Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer Badge:
Gules, an arch stooped with doors open Or.
Graphic Art by Jessimond of Emerickeskepe

The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) Office for the Kingdom of Ansteorra is committed to promoting the values of inclusion throughout the Kingdom of Ansteorra and the SCA. With the primary focus being equity, or in other words just and fair inclusion into our organization in which all can participate, prosper, benefit, and reach their full potential.

The DEIB office develops activities and training to cultivate a climate in which ALL members are treated fairly and able to thrive in a welcoming atmosphere. This work is compliant with nondiscrimination laws, ADA laws, the SCA mission statement, and our governing documents, especially our policies on harassment, bullying, and hate speech. The purpose of this office is not to receive incident reports, as those would go through your local, the Regional, or Kingdom Seneschal. The purpose is not to act as a compliance officer, rather, to educate, provide resources, and a safe space for members to discuss and explore these very important issues.

SCA Core Values:

  • To act in accordance with the chivalric virtues of honor and service in all interactions with SCA members and participants;
  • To be a responsible steward of SCA resources;
  • To deal fairly with others, and value and respect the worth and dignity of all individuals,
  • To practice inclusiveness and respect diversity;
  • To promote a safe and respectful environment for all SCA members and participants;
  • To act with transparency, fairness, integrity, and honesty;
  • To maintain a harassment-free environment in SCA spaces; and,
  • To avoid behavior that reflects adversely on the SCA or other SCA members and participants.

More information may be found at the Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging or at the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion – Resources & Links

Kingdom of Ansteorra DEI/DEIB Officers:

Date Kingdom Vindheim Central Southern Special Projects
January 2020 - February 2022 Rene Damours
2022 / 2023 Castellana de Andalusia Taidhgin O'Quin Elspeth de Stervlen Fortune Stykewynd Tenochcacuicatl Delmar



  • May 2019 – The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Handbook is published.
    • Please note: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) was this Office's original name. However, it was later changed to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB).
  • November 2019 – Ansteorra's Historian, Zubeydah Hanim, added an "In Case of Court" section to the People's Page Wiki History template.
  • November 2019 – The Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. College of Arms approves a List of Alternate Titles. This ever-evolving list contains documented masculine, feminine, and gender neutral titles from a wide variety of language groups and is maintained by the Codex Herald.
  • December 2019 – The Kingdom of Ansteorra DEI Office is set up as a Deputy position to the Kingdom Seneschal.


  • January 2020 – Magister Rene Damours announced as Ansteorra’s premier DEI Officer at Round Table.
  • February - April 2020 – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 101 presentations created for new SCA Officers, to be given at Round Table and Royal College. Email address for DEI Office created, as well as the Ansteorran DEI Office’s Mission and Vision Statements.
  • Spring 2020 – Ansteorra's Historian, Zubeydah Hanim , added a "Pronouns" Section to the People's Page Wiki History template.
  • May 2020 – Ansteorran DEI Ambassadors Facebook group created by Magister Rene Damours. The first meeting of the Ansteorran DEI Ambassadors was held to discuss purpose and scope of DEI Ambassadors.
  • June 2020 – Conversation facilitated by Magister Rene Damours for the Barony of Namron to discuss the role of this office and answer any DEI-related questions from the populace.
  • July 2020 – DEI classes become part of Round Table.
  • Summer 2020 – The Barony of Namron completed a full overhaul of its website, adding conflict resolution chain information, editing all content to be gender-neutral, and adding alternate title information.
  • Fall 2020 – Ansteorra's Historian, Zubeydah Hanim, added a "Special Needs" Section to the People's Page Wiki History template.



  • February 2022 – HL Castellana de Andalusia becomes Ansteorra’s 2nd DEI Officer.
  • April 2022 – At the request of our Kingdom Seneschal, Mistress Myfanwy Ferch Eifion, Zodiacus added “Preferred Title” to Ansteorra’s Order of Precedence (OP).
  • June 2022 – The Barony of Namron hosted the Vindheim Summer Coronet Tournament and introduced the new role of Populace Support - a team that is available at all Namron events to assist attendees with transporting and setting up equipment at their seats/encampments. Additional handicap parking spaces were designated and seating reserved that was easily accessible to those using mobility assistance devices.
  • October 2022 – Baron Yancy and Hersirkona Kolfinna announced that Accessibility would be one of the four cornerstones of their baronage and posted their roadmap on the Barony of Namron website for accountability with the populace.
    • Additional steps taken:
      • Introduced award name banners that are displayed during announcements in court and reserved seating for those with visual and hearing impairments.
      • Providing seating for the Herald, Champions, and retinue during court,
      • Began the local tradition of meeting people in court where they are, rather than requiring them to come to the thrones,
      • Debuted kneeling/seating benches for use during court that were designed and built by Baron Yancy,
      • Providing snacks for the populace during long courts,
      • Holding private pop-up courts for gentles who do not wish to be recognized publicly.


  • January 15, 2023 – HL Castellana de Andalusia, DEI Officer for the Kingdom of Ansteorra, announces that, “In our continual effort to foster and promote the principles of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility within our Kingdom and Principality, the DEI office is expanding to include regional and local DEI offices.” This announcement included a call for applications for the Southern Regional, Central Regional, and Principality of Vindheim DEI offices along with the the following general overview of the duties of Regional DEI Officers:
    • 1. Keep track of events happening in your area. Reach out to the Event Stewards and/or Seneschals prior to events and ask if they have any ‘accessibility’ or ‘DEI’ related questions or concerns about their upcoming event.
    • 2. Be an educator. The primary responsibility of the DEI office is to provide “activities and training to cultivate a climate in which all members are treated fairly and able to thrive in a welcoming atmosphere.” Act as a liaison between event steward/class coordinators and other teachers. Be a resource and encourage making DEI resources available for those in your area.
    • 3. Be a point of contact. Be known in your Region as a safe person and someone who can put others in contact with the right people in cases of bullying, harassment, hate speech, etc.
    • 4. As Local DEI officers are appointed, act as a liaison between the Kingdom and Local DEI Officers.
  • Spring 2023 – Office is officially changed from Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB).
  • July 2023 – at Round Table Dame Delphina de Champeaux became Ansteorra’s premiere Arts and Sciences Deputy for Accommodations. On July 16th, Magnifica Biatrichi Canzionari di Palermo, as Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences (MoAS), made a Facebook announcement that the Kingdom is now providing accommodations for those who may need assistance. This might include anything from needing help with setup to assistance with writing. Instructions were given for anyone wishing to make a request to please contact either their Regional or the Kingdom DEIB officer to start the process. Special mention was made that as an honor-based Society no one would be asking what a person’s specific disability is, but that accommodations will be tailored to each person’s specific needs.
  • July 31, 2023 – Magnifica Biatrichi Canzionari di Palermo made a Facebook announcement introducing a new Arts and Sciences Deputy for the Indigenous Cultures of the Western Hemisphere: Lade Malkyn Hawke (she/they).
  • September 3, 2023 – The Kingdom of Ansteorra - DEIB Resources Facebook Page is created. "This page is a reservoir of resources to assist groups and individuals within the Kingdom of Ansteorra to actively and continuously work towards building and maintaining a community where all:
    • can participate,
    • feel included and celebrated,
    • know that their voice matters,
    • feel safe
    • are treated with dignity and compassion,

...as their fully autonomous, self-identifying, beautiful selves."

  • September 9, 2023 – September 9, 2023 – At Kingdom Arts and Sciences, Their Royal Majesties Gabriel of Maccuswell III & Sonja Ryzaja III announced the following changes to Kingdom Law:
    • Article IV: Events, Section 2: Reoccurring Kingdom Events J. Subsection 2
      • A. Rename King’s Round Table to Round Table
      • B. Rename Queen’s Champion to Consort Champion
      • C. Rename King’s Champion to Sovereign Champion
  • September 13, 2023 – Magnifica Biatrichi Canzionari di Palermo made a Facebook announcement introducing the creation of Jews and Jewish Personas of Ansteorra and Vindheim Facebook Group which is open to anyone interested in Jewish Studies.
  • September 2023 – The Barony of Namron updated their Facebook group rules to require a text accompaniment with all graphics posted to accommodate users of text readers. Text captions for images are also requested.