Livia da Nicolosi

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Registered Name: Livia da Nicolosi
Resides: Rosenfeld
Status: Active
Joined SCA: 1990
Order of Precedence
Livia da Nicolosi
File:Livia da Nicolosi Device2.png
"Per chevron Or and azure, two pomegranates gules slipped and leaved vert and issuant from base a demi-sun Or."

Honorable Lady Livia da Nicolosi

Previously Known as : Fridhur Haralds


  • Local Offices Held
    • Four time Chronicler of the Shire of Rosenfeld
    • Three time Minister of Arts & Sciences of the Shire of Rosenfeld
    • Prior Seneshal of the Shire of Rosenfeld

Persona History:


King's Gauntlets & Queen's Gloves embroidered by Livia, granted 04/14/19

I like to embroider and am currently learning the art of glove making. I've also recently learned how to make my own spangles for Elizabethan style embroidery.

Timeline of Activity:

I joined the SCA in 1990. I had been looking for the group for years -lured on by occasional photos in the Sunday newspaper of chivalric fighters in Bergfeld Park. One day I saw a flier in a bookstore with contact information. Finally, found! The rest is history. Rosenfeld was only an incipient shire and a very small group when I joined in February of 1990. Because we were so small, the need for willing officers was critical. By May of 1990, I was Seneschal and Acting Chronicler. This was when there was no such thing as email or internet or cell phones. I wrote many a long missive to the then Kingdom Seneschal Baron Bran de Tintreak. By the end of 1991, Rosenfeld was officially a shire. I'd like to say I had a hand in that. Heart and hands.

Populace Provided Information:

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

  • 1994 - 13th Artisan of Middleford (now defunct branch - Hells Gate)
  • 1994 - Bard for the Shire of Middleford
  • 2002 - Artisan of Barony of Stargate (Stargate Baronial 30th)
  • 2003 - one of ten A&S champions for Gulf Wars
  • 2006 - one of five A&S champions for Gulf Wars
  • 2006 - 14th Elfsea Artisan
  • 2018 - Baronial A&S champion for Barony of Wiesenfeur
  • 2019 - Ansteorran Laurels' Favorite for Gulf Wars A&S Open Challenge


Mundane Information: