2024 War of the Rams

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A Summary of Court at War of the Rams

As documented by Golden Staff Herald, Maitre Etienne De Saint Amaranth.

The mornings were cool, nigh on chilly, but the days were quite comfortable in the sunshine. The nights got chilly but not bitter. In all it was a phenomenal event with a phenomenal turnout. The dates (Friday and Saturday) were November 22 and 23; the Feasts of Saint Cecelia and Clement (Pope Clement I) respectively. Saint Cecelia who became the patroness of music and musicians. Saint Clement who is the patron saint of metalworkers and blacksmiths.

Courts were held on Friday by the Barony Bordermarch and on Saturday by Bordermarch, Vindheim and our Crown for Ansteorra. The focus of this report is primarily on royal court on Saturday but there were some items of kingdom import handled by Bordermarch and Vindheim that are copied here.

Ansteorra was blessed to have the continued presence of the Crown of Glenn Abhann and our Crown were happy to have our kingdom also host the Queen of Atlantia and the Prince of OErtha. Glenn Abhann court was held separately but Atlantia and OErtha joined Their Royal Majesties in court Saturday evening.

As part of Friday baronial court, November 22, Bordermarch inducted new members into the baronial service order, the Order of the Silent Trumpet of Bordermarch. Those inducted included:

Additionally, Their Excellencies were able to track down some deserving recipients of kingdom awards who previously missed the court where their award was made law. Specifically, they delivered awards to:

In morning court on Saturday, November 23, Their Majesties welcomed newcomers and presented Sable Shields. They also delivered some charters to recipients who had received awards and were aware of the awards but charters were not prepared at the time they were awarded. They also awarded at the morning court:

During the day, Their Majesties gave the following additional awards “at the field”:

As part of evening court on Saturday, after Their Majesties welcomed newcomers and presented Sable Shields, the Court of the Principality of Vindheim were also able to locate and deliver old business and new to deserving recipients. Those included one prior kingdom award for:

  • Thomas Barnhardt - Golden Star for the reign of Vladislav and Margaret dated 2019-10-12

As part of evening court, His Highness of Oertha present several non-armigerous awards for hospitality he had experienced.

And then royal court started by calling the Order of the Laurel and elevating (as previously announced and after she sat vigil that day):

Additional kingdom business included:

Their Majesties the summoned the Order of the Arc d’Or and inducted:

Their Majesties court continued with awards for:

His Majesty then summoned his champion and after a short discussion Their Majesties called for the Order of the Centurions of the Sable Star and two new Centurions were made:

Their Majesties court continued with awards for:

Their Majesties then announced two championships:

Almost lastly, Their Majesties called forward the heraldic court staff, including one Silent Herald (sign language) and two heralds who acted as relay heralds to keep the farther reaches of the crown aware and a herald who focused only on reading charter texts and the Golden Staff Herald and awarded Sable Sparrows for the effort and impact of the organization of the court heraldry:

The following kingdom awards from prior courts were delivered to recipients as part of this court:

And, in the last act of court, Their Majesties called forward the Order of Defense and asked if the order was complete. It was not and Their Majesties called Lorenzo Baglioni d'Aosta who will be elevated at a later date.

Pics of some charters are now added and a comment is added to give artist credit where known.