary Forces of the Vindheim Army. Hopefully future Coronets and creative peoples can develop or maturate the names, but for now they will be the Sanguine (blood red) Company for the martial aspect of the army, the Sinople (green) Company for the art aspect of the army, and the Tenne (tawny orange) Company for the service aspect of the army.

Each company will have different categories for which a member can be awarded or recognized, the same as the structure for Ansteorra's Sable Talon. A person can be a member of the Sanguine Company for any or all of these reasons: Armoured Combat, Rapier Combat, Steel Combat, Combat Archery, Target Archery, Siege, Thrown Weapons, Youth Rapier Combat, and Youth Armoured Combat.

The Sinople Company was a bit more difficult to define categories, but with the assistance of the Sable Thistles and an excellent data analyst we have the following: Fiber Arts, Culinary Arts, Performance Arts, Household Arts, Metallurgy/Metalwork (Metal Arts?), Research, Tangible Heraldry, and Husbandry.

The Tenne Company was even more difficult to define categories for since there is no distinction in any of the common award systems. But, here are our current best ideas: Group Management, Event Administration, Infrastructure, General Assistance, and Event Operations.

Being recognized for any one category in each of the Companies will entitle the recipient the ability to be considered a member of that Company. Similar to a Sable Talon, each person may only be recognized in each category once. A person could be recognized as a member of the Sanguine Company multiple times (for Combat Archery, Siege, Rapier Combat, and Steel Combat) but still be considered a singular member of the company. We have ideas of what could happen if someone was recognized in multiple categories or, even better, in multiple companies. But not everything has to be done today. 🙂

Which brings us to insignia. The Companies of Vindheim are all about horses. Her Sanguine Highness Gilyan has released the badge she has been holding for the principality efforts for many years to the principality. It is our hope that the red horse and gold star badge will be incorporated into insignia for the Companies. Again, we have more ideas about this but simply ran out of time.

We are quite pleased and proud of the premier members of each of these Companies. They are all worthy people who deserve recognition for their support of the principality outside of its borders. Some have been often recognized for their efforts and others not nearly enough. We could have easily included many, many more who overwhelmingly deserved recognition. Such is the pride the Coronet of Vindheim has in its populace.

Their Sanguine Highnesses,
Prince Jean Paul
Princess Gilyan

December Whispers on the Wind

Happy Birthday, Vindheim!
We have made it a whole year. It seems like just yesterday we were all freezing under a metal roof together and feeling the biting cold wind take our breath away. Wait - that happened last week at BAM too! All but the wind - it was still ridiculously cold! Once again, Vindheim was bonding through adversity and having a great time together!

Months of preparation came into fruition at Bordermarch. From the moment we put on the Coronets in June, we knew that we wanted to make a statement there. And while the cold kept many away, Vindheim’s brave warriors came out in force to represent our Principality, and they did it the ways that they always do: with tireless service, gracious arts, and ferocious combat. At this event, we unveiled three new awards focused around the Vindheim Army. We continued with the three aspects of the SCA theme as well as the color theme that has thus far permeated the Vindheim awards.

When considering awards for an army, we wanted to make sure that all aspects of the SCA were recognized for the parts they play in the war effort. Statistics show that only 1 in 10 attendees at an event are there for marshallate only endeavors. While marshallate activities can be a big draw at demos, it is the other aspects of the SCA which keep people returning and keep events running smoothly. Non-martial participants at war-type events are often overlooked and unrecognized for their efforts in aiding the war effort.

The Vindheim Companies are not reserved only to those who fight. Just as infantry and cavalry needed the support of those in logistics, engineering corps, signals, cooks, the War College, and many other non-combat roles, Vindheim’s military is enabled and placed in a position to succeed by such. But all are part of the same military, the same army, and on the same side.

From among Vindheim’s citizens who go beyond doing and take on the burden of representing Vindheim well in foreign lands, who increase the recognition or improve upon the reputation of Vindheim, while fighting, competing, teaching, performing or serving, then at the pleasure of the Vindheim Coronets recognitions in these Companies can be extended.

At its inception, the Vindheim Army will have three companies. There has been talk since BAM of them being described as Special Forces or Expeditionary Forces of the Vindheim Army. Hopefully future Coronets and creative peoples can develop or maturate the names, but for now they will be the Sanguine (blood red) Company for the martial aspect of the army, the Sinople (green) Company for the art aspect of the army, and the Tenne (tawny orange) Company for the service aspect of the army. Each company will have different categories for which a member can be awarded or recognized, the same as the structure for Ansteorra's Sable Talon. A person can be a member of the Sanguine Company for any or all of these reasons: Armoured Combat, Rapier Combat, Steel Combat, Combat Archery, Target Archery, Siege, Thrown Weapons, Youth Rapier Combat, and Youth Armoured Combat.

