William Blackfox

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William Blackfox
Known As: William Blackfox
Registered Name: William Blackfox
Current Group:
Past Groups: Northkeep


Joined SCA:
Current Status: (Deceased)
Last Seen:
Rank/Title: Master of the Pelican, Court Baron
Device Registered? Yes:

Offices Held:
OP Listing: William Blackfox

Persona History:


Timeline of Activity:

Populace Provided Information:

For those of you who never had the pleasure of knowing William Blackfox, he was an amazing man , talented in many fields, and he could always see the funny side of anything . I've been a manic depressive most of my life, but to be honest, I firmly believe that no one could be near Blackfox for more than a few minutes and still be depressed. William Blackfox was just that kind of person. I miss him still. : ( - Arthur Blackmoon, Barony of Northkeep

Notable Contributions / Accomplishments:

  • Best known as the artist for Warthaven.
