Kein MacEwan

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Registered Name: Kein MacEwan
Resides: Bryn Gwlad
Status: Active
Joined SCA:
Order of Precedence
Kein MacEwan

Counter-ermine, a griffin segreant gules gorged of a ducal coronet inverted and on a chief indented Or three mullets sable.

His Grace, Kein MacEwan, KSCA, OP, Defender of the Dream

Previously Known As:

Additional Registered Heraldry:


  • Other Offices Held
    • Head of Security at Pennsic.

Persona History:

Late 16th Century Scot.

Photo by Caelin on Andrade


  • Chivalric Combat
  • Melee Combat
  • Melee Strategy & Command
  • Persona Play
  • Period Cooking
  • Archery
  • Thrown Weapons
  • Rapier Combat
  • Combat Archery
  • Service

Timeline of Activity:

A Story of Crown Tournament 2002:

(Story snipped from a discussion of a photo of a bout in the Semi-Finals, of Kein and Timo (Timotheos Kalamanos) fighting.) The real story of this day, though, was in the finals between Timo and Patrick Michael. With me gone, they made it a normal two-out-of-three final. Each of them took one point. In the third point Timo took Patrick's leg. He asked Patrick to yield. Patrick said something like "If you want to be a Duke, you have to come through me" or "finish the job" or something like that. Memory fades. Then Timo said something like, "I don't know if I'm going to be a duke. I'd rather be a HERO." And then he THREW AWAY HIS SHIELD. If you check the OP, you can see how that turned out, but I'll always remember this as the day that my friend, Timo, chose to be a hero.

Prior Groups:

  • Barony of Namron, 1985
  • Settmore Swamp, Kingdom of the East

Populace Provided Information:


  • Received an augmentation of Arms from Dracontius & Sibri in 2004, as a remembrance of his Squire, Fredrich Konigsburg, who was killed in action in Iraq.
  • Tragically, the first Ansteorran Sword of State, the Ebon Sword, was stolen from Kein's vehicle during his second reign.
  • Kein is featured in the Greate Book of Fighters blog

Wiki Mentions:

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:


  • Previously Squired to Sir Manfred von Halstern, East Kingdom
  • Previously Squired to Viscount Galen of Bristol

Mundane Information:

Special Needs:

In Case of Court: