Owen ap Aeddan

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File:Owen ap Aeddan.jpg
Owen Ap Aeddan, photo by Richard Threlkeld
Registered Name: Owen ap Aeddan ap Trahaearne
Resides: Namron
Status: Active
Joined SCA: Prior to 1996
Order of Precedence
Owen ap Aeddan ap Trahaerne
Per fess argent and vert, three gryphons counterchanged.

Iarll (Count) Owen ap Aeddan ap Trahearn ap Llewellyn ap Gruffudd ap Gwent ap Bredd ap Camden ap Anarward


Past Groups:

Offices Held:

  • Local Offices Held
  • Regional Offices Held
  • Kingdom Offices Held

Persona History:

Persona Lineage

Owen is the son of Aeddan, who died in 1122; who was the son of Trahearne, who died in 1092; who was the son of Llewellyn who died in 1062 .... ap Gruffuth d. 1032 ap Gwent d. 1002 ap Bredd d. 972 ap Camden d. 942 (who died with his brother Idwal, who ruled Gwynedd and Powys until he was killed in revolt against Wessex) ap Anarward d. 910 (whose nephew Hywell, called ‘the good’, during his life unified all of the lands of Wales with the exception of Glamorgan, though under the overlordship of Wessex, ap Rhodri d. 878 ap Merfyn d. 844 ap Esyllt d. 814 ap Aodh (a younger brother of Alpin, King of Scotland - Aodh, who was a son of the Kings of Argylshire) mac King Achaius, mac King Etfinus, mac King Eugene VII, mac Findan, mac King Eugene V, mac Dongard, mac King Donald IV, mac King Eugene IV, mac King Aidan, mac King Conran, mac King Dongard, mac King Fergus More, mac Earca who was of the line of the kings of Ireland… ui King Murireadhach, ui Eogan, ui King Nail of the Nine Hostages, ui King Eochaid Moigmeodhin, ui King Muireadhach Tireach, ui King Fiachadh Sreabthuine, ui King Caibre Liffeachair, ui King Cormae Usada, ui King Arb Aonflier, ui King Coun Ceadchathach, ui King Tuathal Teachtmar, ui King Fiachadh Fionoluidh, ui Fearaidhach Fion Feachtnuigh, ui King Criomhthan Niadhnar, ui King Lughaidh Raidhdearg, ui Fineamhaus, ui King Eodchaidh Feidhlioch, ui Fian, ui Finlogha, ui Roighnein Ruadh, ui Easamhuin Famhua, ui Blathucha, ui Labhra Suire, ui King Eana Aighneach, ui King Aongns Tuirmheach Teamharch, ui King Eochaidh Foltleathan, ui King Oiliolla Caisfhiachach, ui King Coula Cruaidh Cealgach, ui King Jaran Gleofathach, ui Meilage, ui King Cobhthach Coalbreag, ui King Ugrain More the Great, ui Eochaidh Buailgllerg, ui King Duach Laidhrach, ui King Fiachadh Toigrach, ui King Muirteadach Bolgrach, ui King Simeon Breac, ui King Aodhain Glas, ui King Giallchadh, ui Ohalla Olchaoin, ui King Siorna Saoghalach, ui Dein, ui King Rotheachta, ui Maoin, ui King Aongus Ollmuchaidh, ui King Fiachadh Labhriane, ui Smiorguil, ui Eanbotha, ui King Tighernmas, ui Follain, ui King Eithriall, ui King Irial Faidh, ui Herremon (a Prince of the Scarlet Thread) who married Queen Tea Tephi… And Herreman was sired by King Zedekiah, of the line of Kings in the lands of Palestine, Judea, and ancient Israel, Zedekiah was sired by King Josiah, who was sired by King Amon, who was sired by King Manasseh, who was sired by King Hezakiah, who was sired by King Ahaz, who was sired by King Jotham, who was sired by King Uzziah, who was sired by King Amaziah, who was sired by King Joash, who was sired by King Ahaziah, who was sired by King Jehoram, who was sired by King Jehoshaphat, who was sired by King Asa, who was sired by King Abijah, who was sired by King Rehoboam, who was sired by King Solomon (of the Temple and Treasure of Great Renown), who was sired by King David… and David was the son of Jesse, who was the son of Obed, the son of Boaz (husband of Ruth for who the biblical book is named), and he was son of Salmon, who was son of Naason, who was son of Aminadab, who was son of Aram, who was son of Hezron, who was son of Judah, who was son of Jacob, who was son of Isaac, who was son of Abraham (he who is father of many nations)… And Abraham was begat by Terah, who was begat by Nahor, who was begat by Serug, who was begat by Reu, who was begat by Peleg, who was begat by Heber, who was begat by Salah, who was begat by Arphaxad, who was begat by Shem, who was begat by Noah (who built the ark), who was begat by Lamech, who was begat by Methusaleh, who was begat by Enoch, who was begat by Jared, who was begat by Mahalaleel, who was begat by Canaan, who was begat by Enos, who was begat by Seth, who was begat by Adam from Eve.


Bardic Arts, Voice Heraldry

Timeline of Activity:

  • June 1999 - (From the Northkeep Chronicle): Tenth Annual Castellan Tourney. For the third year in a row, the Castellan title is not won. Lord Owen ap Aeddan wins the honor and responsibility of guarding Her Excellency Sigen as the Baronial Drighton. ("Kill him, Owen," becomes the most feared words heard on the battlefield at the following year's Gulf War.)
  • September, 2004: Owen is elevated to the Order of the Chivalry. Owen's Heraldic Processional
  • January, 2005: Owen attends Estrella War. (See below for an event review)
  • November 2009: Owen is crowned the 62nd King of Ansteorra.

Estrella, 2005:

As I am fresh from the War that is Estrella, I would be happy to share my take on this mighty War.

Lo, did the mighty Northern warriors of Ansteorra meet within the Barony of Wiesenfeuer, and with much tasking, girded our harnesses and prepared for the arduous pilgrimage to the Kingdom of Atenveldt. Our Northern allies, the glorious Kingdom of Calontir, had called for aid in this time of dire need, as war is all around us. Sieur Jean Paul de Sens, Equis Cassius Lepus, Lord Yoshi, Lord Julius, Dante and myself left our fair lands to go to the aid of our beloved allies. The beautiful Colete and my Man at Arms Charles the Grey, at the war, joined us making their own way to this mighty battle.

As all good and nobles know, when that much glory is to be had, tournaments must be fought. The glorious tournament that the Kingdom of the Outlanders sponsors was divided into four fields. Only the two most victorious fighters could then move onto the next round of this grand tournament. Sieur Jean Paul defeated two sitting Kings to secure his place in the final round of this tournament. Both he and myself fought our way to the final round and had a glorious time doing it.

As dawn broke on our second day in this strange Kingdom, the call to battle was heard throughout the camps. The might that is Ansteorra was felt by the foes of our Allies this day. Equis Cassius and myself were invited by the King of Artemisia to fight in a Greatsword-only tournament to be held the next evening.

As dawn approached on the third day, again the call to arms was heard. It is hard to describe how mighty the blows thrown at our opponents were, but many were thrown and great was the glory that was had on this fine day. I was most pleased with the gallantry and skill showed by Julius and Yoshi. They did their Kingdom proud. That night Equis Cassius and myself prepared ourselves for the honor of fighting in Artemisia’s grand tournament. The honor and glory that was displayed will not soon be forgotten. The courtesy of this Kingdom should be shouted throughout the known world. I am glad to know such a good man as HRM Reinmar Wolfmeier and his wonderful Queen Albreda Wolfkeeper. I look forward to any meeting I have with either of them in the future. Also their Kingdoms future is well secure, as their Heir, Sir Sean Kirkpatrick Tarragon, is not only mighty on the field but a very model of chivalry off the field as well. I can only hope to get to know him better in the future.

I was told that the Kingdom of Atenveldt was a desert. Now, I have traveled to the western region of our great Kingdom, and it was far more desert-like than Atenveldt. It rained like we were in Meridies throughout the night and into the dawn of the next day. With encouraging words from our mighty King Ansteorra did we take the field, and treated our opponents to the glory that battling Ansteorra is. We fought all day, and in the end, our allies held the field. The time for our departure was nigh. We prepared ourselves, and broke camp. Much ransom and gifts were brought back to our fair kingdom. Already my sword arm yearns for the coming day when our allies call for our help again and we gird our armor on to do glorious battle once again in the far away land of Atenveldt.

This written by my hand Anno Societatis XXXIX
Syr Owen ap Aeddan, a Marchog of Ansteorra

Populace Provided Information:

Owen ap Aeddan I & Genevria De Betto De Adriona I - Photo by Diarmait ua Dhuinn

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

  • 62nd Crown of Ansteorra.
  • 3rd Margrave of Gnomon Vale.
  • 1st Champion of the Celtic Games of Brad Leah.
  • 4th Dreighton of Northkeep.
  • 19th Guardian of Mooneschadowe.
  • Final Champion of the Mead Bee War.
  • 1st Champion of the Rivers War.
  • 4th Bard of Gnomon Vale.
  • Champion of the Gothic War.
  • Bard of Northkeep.
  • 27th Protector of Namron.
  • Castellan of Northkeep.
  • Premier Guardian of the Eclipse.
  • 30th Protector of Namron.
  • Champion of Wiesenfeur.
  • Bard of Adlersruhe.
  • King's Champion to Quintus Aurelius Dracontius.



Mundane Information: