Christoforo Antonio Passavanti

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Registered Name: Christoforo Antonio Passavanti
Resides: In Memory
Status: Fallen Star
Joined SCA:
Order of Precedence
Christoforo Antonio Passavanti

White Scarf Page]


Sable, a quadrant Or.

Don Christoforo Antonio Passavanti, WSA #55


  • Rapier Marshal, Gate's Edge. February 2007 - January 2009.

Persona History:


  • Rapier Combat
  • Costuming
  • Metalworking
  • Creating award insignia

Timeline of Activity:

(External links are to the Ansteorra Email Archives, quoting relevant messages)

Spring 1995: Along with Llywelyn Gruffydd, Christoforo enter all eight events at the Shadowlands Roundtable Tourney (Heavy list, light list, dancing, heraldry, bardic, archery, A&S, and snowball fight.)

August 1995: Christoforo wins Queen's Champion, held in Bordermarch, excelling in a field that included 65 fencers.

March 1996: Galen Eadwin Kirchenbauer and Rebekah Kleinspielerin acknowledge Christoforo's excellence in rapier by inviting him to join the Order of the White Scarf.

[October 1996: Christoforo helps organize the Dance Competition to be held at Squires & Cadets Invitational X.

Sept 2000: Assisted with Stargate Baronial, running a youth Rapier tournament and serving as a runner to the effusive thanks of the Event Steward, Lady Isabeau Quiquandon.

Dec 2000: Assisted with decor for Stargate Yule, creating new banners for the Barony of each and every prior Baron & Baroness's personal arms.

April 2001: Participated in the revelry at Rogues and Rapiers, winning twenty bouts.

July 2001: Attended Kingdom Dance, hosted by the Canton of Westgate.

January 2002: Queen's Champion - was in the final three, having reached that point undefeated. He met Don Thorlan O'Shea in the finals, and gracefully gave up his one fight advantage, that they might meet on equal footing, in what was described as a beautiful and selfless gesture. There would be only one fight, to one point. Don Thorlan O'Shea defeated Christoforo, and became Britta's Champion.

September 2002: Christoforo wins the day to become the new Rapier Champion of Stargate.

May 2005: As current Royal Huntsman, Christoforo organized the next Huntsman shoot, held in Bordermarch, in conjunction with their championships.

Aug 2005: Christoforo received acknowledgement from the event steward for his assistance with Queen's Champion.

January 2006: Christoforo writes words of praise on the Kingdom email list about the valor and skill of his opponents in the King's Archer tournament.

Photo by Jennifer Dudley

July 2006: Christoforo receives an invitation to join the Order of the Arc D'Or.

July 2007 - Don Christoforo beats out a field of forty combatants, and wins the privilege of being Queen's Champion for Ebegardis.

Fall 2007: Don Christoforo sweeps the field to become the first Defender of Elfsea for the newly invested Baron & Baroness, Daire de Haya and Druinne de Salesberie. Baron Daire notes in a memorial post that Christoforo quite nearly became their archery champion, as well, and "never once failed to show himself as an example of what a champion is."

October 2007: Served as a judge in the Loch A&S competition.

April 2008 : Don Christoforo, as a Companion to the Order of the Arc D'Or, stands as part of a group that challenges archers not yet members of the Order to attend Squires and Cadets, on May 10th.

May 2008: Christoforo announces a silent auction to be held at Coronation, to benefit the Gulf Wars Ansteorran Rose Tournament.

February 2009: Ansteorra mourns the loss of a bright star. His mundane obituary can be found here.

Photo by Jennifer Dudley

March 2009: During a discussion of the 30th anniversary of the White Scarves, Tessa mentions how much she is missing Christoforo on this particular day.

April 2009: The Thirtieth Year White Scarf celebration occurs, and a memorial tournament in Don Christoforo's honor is held. Master Robin provides the details that this celebration of rapier was won by Piet, in a final bout against Stephen Crowley. A memorial gathering is also organized for this day, as well as a display of items crafted by Christoforo, including award insignia, clothing, armor and weapons.

November 2010: During a discussion about the bracers worn by the Arc D'Or, Iaen Mor mentions that the bracer he wears was passed down to him by Don Christoforo.

Populace Provided Information:

Frederick von Dresen

(My parents are Patrick Michael and Julia. Our family ran in the same circles and this is how I know him.) When I was a young teenager, I expressed an interest in learning guitar. I only had a small child's guitar which was barely holding together and had poor intonation. It sufficed as a means to learn. We were at an event and Christoforo presented me with one of his guitars. This guitar was leaps and bounds better than what I had. I used it to hone my skills and have now been playing guitar for over 20 years. To this day, I still use the guitar on recordings. It is the one guitar that I refuse to sell as it means so much to me for the reason that it was there when I was first learning and, most of all, because a kind man invested in a boy's future in music.

Gate's Edge

Don Christoforo played in the area of Gate's Edge and Stargate for many years. He was so beloved by so many people. He served our shire as our Rapier Marshal and was ever a supporter of our group. A senseless accident on the way home from his mundane work took this incredible friend and wonderful gentleman from us, leaving his young wife and child behind. We miss you Christoforo. Know that we loved you and thank you for being our friend.

Lady Graine

I remember it was probably the first Central region academy of the rapier. Don Tivar was giving his class with The Machine to gauge how hard a sword thrust is. It was my turn and I made this awkward (to me) lunge and Christoforo just said "Beautiful!" And made no comments about anyone else's movements. I remember being a huge admirer of him from afar. Seeing Miya and Christoforo at any event assured me that it'd be a grand day. <3 I miss him.

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:


Mundane Information: