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<div id="content2>
| reignnumber = 77th
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| crownportrait = [[File:Gabriel and Sonja Reign 2.jpg|x350px]]
| photodesc =
| [[76th_Crown]] || Gabriel of Maccuswell II & Sonja Ryzaja II  ||[[78th_Crown]]  
| sovereign =  Gabriel II (Gabriel of Maccuswell) ([http://heraldry.ansteorra.org/OP/op-names.php?search=Gabriel%20of%20Maccuswell&id=11255 OP])
| consort = Sonja II  (Sonja Ryzaja ([http://heraldry.ansteorra.org/OP/op-names.php?search=Sonja%20Ryzaja&id=11256 OP])
| crowntournament = January 14, 2017 in [[Shadowlands]]  
| coronationdate = April 8, 2017 at [[Elfsea]]
| stepdowndate = October 14, 2017 at [[Elfsea]]
<h3>Crown Info:</h3>
| predecessors = [[76th_Crown| Jason Drysdale & Margherita de Mantua]]
| heirs = [[78th_Crown | Lochlann Dunn IV and Gwen verch Cynwrig de Ynys Mon III ]]  
'''*King:''' Gabriel II (Gabriel of Maccuswell) ([http://heraldry.ansteorra.org/OP/op-names.php?search=Gabriel%20of%20Maccuswell&id=11255 OP])
'''*Queen: ''' Sonja II  (Sonja Ryzaja ([http://heraldry.ansteorra.org/OP/op-names.php?search=Sonja%20Ryzaja&id=11256 OP])
'''*Crown Tournament:''' January 14, 2017 in [[Shadowlands]]  
'''*Coronation:''' April 8, 2017 at [[Elfsea]]
'''*Stepped down:'''
'''*Predecessors:'''[[76th_Crown|   ]]
'''*Heirs:'''  [[78th_Crown | ]]  
'''*[[Crowns of Ansteorra]]'''
'''*[[Crowns of Ansteorra]]'''
==Reign Overview==
===Royal Whims or Declarations===

<h3>Overview: </h3>
===Staff Members===
An overview of their reign.
* Head of Entourage:
* Chief Lady-in-Waiting:
* Star Signet:  
* Herald:
* Chancellor: [[Amelot Lisette de Blammont]]

'''[[Lions of Ansteorra|Lion]]: '''
* Bard
* Middle Eastern Dance
* Kingdom Artisan
* Kingdom Warlord: 
* Royal Blade: [[Miguel Sebastian de Oporto]]
* Queens Champion: [[Avery Shaw]]
* King's Champion: [[Wilhelm of Bellatrix]]
* Queen's Blade of Honor: [[Corvin Fenarro ]]
* King's Blade of Chivalry: [[William Cameron de Blakstan]]
* Royal Huntsman: [[Alvin de Clairemont]]
* Guardian of the Queen's Hope:  [[Aurora of Ansteorra]] & [[Gotfrid der Weiss]]
* Guardian of the King's Dream: [[Jakob of the Pale Dragons]]

'''Queen's Champion:'''
==Peers Elevated==
{| class="wikitable"
'''Bard: '''
! Name
'''King's Champion: ''' Wilhelm von Bellatrix ([http://heraldry.ansteorra.org/OP/op-names.php?search=Wilhelm%20von%20Bellatrix&id=11073 OP])
! Date
! Peerage
'''Queen's Blade of Honor: '''  
| [[Biau-douz de la Mare]] ([http://heraldry.ansteorra.org/OP/op-names.php?search=Biau-douz%20de%20la%20Mare&id=10705 OP])  || 2017-04-15 || Laurel
'''Royal Lancer: '''
| [[Deanna della Penna]] ([http://heraldry.ansteorra.org/OP/op-names.php?search=Deanna%20della%20Penna&id=10063 OP]) || 2017-05-27 || Laurel
'''King's Blade of Chivalry: '''
| [[Galen of Ockham]] ([http://heraldry.ansteorra.org/OP/op-names.php?search=Galen%20of%20Ockham&id=1902 OP])  || 2017-06-10 || Laurel
'''Royal Huntsman:''' 
| [[Sarran the Traveler]] ([http://heraldry.ansteorra.org/OP/op-names.php?search=Sarran%20the%20Traveler&id=10404 OP]) || 2017-07-08 || KSCA
'''Guardian of the Queen's Hope: '''
| [[Amelot Lisette]] ([http://heraldry.ansteorra.org/OP/op-names.php?search=Amelot%20Lisette&id=293 OP]) || 2017-09-02 || Pelican
'''Middle Eastern Dance Champion: '''
| [[Colleen O'Kelly]] ([http://heraldry.ansteorra.org/OP/op-names.php?search=Colleen%20O%27Kelly&id=1139 OP]) || 2017-09-03 || Pelican
'''Kingdom Artisan: '''
| [[Brian O hUilliam]] ([http://heraldry.ansteorra.org/OP/op-names.php?search=Brian%20O%20hUilliam&id=771 OP]) || 2017-09-09 || Pelican
'''Guardian of the King's Dream: ''' Jakob of the Pale Dragons
| [[Bridget Rede of Dunvegan]] ([http://heraldry.ansteorra.org/OP/op-names.php?search=Bridget%20Rede%20of%20Dunvegan&id=788 OP]) || 2017-09-16 || Laurel
| [[Ceallach mac Domhnaill]] ([http://heraldry.ansteorra.org/OP/op-names.php?search=Ceallach%20mac%20Domhnaill&id=987 OP]) || 2017-09-30 || Defense
'''King's Gauntlet'''
| [[Micolay Haiduk]] ([http://heraldry.ansteorra.org/OP/op-names.php?search=Micolay%20Haiduk&id=10999 OP]) || 2017-10-07 || KSCA
| [[Vigdis Grafeldr]] ([http://heraldry.ansteorra.org/OP/op-names.php?search=Vigdis%20Grafeldr&id=11059 OP]) || 2017-10-07 || Laurel
| [[Vincenti da Murano]] ([http://heraldry.ansteorra.org/OP/op-names.php?search=Vincenti%20da%20Murano&id=10506 OP]) || 2017-10-07 || Pelican
'''Queen's Gloves'''
<h3>Progress while Prince and Princess: </h3>

===Special Recognitions===
====[[Lions of Ansteorra|Lion]]====
[[Abd al-Mahdi Jamal ibn Hakim]]
====Gauntlets & Gloves====
'''King's Gauntlet'''<BR>
* Alejandro Ramirez Mendoza
* Wilhelm von Bellatrix
'''Notes:''' Metalwork for 1 pair of King's Gauntlets made by [[Katrionna Heather MacLochlainn]]. <BR>
'''Queen's Glove'''<BR>
* Amelot Lisette
* Avery Shaw
* Lessandra della Torre
'''Notes:''' Queen's Gloves made by [[Anastasiia Dmitrieva Sokolova]]. <BR>
==Progress While Prince & Princess==
* Crown Tourney - [[Shadowlands]]
* Crown Tourney - [[Shadowlands]]
* Roundtable - [[Mooneschadowe]]
* Roundtable - [[Mooneschadowe]]
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* Provincial Games - [[Mooneschadowe]]
* Provincial Games - [[Mooneschadowe]]
* Kingdom A&S - [[Rosenfeld]]
* Kingdom A&S - [[Rosenfeld]]
* Gulf Wars
* Gulf Wars XXVI
* Commanders Crucible - [[Hellsgate]]
* Commanders Crucible - [[Hellsgate]]
* Coronation - [[Elfsea]]
* Coronation - [[Elfsea]]
<h3>Intended Royal Progress: </h3>
==Progress While Crown==
* Coastal Grand Baronials - [[Stargate]]
* Coastal Grand Baronials - [[Stargate]]
* A Duel at Dusk - [[Bjornsborg]]
* A Duel at Dusk - [[Bjornsborg]]
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* Steppes Warlord - [[Steppes]]
* Steppes Warlord - [[Steppes]]
* Bhakail Investiture and K&Q Rattan Champions - Kingdom of the East
* Bhakail Investiture and K&Q Rattan Champions - Kingdom of the East
* Crown Tournament (TBD)
* King's College - [[Steppes]]
* King's College - [[Steppes]]
* Ansteorra Heraldic & Scribal Symposium - [[Raven's Fort]]
* Ansteorra Heraldic & Scribal Symposium - [[Raven's Fort]]
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* Roundtable - [[Raven's Fort]]
* Roundtable - [[Raven's Fort]]
* Pennsic XLVI
* Pennsic XLVI
* The Braggart's War - [[Bonwicke]]
* Glaslyn Artisan of the Flame - [[Glaslyn]]
* Laurel's Prize Tourney - tbd
* Braggart's War - [[Bonwicke]]
* Laurel's Prize Tourney - [[Bryn Gwlad]]
* Triumphe of the Eclipse - [[Mooneschadowe]]
* Triumphe of the Eclipse - [[Mooneschadowe]]
* War of Ages - [[Ffynnon Gath]]
* Fall Baronial - [[Bryn Gwlad]]
* Namron Protectorate - [[Namron]]
* Coronation/King's Champion (TBD)
* Coronation/King's Champion (TBD)
===The Words of the Crown===
===The Words of the Populace===
====[[Nalka Um Al-Jafna]]====
One of my favorite memories is Gabriel and Sonja giving me my Award of Arms at Steppes Warlord. Sonja was and is an inspiring individual. (Gabriel is alright as well). Sonja has never treated anyone as lesser than her, even when she was queen. She always had time for anyone who wanted her ear for a moment (or ten). When we brought our daughter out with us to her very first event, Gabriel and Sonja actually got down on her level to talk to her (she was 2 at the time), it made my heart melt.
==== [[Stephen Blakeley]]====
So I went to a princess's tea for a princess I really knew nothing about other than she had played in the East and that she fought chiv. She listened to those of us who were there, she was encouraging and really cared what we felt. It inspired this broken old cadet to really put in the effort to train and compete seriously in her Queen's. There were many ups and downs that day, by the semi-finals I had popped my elbow twice and my right knee was significantly swollen form a double lunge a couple rounds earlier. The semis were a best 2 out of 3 and I had taken the first point. On a retreat in the second I ripped the ground up under the right foot and it slid and I fell. I thought I was cramping in the calf, but it turned out I pulled something in there. I got up, yielded that point to my opponent. Fought the third point and lost. I hobbled off the field, thanked her majesty for the honor of allowing me to fight in her tourney. Then had to be helped to my pavilion on the other side of the list field. I had sat down and Dianna was trying to work my calf muscle loose when Her Majesty Sonja and her entourage processed across the field to my pavilion. As she approached, I was starting to attempt to rise so I could bow, when she waved for me to stay seated. She had court reopened in our pavilion so that she could give me a Queen's Rapier. Later in the reign, she made me a White Scarf, but that memory of the courtesy she showed is one of my more wonderful memories in the SCA.<BR>

==Reign Notes==
==Reign Photos==
<gallery caption="Our Crown" widths="150px">

<h3> Peers: </h3>
|  || 2017 ||
|  || 2017 ||
|  || 2017 ||
| || 2017 ||

Latest revision as of 13:59, 2 October 2023

77th Crown

Sovereign: Gabriel II (Gabriel of Maccuswell) (OP)
Consort: Sonja II (Sonja Ryzaja (OP)
Crown Tournament: January 14, 2017 in Shadowlands
Coronation: April 8, 2017 at Elfsea
Stepped Down: October 14, 2017 at Elfsea
Predecessors: Jason Drysdale & Margherita de Mantua
Heirs: Lochlann Dunn IV and Gwen verch Cynwrig de Ynys Mon III

*Crowns of Ansteorra

Reign Overview

Royal Whims or Declarations

Staff Members



  • Bard
  • Middle Eastern Dance
  • Kingdom Artisan


Peers Elevated

Name Date Peerage
Biau-douz de la Mare (OP) 2017-04-15 Laurel
Deanna della Penna (OP) 2017-05-27 Laurel
Galen of Ockham (OP) 2017-06-10 Laurel
Sarran the Traveler (OP) 2017-07-08 KSCA
Amelot Lisette (OP) 2017-09-02 Pelican
Colleen O'Kelly (OP) 2017-09-03 Pelican
Brian O hUilliam (OP) 2017-09-09 Pelican
Bridget Rede of Dunvegan (OP) 2017-09-16 Laurel
Ceallach mac Domhnaill (OP) 2017-09-30 Defense
Micolay Haiduk (OP) 2017-10-07 KSCA
Vigdis Grafeldr (OP) 2017-10-07 Laurel
Vincenti da Murano (OP) 2017-10-07 Pelican

Special Recognitions


Abd al-Mahdi Jamal ibn Hakim

Gauntlets & Gloves

King's Gauntlet

  • Alejandro Ramirez Mendoza
  • Wilhelm von Bellatrix

Notes: Metalwork for 1 pair of King's Gauntlets made by Katrionna Heather MacLochlainn.

Queen's Glove

  • Amelot Lisette
  • Avery Shaw
  • Lessandra della Torre

Notes: Queen's Gloves made by Anastasiia Dmitrieva Sokolova.

Progress While Prince & Princess

Progress While Crown

The Words of the Crown

The Words of the Populace

Nalka Um Al-Jafna

One of my favorite memories is Gabriel and Sonja giving me my Award of Arms at Steppes Warlord. Sonja was and is an inspiring individual. (Gabriel is alright as well). Sonja has never treated anyone as lesser than her, even when she was queen. She always had time for anyone who wanted her ear for a moment (or ten). When we brought our daughter out with us to her very first event, Gabriel and Sonja actually got down on her level to talk to her (she was 2 at the time), it made my heart melt.

Stephen Blakeley

So I went to a princess's tea for a princess I really knew nothing about other than she had played in the East and that she fought chiv. She listened to those of us who were there, she was encouraging and really cared what we felt. It inspired this broken old cadet to really put in the effort to train and compete seriously in her Queen's. There were many ups and downs that day, by the semi-finals I had popped my elbow twice and my right knee was significantly swollen form a double lunge a couple rounds earlier. The semis were a best 2 out of 3 and I had taken the first point. On a retreat in the second I ripped the ground up under the right foot and it slid and I fell. I thought I was cramping in the calf, but it turned out I pulled something in there. I got up, yielded that point to my opponent. Fought the third point and lost. I hobbled off the field, thanked her majesty for the honor of allowing me to fight in her tourney. Then had to be helped to my pavilion on the other side of the list field. I had sat down and Dianna was trying to work my calf muscle loose when Her Majesty Sonja and her entourage processed across the field to my pavilion. As she approached, I was starting to attempt to rise so I could bow, when she waved for me to stay seated. She had court reopened in our pavilion so that she could give me a Queen's Rapier. Later in the reign, she made me a White Scarf, but that memory of the courtesy she showed is one of my more wonderful memories in the SCA.

Reign Notes



Reign Photos