King's Battle Ribbon

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Revision as of 15:21, 15 February 2023 by CharlestheGrey (talk | contribs) (Added more info for 2005 and 2006 award of ribbon with link.)
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Adapting a military tradition that goes back to at least the Roman times, Abd al-Mahdi Jamal ibn Hakim created the King's Battle Ribbon. The acknowledgement is given at the King's discretion to those groups that excel in the preparation for and the participation in an official SCA interkingdom war. The recipient gains the right to carry and display the banner until the next recipient is chosen by the King. After that they can affix and display a ribbon (an Or ribbon bearing in chief an Ansteorran star sable and the name of the war it was awarded for in gules).


1997: The initial granting of the ribbon is jointly given by Abd al-Mahdi Jamal ibn Hakim to the Liondragon Guard of Mooneschadowe and to Northkeep.

1998: This year, the ribbon was jointly awarded by Jean Richard Malcomson to the Liondragon Guard of Mooneschadowe and to Northkeep. It was presented at Eldern Hills court, and carried at Gulf War by the groups, who were fighting together. It was never allowed to fall into enemy hands. Per Thorgrim Northkeep, then Baron of Northkeep, "It was returned to His Majesty, Rischard before Great Court Saturday night and we were told that He had not had time to consider who was most worthy." Sir Burke Kyriell MacDonald further provided that it was not given out at the Court, but would be awarded at a later date.

1999: Gulf Wars is rained out, and the Ribbon is not awarded.

2000: The Arthurian Guard of Elfsea, through bravery and skill, was awarded the King's Battle Ribbon at Gulf War, by Alaric Drake.

2001: The stirring tale of how Bryn Gwylad worked for, and received the Battle Ribbon, in the words of Ysfael, can be found HERE. (The ribbon was presented by HRM Jason MacPherson When Gulf War approached the following year, the words of Avery Shaw stirred folks up to pursue this honor: Link HERE.

2002: Aaron McGregor presented the ribbon to Rhoadd-Western.

2003: The Battle Ribbon is won for the third time by the Liondragon Guard of Mooneschadowe, granted by Miguel Sebastian de Oporto.

2004: The banner was jointly presented to the Light Cavalry unit and Rhoadd-Western Region this year, by Miguel Sebastian de Oporto.

2005: The Liondragon Guard of Mooneschadowe and upon award, they petitioned the Crown to share the honor with Northkeep which was granted.

2006: The Liondragon Guard of Mooneschadowe and upon award, they once again asked the Crown Abd al-Mahdi Jamal ibn Hakim to share the honor with Northkeep which was once again granted. Link HERE.


2008: The Northern Regional Army




2012: Awarded to Bryn Gwlad War Company

2013: The Archers and Siege Engineers of Ansteorra


2015: The Liondragon Guard of Mooneschadowe


2017: The Battle Ribbon is granted to House Wolfstar this year.

2018: Ansteorra's Combat Archers as a group receive the recognition of the King's Battle Ribbon this year.

2019: Awarded to Bryn Gwlad War Company by Miguel Sebastian de Oporto.

2020: Not Awarded as Gulf Wars was not held in 2020.

2021: Not Awarded as Gulf Wars was not held in 2021.

2022: Not Awarded in 2022 while Floki Gierrekkson was King.


The King's Battle Ribbon is featured in a number of the stanzas of the Gulf War cadences sung by the Province of Mooneschadowe:

At Gulf Wars 12 This Tiny Shire                 
Reclaimed the Fame we so Desire
2,000 pounds of Doors we Built
Won the Battle Ribbon for the Blood we Spilt
At Gulf 14 it was Darn Cold                         
We Sold our Food for Cloth to Fold
Our Banner Bearer Killed their King         
The Ribbon Home we did Bring
At Gulf 15 Provincial Folk             
Maimed and Killed and Mashed and Broke 
With Trimaris we Allied                                
Earned the Ribbon for Year Number 5