The Sinople Company was a bit more difficult to define categories, but with the assistance of the Sable Thistles and an excellent data analyst we have the following: Fiber Arts, Culinary Arts, Performance Arts, Household Arts, Metallurgy/Metalwork Metal Arts?), Research, Tangible Heraldry, and Husbandry.

The Tenne Company was even more difficult to define categories for since there is no distinction in any of the common award systems. But, here are our current best ideas: Group Management, Event Administration, Infrastructure, General Assistance, and Event Operations.

Being recognized for any one category in each of the companies will entitle the recipient the ability to be considered a member of that company. Similar to a Sable Talon, each person may only be recognized in each category once. A person could be recognized as a member of the Sanguine Company multiple times (for Combat Archery, Siege, Rapier Combat, and Steel Combat) but still be considered a singular member of the company. We have ideas of what could happen if someone was recognized in multiple categories or, even better, in multiple companies. But not everything has to be done today. :)

In just two weeks, we will have another December Coronet (our third Coronet Tournament overall), and while it might be cold outside, it will not be inside at the event. We are so grateful for the Shire of Brad Leah for hosting this third Coronet tournament, and hope that you come to support the Principality and the Shire of Brad Leah with us. Even if you are not competing in the main tournament, there will be both armored and rapier championships held there. We are super excited to meet our heirs, and see the direction Vindheim goes.

Jean Paul and Gilyan
Prince and Princess of Vindheim

The Words of the Populace

Master Etienne de Saint Amaranth, Herald to Their Sanguine Highnesses

November 14, 2022
Greetings Vindheim!
This is a long post. Because it is long, I'm going to share two things and then there will be details in the explanation/long post below.

First, during this reign, our Prince and Princess tried several different forms of address. But they have settled on "Sanguine Highnesses" and will be using that for the rest of their time in these roles. Second, the chant I have seen called the Vindheim Chant has a short addition in its current form:

Vind... Heim...
Is... Home...
Vind... Heim...
Is... Home...
Vind... Heim...
Is... Home...
Vindheim is... Ansteorran!

Long post/details:
During the reign of Jean Paul and Gilyan as Prince and Princess, there was an attempt to try some things and to do some normal things a little differently. The point of this was to give the populace of the principality a chance to stretch and find things (salutes, forms of address, etc.) that might fit the culture of the principality and which might not be discovered or even thought about if we just do things the way they have always been done.

The hope was that doing such would encourage the populace to test and try and give feedback. There was always an acceptance that some things would work and some would not and a few might fail spectacularly. But the benefit of self-discovery was worth the risk of trying.

On the forms of address, there was certainly feedback. Romanius and Deanna used "Serene" (and that is a standard that some principalities do use). But, Jean Paul and Gilyan have at various events and situations been: Illustrious, Munificent, Benevolent, Redoubted, Fierce, Magnanimous and Celestial. Also suggested were: Outstanding, Clement, Unemcumbered, Carefree, Concise, Inquisitorial, and Blustery (and even more suggestions than I will list here). This has been fun and brought some smiles, and brought feedback. Now, Their Highnesses have found a fit for themselves (and we will see whether this sticks for future highnesses), in Sanguine. Look for a post to come from His Sanguine Highness on why that one worked for them or listen when he shares in court.

Court closings have a more mixed history so far. Very early we used the Scottish Gaelic "slàinte mhaith" as we toasted the Prince and Princess and Vindheim. Then we moved to trying the Anglo-Saxon form where Their Highnesses salute the populace "Waes Hael!" And the populace salutes them back with "Drink Hael!" And that stuck for our Prince and Princess. In that one salute and response, they salute the populace (which is not the norm in SCA salutes to date) and the populace salutes them both back in one response. Their Highnesses have used that at feasts as well as at court closings. So, when they open a court, they handle final salutes that way and then switch to the traditional Ansteorran "Vivats" or "Long lives" for the Royal Heirs and Their Majesties and for Ansteorra herself. In the context of feedback, there has been less about salutes than for the forms of address but that Anglo salute does seem to have struck some chords positively.

But when we look at things tried and feedback, there is one thing tried where feedback (what little there was) was almost completely positive while there was an apparent rumor mill that had some negatives and which were not being directly shared back to Their Sanguine Highnesses or myself. After some time, rumors reached me finally that there was some disgruntlement and it took time for a person who actually was unhappy to approach me directly. That one thing was what has come to be called the "Vindheim Chant". The chant has been typically used at an end of court. If waes hael/drink hael salutes both the Prince and Princess, following that with the "Vind... Heim... is... Home!" was a salute to the principality itself (sort of like Vivat Ansteorra). When someone finally approached me directly to say it bothered them, the source was fairly simple. The chant came across to them as though to say Vindheim was home and Ansteorra was not home.

