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==Notable Contributions or Accomplishments: ==
==Notable Contributions or Accomplishments: ==
* Instructor, more times than can be counted, at local, Kingdom, and Society-wide collegiums
** [https://youtu.be/4H1TLJZf1hQ KWAR 2012 - Keynote Address: What If It Were Real? Part 1]
** [https://youtu.be/W6iEBVkCG8A KWAR 2012 - Keynote Address: What If It Were Real? Part 2<]BR>
===Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions===
===Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions===

Revision as of 11:21, 15 August 2021


Registered Name: Tivar Moondragon
Resides: In Memory
Status: Fallen Star
Joined SCA: 1975
Order of Precedence
Tivar Moondragon

Sable, a torteau fimbriated and conjoined in fess with an increscent and a decrescent Or.

His Exellency, Master Tivar Moondragon, OP, WSA, CB, Lion of Ansteorra, Defender of the Dream

Previously Known As:

Other Registered Heraldry


  • Local Offices Held
  • Regional Offices held
  • Kingdom Offices Held

Persona History:


Timeline of Activity:

Prior Groups

Populace Provided Information

Angelina Francesca de Nardi

I first met Tivar Moondragon at Falkenstein Castle for my first Queen's Champion. I wondered about the first White Scarf of Ansteorra as he stood there in his classic red assemble and pumpkin pants. He demeanor was quiet, dignified, and gracious. He gave me a tour of the grounds as we walked an talked for about an hour. Tivar is someone who makes your feel like you've known him for years. He is a prime example of how one would expect someone who not just recreates but lives the dream would act.

Robin of Gilwell

I technically met Chris Zakes on a Tuesday afternoon in August 1973, our first week at Rice University, when we each independently joined the Rice Fencing Club. But neither of us really remembers the other from that day.

Three days later, on Friday afternoon, I was walking home from my last class. After passing the library, I went just past the covered walkway, when I heard a voice Above me. “Hello there.”

I looked up, and he was sitting in a tree. “Why are you sitting in a tree? I asked.

“Why not?”

The logic was compelling and inescapable, and I climbed up to join him. He and I (and eventually Claire Rimlinger) spent every Friday afternoon in that tree. (He was there for four years. In my sophomore year, I started working on Friday afternoons.)

In December 1973, we fought our first duel, at midnight at the Sallyport, the last day of classes that semester.

We choreographed a few fights in the next couple of years, and basically got to know each other.

Then in 1975, we met somebody who told us about the SCA. It sounded fascinating. Chris went to an event that weekend. [I couldn’t go; I was working with the Rice Players.] He jumped in. My first contact was a baronial meeting, and I wasn’t excited by it.

So Chris (now called Tivar) got active, and soon wrote rules for fencing, then called Swashbuckling. He also started the Legion of Swashbucklers, where all the swashbucklers swore to protect the Queen, based on the Elizabethan Cult of Gloriana.

His commitment to the Legion of Swashbucklers and the Cult of Gloriana was so complete, and so iconic, that for many years, dozens of fencers repeated the oath with his exact words, “I, Tivar Moondragon, …”

Swashbuckling wasn’t popular early on. Heavy fighters complained that swashbucklers were people who wanted to be called fighters without being hit. So Tivar became a heavy fighter, and encouraged other early fencers to do the same. He didn’t keep it up, and was never awarded for it, but one of the young fencers who started fighting heavy at Tivar’s suggestion went on to become a founding Centurion. And one of Tivar’s cadets became a knight.

In a Principality split by politics, Tivar got along with everybody. He received a Queen’s Grace from Willow and a Queens Glove from Tessa. (Only people who were there then can really understand how incredible that is.) One of his rules was this. “Someone who disagrees with you is not necessarily your enemy. Someone who agrees with you is not necessarily your friend.”

When I got active in 1978, I tried to get swashbuckling started in the Steppes. The local knight marshal, Master Lloyd, was dead set against it, because nobody here could make it safe. Then I told him that Tivar and I fenced together, and his objections vanished completely.

But I still had difficulty getting people interested, until Tivar came up for a Twelfth Night, and fenced with me at fighter practice on Sunday. Suddenly I had a half dozen recruits.

By 1979, Prince Simonn and Princess Tessa established the Order of the Cavalier, for swashbucklers. There was no question at all who should be the first one, and it was Tivar. The symbol of the Order was a White Scarf worn on the left arm.

Then there was no way to make a second Cavalier, since one requirement was to be the equal of the current member(s) – and nobody was Tivar’s equal.

Soon we were a kingdom, and all principality orders but one were closed. The Cavalier was superseded by the White Scarf of Ansteorra, and it started to grow. How did we get people who were worthy enough? The second, fourth, sixth, ninth, and thirteenth White Scarves were all Tivar’s cadets.

In 1987, Outlands wanted a White Scarf order, and needed our permission to use the name. So a heraldic letter of permission to conflict was written, in the form of a treaty. Then in 1991, Trimaris wanted to join. Eventually there were 13 kingdom orders of the White Scarf.

Ansteorra wasn’t the first place to start SCA fencing, but it was the first place where it really became accepted, and it’s the birthplace of the White Scarf. And a large part of the reason was Tivar Moondragon. If you fence in the SCA, and you are accepted by your kingdom for it, then part of the reason is Tivar. If you wear a White Scarf (or a red one) then a large part of the reason is Tivar.

His lessons were always, clear, straightforward, and usually ended with a positive note. “There will always be some people who can do some things on the field that you just can't. Don't worry about it, work on your basics and have some double-stuff Oreos.”

Because he was so important to fencing, it’s easy to forget that his influence went well beyond that one area. His cadets have become part of every peerage circle -- a knight, three Laurels, a Pelican, a White Collar, and a Rose.

I could keep writing this forever. He and I have been friends for 47 years. But it’s already too long.

The next newcomer you meet will never know Tivar Moondragon – except through you. Tell people how SCA fencing grew. Tell them who taught us to fence well, to fit into our kingdoms, to love our Queens. Better yet – show them.

Ask every person if he's heard the story
And tell it strong and clear if he has not
That once there was a fleeting wisp of glory
Called Camelot

Don't let it be forgot
That once there was a spot
For one brief shining moment
That was known as Camelot

Delphina de Champeaux

As others have done I would like to share a memory of how Don Tivar impacted my life. This happened a long time ago, I think that Alisha was Queen for her second reign. Sides were being chosen and each White Scarf was to choose in order of elevation.

In my history, I was always chosen last for teams, or next to last, and I was terrified that this day would be a repeat of history. I was cadet to Don Etienne at the time so I had hope that I wouldn't be standing alone at the end.

I didn't think that the majority of White Scarves even knew my name, much less that Tivar knew it. But I was chosen first (or second, I vaguely remember that there were two chosen first). My heart took flight! To be known and picked by a man who I admired (that everyone admired) so much was an amazing feeling that I will hold dear to me forever.

Myfanwy Ferch Eifion

Today the Society, Ansteorra, and the Barony of Bryn Gwlad lost a great man. Don Tivar Moondragon was instrumental in forming rapier combat in the Society. Don Tivar Moondragon was a Pelican who never stopped helping with everything he was able - set up, clean up, serving, hauling, tearing down, etc. However, I would like to speak as a former baroness of Bryn Gwlad. In this role, I always knew that I could trust Tivar to speak truth, to give counsel, and to support the decisions made. He will be missed. My love to his lady and his family.

Burke Kyriell MacDonald

I was thinking about Don Tivar and how much he will be missed. I think that one of the things I will miss is his sense of humor. I remember the day I received my AOA in 1980. I was under a pavilion when Tivar came over and congratulated me on becoming someone. He then said he was sorry but he could not speak with me anymore and turned to leave. As you might expect I was stunned by this and quickly caught up with him, inquiring why and had I done something wrong? Turning with a serious look on his face he said no but that the rumor was that peers only talked to other peers or nobodies so now that I was somebody, he could not talk to me. I guess the look on my face was hilarious because he started laughing almost immediately. He explained about the rumor going around and I was just too serious not to have my leg pulled. I will miss his humor and his nobility.

Elric Dracwin

I remember a coronation at the Greenville TX high school. When Tivar was called up, he strode forward as he always did. Someone (I think Pippin) shouted out, "He swaggers". Tivar responded, "Of course I swagger. I am a White Scarf!"

Sabine Fulhaeberin

The first time I went to Queen's Champion, I ended up fighting 5 dons in the Swiss Five portion of the tournament. I knew who Tivar was, so when I was paired with the first-ever White Scarf for my first-ever Queen's Champion fight, I was so nervous I thought I was going to be sick.

Then, he came over and asked what I wanted to fight, and we agreed on buckler. He was so friendly that I forgot to be nervous. I ended up losing the bout, but Tivar remembered me at the regional practice we went to the next day. He said he was looking forward to sparring with me again. It made my weekend.

Damon Xanthus

True story:
Knight: what’d ya wanna be when you grow up in the SCA?
Me: Tivar!
Knight: you wanna be a Don????
Me: yes!, but more so, I wanna be a Legend.
Knight: well we all right then.
Happy birthday White Scarves!

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions


Mundane Information: