Adelaide Sarsfield

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Registered Name: Adelaide Sarsfield
Resides: Cum an Iolair, Calontir
Status: Active
Joined SCA: 1993
Order of Precedence
Calontir OP

Per chevron argent and azure, two fleurs-de-lys sable and a martlet argent

Honorable Lady Adelaide Sarsfield

Nickname(s): Badelaide
Previously Known As: Annalee
Pronouns: She/Her

Other Registered Heraldry


  • Local Offices Held
    • Minister of Children, Barony of the Eldern Hills, in the 1990s.
    • Minister of Children, Cum an Iolair, Calontir, 2014 - 2016
    • Minister of Arts & Sciences, Cum an Iolair, Calontir, 2019 - Present
  • Kingdom Offices Held
    • Minister of Children, Kingdom of Calontir, 2016 - 2019

Persona History:

14th-15th Century England


  • Children's Activities
  • Fiber Arts
  • Small Metals

Timeline of Activity:

First Event: Eldern Hills Baronial, 1993
Lived in Ansteorra from 1993 - 2002. Took a break due to family for a time.
Moved to Calontir and began participating again from 2015 - present.

Prior Groups

Eldern Hills, Ansteorra

Populace Provided Information:


I met this good gentle at the 2020 Northkeep wInterKingdom, during the pre-event setup. She and a friend were there in the main hall, busily setting up huge, round tables that were as tall as they were. I was delighted to meet this ex-pat of Ansteorra, presently living in Calontir - her demeanor was merry and she happily labored to help the event, although she was attending wInterKingdom not as an instructor or staff member, but simply as a student. When I learned from asking her, and others, that this was her fourth wInterKingdom, and that she just liked to help out her neighbors, I was impressed!

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

  • Competed in the 2014 Queen's Prize Tournament, entering a card woven bag. Sponsored by HE Marguerite des Baux.
  • Entered the Blank Border competition at Kris Kinder, 2019, in Calontir

Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions


  • Apprentice to Mistress Lillian Bowyer

Mundane Information: