Kyna Terricsdottir

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Kyna Terricsdottir
Currently Known As: Kyna Terricsdottir
Previously/Also Known As: DeneeKylie No!
Registered Name:
Current Group: Namron
Past Groups:
Joined SCA: 1970s: "My parents joined the SCA in the mid 70's. I was conceived at a late summer event - maybe a Wiesenfeuer event? - and I was 6 days old when they brought me to my first event."
Last Seen: WinterKingdom 2012
Rank/Title: Lady
Device Registered? Yes
Badge Registered? No
Offices Held:
  • Minister of Children, Barony of Namron
  • Siege Captain, Barony of Namron
OP Listing: Kyna Terricsdottir

Persona History:

"12th century Norse, from all over. Dad was a Viking on a ship, and sailed through a fog. Whilst there, he ran in to the loveliest of women. He took her aboard the ship and they fell madly on love. She remained on the ship and they sailed in to forever. Over the years, they had two children."


  • Siege Weaponry
  • Fiber Arts
  • Lyst Administration
  • Waterbearing/Fighter Support

Timeline of Activity:

Populace Provided Information:

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

  • Kyna was stolen by Queen Tessa when her parents brought her to an event at 6 days old. (She was later returned to Daddy during Court.)


Mundane Information: