Generic Event Bid for use in Planning
From Ansteorra History Wiki
Event Bid Template
Addressing the following points will cover most everything you need:
- Group Name
- Name of the Event
- Date of the Event
- Bid Team Participants:
- Name, telephone number, email address, snail mail address
Prospective Site:
- Site Amenities
- ADA compliant/primitive/full features including AC?
- Indoor/outdoor fighting space, class space, kitchen (ie feast/tavern?)
- Site Requirements
- wet/dry, pets?
- Noise/fire/water constraints?
- Map of Site
- Location/size of: fighting space, classrooms, parking; points of interest (restaurants, hospital)
- Map to Site
- How to get there from all relevant directions
Proposed Event Schedule:
- Time when Site opens and closes
- Limitations on class/fighting times?
- In case of Kingdom event: Indicate coordination with proper representative (ie: Round Table coordinates with K.Seneschal)
- Prominently indicate number of people (adults is easiest) required to pay site for your event to not lose money
Budgeted Expenses:
- Cost of Site
- Advertising/printing (maps of the site/area, Kingdom Newsletter Ad, site flier, class-sign-ups)
- General: site tokens, propane if lighting Court outdoors after dark; Waterbearing if any kind of fighting is happening.
Non-WaterBearing Food:
- Cost of Food being offered
- Number of people required to buy food to break even
- Type of food being offered
- Budget including seasonal work-arounds if necessary
Note about Bid Details:
- Assume your audience is busy and will only skim for highlights on the first read-through.
- Read it that way yourself, and try to delete out the parts you skipped over.
- Headers are your friend: highlight the important things: What city/state you're holding the event in, and where your costs are charted and explained.