83rd Crown: Difference between revisions

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* 2/06/21 Bryn Gwlad Candlemas & Kingdom Court
* 2/06/21 Bryn Gwlad Candlemas & Kingdom Court
* 3/13/21 Kingdom Court
* 3/13/21 Kingdom Court
* 04/17/21: Kingdom Court in conjunction with Wiesenfeuer Baronial Court
* 05/01/21: Kingdom Court at Namron Beltane

Revision as of 10:42, 29 April 2021

83rd Crown

Sovereign: His Royal Majesty, King Jason Drysdale III
Consort: Her Royal Majesty, Margherita de Mantua III
Crown Tournament: January 11, 2020, at Loch Soilleir
Coronation: May 9th, 2020: Court Ethereal
Stepped Down:
Predecessors: Sven Randullsson & Cristyana Lambrecht

Reign Overview

Royal Whims or Declarations

  • 05/16/20: "Master Pieter Rausch is banished for the duration of our reign." (Note: This Banishment was lifted on 06/20/20 after a published apology from Master Pieter, and he was invited to swear fealty with the other members of the Order of the White Scarf during court that day.)
  • 06/06/20: "At this time, in consulting with the Society Seneschal and our Kingdom Seneschal, We, the Crown of Ansteorra do hearby issue a Temporary Removal from Participation from the Society of Creative Anachronism to Wolfgang von Sancshenhausen, known as John Keller mundanely. This ruling precludes this individual from attendance or participation in any manner at any SCA activity, event, practice, or official gathering for any reason, at any time. This includes a ban on participation in officially recognized SCA social media sites, officially recognized SCA email lists, and officially recognized SCA webpages."
  • 06/20/20: "At this time, in consulting with the Society Seneschal and our Kingdom Seneschal, We, the Crown of Ansteorra do hereby issue an order of Exile from the Realm for Galen of Bristol, known as Paul Mitchell mundanely. This ruling precludes this individual from attendance or participation in any manner at any SCA activity within the Kingdom of Ansteorra whether it be an event, practice, or official gathering, for any reason, at any time for the duration of the current Reign. This includes a ban on participation in officially recognized Kingdom social media sites, officially recognized Kingdom email lists, and officially recognized Kingdom webpages."
  • 06/20/2020: "At this time, We, the Crown of Ansteorra, do hereby issue an order of Exile from the Realm to Lohan, known as Wayne Stevens mundanely. This ruling precludes this individual from attendance or participation in any manner at any activity, event, practice, or official gathering within the Kingdom of Ansteorra for any reason, at any time. This includes a ban on participation in officially recognized Kingdom social media sites, officially recognized Kingdom email lists, and officially recognized Kingdom webpages."
  • The following was read into law at Their Majesty Ansteorra's Court October 3, 2020 and is now in effect: "At this time, in consulting with the Society Seneschal, We, the Crown of Ansteorra do hereby issue a Temporary Removal from Participation from the Society of Creative Anachronism to Lohan, known as Wayne Stevens mundanely. This ruling precludes this individual from attendance or participation in any manner at any SCA activity, event, practice, or official gathering for any reason, at any time. This includes a ban on participation in all officially recognized SCA social media sites, officially recognized SCA email lists, and officially recognized SCA webpages."
  • "On November 10, 20202, Jason III and Margherita II, the Crown of Ansteorra, have issued a Temporary Removal from Participation from the SCA against lee R. Cockerham, Jr., known in the Society as Arenvald Kief av Kiersted. This sanction is effective immediate and applies to all lists, including Facebook groups, and events, including virtual events. In accordance with the Sanctions Guide, this will remain in effect until the Board of Directors reviews the matter and issues a decision."

Staff Members

Head of Entourage: Sir Vincenti da Murano
Royal Herald: Lord Robin Carrot
Sable Scroll: HE Shanna Camber, Master Cassius Domitius Lepus
Largess Coordinator: Lady Sam Bramall Davenport, Deputy Baronewa Uliana Haiduk
Royal Gift Coordinator: Baroness Caterina Giovanni di Gilead, Deputy Baroness Muirenn Inghen Cheithemaig



  • Bard:
  • Middle Eastern Dance Champion:
  • Kingdom Artisan:


  • Kings Champion: [[ ]]
  • Kings Blade of Chivalry: [[ ]]
  • Guardian of the Kings Dream: [[]]
  • Queens Champion: [[]]
  • Queens Blade of Honor: [[]]
  • Guardian of the Queens Hope: Senior: [[]], Junior: [[]]
  • Royal Lancer:
  • Royal Huntsman: [[]]
  • Royal Blade: [[]]

Peers Elevated

Name Date Peerage
[[ ]] (Date) Peerage ([ OP])
[[ ]] (Date) Peerage ([ OP])
[[ ]] (Date) Peerage ([ OP])
[[ ]] (Date) Peerage ([ OP])
[[ ]] (Date) Peerage ([ OP])

Special Recognitions


[[ ]]

Gauntlets & Gloves

King's Gauntlet

  • [[ ]]
  • [[ ]]

Queen's Gloves

  • [[ ]]
  • [[ ]]
  • [[ ]]
  • [[ ]]

Progress While Prince & Princess

  • Roundtable - (Date) - Location
  • Her Highness - Winter Kingdom
  • His Highness - Sable Soldier
  • Gulf Wars - March - Cancelled.
  • Her Majesty - Namron Virtual Beltane
  • Coronation

Progress While Crown


As Prince & Princess

January 13, 2020

Greetings Ansteorra! We had a fantastic time this weekend at Crown Tournament, getting to see so many of our friends and family. We are very excited to be the new Prince and Princess of this Great Kingdom and want to thank all the fighters for their skill and the honor they showed throughout the day, the consort for their inspiration, the support we received from so many people, and the autocrats for all their hard work. We look forward to working with the Crown and serving this awesome Kingdom. YIS, Jason & Margherita III, Prince & Princess Ansteorra.

February 2, 2020

Greetings Ansteorra! Here is the format for the King’s Champion Tourney. All fighters are encouraged to attend and fight. This is a great opportunity to test your skill against a wide range of combatants.
The Format will be:
Bring your best.
1 hour round robin.
Fighters will be lined up in 2 equal lines facing each other.
You will fight single point against the person across from you.
The person on the end of A will then go to Side B
The person on the opposite end of Side B will go to Side A
The net effect of this will be that the person that is rotating to the other side will now fight the person that was standing to their Left. This creates a circular motion for the fighters.

This process will continue for a full hour. If anyone needs to take a break they can but the fighting will continue.

Those fighters that do not wish to compete for the King’s Champion Title will just notify the Lyst mistress. All Knights are encouraged to attend the Lyst and fight if able. The Tourney will be over prior to Step Down Court. This will allow everyone to participate in the day’s activities.

March 2020 Black Star

Greetings Ansteorra! We are so excited and quite surprised by the opportunity to serve the Kingdom once again. We will be working with Their Royal Majesties during the next couple of months to help them in any way we can while we prepare for the future of Ansteorra. We are so proud of Ansteorra, the officers, and the people of this great Kingdom. And it humbles us to be able to be a part of this Dream and Adventure with each of you. We have so many friends across the Kingdom and look forward to spending time with them and to making many new friends. As much as Their Majesties travel and with all the travel that we do, it’s still not possible for us to see all the wonderful things that people do and make. We need your help! We need award recommendations for all those people you see doing and making things to make Ansteorra Awesome! We look forward to seeing each of you at upcoming events in the near future. YIS, Jason and Margherita, Prince and Princess of Ansteorra

As King & Queen

May 10, 2020

Greetings Ansteorra: We are excited about our new beginning! When we became Prince and Princess for our wonderful Kingdom we were planning on business as usual and a normal reign and that we would know what we were doing and how to do it . WOW, we were in for a Surprise! We were just like everyone else, we were not sure what to do or how to do it. We have been fortunate as a Kingdom, as Prince and Princess, and now as King and Queen to have so many people all over the Kingdom that want to help. People have stepped up from everywhere saying, “Hey, I know how to do ABC, let me help set this up and do it”; Fighters have been making training videos, Artisans have been doing online classes, service minded people are doing on-line classes, many organizations and groups are doing online meetings, get togethers, and even events! Thank you to everyone that has been pitching in and helping. This is a new and exciting time! In the upcoming weeks (through the end of June) we will be having Court every week! Some weeks we will be working with a Virtual Event that is being held, if there is no Virtual Event we will still have Court. We already have things planned for every Court! We look forward to working with everyone, trying new things, learning, and having fun. In service to the Dream, Jason & Margherita III, King & Queen Ansteorra

Ansteorra! We love traditions, one of those traditions is the love, support, and confidence that is shown when people swear an Oath of Service or Fealty. Only certain people and positions are required to swear an Oath, most of the people that swear an Oath do it because they want to. In order to give people a chance to swear their Oaths we have come up with a plan and a schedule. Starting this coming Saturday, May 16th, we will have a Virtual Royal Court in connection with The Baron & Baroness of NorthKeep. Court will begin at 4pm and will first feature the Oaths of Fealty from the Landed B&Bs of Ansteorra. In the coming weeks we are planning for the following Courts - these may change:
May 23rd - (Steppes Virtual Event) Knights and Master of Arms that choose to
May 30th - Laurels, that choose to
June 6th - (King’s College Virtual Event) Pelicans, that choose to
June 13th - Masters of Defense, that choose to
June 20th - White Scarves, that choose to

We are working on plans for more things so stay tuned and watch for news!
In Service to the Dream,
Jason & Margherita III
King & Queen, Ansteorra

May 20, 2020: From His Majesty

Attention Ansteorra! Today I bring you the summer crown format. If there are any questions feel free to pm me.
All Pairings for initial Rounds will be random drawings by members of the populace.

Round 1 - Best 2 out of 3 - Dane Axe - Maximum Weapon Length of 5’, Single Edge, Butt spikes and back spikes will not be counted.
Round 2 - Best 2 out 3 - Glave, maximum length 7’ 6”, Butt spikes are allowed. Fighters are also allowed to carry and use a side arm, maximum length of 24”
Round 3 - Best 2 out of 3 - Great Sword, maximum length 6’, no Butt spikes allowed.
Round 4 or 5 - Best 2 out of 3, Bring your best. All Rounds and weapons are subject to change at the discretion of the Crown.

Best of luck everyone and I look forward to finding our heirs.

The Words of the Populace

Reign Notes



Her Majesty Marguerite:
Under dress: Hankerchief linen and gold taffeta, made by Violet Tailyeaour
Over dress: Autumn Gold Linen, made by Violet Tailyeaour
Under Apron: black linen, made by Violet Tailyeaour
Over Apron: Red/Black Wool blend apron, trimmed in red dupioni silk, made by Violet Tailyeaour
Hangarok Panel: White wool fabric donated by Michelle Chantal de Charente, art by Micolay Haiduk, embroidery by Adena Terricsdottir, posament made by Masina da Ferrara, design and assembly by Violet Tailyeaour
Cape: custom hand-stamped raw silk, trimmed in two-toned dupioni silk cape, and custom stamp made by Violet Tailyeaour
Shawl - Mistress Drifa of the Kingdom of An Tir
Hemming Assistance by Delesse de Beaumarchais

His Majesty Jason:
Winnegas: made by Violet Tailyeaour
Tunic: custom hand-stamped Autumn Gold linen with red dupioni and gold taffeta tunic, and custom stamp made by Violet Tailyeaour


  • Due to the difficulties of Covid-19, Their Majesties used the Prince & Princess Crowns through their reign, as well as a pair of older thrones that were retired and the ownership transferred to the Barony of Wiesenfeuer.

Reign Photos