Haraldr Bassi

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Registered Name: Haraldr Bassi
Resides: Ffynnon Gath
Status: Active
Joined SCA: 1980
Order of Precedence
Haraldr Bassi

Azure, a Viking longship paly argent and gules, a base argent.

Meistari Haraldr Bassi

Previously Known As:
Pronouns: He/Him

Additional Registered Heraldry:

  • The following badge associated with this name was registered in April of 2013 (via Ansteorra): (Fieldless) On a Thor's hammer argent, a hagalaz rune sable.
  • The following badge associated with this name was registered in April of 2013 (via Ansteorra): (Fieldless) A Viking longship paly argent and gules.


Mantling: Or and Sable
Helm: Norse with brass nasal, faces Affronty
Crest: Brown bear statent erect proper maintaining a bearded axe argent dexter and an adze argent sinister, with a broken chain, argent, from the sinister leg


  • Local Offices Held
    • Deputy Seneschal, Shire of Ffynnon Gath, Ansteorra (2019-2021)
    • Seneschal, Shire of Ffynnon Gath, Ansteorra (2016-2018)
    • Exchequer, Barony of Bjornsborg, Ansteorra (2010-2011)
    • Seneschal, Shire of the Frosted Hills, East 12.5 years (1993-2005)
    • Founding member of the Shire of the Northern Outpost, East (1980-1983)
  • Regional Offices Held
    • Central Region Deputy Exchequer, Kingdom of the East
  • Kingdom Offices Held
    • ER/Deputy for Arts & Sciences, Ansteorra (2018-2020)
    • Deputy Exchequer, Kingdom of the East
  • Society Offices Held
    • Society Deputy Exchequer for Pennsic War XXX (2000-2001)
    • Chairman of the Grand Council
    • Chairman of the Budget Review Committee
    • Member at large of the Grand Council for 8+ years

Event Work:

  • Known World
    • Autocrat – Twice, Known World Metalsmiths Symposium, East (2004/2005)
      • and spent the weekend teaching classes
  • Kingdom:
    • Ansteorra King's College
      • Coordinated class submission & scheduling
    • Ansteorra Kingdom Arts and Sciences Tournament
      • Coordinated artisan registrations, table assignments, artisan check-in & scoring
    • Ansteorra Laurel's Prize Tournament
      • Coordinated artisan registrations, table assignments & artisan check-in
    • East Kingdom University
    • Co-autocrat East Kingdom Crown Tourney
  • Local:
    • Head cook – King's College hosted by Bjornsborg, Ansteorra, 2009
    • Autocrat – Bjornsborg Fall event 2008
    • Hrim Schola – a local in depth Arts and Sciences event, many times
      • Most years I was the autocrat, I was also teaching woodworking all day
    • Autocratted numerous other local events in the East Kingdom over the years
      • so many that I frankly can't remember them all.
    • Gate Coordinator - for a dozen or more local events in Bjornsborg, Ffynnon Gath & Raven's Fort

Persona History:

Haraldr Bassi is a late 10th Century Viking traveling Scandinavia and Iceland. He has journeyed through Eastern Scandinavia, down the rivers to Kiev, where he met and married a lovely blonde potter who goes by the name of Oksana Goncharova. He has traveled to Miklikgardr where he spent some time as a Varangian guard. These days he is content to quietly work on crafts including teaching others various crafts he has acquired throughout his travels and years of experiences.


Teaching people to make things using tools they've never used before.

Classes and projects I've taught or done:

Wood Projects:

All woodworking projects included use of mortise and tenon joinery in some form
Woodworking for Weavers: Students created an upright tablet loom using hand tools
Woodworking for Embroiderers: Students created an embroidery frame using hand tools
Viking Six Board Chest: Students created a wooden box using tools documented to the Viking Age

Enamel Projects:

Glass on Copper enameling: Students used combinations of cloisonne and/or free hand design
Enamel Plaques for a Laurel Gown: A workshop where copper was acid etched to make champleve enamel plates, as well as some free hand and cloisonne

Casting Projects:

Soapstone Pewter Casting: Students created their own soapstone molds to cast pewter pieces
Pewter Sand Casting: Students created copies of items available using jewelers casting sand and pewter
Bronze Sand Casting: Students created multiple pieces using a master piece casting bronze using sand
Silver Sand Casting: Created multiple silver ingots using jewelers sand

Metal Projects:

Viking Silver Arm Bands: Started from cast silver ingots, drawing the ingots out to arm band length and shape, stamped using custom made stamping tools
Cuerdale Horde Metal Stamps: Recreating numerous stamps cataloged in the Cuerdale Horde archeological report
Viking Arm Bands: Students created their own arm bands using copper, bronze, brass or nickle silver, often creating their own custom tool first
Viking Arm Bands - Largess: Various arm bands created and distributed to crown, prize baskets or baronial gifts in the above metals as well as stainless steel and aluminum

Timeline of Activity:

Found the SCA in 1980/81 while attending college at SUNY Potsdam in upstate New York where I was one of the initial members creating the new branch Shire of the Northern Outpost. Remained there until 1983 when the Army transferred me to the Hudson Valley.

1983 - 1985: lived in East Kingdom unclaimed crown lands.
1985 - 2007: Shire of Frosted Hills, East Kingdom. Autocratted numerous events
2007 - 2016: Barony of Bjornsborg. Autocratted a few events, responsible for running gate at even more events.
2016 - present Shire of Ffynnon Gath: Continued to be responsible for running gate at many events, both in my local groups as well as others.


  • First Pennsic was Pennsic War 12
  • Second Pennsic was Pennsic War 21
  • Have only missed three Pennsics since PW21

Prior Groups:

  • Ansteorra
  • East Kingdom
    • Shire of Frosted Hills
    • Founding member of Shire of the Northern Outpost

Populace Provided Information:

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

  • Many of the students I've taught over years to make a project, have then gone back to their home kingdoms to teach even more people to make the project I initially taught them.
  • Have generally taught for an average of more than 30 years at all of the past Gulf Wars and Pennsic Wars I've attended, brought down to 30+ hours due to not having taught at several of my first Pennsics but the years where my teaching time was 50-60+ hours offset those few years.
  • Steppes Artisan

Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions:

  • Holder of the Footed Bowl - East Kingdom


Household: House True String (currently has members in East Kingdom, West Kingdom & Ansteorra)

Mundane Information:

Bearer of the Sable Shield of Ansteorra

Special Needs:

In Case of Court: