Kormakr Mikjallson

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Wiesenfeuer Yule, 2024
Photo by Zubeydah
Registered Name: Kormákr væringi Mikjálsson
Resides: Elfsea
Status: Active
Joined SCA: 2005
Order of Precedence
Kormakr Mikjallson

Or, a Thor's hammer between in chief two women addorsed, the dexter maintaining a drinking horn and the sinister maintaining an apple sable.

Riddari Kormakr Mikjallson, CSM #151, KSCA

Previously Known As: Bulwyi Swordbreaker (not chosen; rather, earned at a newbie tournament in Mendersham)
Pronouns: He/Him/Dude/Fella

Additional Registered Heraldry:


Local Offices

  • Prior Deputy Knight Marshal, Barony of Elfsea

Persona History:

9th century "Norse" who roams and travels about learning, misbehaving, shenanigating, having a good time. Currently deep into Slavic lands after serving on the Guard.


  • Armored Combat
  • Service

Timeline of Activity:

First event: Pa D' Arms in Adlersruhe, ages ago.
Elevation: Marata Midwinter Melees, January 2025: Video Link Here

Prior Groups:

Populace Provided Information:

Gilyan Alienora of Clonmacnoise

(These words by Her Royal Majesty Gilyan are carved in runes upon the scabbard of the given to Kormakr at his elevation - his Queen's personal sword - Amberstar.)
Long-serving in war’s fray
is this feeder of ravens,
a stalwart shield companion,
a sage-gift giver;
ring-givers skjaldborg.
He is known by all as
soft spoken, fiercely loyal
unmatched hearth-master.
we call him treasure-sender.
Such a bold spirit as sagas tell of,
and other men strive to be!
We hold him among the highest
a true beadu-gesith.
We call him Riddari, and with his oath,
his Amberstar shall forever
be at the call of the lion.
King and Queen
Jean Paul and Gilyan
have adorned him
with winter’s gird and summer’s torc.
Thus they proclaim
from their high mead-seat.
Kormakr is our sword-sworn
now and forever!

Zubeydah Al-Badawiyyah

03/31/2020: So those of you who know me well, know that I have anxiety. It is worsened by solo travel, not having a specific place to be / tasks to do. When I am feeling a little adrift, it can be overwhelming. I travelled out of state to Steppes in 2018, for the Step-Down court of our 79th Crown, Jason Drysdale and Margherita de Mantua, where that year's Sable Swap gift exchange was occurring. The drive down had been in the dark and I was feeling very anxious, on the edge of a panic attack. I was standing in the main hall, overwhelmed and trembling. Kormakr noticed. Now, I had met him previously, but I would not describe us as friends, or knowing each other well whatsoever. But he noticed, and he came over. He is a physically large and imposing gentleman, but he took care to approach me in a gentle manner. In a quiet voice, he asked me if I was okay. I responded that I was not. He asked me what he could do to help. While I am NOT a person who allows casual physical touch, I asked him if I could have a hug. I just needed to feel safe for a moment, and he gave off such an air of concern and kindness, that I knew it would help. He gave me that hug, and then asked again: What else could he do to help? He assisted me with my basket, and got me set up in a corner of the room, when I indicated that would be appreciated. Kormakr then told me he would come and check on me later, to make sure I was okay - but that if I needed anything in the mean time, to seek him out - and then followed up on that promise later in the day. As I have said: He did not know me well. He did not see a dear friend in need - just someone who was floundering. That kindness and that awareness of others greatly impressed me. This man is Knightly - for his courtesy, his service, and his kindness. I cannot speak to his Prowess on the field - but I will tell you he is a champion of those who are weak, or helpless or in need.

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

  • Expert in assembling and disassembling thrones
  • Entourage for innumerable Reigns at the Kingdom and Principality level
  • Set up and tear down crew at most events he attends

Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions:

Kormakr & Daffyd


Mundane Information:

Special Needs:

In Case of Court: