The Removal of Prince Aaron MacGregor
- August 26, 2023: Crown Prince Aaron MacGregor attended the Coronation of Daniel MacTavish and Alexandra Notte Clare, the new rulers of the Kingdom of Alendia in the Society for the Middle Ages (SMA). His presence was listed on the schedule for the day, and he sat in state in Royal Court.
- August 26 - forward: Multiple posts on social media discuss the impact and implications of the Crown Prince's visit, considering its impact on the Kingdom of Ansteorra. They are widely discussed both inside and outside the Kingdom Facebook Group. The Social Media team works to keep conversations in the Kingdom group productive, but quickly has to close commentary on several threads. There is general encouragement to reach out to the Kingdom Seneschal and the Ansteorra Ombudsman on the Board of Directors with commentary.
- August 30, 2023: Crown Prince Aaron made the post below to the Kingdom Facebook group, explaining his reasoning for attending, including supporting long time friends and extending an "olive branch" to members of the SMA.
Ask yourself this question ... Why am I a member of the SCA?
Having been a member for 35 years, motivation for coming to events is simple; to be in a medieval environment that believes in promoting the virtues of medieval fighting, arts and sciences and chivalric behavior.
My name is Duke Aaron MacGregor and I have been a member of the SCA since 1988. During this time, I have served as King five times, about to be six, and have served in many other official capacities of the organization throughout my tenure here.
It has come to my attention that there are those within our kingdom who have concerns regarding my attendance at a non-SCA medieval event this past weekend.
It is true. I attended an event hosted by the SMA, the coronation of their new King and Queen, Sir Daniel MacTavish and Dame Alexandra Notte Clare.
I have known these people for a great many years, and am blessed by their friendship. They invited me to the event, to bring peace between our organizations and to make the event fun and memorable. I in no way participated in their court proceedings, save a brief address in which I offered an olive branch and wished their kingdom well. Being there merely as an honored dignitary from another Kingdom.
Many of our friends and loved ones felt divided and pushed away from the SCA during the pandemic. As Prince, my heart is full of love for Ansteorra and I sought to re-establish ties with many of our lost ones and journeyed to visit them in their new realm. Many of these people are integral to our Kingdom’s history and part of the stories we tell. As a member of the Royal Family, making a place where everyone feels welcome to come and play in our Kingdom, playing our medieval game, experiencing friendship and making memories will always be an important part of who I am. I went there to extend and olive branch and to tell them that they were still welcome in the SCA to play ourgame, provided they abide by the SCA code of conduct. The Code of Conduct is for all and will be respected by all during our Reign.
I have heard from a very vocal but small part of our game today saying the opposite. I think that they might have come to me first to find out what my motives were before blasting me on the open airwaves. I’ve been a prominent figure in this kingdom for 25 plus years, having played here for 35. In all that time, I’ve stood up for those that couldn’t several times... very publicly. I have championed causes, and put down rumors that were untrue. I have stood by my Chivalric oath. That hasn’t changed, nor will it.
Sir Daniel MacTavish and Dame Alexandra Notte Clare will not be attending coronation.
I have heard you Ansteorra and I deeply grieve the harm or pain I have caused you.
In closing. I would never intentionally do anything detrimental to Ansteorra or her people. Now, or ever.
HRH Aaron MacGregor
- August 30, 2023: King Gabriel of Maccuswell, speaking on behalf of the united Crown, posts the following to the Kingdom Facebook Group:
"Greetings, Ansteorra.
We, Gabriel and Sonja, would have all know that we represent Ansteorra in policy and diplomacy. We do not, and have not, engaged in diplomatic overtures with any non-SCA groups in this reign. Many may not know that I, Gabriel, founded another group for historic recreation external to SCA focus. Even that group has had no interaction from Ansteorra during our reign. We find the focus within the SCA to be of paramount importance.
We have heard, seen, and witnessed concerns that SCA's policies of welcoming all will not be followed in the future. We have more faith in the SCA than that. For the duration of this reign, we will be the first to welcome all and sundry, and to defend those who need it. We have also asked the Society to look into this situation and to issue a statement of reassurance and clarity about enduring inclusion policies.
Gabriel & Sonja
Rex et Regina"
- September 1, 2023: A post is made to the Kingdom Facebook group by Master Charles de Bourbon, Corporate Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Officer:
Greetings from the Corporate Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Officer of the Society for Creative Anachronism.
It is my intention to travel to my former home of Ansteorra for coronation in October as a visual reaffirmation of the Society for Creative Anachronism’s commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging. While attending coronation, I would love to host a round table and listening session with members of the populace. I am working through the logistics now.
I remain Ansteorran in heart always,
Charles de Bourbon
Corporate DEIB
- September 4, 2023: Unbeknownst to the general populace, an emergency Board meeting is held.
- September 6, 2023: The Board of Directors makes the following announcement:
Removal of Crown Prince of Ansteorra
On September 4, 2023, at a Special Meeting of the SCA Inc. Board of Directors, the Board voted without opposition to remove Aaron MacGregor as the current Crown Prince of Ansteorra. The Board reached this serious decision after significant deliberation and with the advice of our Officers.
At this time, Ansteorra remains under the stewardship of the Stellar Crown, King Gabriel and Queen Sonja. We would ask that people extend all courtesy to Her Royal Highness Nicollet as she contemplates what will be best for the Kingdom in the next reign. Any further announcements regarding the next reign will be made at a Kingdom level.
As this matter is ongoing, no further public comment will be made by SCA Inc.
- Related Images
Screenshot by the Historian of a Facebook Post by Aaron MacGregor. Text above.
Screenshot by the Historian of a Facebook Post by King Gabriel. Text above.
Screenshot by the Historian of a Facebook Post by Charles de Bourbon. Text above.
Screenshot by the Historian of the announcement by the Board of Directors on Text above.