Vindheim Timeline 2022

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  • February, 2022: Due to pandemic restrictions, Northkeep must pivot quickly to change its wInterKingdom event from in person to virtual. Several tracks of classes are held, despite the chaos.
  • February 26, 2022: Mooneschadowe hosts Vindheim's first Chivalric Tournament - a grand team melee fitting for the Provincial Games. Charles the Grey of Mooneschadowe is the victor.


  • Vindheim goes to Gulf Wars!


  • April 16, 2022: While bitter winds assail the Guthrie, OK site, warmth and camaraderie are everywhere to be found at Wiesenfeuer Baronial, where Their Serene Highnesses announce the creation of the first three Orders of the principality: The Order of the Silver Trumpet, the Order of the Wellspring, and the Order of the Crimson Bowl, and induct each Order's first members.
  • April 30, 2022: Namron hosts its annual Beltane event, and there, three additional Honors are proclaimed: the Award of the Crimson Firebolt, the Order of the Golden Comb of Vindheim, and the Order of the Bastion of Vindheim, and their first members are inducted.


  • May 20 - 22, 2022: With a fun-filled theme of The Fellowship of Castellan, Northkeep holds its annual championship event at Will Rogers Boy Scout Camp in Cleveland, OK. The Autocrats are Lady Yzabeau Brossier and Lady Emmelina de Medeland. There is a feast, for the first time in many years, with five removes. The site tokens include a poem written by the Bardic Champion of Northkeep, Honorable Lady Lillias MacGuffin, and a map by Baron Ian Dun Gillan. Lady Muirenn Nia ingen Nath-I and her MOC team put together a busy day of activities for the youth. Guests attend from as far away as distant Bordermarch. At the event, it is announced with great sorrow that Master Diarmait ua Dhuinn, OL, had passed away after a difficult illness.
  • May 27, 2022: Our Prince, Romanius, asks that Vindheim travel with him to our friends and neighbors to the North, Calontir. A group of approximately thirty-five attend, and rich gifts are presented in court to Their Falcon Highnesses from artisans in Wiesenfeuer, Eldern Hills and Northkeep.


  • June 3, 2022: Her Serene Highness Deanna attends the Myrgenfeld Collegium at Cottonwood Flats in Guthrie, OKlahoma. This year's focus is in cooking. A sideboard luncheon and pot luck dinner are part of the day's planned festivities. Classes include such varied topics as Camp Pancakes with Flair and Mead Making. The event stewards are Aubrey Ericsdatter and (Name needed).
  • June 11, 2022: King's College is hosted by the Canton of Wyldewode in Talequah, and is attended by Her Serene Highness, Deanna - who also teaches a Youth Heraldry class! Both a breakfast sideboard and luncheon are offered as part of the event activities. The Event Stewards are HL Cicily Bridges and Centurion Charles the Grey of Mooneschadowe. There are 48 classes offered, along 13 different tracks. Each instructor is invited by Her Highness Deanna to take a gift of largess (many of which were received from the Principality of Oertha at Gulf Wars) and a small thank-you scroll.
  • June 18, 2022: Vindheim Coronet Tourney II‎‎ is held, hosted by the Barony of Namron at the Denny Crump Rodeo Arena, and the Principality's second Prince and Princess, 2nd Vindheim Coronet| Prince Jean Paul de Sens & Princess Gilyan Alienora of Clonmacnoise are crowned. At the event, Caterina Giovanni, Jutte von dem Berg:, and Gwenllian verch Madyn‎‎ are elevated to Peerage. Romanius and Deanna are confirmed in their Viscounties, and Deanna's membership in the Order of the Golden Dove. Earl Dafydd Whitacre wins the Prince's Champion tourney. Other event highlights included a Consort's Social, merchants, the Vindheim Bake-Off, and a free lunch. Event Stewards were Koia Karasova and Kolfinna Egilsdottir.
  • June 25, 2022: Bonwicke and the Eldern Hills come together to host Two Artisans, Two Bards, each selecting some of their group champions. Her Highness, Gilyan, is in attendance, and gives time in Court for Viscountess Deanna to present some Principality awards that she was unable to give during her reign. Their Highness's Herald, Maitré Etienne De Saint Amaranth summarized the day's events.


  • July 22-24, 2022: Vindheim hosts the Known World Heraldic and Scribal gathering, with HL Annais Elanor de Montomerie and Master Brian O hUilliam as co-stewards. Over 60 hours of classes are taught, with instructors representing 17 different kingdoms of the SCA, enjoyed by nearly 400 pre-registered participants. Thomas de Groet is the Class Coordinator and Hu Zen is the Video Coordinator, assisting in uploading recorded classes to the Ansteorra COH YouTube channel.
  • July 30: Their Highnesses request that the populace take part in a Principality Project Day - encouraging all to gather as they might feel comfortable, to work on items of clothing or décor relating to the Principality.