Baudoyn de Lafayette: Difference between revisions

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Mantling: Gules and Or<BR>
Mantling: Gules and Or<BR>
Crest: A pair of eagle's wings elevated and displayed argent<BR>
Crest: A pair of eagle's wings elevated and displayed argent<BR>
Motto: Dying is easy, living is harder
Motto: Dying is easy, living is harder<BR>
* Local Offices Held
* Local Offices Held

Revision as of 09:50, 24 August 2021


August 2021: Elevated to the Masters of Defense.
Photo by Marjorie Heron
Registered Name: Baudoyn de Lafayette
Resides: Steppes
Status: Active
Joined SCA: 2007
Order of Precedence
Alain de la Rue

Vairy gules and Or, a fox couchant and a chief sable.

His Excellency, Don Baudoyne, Baron of the Steppes, Master of Defense

Nickname(s): Friend Bao
Previously Known As: Alain de La Reue
Pronouns: He/Him

Encouraged to join the Society by his wife, the beautiful and magnanimous Katerine la Roux d'Anjou, a young Alain dismissed entertaining such notions of fancy. Time passed in the Shire of Emerald Keep, as his diligent wife took on more and more responsibilities. Alain had attended practices and local events here and there, but eventually, he was enlisted to help his friend, Prudence the Curious, at an event called Coronation. Around this time, he participated in a local rapier tournament with 3 entrants. After besting Cadet Ceallach he won his first tournament. He headed to his first Warlord tournament, undefeated. Master Robin of Gilwell heralded him into court, and then in the first round, dispatched Alain with a single blow. A young Alain, said never again, thus truly beginning his journey down the path of rapier combat. Now, a Baron of the Steppes, a White Scarf, and a Master of Defense, Baudoyn de Lafayette seeks to be an inspiration to all, as he was inspired by the legends that walked before him.

Other Registered Heraldry

The following badge associated with this name was registered in March of 2021 (via Ansteorra): (Fieldless) A potato plant eradicated vert flowered azure the tubers Or.


Mantling: Gules and Or
Crest: A pair of eagle's wings elevated and displayed argent
Motto: Dying is easy, living is harder


  • Local Offices Held
    • Prior Webminister, Barony of the Steppes
    • Baron of the Steppes, January 2020 to Present
  • Regional Offices held
  • Kingdom Offices Held
    • Prior Kingdom Youth Rapier Marshal

Persona History:

As a young lord, Baudoyn de Lafayette was very dismissive of responsibility. Careless. Reckless. He lived with his Aunt and Uncle, and even under their wise guidance, the perils of youth always found its mark in young Baudoyn.

Baudoyn made his way around the dueling circuit, until one day, the financier decided not to give Baudoyn an appropriate portion of the winnings. Enraged, Baudoyn stormed off. Lost in his rage on his way out, his anger was disturbed by the slamming of the door. As a man was hurrying by, the financier yelled, calling for anyone to stop the thief that had stolen from him. Baudoyn looked, and continued looking as the rogue sped past. Looking at the financier, Baudoyn stated that the robbery was not his problem.

While walking home, he noticed the local guard, crowded around an older man. Baudoyn caught a glimpse of the prone figure, multiple wounds open to the air, and recognized his Uncle Benjamin. After speaking to the soldiers, he ascertained the location of the ruffian that would dare slay his beloved uncle. Baudoyn tracked down the criminal, only to discover that it was the rogue that he had let pass by earlier that evening. A distraught Baudoyn disposed of the criminal, but the damage was done. From then on, Baudoyn realized that with great power, comes great responsibility.


  • Rapier combat
  • Chivalry
  • Chivalric combat
  • Archery
  • Illumination
  • Silk banner painting
  • Embroidery
  • Chess
  • Thrown weapons
  • The Steppes

Timeline of Activity:

2007 - Started in the SCA in the Shire of Emerald Keep
2010 - Became cadet to Duncan Hepburn. Made it to the Quarterfinal of Queens Champion, and while fighting Don Robert, did a back flip over a large block. Resumed fighting and promptly lost.
2013 - Moved to the Steppes.
2016 - Went to first Gulf Wars ever. Won Champion's Battle. As the rain strengthened, a french drain was built to divert water away from the tents. When the Gulfnado arrived, the camp held on to the main tent, preventing it from being tossed away by the storm. The water flooded the drain, and the inside of the tent became a lake. A wandering bard came by to help hold down the tent, singing a valiant song as a wall of wind and water surged forward, trying to take all with it. Alain promptly left site afterwards with the help of his friends.
2016 - Companion to the Order of the White Scarf by Margherita
2016 - Competed in Tournament of Champions
2018 - Queen's Champion to Margherita II
2018 - Attended Pennsic. Learned about the Bog. Slayed many at the side of Her Majesty.
2018 - Kingdom Youth Rapier Marshal
2020 - Became the unopposed Baron of the Steppes
2020 - With stalwart officers and dedicated volunteers, navigated through the dark waters of 2020 plague, hosting 3 virtual events.
2021 - In extreme dedication to the Steppes, created two newcomers to add to the barony during Wool-Lord.
2021 - Added to the Order of Defense by Margherita III and Jason III

Prior Groups

  • Shire of Emerald Keep, Ansteorra

Populace Provided Information:

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

- Commander and Champion of the Stronghold of Hellsgate - 2013
- King's College Class Coordinator - 2015
- Steppes Warlord Autocrat - 2016
- Steppes Champion- 2019
- 3rd place in BlackBlade season - 2019

Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions

  • Acorn of the Steppes - 2016
  • Boar's Tusk of the Steppes - 2019


  • Barony of the Steppes
  • Potatoes

Mundane Information:

In Case of Court

Special Needs