Turpin Tyme

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Revision as of 16:14, 12 December 2021 by Zubeydah (talk | contribs) (Turpin Tyme)
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... what time is it?
Registered Name:
Resides: Mooneschadowe
Status: Active
Joined SCA: 2011
Order of Precedence
Turpin Thyme

(Device Registration in Progress)

Centurion Turpin Tyme

Previously Known As:


Persona History:

1500's England


  • Chivalric Combat
  • Carrying Provincial Burdens
  • Shenanigans of Various Sorts

Timeline of Activity:

First Event: 2011 Wiesenfeuer Baronial, at Camp Dakani

Populace Provided Information:

Zubeydah Al-Badawiyyah

It is physically impossible to be sad in Turpin's presence. This man is made of joy, and he shares that with all around him. He has made me smile even when I was in deep doldrums. He took the most joyful moment of my SCA experience and made it *even better* by making me feel included and loved and a part of Mooneschadowe. I respect the heck out of Turpin for all that he does.

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:


Married to Nalka Um Al-Jafna
Man-at-Arms to Centurion Charles the Grey of Mooneschadowe

Mundane Information: