Vincenti da Murano

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Registered Name: Vincenti da Murano
Resides: Namron
Status: Active
Joined SCA: 2008
Order of Precedence
Vincenti da Murano

Or, a wolf courant purpure and on a chief rayonny sable an increscent Or.

His Excellency, Sir Vincenti da Murano, Maestro of the Pelican, CSS

Nickname(s): Vinny
Previously Known As:

Other Registered Heraldry


  • Local Offices Held
    • Thrown Weapons Marshal, Barony of Namron
    • Archery Marshal, Barony of Namron
  • Kingdom Offices Held
    • Kingdom Missile Marshal

Persona History:

1525 Venice Italy. I am the 5th child of the 5th child of a Merchant family. As the 5th child or a well to do family, when I came of age I was given a nice kit, and some money to leave and make my own way in the world. I traveled, became a Mercenary with the Genoese Crossbow group, then joined the Landsknecht before earning my titles, land, and money. After which I returned home to rejoin my family and to be with the Love of my life.


- Archery
- Leather work
- Chivalric Fighting
- camp fires & laughing

Timeline of Activity:

I started in the SCA in 2008. I have never missed a Gulf War, have been to Pennsic a few times, and traveled across the Kingdom and to several others as well.

Prior Groups

Populace Provided Information:


Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

  • I was in charge of Land for Ansteorra at GW for a number of years. I have been working to maintain the Towers at GW for 10 years.

Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions

I hold the Service, Arts & Sciences, and fighting awards for Namron and the service award for Wiesenfeuer.


Mundane Information:

In Case of Court

Special Needs