Event Review - 1981 Bjornsborg Baroness’ Champion Tourney

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February 14-15, A.S.XV (1981C.E.)

On February 14-15, A.S. XV (1981 C.E.) Baroness Alexandra of Bjornsborg held a Champion Tourney at Camp Ben McCollough. Saturday morning, at opening Court of Their Excellencies Baron Jan and Baroness Alexandra in the company of Their Majesties Sigmund and Sieglinde, the Baroness (henceforth referred to as "Goldilocks") acquired three new family members: the poppa (he's blue) from Leif Wadason, and the mama and baby (they're white) from Hrabia Jan. The fighters entering the lists then presented themselves before the court. Those fighting from Bjornsborg were Count Sir Ton the Traveller, Squire Lord Geoffrey d'Ambergeen, Lord Richard ap Strange Morgan, Rashid al Has at Tinnin, and Louis d'Marja. Each of the fight­ers had to hire a personal herald to announce him and trade insults on his be­half, which provided much fun for the onlookers. As the fighting progressed, shouts of encouragement ("Kill the Pagan/Christian/Muslim") resounded from the populace; and when their fighters won a bout, heralds came on the field prais­ing the appropriate deity. After the second round of combat, only three re­mained in the lists: Lord Richard, Squire Lord Torin Earthsheart of Stargate, and Rashid. After a round of melee, each for himself, in which all fought well and hard, Torin emerged victorious.

Saturday evening, after a pot pie supper, an evening Court of Their Excellencies of Bjornsborg and Their Majesties of Ansteorra was held. Baroness Alexandra presented her new Champion, Squire Lord Tons Earthsheart, with her favor. This favor, being of rather noticeable size and shape, immediately engendered much exchange of comment, which led to a challenge match between Sir William of Weir and Sir Dragomyr. At His Majesty's direction, the heavy weapons match was set to be fought before the Candlemas revel, with the specification that the loser come to court that evening diapered. Furthermore, His Majesty Sigmund instructed Baroness Alexandra to put her device on said diaper, and to construct it to fit either of the two opponents.

There were also other matters discharged during Court: Their Excellencies were presented with a Baronial Roll of Arms; Her Excellency gave His Excellency a beautifully decorated tunic; Squire Lord Geoffrey received the DOA for best death on the field; Signy Stormhelm presented the Bjornsborg fighters with tabards, each bearing a tooth, so they will be known as the Teeth of the Bear. Also, Lady Megan Glenleven was made a member of the Order of Ursa Majoris, and Mistress Clare RosMuire St. John received an Ambassadorial Scroll. Interspersed between the business were var­ious entertainments, including the Bjornsborg Singers' performance as well as a magnificent belly dance by Signy. After Court; the populace was further en­tertained by performances of all the Bjornsborg Belly Dancers.

As the hour grew late, those still wakeful enjoyed the hospitality of Richard ap Strange and Nara of Fernwell around their campfire, combatting the cold with Strangebrew and companionship. Camaraderie displayed itself in songs--some for fun and some really beautiful. Very much later, all settled in to shiver the night away.

Sunday morning, Squire Lord Torin faced Squire Lord Ricardo da Pisa, the Baron­ess' past Champion, in a best of 5 rounds of combat. Squire Lord Ricardo was the victor, thus earning the title of Medvied Bolshoi. A surprise 6th round arranged by Her Excellency and His Majesty was fought, in which the two Cham­pions flayed each other with Baronial Kneeling Pillows. Then many other fighters displayed their skill before the populace until the closing Court of Their Excellencies. Here, Squire Lord Ricardo received the Baroness' gauntlet as tok­en of Medvied Bolshoi, and the Autocrats, Nara of Fernwell and Kelvin von Ausserland, were given scrolls of thanks. And this brought about the close of a most marvelous tourney.

Briony Blåaslagen
Bjornsborg Historian