Margery Gilroy

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Photo by Cassion Jaskolski
Registered Name: Margery Heron
Resides: Steppes
Status: Active
Joined SCA: 2018
Order of Precedence
Margery Heron

Gules, a seadog rampant and on a chief argent, 3 trident heads sable.

Centurion Margery Heron


Previously Known As: Valka Flokadottir
Nickname(s): Gert
Pronouns: She/Her

Additional Registered Heraldry:

The following badge associated with this name was registered in March of 2021 (via Ansteorra): (Fieldless) A sea-dog rampant contourny argent within and conjoined to an annulet gules.

Badge #2


  • Local Offices Held
    • Nautilus Pursuivant (Herald of Elfsea): September 2019 - September 2020
    • Steppes Social Media Officer: January 2019 - October 2021 (First to hold this office)
    • Steppes Deputy Heavy Marshal February 2023 - Present
  • Regional Offices Held
  • Kingdom Offices Held
    • Kingdom Social Media Officer: October 2021 - February 2022
    • Sigillarius Herald: August 2020 - February 2022 (First to hold this office)
  • Society Offices Held
    • Society Social Media Officer: February 2022 - February 2023
    • Society Marketing & Content Officer: February 2023-Present (First to hold this office)

Persona History:

Originally from Kiev, Margery and her faithful companion, Briar Underfoot, traveled south to join the Varangian Guard. There, they met the esteemed warrior, Floki Gierrekkson, who took them under his wing.


  • Heavy Combat
  • Photography & Videography
  • Leather Work
  • Heraldry
  • Recruiting and Retention

Timeline of Activity:

First event was Gulf Wars 2019. Played for exactly 1 year before the pandemic. Became a Society officer in 2022.

Prior Groups:

Populace Provided Information:

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

  • Vice Pedagogue Elfsea Academie
  • Has provided many live streams for the kingdom, including testing out the use of Streamyard, now the standard for most Ansteorran live streams
  • Created most of the heraldry available on the Ansteorra Heralds site.
  • Participated in every virtual court during the pandemic either as a moderator or by running the stream.
  • Chivalric Champion of the Barony of Loch Soiller - 2022
  • Commander of the Steppes Melee Unit
  • Commended by the President of the Society for Creative Anachronism during the January 13, 2023 Board of Directors Meeting "for their planning and work on upcoming 2023 projects."
  • Represented the SCA on the Catchin' Up with Carter Podcast.
  • Designed the SCA's first ever official clothing merch, and managed/promoted the related fundraiser. Got the shirt featured on CustomInk's social medias.
  • Livestreamed and moderated the 2022 Talking BoD Series.
  • Moderated questions during 2022 Q4 BoD Meeting.


Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions:

  • Steppes Warlord Queen of Love & Beauty 2019
  • Acorn of the Steppes, granted in Virtual Court on 05/23/20
  • Received a Rose token from Countess Michelle for her work live streaming Margherita III's Queen's Champion Tournament
  • Received a Rose Token From Queen Toryn II for her performance in the unbelted tournament at Fall Crown Tournament 2022.
  • Grice's Track of the Steppes, granted at Steppes Twelfth Night on 01/07/23
  • Roses choice to advance from her section in 2023 Meridian Rose Tournament at Gulf Wars, fighting for Countess Elizabeth Canton.



  • Margery was given custody of a Centurion Cloak worn by three separate sovereigns. Watch here.


Mundane Information:

I'm way more charismatic online than in person. Don't let it fool you into thinking I don't like you. I'm just awkward and sleepy.

Special Needs:

In Case of Court: