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I hope I can keep up the faith in myself that he had in me.<BR><BR>
I hope I can keep up the faith in myself that he had in me.<BR><BR>
Good night Dearest Sir.<BR><BR>
Good night Dearest Sir.<BR><BR>
==[[Silvana Corwin]]====
====[[Silvana Corwin]]======
We will never know our true impact on others or what legacy we will leave behind. Simonn was always so good to me and my family. He had one of the best smiles and I always looked forward to meeting him. I was so honored to have been able to get to know this living legend and to be thought of him as a friend. He always made me feel welcomed and that I could do anything. When my husband was pushing for knighthood Simonn was there to give use both counsel and support. He always told me Absolon was going to make it. Thankfully Absolon chose to be knighted at BAM and Simonn was able to attend and have an integral part of Absolon’s elevation. But even with that, Simonn wrapped his arm around me to make sure I felt his pride and love at Absolon being elevated. It meant so much to Simonn and I was so touched. I mean, here I am, a nobody and yet Simonn took his time out for me. But that was the thing about Simonn Amber, no one was just a “nobody” to him. This man that held so many accolades thought of everyone as a somebody and made sure they knew it. I will miss you more than words can say, my friend.<BR><BR>
We will never know our true impact on others or what legacy we will leave behind. Simonn was always so good to me and my family. He had one of the best smiles and I always looked forward to meeting him. I was so honored to have been able to get to know this living legend and to be thought of him as a friend. He always made me feel welcomed and that I could do anything. When my husband was pushing for knighthood Simonn was there to give use both counsel and support. He always told me Absolon was going to make it. Thankfully Absolon chose to be knighted at BAM and Simonn was able to attend and have an integral part of Absolon’s elevation. But even with that, Simonn wrapped his arm around me to make sure I felt his pride and love at Absolon being elevated. It meant so much to Simonn and I was so touched. I mean, here I am, a nobody and yet Simonn took his time out for me. But that was the thing about Simonn Amber, no one was just a “nobody” to him. This man that held so many accolades thought of everyone as a somebody and made sure they knew it. I will miss you more than words can say, my friend.<BR><BR>
====[[Xene Theriane]]====
====[[Xene Theriane]]====

Revision as of 07:23, 19 October 2023


Photo by Phocas of Bordermarch, taken 2006
Registered Name: Simonn of Amber Isle
Resides: Bordermarch
Status: Fallen Star
Joined SCA: 1976
Order of Precedence
Simonn of Amber Isle

Quarterly gules and argent, in bend sinister a hawk's head erased proper between two towers sable. [Spitzaetus ornatus]

His Excellency, Count Sir Simonn of Amber Isle, OP, OL, MOD, Defender of the Dream

Previously Known As: Simonn of Amber

Additional Registered Heraldry:


  • Regional Offices Held
    • Authorizing Marshal, Coastal Region
    • Authorizing Marshal, Southern Region
    • Marshal, Seige Engines
    • Marshal, Youth Boffer
  • Kingdom Offices Held
    • 1st Knight Marshal, Principality of Ansteorra (1997 - serving under Prince Sean & Princess Katerina)
    • 2nd Knight Marshal, Principality of Ansteorra (1998 - serving under Prince Randall & Princess Constance)
    • 3rd Prince of the Principality of Ansteorra
    • 9th King of Ansteorra

Persona History:


  • Participating with Family
  • Service to my Liege Crown and local Barony
  • Campfire Bardic tales & poems
  • Serving as Event Steward
  • Constructing & Maintaining "BorderKeep" - the site for Bordermarch Autumn Melees: This site has gone through three seperate stages and locations, from landscape timbers at Clairbourne West Park, then railroad ties at Colmesneil, then a mortar cinderblock structure. Of particular note is that the first Gulf War fort construction was inspired by the BorderKeep blueprints; then the Pennsic fort was based on that same plan, expanded upon; and the castle at Bryn Gwlad’s Castleton was also based on our BorderKeep blueprints.

Timeline of Activity:

Prior Groups:

  • Region of Ansteora, Kingdom of Atenveldt
  • Principality of Ansteorra

Populace Provided Information:

Robin of Gilwell

Simonn of Amber Isle passed away this morning, surrounded by his family.

Last Saturday, during the annular eclipse, I saw the sun slowly dim, and provide less light. This feels like that, except that the Black Star is permanently diminished.

In the 1970s, I started to take part in the Principality of Ansteorra on a very limited level. But I wasn’t really committed to it. Soon, Simonn became the Prince. He was a living symbol of chivalric valor, courtliness, and quiet wisdom.
In that reign, he and Princess Tessa started a Principality Order of the Cavalier. It was an order for top fencers (“swashbucklers”, then) – the first one anywhere in the SCA. And its symbol was a white scarf.

If they had not done that, I would probably not have ever become really active, and would likely have dropped out. Nothing I’ve done in the SCA would have occurred.

In 1983, he became our ninth King, and he and Queen Tessa ruled together again, with justice and wisdom.

I knew he couldn’t attend Gulf War in 2015. He was in the hospital too recently. (In fact, I thought he was still there.) Then I saw him walking off the chivalric field. He fought all week, on both fields.

The ravine battles at Gulf War are “resurrection battles”. Once you are killed, you go back to your base and start over. In the rapier ravine battle in 2015, near the end, I was trudging back for resurrection, and thought, “I think we’ve already won this battle. I’m 59 years old. I’ll let the younger fighters finish it out.”

Then I looked down and saw Simonn (in his 70s) on the front line. So I dove back into the battle again. And I’m not the only White Scarf who was inspired to go back on the field by Simonn’s presence.

He was inspiring Ansteorrans on the fighting field for 40 years. (And off it for even longer.)

Knight, Laurel, Pelican, White Collar, Viscount, Count. That’s all four bestowed peerage orders, and royal peerage as well. Very few people in the entire SCA have achieved that. He was the first Baron of Bordermarch. And he’s a Lion of Ansteorra.

Quiet in his demeanor, focused on the field, courtly at a feast, adamant in his honor.

And on his last night on this earth, he wore his regalia, and swore his fealty to the Queen.

"He lived by his oath till he died."

A legend has passed.

Ivarr runamagi

Simonn is a legend. He was a friend like no other. He and Tessa had beautiful words to say when my wife, H.E. Catriona was given her Court Barony, which thrilled her to tears. Simonn was my friend and a brother in so many ways. None can replace him, but we should all strive to be the good person that he showed us how to be. He has helped me to be the best that I can be, just by sharing his life with us.

Kein MacEwan

In the past, I have been heard to say, "I want to be Simonn when I grow up."

I still aspire to his level of courtesy and convivial good nature. I also hope to face the difficult times and situations with as much indomitable will as he always did. Sir Simonn is gone and the world is smaller.

Margaret ny Connor

I moved to Ansteorra at the end of 1992. Although I had a connection with rapier because Ruslan and I created the Order of the Golden Rapier of the East, I was a chivalric fighter at the time. I moved to Bordermarch and was quickly invited to fighter practice, which at the time, was held in Simonn and Tessa's back yard. I wore multiple layers of armor (because those Jersey boys used to hit *hard*), which obviously was not going to work in Coastal Ansteorra. Simonn helped me pare down to what would work here and worked with me on modifying my pole arm fighting style (because there were no butt spikes in Ansteorra at the time).

After a while, I was diagnosed with a "separating" retina and told I'd have to stop fighting. When I told Simonn that I'd have to quit, he pulled out a couple of rapiers and said I wasn't done yet. He was my first teacher of rapier, introduced me to the community, and instilled in me what has become a lifelong love of and commitment to the art. I fought for another 7-8 years before other physical issues intervened.

Simonn was, to a degree, indirectly responsible for the creation of the Order of Defense because of the importance I attached to the recognition of the community. I volunteered to chair that peerage committee and spent over two years guiding the discussions (herding the cats), and I honestly don't know if I would have felt so passionately about it had it not been for Simonn's compassion and enthusiasm for the art. I really can't remember whether Simonn was in favor of the peerage or not at the time, but that was beside the point; his influence was there anyway.

When people speak of the creation of the White Scarf, they speak of Tessa, as is right and proper. But, Simonn was part of that creation, and he was also part of the creation of peerage recognition for the Rapier community. That's an amazing legacy for anyone to leave.

Iago Cabrera de Cadiz

I do not believe Simon was the first member of the Chivalry to wear the WS. However, he was the only knight of his era of White Scarves I ever got to fight with. I fought with him enough to learn from him and, according to him, for him to learn from me. The rapier community, Ansteorra, the SCA, and the world are lesser for his passing.

Robin of Gilwell adds: Sigmund was the first knight to become a White Scarf.  Dinar and Simonn were the next two, made on the same day. Simonn was certainly the only one still fighting thirty years later.

Morgana of the Mists

Today, a man loved and admired by all that knew him has left us. He inspired and lived his life as a true knight. Not only in the SCA, but EVERYDAY.

Ben Lee or as hundreds know him as Sir Simonn, I will miss you and your counsel. Most of all, I mourn for those that never had the true honor of knowing him. Ansteorra is dark today, and Gleann Abhann has lost a friend. I have lost my friend, the epitome of true chivalry. Rest now in peace, your work here is done. Love you Simonn and his Lady wife, Tessa.

Elrique DeNetterville

Since he’s on my mind this morning, I thought I’d tell a story that goes years beyond my time in this society. Some of you may know that in another distant life I ran with some folks who may have been identified in certain circles as an unsavory sort. Rough, tough, and all around the types of men you want on your side if you ever need a lot of muscle. An old man we rode with told a story one evening about these crazy folks they’d run in to at Port Neches park in you guessed it, Port Neches, TX. A bunch of weirdos dressed in funny clothes and armor were on the hill hitting each other with sticks and it was apparently pretty funny to watch so some of them moved closer. Now these are men who aren’t accustomed to being welcomed when they walk up on a group, but this one I’m told was a little different. The man telling me this story said he was greeted by a few. Among them, a man dressed all in black with a helm on his head. Now of course everyone around here is looking for the angle now. Those sticks looked pretty substantial. A conversation ensued, questions about pain and insanity may have been brought up a few times, and out of the blue the guy in black armor hands him one of his sticks and says “Hit me”.

A tap on the shoulder follows. He says louder. “No. HIT me”.

A rap to the helm. Followed by the taunt “Is that the best you can do, I said HIT ME”.

Years of street and bar brawls breaking pool cues over rival gang members heads on his resume’ said we need to teach this guy a lesson, so he wound up and hammered home with everything he had. The guy in black smiles and says “That’s better. Again”.

Another solid rap to the helm, followed by the taunt “That’s better but still pretty light”.

A few more rounds of this and the biker telling me the story says he was getting pretty winded. The story ends with him telling me he had no idea who that guy was but he sure hoped he was never on the $h!t end of him going ape $h!t in a dark alley.

Fast forward to about 1998. I heard that story told from the perspective of the guy in black armor. From the guy in black armor.

Simonn of Amber Isle was a giant of a man in my eyes. Sure, he was made a Knight in only nine months. Sure, he was the founding Baron of Barony Bordermarch. Sure, he was the Prince of the Principality of Ansteorra twice, and King of the Kingdom of Ansteorra once again. Sure, he was a member of the Orders of the Pelican, Laurel, White Scarf, Masters of Defense, Chivalry and so much more.

One of my greatest honors in life was him being elevated to the Order of the Masters of Defense in our premier court the day I was made the sixth Baron of Ravens Fort.

But to me he was a mentor.

A councilor.

A snapshot into what each of those orders should look like to someone just starting out in a society like ours.

He was my first look into what Regal looked like. He taught me what it is to be an Ansteorran.

Most of all he helped me focus on just being a better me.

My words when describing this legend fall short in every way imaginable, but for this Word Fame Wednesday, I pray you guys let me slide.

For it is in joyful service I remain,

Gabrielle de Lacy

My word fame is Simonn and Tessa.

I don’t remember ever meeting them, they have just always been there.
My father was Simonn’s cadet and in being so our families were united.
Simonn and Tessa have been with me growing up, they’ve guided me, told me stories, laughed with me, and cried with me.
They were there helping me with homework, at my graduation, at my wedding, at funerals, at baby showers, and all major and minor events in my life.
Simonn loved all of us so dearly.

Edward of the Forest

My heart is saddened today. At my first event, a gentleman I had never met took the time to talk with Marshall and I at length about fighting. He spent about half an hour telling us about fighting styles just before the ravine battle. We were warming up for our first ravine battle ever at GW when Simonn walked up and said "Do you guys mind if an old timer shows you a couple things about two stick fighting?"

He was warm, kind, and full of good humor. I had no idea the status he held or the contributions he had made. Much later in that event when people kept mentioning his name I said "This Simonn guy seem really popular. Didn't we meet a guy with that name earlier?"

From then on it was always a joy to see him at events. For about a year I would walk up to him and say "I'm not sure if you remember me.." And with a smile he'd say "Of course I do, Forest."

Our Star, our game, and our hearts are a little less today. But I can only hope that we will shine brighter tomorrow by being more like him and making this game, and our world, a better place.

All my love to Tessa Gardens and her family.


For about a decade, I had a scraggly, stained, torn little post it note in my purse. It said, "In case of Peerage." It had a list of names of those who have been inspirations to me on my path. On that list was Tessa and Simonn. While I had only been in his presence twice in all my years, he was a towering figure. As someone who loves group history, I had eagerly drank in stories of his and Tessa's reign. I had read all of their missives in the Black Star during their Reign, I had interacted with Tessa on social media. It felt like I knew them - which was purest hubris.

When Their Majesties Jason and Marguerita told me that I was to be put on Vigil for the Order of the Pelican, Mistress Myfanwy sat me down to talk about my ceremony to be held that night. She asked, "Who would you like to speak for you as a Master of Defense?" I blurted out, "If I could have anyone here, it would be Simonn of Amber." She grinned and said, "Well, I can ask him."

That night, he chose to speak as a Lion instead. He said, "Majesties, we've heard a great deal of her background, her talents. I would say it simply: The best is yet to come."

After the day was over, I realized something: I had put him in a terrible position. I wasn't someone he knew well. We did not have a deep relationship. To be honest, we didn't have one at all - he was a hero to me, and I knew -of- him a great deal, but that knowledge was all one sided. I was absolutely embarrassed.

I made gifts for those that I asked to speak for me. (Ok, I'm still working on some of them, two years later) I asked Tessa what he might like. She said, "Make him some of those pretty lampwork beads in Ansteorra gold." I got an idea.

I believe that the Chivalry is a fragile thing. It isn't made of steel or iron. It isn't a single link that can take the blame for being weak. The Chivalry (or any peerage) holds the damage caused by or taken by all of its members, always. Every crack. Every chip. Every break. Peerage should be given to those who will treat it with gentle and protective care - the Chivalry most especially. Simonn was such a man. So: I made a 'chain' of golden glass.

I sent it to him with an explanation and a heartfelt, abject apology for putting him in so awkward a position at my elevation. He sent back the most generous and kind a reply. I'm bawling remembering how gentle and courteous it was.

I weep for Tessa. For Zane. For Ansteorra. For all who knew him.

"Don't let it be forgot, that once there was a spot,
for one, brief shining moment, that was known as Camelot."

Damon Xanthus

So many memories flooding through my mind today.

Simon, Mahdi and I having to back our line up in the ravine at gulf. We had chased them all the way to their rez point.

Simon, sending Orion on a mini-quest to ask other Knights at Warlord if he “really wanted to fight Simon Florentine”…they of course said “yes”.

4 passes later, Orion had impressed Simon so much that he all but forgot about the tournament he had advanced in, and instead spent the bulk of the afternoon training with Orion on the “finer points”.

Simon, coming onto the field against me for the first time feigning a limp, and all but dragging his sword. The dazzling smile he gave me when I called his bluff, from having seen his fight with Orion.

Shamefully I remember myself walking off the field at a crown list, visibly upset having stabbed my opponent in all parts from face down to crotch multiple times. Simon seemed to teleport around the field meeting me at the exit. He said “ I know you’re mad, but did you call the shot that hit you” I said “yes”. He said “ then how is your honor?” And threw me that big grin. Though I can’t say my anger was slated, the murder had left my eyes.

In my home we have a running joke: Every time we hear about some doomsday cult claiming that the rapture will happen “today at noon”, come 12:01 we always post something to Simon and Tessa Gardens, cause if they answer us then the Rapture couldn’t have happened.

I am sad, mad and nearly in tears for losing such a marvelous person, but I know he wouldn’t want me to be any of those things; and I know he’s at rest.

My life is better for his life. My world is better from his presence in it. I am a better man today for the example he showed me.

I hope I can keep up the faith in myself that he had in me.

Good night Dearest Sir.

Silvana Corwin==

We will never know our true impact on others or what legacy we will leave behind. Simonn was always so good to me and my family. He had one of the best smiles and I always looked forward to meeting him. I was so honored to have been able to get to know this living legend and to be thought of him as a friend. He always made me feel welcomed and that I could do anything. When my husband was pushing for knighthood Simonn was there to give use both counsel and support. He always told me Absolon was going to make it. Thankfully Absolon chose to be knighted at BAM and Simonn was able to attend and have an integral part of Absolon’s elevation. But even with that, Simonn wrapped his arm around me to make sure I felt his pride and love at Absolon being elevated. It meant so much to Simonn and I was so touched. I mean, here I am, a nobody and yet Simonn took his time out for me. But that was the thing about Simonn Amber, no one was just a “nobody” to him. This man that held so many accolades thought of everyone as a somebody and made sure they knew it. I will miss you more than words can say, my friend.

Xene Theriane

Ben Lee, aka Sir Simonn, has gone on to the Green Fields of Glory.

His travails are over and he's reunited with his beloved son Aaron, aka Kirkwood, who passed over 30 years ago.

Simonn used to tell of his dream of his two sons, Aaron and Zane, on horseback sitting next to him on a hilltop on the field of battle, banners waiving in the cool air, and seeing their sweet rose, Liz, aka Tessa, waving and blowing kisses to them. The recalling of his dream always made him smile.

Liz and Ben were childhood sweethearts. They were both my friends from the moment we met, 45 years ago. I was an extended part of their household, a ring-thegn to House Mountaingate.

Our loving prayers go out to Liz and Zane as they go through this hard day and the days to come.

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions:


Artwork by William Blackfox

Mundane Information:

Bearer of the Sable Shield of Ansteorra

Simonn of Amber Isle is a Sable Shield holder; US Navy. He did not go forward for many years because he felt the Sable Shield was more for the current generation; and lo, and behold, the day he went forward, so did Duke Patrick Michael, and Sir Asad u'Din - a frequent visitor to Ansteorra, from the Outlands.

Special Needs:

In Case of Court: