Kilian MacRaith of the Ironshell

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Registered Name: Kilian Macraith
Resides: Graywood
Status: Active
Joined SCA: 1991
Order of Precedence
Kilian MacRaith of the Ironshell

Quarterly argent and vert, a Celtic cross counterchanged between two tortoises vert.

Honorable Lord Kilian MacRaith of the Ironshell, Chief of Clan MacRaith

Previously Known As:
Nickname(s): Turtle

Additional Registered Heraldry:


Mantling 1: Vert
Mantling 2: Argent
Helm: Norse ocular helm facing affronty - black with a gold ocular
Crest: Demi-Tortoise with a brown shell, maintaining in its dexter claw a shamrock vert and in its sinister claw a thistle proper.
Motto: Testudo Virtus


  • Regional Offices Held
    • Knight Marshal, Central Region
  • Kingdom Offices Held

Persona History:

I've sorta got two of them. One's an early period Irish Celt a few years before the reign of Brian Boru. The other's a Highland Jacobite Ranger that shows up when I want to wear all my fancy stuff.


  • Chivalric Combat (Me am Stick Jock!)
  • Cut & Thrust (I'll get around to doing it soon)
  • Weapons Construction
  • Celtic and Medieval Art (Heck, Art in ANY form or fashion)
  • Bookbinding
  • Poetry
  • Smithing
  • Celtic History/Mythology
  • Archery
  • Woodworking
  • Leathercraft
  • Axe/Knife throwing
  • Puns
  • Making a general nuisance of myself

Timeline of Activity:

Prior Groups:

Populace Provided Information:

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

  • Assisted in the construction of the Gulf Wars Ansteorran Gate.
  • Runner-up in the Order of the Rose Tourney at Gulf Wars XII (2003)
  • 5th place in the Knowne World Squire’s Tournament (2003)
  • Helped bring the Shire of Graywood back to life.
  • Commander of the Coastal Army.
  • Warchief of Graywood (6 times)
  • Champion of Clan MacRaith (6 times)
  • War of the Rams VI Tournament of Children Chivalric Champion (2017) (They didn't let us actually fight kids.)
  • Artisan of Graywood (Twice)

Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions:

  • Poniard of Bordermarch (1991)
  • Silver Pine of Graywood (2017)

Master William Blackfox Awards
Master William Blackfox Award Winner
  • William Blackfox Awards Nomination for Best Regular Feature, A.S. XXXVIII (38) - For cartoons, articles, columns, etc. which appear regularly in the particular newsletter. Awarded to the creator or feature writer and the newsletter. “Pun-ishment” by Kilian MacRaith; The Thorny Truth, Shire of Rosenfeld. Chronicler not recorded.
  • William Blackfox Award Winner for Best Regular Feature A. S. XLII (42) - For cartoons, articles, and columns which appear regularly in the particular newsletter. Awarded to the creator or feature writer and the newsletter. “Pun-ishment” by Kilian MacRaith; Greywinds, Shire of Graywood. Chronicler not recorded.
  • William Blackfox Awards Nomination for Best Poetry or Short Fiction A.S. LII (52) – Recognizes the author of an outstanding poem or piece of short fiction. Awarded to the writer and the newsletter. “A Good Day To Die”, Poet: Kilian MacRaith; Greywinds (May 2017 Issue) Shire of Graywood. Chronicler: Iona Nic Oitir (Áine ingen Oitir).


  • Chieftain of Clan MacRaith
  • Married to Melanie Scott (...and very proud of that fact.)

Mundane Information:

Contact: Facebook: John D. Scott Owner-Operator at Studio TurtlewurX and Highlander Signs. Heavily involved with the Mandalorian Mercs CC charity group. One of the founding members of the Clan MacRaith Motorcycle Association.

Special Needs:

In Case of Court: