Malkyn Hawke

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2021 Wiesenfeuer Yule, Photo by Zubeydah
Registered Name: Malkyn Hawke
Resides: Crownlands of Vindheim, affiliated with Namron
Status: Active
Joined SCA: 2019
Order of Precedence
Malkyn Hawke

Argent, a hawk gules and on a chief vert six lozenges argent.

Lade Malkyn Hawke

Previously/Also Known As: Malie Lemon Tart
Nickname(s): Mal
Pronouns: She/her or they/them

Additional Registered Heraldry:

  • The following badge associated with this name was registered in February of 2022 (via Ansteorra): (Fieldless) A hawk striking gules maintaining in its claws a lemon Or slipped and leaved vert.
  • The following badge associated with this name was registered in February of 2022 (via Ansteorra): (Fieldless) A lemon Or semy of torteaux, slipped and leaved vert.
  • The following badge associated with this name was registered in February of 2022 (via Ansteorra): Argent, on a pale vert between two cardinals respectant gules six lozenges argent.


  • Local
  • Principality
  • Kingdom
    • Arts & Sciences Deputy for the Indigenous Cultures of the Western Hemisphere

Persona History:

Malkyn's history is almost a complete enigma, as she is deliberately evasive. What is known is that she was born sometime in the late 14th century in Scotland and has since moved/been exiled to England, where she has changed her name to something that the standard Englishman can pronounce.


  • Cut & Thrust Fighting
  • Twining
  • Entourage
  • History of Makeup & Cosmetics
  • 13th - 16th Century English and Italian Fashion
  • Mississippian Culture and History
  • English History
  • Shakespeare
  • Cursed Methods for Making Headwear

Timeline of Activity:

- Joined the SCA-adjacent Norman Medieval Fair in 2015
- Joined the SCA in 2019
- Was active online throughout the Plague
- First in-person event was Her Royal Majesty, Margherita de Mantua III's Queen's Champion in 2021
- Received an Award of Arms at the 2021 Wiesenfeuer Yule


  • Malkyn was the first person granted an Award of Arms in the new Principality of Vindheim

Prior Groups:

Populace Provided Information:

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions:


Mundane Information:

I am a member of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma and have a degree in Anthropology with a minor in Native American Studies.
You can find me on Tiktok: @badknives

Special Needs:

I have Ehlers-Danlos-related joint problems and could use a hand when getting up and down or carrying things.

In Case of Court: