Diane Mallet

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Candlemas 2023
Photo by Nicaise Maupetit
Registered Name: Diane Mallet
Resides: Bjornsborg
Status: Active
Joined SCA: 1998
Order of Precedence
Diane Mallet

Argent, three holly leaves conjoined in pile within a bordure embattled vert.

Honored Armiger Diane Mallet:

Previously Known As:
Pronouns: they/them

Other Registered Heraldry:


  • Local Offices Held
    • Hospitaler, Barony of Bjornsborg
    • Chronicler, Barony of Bjornsborg
  • Regional Offices held
  • Kingdom Offices Held

Persona History:

All eras around Calais, France.


Timeline of Activity:

1998: Joined the SCA in the Outlands.
2007: Moved to Ansteorra.

Prior Groups:

Populace Provided Information:

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

  • Co-author of the Mastadons prank.
  • Co-artisan for the 2023 Gulf Wars Roses Tourney medallion.
  • Premier of the Ursus Animus of Bjornsborg

Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions:

  • Muse of Bryn Gwlad


Mundane Information:

Co-owner of Live Oak Workshop and ShinyMathRocks.shop.
Facebook profile: Raving Optimist

In Case of Court:

Small courts are preferable.

Special Needs: