Centurions of the Sable Star of Ansteorra
From Ansteorra History Wiki
Centurions Page on the Ansteorra Website
General Information:
The Centurions of the Sable Star of Ansteorra are those individuals who have been recognized for their leadership on the field of battle in Chivalric Combat. The Centurions are a polling order.
Award Constitution:
"There shall exist in Ansteorra an order unto which the Crown shall select persons who have demonstrated all of the following qualities:
- Exceptional leadership, skill and honor in chivalric combat.
- Service to Ansteorra and its people;
- Knowledge of the courtly graces; and
- Obedience to the laws and ideals of Ansteorra and of the Society for Creative Anachronism.
This Order shall be known as the Order of the Centurions of the Sable Star..."
"The First Century"
"The Second Century"