Zubeydah Al-Badawiyyah

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Elevation to the Order of the Pelican, July 2021.
Photo by Francesca di Lucca
Registered Name: Zubaydah al-Badawiyyah
Resides: Vindheim / Northern Region
Claimed by Mooneschadowe
Dwells in Northkeep
Status: Active
Joined SCA: June 14, 1986
Order of Precedence
Kingdom of Ansteorra

Kingdom of the Outlands


Azure, an ewer bendwise within an orle argent. Achievement by Alisandre Oliphant

Her Excellency, Zubeydah Hanim, Bastion of Vindheim

Original Court Barony Scroll by Annais Elanor de Montomerie‎‎ presented at Saturday's High Court at Ansteorra 40th Year, by Vladislav & Margaret

While her registered name is Zubaydah, she prefers the alternate spelling, Zubeydah.
(The initials after her name (BQC), are the designation given to those who are Bearers of the Queen's Cipher of the Kingdom of the Outlands.)

Nicknames, Known-Bys, and Odd Titles:

  • Zuzu (This nickname was given by Sigen Fridreksdottir, and is welcome and makes her smile.) (Beydah is NOT her name. Zub is RIGHT OUT.)
  • In Mooneschadowe, she is known as Don Zubeydah of the Waterbearing Mafia * / **
  • On the Armour Archive, she holds the title of Dark Overlord Chick of the Universe and is best known for her summary and index of The St Florian Project by Robert MacPhereson (File:The St Florian Project - A Summary of Work.pdf), liberal political views, and a certain discussion of ladies underpinnings.
  • In the Northern Region, she is known as the Patron Saint of Chocolate
  • For a span of time in March of 2020, she was given the title of "Official Neutral Marshal of Mayhem" for her arbitration of a wiki-content-battle between the Barony of Namron and the Barony of Wiesenfeuer.

* Important!! This does not, in any way, imply that Zubeydah has a White Scarf of Ansteorra. Please note the 'Mafia' part of the name. :D
** The first rule of the Waterbearing Mafia is that we don't talk about the Waterbearing Mafia...

  • Zubeydah uses the Turkish title for Peerage, "Hanim."

Previously Known As: When she first started in the SCA in the Outlands, she used Kestrel of Ravenshold.
Pronunciation:zoo-BAY-dah AL-bah-dah-WEE-yuh
Pronouns: She/Her

Additional Registered Heraldry:

The following badge associated with this name was registered in February of 2022 (via Ansteorra): Sable, a ray of the sun issuant from sinister chief argent.
Zubeydah enjoys telling the story of how this badge came to be inspired by Kassandra De Haas and you should totally ask her some time.


Mantling: Argent goutty azure, and Azure
Helm: Persian helm argent, faces affronty
Crest: Dexter human hand holding a quill, writing upon a page, argent
Coronet: Baronial with six points topped with pearls
Dexter Supporter: Domestic cat rampant guardant sable, armed and orbed gules, maintaining a book Or
Sinister Supporter: Griffin rampant guardant sable, armed and orbed gules, maintaining a book Or
Motto: That which is not written is forgotten
Notes: Compartment is a pile of books and scrolls. A wreath of Pelican feathers encircles the arms.


  • Local Offices Held
    • Prior Northkeep Baronial Waterbearer
    • Prior Interim Chronicler, Barony of Northkeep, June 2021 - February 2022
  • Regional Offices Held
    • Prior Northern Regional Waterbearer (Warranted Office - 2003-2004)