Owen ap Aeddan

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4088178739_13aa2cff3b.jpg File:Owen ap Aeddan.jpg

Known As: Owen ap Aeddan ap Trahearn ap Llewellyn ap Gruffudd ap Gwent ap Bredd ap Camden ap Anarward
Registered Name: Owen ap Aeddan ap Trahaearne
Current Group: Namron
Past Groups: Mooneschadowe
Joined SCA: Prior to 1996
Last Seen: Kickin @$$.
Rank/Title: Eorl (Count)
Device Registered? Yes: Per fess argent and vert, three gryphons counterchanged.


Badge Registered?
Offices Held:
OP Listing: Owen ap Aeddan ap Trahaerne

Persona History:


Bardic Arts, Heraldic Arts

Timeline of Activity:

  • June 1999 - (From the Northkeep Chronicle): Tenth Annual Castellan Tourney. For the third year in a row, the Castellan title is not won. Lord Owen ap Aeddan wins the honor and responsibility of guarding Her Excellency Sigen as the Baronial Drighton. ("Kill him, Owen," becomes the most feared words heard on the battlefield at the following year's Gulf War.)
  • September, 2004: Owen is elevated to the Order of the Chivalry.
  • November 2009: Owen is crowned the 62nd King of Ansteorra.

Populace Provided Information:

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

  • 62nd Crown of Ansteorra.
  • 3rd Margrave of Gnomon Vale.
  • 1st Champion of the Celtic Games of Brad Leah.
  • 4th Dreighton of Northkeep.
  • 19th Guardian of Mooneschadowe.
  • Final Champion of the Mead Bee War.
  • 1st Champion of the Rivers War.
  • 4th Bard of Gnomon Vale.
  • Champion of the Gothic War.
  • Bard of Northkeep.
  • 27th Protector of Namron.
  • Castellan of Northkeep.
  • Premier Guardian of the Eclipse.
  • 30th Protector of Namron.
  • Champion of Wiesenfeur.
  • Bard of Adlersruhe.
  • King's Champion to Quintus Aurelius Dracontius.


Mundane Information: