Bethesda Starr

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Registered Name: Bethesda Starr
Resides: Namron
Status: Active
Joined SCA:
Order of Precedence
Bethesda Starr

Per chevron throughout purpure and vert, a unicorn statant contourny, on a chief embattled argent a natural fountain purpure watered vert.

Lady Bethesda Starr

Previously Known As:
Pronouns: She/Her

Additional Registered Heraldry:

The following badge associated with this name was registered in September of 2023 (via Ansteorra): (Fieldless) On a chalice vert a goutte argent.


  • Local Offices Held
    • Minister of Arts & Sciences, Barony of Namron
  • Regional Offices Held
  • Kingdom Offices Held

Persona History:


  • Loves teaching and learning fiber arts!

Timeline of Activity:

Prior Groups:

Populace Provided Information:

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

  • Built a warp weighted loom and ran a hands on demonstration at the Norman Medieval Fair starting in 2023

Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions:

  • Asa Rosa of Namron
  • Flint & Steel of Wiesenfeuer


Mundane Information:

Special Needs:

Sensitive to wheat & dairy.
Mildly allergic to grapes and food colors.

In Case of Court: