Sigrun Sveinungsdóttir í Biarká

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Registered Name: Sigrun de Birca
Resides: Bryn Gwlad
Status: Active
Joined SCA: 1986
Order of Precedence
Sigrun de Birca

Per fess Argent and Gules, a raven Sable and a tree blasted argent, a bordure Sable

Lady Sigrun Sveinungsdóttir í Biarká

Previously Known As: Desirée of Falconham, Sigrun de Birca
Pronouns: She / They

Additional Registered Heraldry:


  • Local Offices Held
    • Prior Halberd Pursuivant, Barony of Bryn Gwlad - Feb 2, 2020 to Feb 2, 2022
    • Current - Minister of Arts & Sciences, Barony of Bryn Gwlad
    • Baronial Historian - July 1st 2021 to present
    • Prior Seneschal, Incipient Shire of Wyndhaven
    • Prior Treasurer, Incipient Shire of Wyndhaven
    • Prior Minister of Children, Incipient Shire of Wyndhaven
  • Regional Offices Held
  • Kingdom Offices Held
    • Kingdom Armillary Herald - Aug 30 2021 to present
    • Warranted MOC at Large
    • current Warranted Herald at large

Persona History:

I was born in 805 in Birka. I am unaware of who my family are or were; I grew up on the docks, earning money and food facilitating trade agreements with the locals and the ships that came in. Eventually worked at a local inn, cooking and cleaning untill I chose to find adventure in Ansteorra where I found chosen family.


  • I have fought heavy and am learning the fine art of the silver blade of Rapier; I carry within my chest the Heart of a Warrior regardless of the age in my eyes.
  • I love Heraldry and many other arts, but my greatest interest and joy comes from service to my Barony and my Kingdom.

Timeline of Activity:

Prior Groups:

Populace Provided Information:

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

First female to be chosen to the "Pride of the Lions" at the Bjornsborg event.

Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions:

  • Golden Martlett - Baronial level award, given 2/6/21

Areas of Service

* Event Stewart / Feast Steward:

    • Took on both responsibilities simultaneously, twice.
    • Event Steward, Bryn Gwlad Yule 2021
    • Co-Event Steward, Bonwicke Yule (Online) 2020
    • Co-Event Steward, Bonwicke Baronial Minecraft Event (Online) 2020
    • Co-Event Steward, Candlemas Memento Mori (online)
    • Event Organizer, Unofficial Bryn Gwlad Zombie Tournament: Took up the mantle of organizing this long standing tradition after the passing of Tivar Moondragon. Occuring the first weekend after Halloween, this is a community day event in the park where we hold Fighter Practice. Organized volunteers to create fighting scenarios, List table management, A&S displays and competition, and a newcomers table.

* Event Staff:

    • From 1986 to 2001, participated as a Feast Server for 56 feasts.
    • Currently working at many events as Baronial Herald, Gate staff, and feast serving.
    • Gate Lead - Bryn Gwlad Co-Baronial with Shadowlands Nov 2021, Performance Symposium -July 2022, Bjornsborg Fall Event Oct 2022 Celebration of Bears,
    • Waterbearing / Hospitality: Lead Coordinator for Waterbearing and Site Heraldry - War of legends - September 2022

* Demo Organizer/Staff:

    • For all years 1986 - 2001, organized and staffed three demos each year at the Kerrville Boys Ranch and the local middle school.

* Gift/Prize Basket Coordinator:

    • Bryn Gwlad Baronial event - Oct 2022: Created and led a team of artisans making baskets for the Baronesses of Bonwicke and the Royal Heirs, as well as 35 newcomer gifts for the Landed Nobility to gift during court. Organized champions prize baskets for Archery, Rapier and Chivalric.

* Heraldic Support:'

  • Organized a full submission consultation desk and recruited staffers.


Mundane Information:

Special Needs:

In Case of Court:

I have severe rheumatoid arthritis, so while I can kneel on the pillows, I’ll need assistance to get up.