From Ansteorra History Wiki
- 1972
- August Stargate founded as a Barony
- 1973
- March the Steppes founded.
- May 10 the Steppes attains Shire status.
- 1974
- April Founding of Bjornsborg.
- 1975
- August 30 the Steppes elevated to Barony
- 1976
- Spring Bordermarch founded.
- November 27 Bjornsborg elevated to Barony.
- September Bordermarch officially recognized as a Shire
- 1977
- February 9 Namron founded.
- March 14 King Deaton signs the Charter forming the University of Atenveldt witht he first campus being the Kings College at Ansteorra
- March 19-20 The first session of the University meets as the Kings College of Ansteorra and is held in Bjornsborg
- Summer Greywood founded.
- August 20-21 Kings College held in the Steppes
- September 17 Bordermarch elevated to Barony
- September 17-18 Atenveldt Warlord Tournament A.S. XII held at Camp Burnett in the Steppes.
- Bordermarch elevated to Barony. Simonn and Tessa 1ts Baron and Baroness.
- Principality of Meridies raised to Kingdom Status
- The Region of Ansteorra elevated to Principality Status
- November 4-6 First Tournament of the Incipient Shire of Namron
- November 12-13 Atenveldt Crown Tournament in Bordermarch.
- November 25-27 First Coronet Tournament of the Principality of Ansteorra, Sean McFlamm of Ravenswaard and Katharina von Alyssin are First Prince and Princess Bjornsborg
- 1978
- January 7 Twelfth Night in the Barony of the Steppes
- February 18 - 20 Burrow Creek Canyon War
- April Northkeep founded.
- May 20 Randal von Nordlichwald and Constance von Nordlichwald crowned Second Prince and Princess of Ansteorra Bjornsborg
- September Wiesenfeuer founded.
- September 9 Jonathan DeLayffyson and Willow de Wis are Crowned as King and Queen of Atenveldt, held in the Incipient Shire of Namron.
- October 20 - 22 The Protector of Namron Tourney is held in Namron
- December 9 Simon of Amber Isle and Theressa of the Garden were crowned Third Prince and Princess of Ansteorra
- 1979
- February Wiesenfeuer attains Shire status.
- February 12 Greywood attains Shire status.
- March 10 Tournament of Chivalry where the First White Scarf was announced - Bordermarch
- April War with the Middle - aka Willow's War - Northkeep
- April Shire of Mona Sceadowe formed. Later renamed to Mooneschadowe.
- April 10 - Ansteorra granted Kingdom status
- May 12
- 1st Ansteorran Crown Tournament
- Bryn Gwlad elevated to Barony
- June 17 Coronation of Jonathan I
- July 14 Coronation of Willow I
- November 9 Bryn Gwlad founded.
- November 18
- Crown Tournament and Coronation of LLoyd I and Joselyn I
- Namron elevated to Barony
- 1980
- March War with the Middle - held in Grimfells
- 1981
- January 31 Coronation - Bordermarch
- June (last) War with the Middle - Northkeep
- September Bonwicke founded.
- 1982
- April Blacklake founded.
- 1983
- December 10-11 Crown Tournament (Ice Crown) - Mooneschadowe
- 1984
- June 23-24 Crown Tournament - Bordermarch
- June 29-July 1 1st Interkingdom Peace with Calontir - Namron
- 1985
- 1986
- March 15 Queen's Champion - Bordermarch
- May - SCA XX Anniversary event
- 1987
- August Kingdom Warlord Tourney - Northkeep
- 1988
- July Fifth Interkingdom Peace with Calontir - Northkeep
- October First Outlands War
- 1989
- May Heraldic Symposium - Northkeep
- July Interkingdom Peace with Calontir - Mooneschadowe and Wiesenfeuer
- 1990
- September - Third (& final) Outlands War
- December 30 Wiesenfeuer elevated to Barony
- 1991
- March 22-31 SCA's XXV Argent Anniversary event at Camp Burnette, the Steppes
- July - Eighth Interkingdom Peace with Calontir - Northkeep
- 1992
- June - Gulf Wars I
- 1993
- March - Gulf Wars II
- 1994
- March - Gulf Wars III
- June 17-19 Ansteorran's 15th Anniversary Event - Elfsea
- 1995
- March Kingdom Dance Symposium - Mooneschadowe
- March 11 Brad Leah attains Shire status.
- March - Gulf Wars IV
- July Interkingdom with Calontir -- Sheep Wars II - Mooneschadowe
- August 4-6 Queen's Champion - Bordermarch
- 1996
- March - Gulf Wars V
- July Coronation Mikael & Mikaela. Hosted by Mooneschadowe at the Castle in Muskogee.
- November Northkeep elevated to Barony.
- 1997
- March - Gulf Wars VI
- 1998
- March - Gulf Wars VII
- 1999
- March - Gulf Wars VIII
- June - King's College - Mooneschadowe
- July - Ansteorra XX Anniversary Event & Coronation
- 2000
- March - Gulf Wars IX
- 2001
- March - Gulf Wars X
- 2002
- March - Gulf Wars XI
- July - Kingdom Heraldic Symposium - Mooneschadowe
- 2003
- March - Gulf Wars XII
- 2004
- January - Kingdom Arts & Scinces - Mooneschadowe
- March - Gulf Wars XIII
- July - Ansteorran XXV Anniversary Event
- September - Queen's Champion - Northkeep
- 2005
- March - Gulf Wars XIV
- November 1 - Crown Tournment - Wiesenfeuer
- 2006
- January 14 - Coronation - Elfsea
- January 21 - Mooneschadowe elevated to Province at King's Round Table
- January 28 - Queen's Champion - Elfsea
- February 18 - Kingdom A&S - Crossrode Keep & Bonwicke
- March - Gulf Wars XV
- April 1 - Crown Tournament - Rosenfeld
- June 3 - Kingdom Dance & Music Symposium - Bryn Gwlad
- June 24 - King's College - Westgate
- July 8 - Coronation - Trelac
- July 22 - Heraldic & Scribal Symposium
- July 29 - Queen's Champion - Lindenwood
- September 20 - Crown Tournament - Middleford
- 2007
- January 27 - Coronation & Queen's Champion - Bryn Gwlad
- February 10 - Kingdom A&S - Rosenfeld
- March - Gulf Wars XVI
- April 7 - Crown Tournament - Bonwicke
- June 9 - King's College - Stargate
- July 7 - Coronation - Emerald Keep
- July 21 - Queen's Chamption - Gate's Edge
- August 18 - Ansteorran Heraldic & Scribal Symposium - Mooneschadowe
- October 6 - Crown Tournament - Graywood
- November 18 - Crown Tournament - Bordermarch
- 2008
- January 12 - Coronation - Rosenfeld
- January 26 - Queen's Champion - Namron
- February 9 - Kingdom A&S - Northkeep
- March - Gulf Wars XVII
- April 5 - Crown Tournament - Elfsea
- June 14 - King's College - the Steppes
- June 28 - Heraldic & Scribal Symbosium - Westgate
- July 12 - Coronation - Stargate
- July 19 - Queen's Champion - Bryn Gwlad
- July 26 - Crown Tournament - Mooneschadowe
- November 8 - Coronation - the Steppes
- November 15 - Queen's Champion - Tir Medoin
- 2009
- January 10 - Crown Tournament - Loch Soilleir
- February 14 - Kingdom A&S - Stargate
- March - Gulf Wars XVIII
- May 16 - Coronation - Rosenfeld
- May 30 - Queen's Champion - Bryn Gwlad
- June 13 - King's College - Bjornsborg
- July 9-12 Ansteorran 30th Anniversary & Crown Tournament
- September 12 - Laurel's Prize Tourney - Seawinds
- November 7 - Coronation of Owen & Genevria - Eldern Hills / Brad Leah
- November 14 - Queen's Champion - Northkeep
- 2010
- January 9 - Crown Tournament - Raven's Fort
- February 13 - Kingdom A&S - the Steppes
- March - Gulf War XIX
- May 15 - Coronation of Jean Paul and Gilyan at the Masonic Temple - Mooneschadowe
- May 22 - Queen's Champion - Glaslyn
- June 26 - King's College - Stargate
- July 10 - Crown Tournament - Namron
- July 31 - Heraldic & Scribal Symposium - Wiesenfeuer
- August 28 - Laurel's Prize Tourney - Hellsgate/Bryn Gwlad
- November 6 - Coronation of Ulstead V & Ebergardis III at the Anglo-Saxon Mead Hall - Shadowlands
- November 13 - Queen's Champion - Loch Soilleir
- 2011
- January - Crown Tournament
- February - Kingdom A&S
- March - Gulf War
- May - Coronation
- May - Queen's Champion
- July - Crown Tournament
- October - Coronation
- October - Queen's Champion