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====April 12, 2022: Coronet Tourney====
Greetings Vindheim!<BR>
It is with excitement and a little sadness that the summer coronet tourney comes into view! Her Highness Deanna and I know that this event will be full of pageantry and good times as our successors are chosen. Deanna and I are asking each and every fighter in the Principality who has the ability to fight and carry the burden of the Coronet, to please enter and participate in the day. We believe that the diversity of our populace is our strength and we ask for that strength to help us continue to forge and temper the Principality going forward.<BR>
As was previously stated the format of the tourney is as follows:<BR>
The tourney will be in two parts. The first part being a Swiss Five with the weapon styles of great axe, glaive, six foot spear, great sword and counted blows at the barrier with a single handed weapon. The eight fighters with the best record will advance to the second part, which will be a best two of three fighter’s choice of weapon. If more than eight fighters have scores that qualify being in the second phase, the fighters with the lowest record will fight single elimination bouts with weapons of my choice until only eight fighters remain.<BR>
Each participant will need to submit a letter of intent, confirming themselves, their consort, and their plans of how they would like their chivalric champion's tourney to be run. The chivalric champion's tourney will be held directly following the Coronet tourney. Letters of intent must be emailed to the prince and princess email addresses as well as the principality seneschal. All letters of intent must be received by us no later that midnight June 11, 2022.  Please remember to arrange for an Officer of the Principality to speak for you at the tourney!<BR>
We look forward to everyone who is able to participate to please do so, and the selection of our successors.<BR>
===The Words of the Populace===
===The Words of the Populace===
====[[Marcus von Furth]]====
====[[Marcus von Furth]]====

Revision as of 17:27, 15 April 2022

1st Coronet

Vindheim Premier Coronet Tourney
Photo by Theodore Fruechting von Elblag
Coronet: Romanius Vesperianus and Deanna della Penna
Coronet Tournament & Elevation: December 11, 2021: Vindheim Premier Coronet Tourney
Stepped Down:
Predecessors: Not Applicable

Reign Overview

Royal Whims or Declarations

Staff Members



  • Bard
  • Middle Eastern Dance
  • Kingdom Artisan


Special Recognitions


  • Premier Coronet Tourney, December 11, 2021. Hosted by Mooneschadowe, held in El Reno, OK.
  • Wiesenfeuer Yule, December 18, 2021

The Words of the Coronet

Photo: a tray of star-shaped gingerbread cookies, ready to go into the oven, made by the Princess

Princess' Blade at Wiesenfeuer Yule

"I was making gingerbread stars for the Princess' Tea at Wiesenfeuer Yule, and it occurred to me-- the people of Vindheim are like the stars of a constellation. Everyone has their place-- in a good, belonging kind of way-- and being able to look out at the people and see the familiar faces is as reassuring as being able to look up into a familiar night sky. At the same time, the people of Vindheim themselves are each like their own individual constellations. Each person is different, and is made up of their own special mix of interests, pursuits, and prowess, and that makes us each unique. But the things we pursue and spend our energy on cultivating--- when I see those patterns in those around me, it's like recognizing the stars of a familiar constellation. It was good to see everyone yesterday. Thank you for sharing the day with us. Thank you for being the stars in my sky." -D

Whispers on the Wind: Premier Issue

Greetings to the Populace of Vindheim!

We could not be more excited to begin a new year with this new principality! There are great opportunities and events scheduled, both close to home and beyond our borders. We are asking the populace to be a visible presence with their travel, and be ambassadors to the rest of Ansteorra, Calontir, and beyond.

Winter War Maneuvers is an exciting opportunity to visit with our good friends to the north. Gulf Wars will allow us to display our Vindheim pride to the Knowne World. Spring Coronation will allow us to support the Heirs of Ansteorra as they assume the thrones and work with us to further develop our future.

