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Man at Arms to [[Micauley Morison]]<BR>
Squire to [[Micauley Morison]]<BR>
Member, [[The Free Company]] of Vindheim<BR>
Member, [[The Free Company]] of Vindheim<BR>

Latest revision as of 13:59, 26 January 2025


Portrait by Kasjan Jaskólski Ivarson
Registered Name: Runa Bjarka
Please Note': While their name is registered as "Bjarka", Runa prefers the masculine "Bjarki"
Resides: Northkeep
Status: Active
Joined SCA: 2014
Order of Precedence
Rúna Bjarki

Or, a bear's head erased contourney proper, a bourdure parted bordurewise gules and sable.

Centurion Runa Bjarki

Previously Known As: Runa Bjarnardottir
Nickname(s): Ru
Pronouns: Any

Additional Registered Heraldry:


  • Local Offices Held
  • Regional Offices Held
  • Kingdom Offices Held
    • Discord Deputy to Kingdom Social Media Officer

Persona History:

Old Icelandic.


  • Armored Combat
  • Combat Archery
  • Oil Painting
  • Charter Painting
  • Armoring
  • Leathercraft
  • Service: Enjoying helping at gate or event site up.
  • Getting new people in armor!!
  • canvas covering/shield painting


Timeline of Activity:

December 2014: My friend Marcus from Wiesenfeuer got me involved. Got into armor within two weeks of finding the SCA. Been in it ever since.
Castellan, 2015: Entered my first tournament - a bearpit. It was a crash course in a lot of different fighting styles. Received the Hero's Portion.
Gulf Wars 25: My first WAR!! GulfNado... wow, that was a good war!
Pennsic 50!!
Kingdom Arts & Sciences, 2024: Entered (for the first time ever) a display on shield painting, and in evening court, was named a Centurion.

Centurion Insignia:

Upon being elevated to the Order of the Centurion, Runa received several very special insignia:

  • Garters:
    • Gifted by Megan Flower del Wal and Centurion Damon Xanthus. This garter was woven by Megan for this purpose, and has flames woven into the pattern.
    • Gifted by Centurion Margery Heron. Originally given to Centurion Owen ap Aeddan, who gave it to Centurion Charles the Grey, who gave it to Centurion Margery Heron, who gave it to Runa. It's nickname is "the Thick Bitch."
    • Gifted by Centurion Raulff Smeithberde. This is given with the words, "they are getting the glitter garter because they are a shiny example of what it means to be a Centurion." Given to Raulf by Centurion Miklos Nemeth.
    • Gifted by Master Llywelyn Gruffydd of Elfsea The Lioness Garter: This was crafted by Stella Silvana, Centurion, Laurel and Lioness of Ansteorra. (Made a Centurion in 2002). This is the original design of the Centurion ribbon, and no more of this style are made.
    • Gifted by Centurion Turpin Tyme: No additional lineage, but gifted with the words, "because you have one of the biggest hearts."
    • Gifted by Count Floki Geirrekkson. Worn by Floki for a time after he found it left behind in the Kingdom trailer, then passed on to Runa.
  • Cudgels:
    • Eagle Hammer: was passed down from Sir Morgan Blackdragon to Viscount Mícauley to now me.
    • Cudgel made by Master Kyrus Logisson, Lion of Ansteorra (aka Rabbit). This cudgel was made for specifically for Runa.

Prior Groups:

Populace Provided Information:


Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions:

  • Beacon of Northkeep - given in the middle of the bear pit tourney by Morgan & Montega BlackDragon.
  • Le Batisseur - given by Perrin and Jehanne
  • Rose Token - given by Countess Toryn: For being friendly, having a welcoming smile and helping newcomers.
  • Received a link from the chain of Sir Amra, on the battle field during the Woods Battle
  • Received a link from the chain of Sir Amra, during court at Pennsic. (Cool note: Sir Amra says he has never given more than one link to the same person!)


Squire to Micauley Morison
Member, The Free Company of Vindheim

Mundane Information:

Special Needs:

Has asthma - I keep an inhaler in one of my backpacks or on my person.

In Case of Court:

In case of being called up in court, Please add that I wish to not be informed ahead of time and would prefer to be surprised being called up. Knowing ahead of time will set my anxiety off all day and can cause mental problems. If need to inform someone, please privately tell my teacher Micauley Morison. He will know how to help and handle me. Additionally: For being called into Court or scroll texts: Runa prefers the masculine "Bjarki" rather than the registered "Bjarka."