I got to have a long chat with the person who approached me and I think they left in a better understanding and feeling better. But I still modified the "chant" (as shown above) to help even further.

For those who don't know, the single greatest concept that the populace of Vindheim put forward about the culture of this area when names were still being studied was centered around home, hearth and hospitality. While a lot of ideas about identity in these lands were brought forward (including wind), home was core to how northern Ansteorrans saw themselves at the time. Home was simply that important to the majority of the populace.

Additionally, the idea that saying Vindheim is home somehow precludes Ansteorra being home is full of misconceptions. If someone says San Antonio is home, does that mean they are not Texan or not American. If someone says Oklahoma is home, again, does that mean they are not American. Home is a little more flexible and a little more inclusive as a concept than to say "if you call Vindheim home, you have to be saying you are not Ansteorran". You can have a home city, canton, county, barony, state, principality, country and kingdom. None have to preclude the other as some sole home.

But, the core of the issue shared with me surrounding the rumor mill dislike of the antiphonal (responsive) chant is fear. Cantons and provinces don't break off and become their own kingdoms. Principalities can. And there lies the crux of the discontent. Vindheim could be a principality for the next five or the next fifty years and then fold. Or it could become a kingdom at some point. And that last possibility causes some people fear. I would ask, please don't ever leave fear in a dark place where it festers like a wound infected by rumors; bring it out in the light where it can be addressed or where it can effect change. If you need someone to talk to, come see me. I am always happy to listen as are Their Sanguine Highnesses.

So, the chant has an explicit "Vindheim is Ansteorran!" added for now. Because it can help bring concerns to light and because it is true (lest any doubt or forget).

Their Sanguine Highnesses and I will be at War of the Rams, out of kingdom at Calontir Crown Tourney, and then at Vindheim's own Coronet tourney. Feedback remains welcome as it always has been. And feedback will be shared with the next coronets, who could do something different.

His Excellency, Sir Vincenti da Murano, Maestro of the Pelican, CSS

At the Vindeim Coronet Tourney something really amazing happened. Viscount Jean Paul and Viscountess Gilyan, prior to their step down as Prince and Princess of Vindheim, made me a Bastion of Vindheim!! I didn't post immediately because well I was busy, and it was huge! I mean I know that as far as precedence the award does not carry any, but to me it is one of the most important ones I could ever receive.

I am humbled that they would select me as their choice for Bastion. I plan to do my best to live up to this honor and to help the Principality of Vindheim to the best of my ability.

Reign Notes


Tokens and Gifts

Royal Preferences

Preference His Serene Highness Her Serene Highness
Food Preferences: JP likes spicy foods and will try anything once. Fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and chicken wings are preferred. Lemon bars.

We both agree: guacamole, avocados, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, and melons (not watermelons) are not fit for eating.

Gilyan has braces so what she can eat is constantly in flux. Generally soft things and no chips. Savory pies, brownies, roasted vegetables and meats, chocolate - the darker and saltier the better.

We both agree: guacamole, avocados, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, and melons (not watermelons) are not fit for eating.

Beverage Preferences: His drink preferences are Diet Dr. Pepper, Lo Carb Monster, and Original Strongbow her drink preferences are Tropical Punch Kool-Aid and Diet Mt Dew.
Persona: Burgundian/Landscknecht, 1490s-1500
Anglo-Saxon, 9th-11th century
Interests: Watching combat and Making armor

Jean Paul is an extrovert and enjoys talking to everybody

Anglo-Saxon artwork, metalwork, and embroidery, Horses and dogs

Early period Cut-and-Thrust / Calontir Steel / Watching combat
Gilyan is an introvert and prefers small groups and quiet places.

Largess Requests: A lot of people don't have a lot of Vindheim wearables yet. So donations/largess of wearables, accessories, etc., with Vindheim visual motifs would be especially appreciated. We would also ask for decorated cardboard / temporary scroll keepers, or project kits: a container with items necessary to complete a small task or learn a new skill (such as thread-wrapped buttons, fingerloop braiding, Fighter Consumables, small notebooks and pens, Garb first aid, etc.)

Total Number of Awards Given

Totals of all Vindheim awards - as of 07-22-2024

Name Number
Bastion 1
Brazier 3
Dove 1
Fountain 11
Golden Comb 3
Key of Keys 7
Key 10
Pillar 3
Red Bowl 2
Sanguine Horse 4
Sinople Horse 4
Tenne Horse 4
Thunderbolt 2


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