Robin Carrot

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Serving as Golden Staff Herald, Myrgenfeld Collegium, June 2021.
Photo by Zubeydah
Registered Name: Robin Carrot
Resides: Bjornsborg
Status: Active
Joined SCA: 2018
Order of Precedence
Robin Carrot

Sable, a carrot or

Lord Robin de Chantenay Carrot

Also Known As: Robin Carrot
Nickname(s): The Carrot
Pronouns: He/Him

Additional Registered Heraldry:


  • Local Offices Held
    • Prior Webminister, Barony of Bjornsborg, April 2018 - October 2018
    • Current Callisto Pursuivant (Baronial Herald) for Bjornsborg

Persona History:

France / England of the late 16th Century. Lord Robin is a musician/composer/performer originally from Chantenay region of France who immigrated to English during the reign of Queen Elizabeth the First. (The persona is loosely based on a real person: John Blanke, a Black musician of the 16th century.)


  • Musical Performance
  • Musical Composition
  • Bardic Arts
  • Sewing
  • Heraldry


Carrot's Herbal (A Work In Progress):

Robin hosts a YouTube channel, with a multi-part purpose:

  1. ) To encourage the study and practice of early music
  2. ) To display his original music in period forms
  3. ) To Encourage bardic and early musical performance

All of the pieces included on the channel are his original works, produced in midi. Sheet music is available. Each is named for a herb or plant known in period.

Original Works:

Heraldic Entry of Sir Amra Shieldsplitter, Summer Crown Tournament, 2019:

Ohh yeah, The Lion, he has returned
To teach you a lesson that you need to learn

Don’t tangle with the warrior here
Let me make myself so perfectly clear

He comes with a viciousness most fierce
whether sword or lance, his foe’s shield he’ll pierce

Don’t tempt this man of might with fake boldness
This lion here can spot bravado with the coldest

Stare that pierces deeper than his thrust
To bring your ‘A’ game, you know that’s a must.

A jewel of Bjornsborg standing to his side
The most fitting consort for this lionesque Knight

She stands with achievement. A winged peer
With a helping hand, so kind and so dear.

Your majesties, I herald a victory holder (holda)
A three times champion? Don’t say I haven’t told you (ya)

Your Stellar Majesties, I proudly present to you
Sir Amra Shieldsplitter and Baroness Seraphina Maslowska

Timeline of Activity:

Robin Carrot heralding at Candlemas 2019. Photo by Veronica Pin
  • October 2017: Field Herald, Chaos in Constantinople, Barony of Bjornsborg
  • July 2018: Summer Crown Tournament - Voice Herald for Lars Magnus, and won a Voice Heraldry contest, earning the title Vox Eius Gloriosum from their Highnesses. Voice Herald and Musician for the Jackson Ranch Demo.
  • August 2018: Voice Herald and Musician for the San Japan Demo.

September 2018: Voice Herald and Feast Herald for War Of Ages, Shire of Fynnon Gath.

  • October 2018: Court Herald, Valkyrfelt event, Barony of Bjornsborg. Assumed the office of Baronial Herald.
  • September 2021: Robin steps down as Golden Staff Herald to TRMs Jason III and Marguerite III.

Robin's Quest:

In June of 2018, during an informal conversation with His Grace Duke Jason, then King Jason, Lord Robin Carrot expressed two concerns: 1. If music was allowed to be played by musicians during any and all Society events and 2. a desire to begin a path of becoming a Laurel. Lord Carrot also stated that he had spoken with several wonderful and informative Laurels, but he still wasn’t sure what work he had to do to get started on his path. His Majesty, King Jason, not only assured Lord Carrot, that he and any musicians would be allowed and encouraged to share their musical talents openly at any event, but was also assured that he would be given a quest to complete to teach him about what it means to be a member of the peerage, what is expected of the peerage, the student/teacher relationship, and the duties and expectations of a consort.

During the Summer Crown Tourney, after heralding for his fighter, Lars Magnus, The king presented Lord Carrot with a leather string pouch and directed him to receive his quest before the evening court. The quest composed of five conditions:

  1. You must question 25 peers of the realm. Only 5 can be from the Southern Region
  2. You must question 10 Ladies of the Rose. Only 3 can be from the Southern Region
  3. All answers must be recorded and presented back to me (the Crown).
  4. All interviewees must be asked at least 5 questions.
  5. You cannot take an apprenticeship until you have have completed the quest.

Lord Carrot accepted this charge after the conditions and duties were explained. The summary of his quest can be found here: The Quest of Robin de Chantenay Carrot

Prior Groups:

Populace Provided Information:

Rónán Fionn Ó Dubáin

The truth of the matter is that Robin was a performer his first day in the SCA. He showed up at a Bjornsborg event his first day, and asked how he could be involved. He started as a Herald on the field day one, entertaining the crowd with his own special style and exuberance. That, for everyone involved, was his first performance - And it was extraordinary for everyone watched it.

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

  • Named Premiere Vox Eius Gloriosum, at Spring Crown Tournament 2018 by their Majesties, Jason & Margherita.
  • During Serpents Symposium, received a Baronial favor from the Baron & Baroness for my performance in the Bardic Competition
  • Won the 2019 Bryn Gwlad Bardic Championship and received a Sable Thistle for Bardcraft at the same event.
  • Attended first Gulf War in 2019, and took second place in a field of 18 competitors in a Bardic Competition.

Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions:


Mundane Information:

Special Needs:

Robin is usually very hyperactive at events and partakes in socializing and going from person to person having wonderful conversations. Because of this, he will forget to eat, drink, sit down or be still for a reasonable amount of time. It's probably a good idea for member of the populace to check in with Robin to make sure that he has eaten, drunk and sat down for a while. Otherwise, Robin is good to go and ready for anything.

In Case of Court:

Robin often attends events alone. Robin appreciates any volunteers that would like to escort him. If no escorts are available, he can enter court alone, no biggie.