We highly encourage any populace who is attending Gulf Wars to pre-register. If you are fighting, Elfsea is hosting Sable Legionnaire on Saturday, January 29th, and the Steppes is hosting Sable Soldier on Sunday, January 30th. Winter War Maneuvers is in Calontir on Saturday, February 19th. All are good opportunities to get some extra war practice in, depending on your preferred combat style.

Our own progress is listed on the Ansteorran event calendar. We look forward to seeing everyone out and about, and talking to you about what you see for the future of the Principality and the directions people envision different elements might take.

Continue to be safe. Stay well. Be kind to each other. We look forward to our time together.

In Service,
Romanius and Deanna

Whispers on the Wind: February Issue

Greetings to the People of Vindheim!

Gulf Wars is nigh! We hope to see everyone in our fair Principality at Gulf Wars and know we'll have a fantastic time supporting the Kingdom at War. With fighters of all types, our talented artisans, and those who give so much of their time in service to make the War run well, the Principality will show the Known World what we can do. For those for whom this is their first Gulf Wars, and for the rest of us who haven't been in a few years, be sure to bring clothing for all types of weather. Remember to stay hydrated. Enjoy your shopping. And be certain to share your enthusiasm and goodwill with all you meet.

Travel safely,
Romanius and Deanna

February 28, 2022

Greetings to the Principality of Vindheim!

This past weekend, the Province of Mooneschadowe hosted Provincial Games and a fantastic time was had by all. It was just amazing to see people in person, to talk to everyone and to simply have an event. Each and every one of you make Ansteorra a special place and I am so glad to be able to share your moments and days with you!

Numerous special things happened at Provincial Games. Special congratulations to Vindheim's own Duchess Margherita for her elevation to the Order of the Pelican, a well-deserved recognition of many years of service and dedication.

The Principality's first chivalric champion was selected via a grand melee of teams, with the captain of the prevailing team becoming the champion. I would like to congratulate HL Charles the Grey and his victorious team that carried the day, and I am very proud to have him as my champion.

This last weekend Lady Isabeau Wynter was chosen as Baker to the Coronet due to her fantastic culinary skills. We are excited to highlight the skills and abilities of the people of Vindheim.

While the Summer Coronet Tourney is not scheduled until June 18, 2022, the format was announced so that all who anticipate participating have time to hone their skills. The tourney will be in two parts. The first part being a Swiss Five with the weapon styles of great axe, glaive, six foot spear, great sword and counted blows at the barrier with a single handed weapon. The eight fighters with the best record will advance to the second part, which will be a best two of three fighter’s choice of weapon. If more than eight fighters have scores that qualify being in the second phase, the fighters with the lowest record will fight single elimination bouts with weapons of my choice until only eight fighters remain.

Our successors' chivalric and rapier champions will have their respective competitions as part of Coronet Tournament weekend. If you wish to compete for the honor of being the next to lead Vindheim, you will be required to submit your champions' tournament formats as part of the Letter of Intent. If you wish to compete for the honor of serving as Champion to the future Coronet, be ready to compete soon after the end of the Coronet list.

Gulf Wars will be upon us in only two weeks' time! We look forward to seeing you there, speaking to you, and hearing about your special moments at War. Please travel safely!

March 22, 2022

Greetings to the fantastic populace of Vindheim!

The Principality's chivalric and rapier fighters, our artisans and those who provided indispensable service overcame all enemies and returned home. We have returned from War and returned VICTORIOUS! Our fair Principality fielded over half of all fighters and participants from Ansteorra for the War. This victory is yours!

It was marvelous to see all those who attended Gulf and our thoughts were with those who could not make the journey and we missed each and every one of you. It was wonderful to speak with so many of you and to hear your war stories about what made your war special. Please continue to let us know what your special moment was at war or, if you were not able to attend, what you did to tend the home fires in Vindheim! We would like to give a special shout out to those who gave of their time and talents to provide gifts to Their Serene Highnesses of Oertha. They were speechless when looking at the skill of Vindheim and said they were going to share these items with their own artisans to spread the word fame and names of our artists. Her Serene Highness Deanna and I are deeply indebted to each of you that assisted us in this project. Thank you.

Finally, we look forward to the next few months, where we will have the opportunity to visit many groups and see the great people of Vindheim. We have some exciting things coming in the near future to recognize the work and talents of Vindheim and we cannot wait to share them with all of you.

In Service to Vindheim and Ansteorra,

April 12, 2022: Coronet Tourney

Greetings Vindheim!
It is with excitement and a little sadness that the summer coronet tourney comes into view! Her Highness Deanna and I know that this event will be full of pageantry and good times as our successors are chosen. Deanna and I are asking each and every fighter in the Principality who has the ability to fight and carry the burden of the Coronet, to please enter and participate in the day. We believe that the diversity of our populace is our strength and we ask for that strength to help us continue to forge and temper the Principality going forward.
As was previously stated the format of the tourney is as follows:
The tourney will be in two parts. The first part being a Swiss Five with the weapon styles of great axe, glaive, six foot spear, great sword and counted blows at the barrier with a single handed weapon. The eight fighters with the best record will advance to the second part, which will be a best two of three fighter’s choice of weapon. If more than eight fighters have scores that qualify being in the second phase, the fighters with the lowest record will fight single elimination bouts with weapons of my choice until only eight fighters remain.
Each participant will need to submit a letter of intent, confirming themselves, their consort, and their plans of how they would like their chivalric champion's tourney to be run. The chivalric champion's tourney will be held directly following the Coronet tourney. Letters of intent must be emailed to the prince and princess email addresses as well as the principality seneschal. All letters of intent must be received by us no later that midnight June 11, 2022. Please remember to arrange for an Officer of the Principality to speak for you at the tourney!
We look forward to everyone who is able to participate to please do so, and the selection of our successors.

The Words of the Populace

Marcus von Furth

(December 18, 2021) What a wonderful weekend! I'm honored and humbled to be Vindheim's premier rapier champion. Now that I've had some time to relax and gather my thoughts, I'd like to thank/recognize a few people who made the day special: Lord Saevarr - for giving me such a wonderful fight in the finals. Don Cornelius Meriläinen for making it in the top three, and Master Orlando Giovanni for being our deadly bye. All were challenging and kept me on my feet. A HUGE thank you to Lyra for serving as our Marshall in charge and a big thanks to our two lovely list mistresses Dominique Michelle le Vasseur and Caterina Giovanni di Gilead. Thank you to Lady Ashildr inn Harfagri for arranging the live feed and to all the other goblins who pitched in and made the day so enjoyable! Thank you to Duchess Margherita de Mantua for setting up and running the Vindheim Princess' Tea. Thank you to Wiesenfeuer and Their Excellencies for hosting the Princess' Blade tournament. Finally, my biggest thank you goes to Her Highness, Deanna, for gifting us the inspiration and grace for Her tournament.

Reign Notes


Tokens and Gifts

  • The tokens for each of those who entered the Princess' Blade tournament were made by Michelle Chantal de Charente from art provided by Her Highness. Countess Michelle also made Her Highness a matching necklace, and a special medallion for the winner of the tournament.

Royal Preferences

Preference His Serene Highness Her Serene Highness
Allergies: Deanna: allergies to pistachios, horses, cats, and almond milk.
Food Preferences:
Beverage Preferences:
Colors: Romanius: The colors of Vindheim! (He's also fond of lion and scorpion motifs.)
Other: Romanius doesn't do well in cold weather. So his likes would be things that bring warmth.
A lot of people don’t have a lot of Vindheim wearables yet. So donations/largess of wearables, accessories, etc, with Vindheim visual motifs would be especially appreciated.
Deanna enjoys things that makes scribes happy!

Romanius and Deanna - Vindheim website


Reign Photos & Media

The Coronet Tournament was livestreamed to the Known World by Marjorie Heron. It is still viewable for those wishing to relive the epic day.
Lyst 1
Lyst 2