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==Her Excellency, Baroness Dominique Michelle le Vasseur==
==Her Excellency, Baroness Dominique Michelle le Vasseur, Candidate Elect for the Order of the Laurel==
Nickname(s): Domi<BR>
Nickname(s): Domi<BR>
Previously Known As:<BR>
Previously Known As:<BR>
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[[File:Baron Elric and Baroness Dominique.jpg|200px|thumb|left|Baron Elric and Baroness Dominique]]
[[File:Baron Elric and Baroness Dominique.jpg|200px|thumb|left|Baron Elric and Baroness Dominique]]
* Local Offices Held
** Baroness of [[Wiesenfeuer]], 2006 - 2010
** Prior Hospitaler, Barony of [[Wiesenfeuer]] (2001 - 2003)
** Acting Minister of Children, Barony of [[Namron]] - 1992(ish)
* Regional Offices Held
* Kingdom Offices Held
===Persona History:===
"I wrote my history down at one point, on a restaurant napkin at a Denny's like restaurant. We'd been up all night, were a bit in our cups, and wound up at the restaurant, talking about persona..."<BR>
The story goes something like this:<BR>
<BR>Dominique was orphaned at an early age due to plague, and was raised by her uncle, who was living in Italy. He was a merchant, owning many ships. I would visit him on the docks. One day, I garnered too much attention - to be honest, I was being accosted - and Lord Luciano came to my rescue. He was very handy with a sword, and dispatched them. I decided to stow away on the ship that Luciano was about to depart on, without his knowledge. After we had been under way a time, I was discovered. To avoid problems with the crew, I was forced to dress as a boy and work on the ship. Luciano taught me sword play to help defend myself. <BR>
I fell in love with many places in our travels, but none more than the Middle East.
* Middle Eastern Dance and Culture
* Costuming, Garment Construction, accessorizing
* Embroidery
* Merchanting
* Hosting Haflas throughout the Kingdom
* Service: If they need help, I help.
===Timeline of Activity:===
1973: Discovered the SCA through my parents - they drove past a park and saw a bunch of people in strange clothing doing strange things. I was 3 1/2. <BR>
1975: One of my first memories was going to a Demo for Shakespeare in the park in the [[Steppes]]. I remember being around 4-5 years old, having Duchess Willow walk me around by the hand. I was her handmaiden and my brother was her page. (My parents were in the Clan Cadal.)<BR>
[[File:Domi and Bethie.jpg|200px|thumb|left|Dominique brings Bethie to her first event in 2005]]
1994: Entered a Wolfstar Middle Eastern Dance competition - my first competition ever. Also that year, I "officially" met the man who would be my husband, [[Elric Dracwin]]. I had sort of met him earlier, because I was fascinated by his brother, the Wizard Malachi. But in 1994, we were doing a demo at a bowling alley, and only about 4 of us showed up. I went there with Branwyn (now known as [[Branislava Kirilova 'doch Volkova]]). We did some sword play in the nursery of the bowling alley, and then we went and played darts afterwards.<BR>
1996: Went to Gulf Wars for the first time. 1996 was the year I received my award of arms - it was one of those cases where everyone thought I had one, because I'd been in for so long.<BR>
1997: Went to Gulf Wars for the second time. Elric proposed down on one knee, on the top of the castle wall, the night of Midnight Madness. It was a beautiful, chilly, starlight night. He pretended to be setting his mug down, as we stood there looking over the scenery - listening to the drumming. As he sat his mug down, he dropped to one knee. He took my hand, and asked me to marry him. I kinda freaked out! Yes! As they say, the rest is history. (We were later married at a [[Wiesenfeuer]] Baronial!)<BR>
1998: Entered the [[Wiesenfeuer]] Middle Eastern Dance competition and won.<BR>
2001: Took up my first office, being Hospitaler.<BR>
2005: My daughter was born. She attended MedFaire and then her first official event was [[Skorragardr]]'s axeman, when she was 6 months old.<BR>
2006: Stepped up to serve the Crown as the Baroness of [[Wiesenfeuer]]. I got to introduce my mother to their Majesties, Aaron and Britta, and was honored to present her with her Iris of Merit for Middle Eastern Dance. I was grateful to Their Majesties for allowing me to do that, as it had been long over due. (It should be noted that my mother, the Honorable Lady Ygraine of the Alluring Smile of the Clan Cadal, as well as Duchess Willow and Lady Luciera, were the founders of Middle Eastern Dance community in Ansteorra - and possibly the Knowne World. It was debuted at the second Steppes Warlord in 1975, so at the time my mother received her Iris, she had been dancing for thirty one years.)<BR>
====Prior Groups:====
* Barony of the [[Steppes]] (twice!)
* Barony of [[Namron]] (three times!)
* Kingdom of the Middle - a small shire
* Took part in the [[GarbInSnow]] project
===Populace Provided Information:===
===Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:===
* Lady in Waiting and Entourage to Baron Lucais du Belier.
* Hostess / Environment decorator of well over a hundred haflas, over the last two decades, including the haflas for Ansteorra 25th, 30th, and 40th Anniversaries.
* Autocrat of 2 events (Wiesenfeuer Baronial twice) and co-autocrat for Wiesenfeuer Yule.
* Co-Feast Steward / Sous Chef / Dish washer / Feast Server for decades.
* Regularly creates and/or coordinate gift baskets and prize baskets for local and Kingdom level events.
* Created tapestry bags to hold the gifts being given by the Crown at Gulf War.
[[File:Domi Dancing.jpg|200px|thumb|left|Dancing at Three Queens]]
====Wiesenfeuer Beautification Projects:====
* Organized, and participated in the Baronial Guard Tabbard project. The group sewed a dozen tabards. This was during the middle of Lucais' reign.
* Created an appliqued Baronial banner with the group's arms - I got so tired of repainting the old banner. I had all these patterns from the tabard project, and decided to create one in applique.
* During my reign with Elric, we worked on a Lyst field. We sewed pennants for the list field, painted the lyst poles, and painted the flame dags on the pavilion.
* Baronial Luncheons at three Yule Revels
* Queen's Tea at the Lyst Field, at Wiesenfeuer Baronial (around 2003 or 2004)
* Catered Hafla refreshments at Ansteorra 25th, Ansteorra 30th and coordinated and contributed to refreshments at 40th Year
* Assisted Duchess Vanessa with a sideboard luncheon at Winter Crown Tournament, 2019
====Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions:====
* Flint and Steel of Wiesenfeuer (Service to the Barony)
* Torsade of Namron (Service to the Barony)
* [[The Order of the Flamme d'Orleans of Wiesenfeuer]]
* Married to [[Elric Dracwin]]
* Apprentice to Mistress [[Rhiannon verch Bryan]], Proxy Laurels: Mistress [[Valia of the Mists]] and  Mistress [[Beatrix Alfray]]
* Protege to Mistress [[Ceridwen Tir Gwstriff]]
* Prior member, Clan Cadal
* Prior member, House Shadar (Closed household)
* Prior member, House Rogue Thunder of the House Rolling Thunder
* Current member, House Camber
* Current star, [[House Wolfstar]]
[[File:Sable shield.png|200px|thumb|left|Bearer of the Sable Shield of Ansteorra]]
===Mundane Information:===
Collects all and anything peacock. <BR>
====Special Needs:====
I have an anxiety disorder. If my eyebrows are touching my hairline or I look like I have a painted-on-smile, please get me out of wherever I am. (Find Elric!!) I also get migraines.
====In Case of Court:====
Being prepared to enter court is always helpful. I have issues with being on the spot, or in the spotlight. Preparation helps.
[[Category:Barons and Baronesses]]
[[Category:Persona Stories]]
[[Category:Principality Officers]]
[[Category:Sable Shield]]

Revision as of 16:29, 9 September 2023


Registered Name: Dominique Michelle le Vasseur
Resides: Wiesenfeuer and Namron
Status: Active
Joined SCA: 1973
Order of Precedence
Dominique Michelle le Vasseur

Argent semy-de-lys purpure, a peacock close contourny vert.

Her Excellency, Baroness Dominique Michelle le Vasseur, Candidate Elect for the Order of the Laurel

Nickname(s): Domi
Previously Known As:
Pronouns: She/Her

Additional Registered Heraldry:

The following device associated with this name was registered in September of 2000 (via Ansteorra) and changed/released in February of 2010 (via Ansteorra):
Argent, a peacock close contourny and a bordure invected purpure.

Baron Elric and Baroness Dominique