Avery Shaw

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Registered Name: Avery Shaw
Resides: Bryn Gwlad
Status: Active
Joined SCA: 1991
Order of Precedence
Avery Shaw

Pean, a pall inverted azure fimbriated Or.

His Excellency, Master Avery Shaw, OP, MOD, WSA, Lion of Ansteorra, Defender of the Dream

Previously Known As:

Additional Registered Heraldry:


  • Regional Offices Held
    • Prior Southern Regional Seneschal
    • Prior Southern Regional Rapier Marshal
    • Prior Coastal Regional Rapier Marshal
  • Kingdom Offices Held
    • Prior Kingdom Rapier Marshal
    • Prior Kingdom Cut & Thrust Marshal
    • Kingdom Seneschal (Jan 2020 - November 2020)

General Information:

  • Collector of stories and history
  • Student of Interkingdom Anthropology
  • Former maker of crossbows
  • Decent cook
  • May or may not cause mischief as a hobby....will neither confirm nor deny such things.

Persona History:

English, son of a Puritan. NOT one himself. Courtier at the court of the Queen of Ansteorra, but servant to several different Queens.


  • Rapier Combat
  • Cooking
  • Stories
  • History (both Mundane and SCA)
  • InterKingdom Anthropology

Timeline of Activity:

Started playing in the Barony of Golden Rivers, Cynagua, Kingdom of the West in 1991.
Moved to Ansteorra in 1993, started playing in Stargate.
Moved to Bryn Gwlad February of 1995.
Baron of Bryn Gwlad 2/2008-2/2011.


So...Coronation was today. In their final court, the last action before stepping down, Their Stellar Majesties, Conal and Miguel, exercised their right to name one person during their reign as "Lion of Ansteorra, Defender of the Dream."


For those not SCA, the Lion is an award that carries no precedence. No rank. And yet, it is an award held in the absolute highest regard in my Kingdom. Lions are those who lead by example. If someone new says, "how do I behave in the SCA?" we point them at a Lion and tell them "do it like them." I have always considered the Lions as walking legends. The heroes we all wanted to be when we grow up.

Iolo. Robert. Siglinde. Edwin. Sara. Kein. Modius. Tessa. Robin. Octavia.....the list goes on...these are the people who I wanted to be like. These are the people who I wanted to NEVER let down. These are the people who set the bar for what is right and proper.

And now, I am apparently one of them. And I don't know how to take this. I am... speechless... well, as close as I get to it.

Thank you to Conal and Miguel for trusting me to not screw this up. This is the second time you have laid a challenge before me. When you made me a White Scarf 15 years ago, I was not aware at first what I suddenly needed to live up to...that realization came over the next several years...and I still find something new that I need to work on every day. I would like to think you have not been disappointed in your choice...and now you have replaced the slope of being a WS that is always before me...and you have given me a mountain to climb. One that I know I will never reach the crest of...but the point is to always keep climbing, is it not? Again, I hope I never give you reason to regret this choice. To say Thank You...just does not feel adequate...but thank you.

And thank you to everyone else for your kind words. Again...I am blown away...maybe it will be more of a solid concept as we move forward, but for now...this is rather surreal...

And thank you.

Avery Shaw, Lion

Prior Groups:

  • Cynagua in the Kingdom of the West
  • Barony of Stargate

Populace Provided Information:

Kolfinna Egilsdóttir

When the Great Plague of A.S. LIV (2020 C.E.) threatened the Stellar Kingdom of Ansteorra, Avery's calm and firm leadership as Kingdom Seneschal provided the guidance and direction we needed in all corners of the kingdom from the very beginning. I don't want this time to pass without mention of his tireless efforts to inform and protect our Populace. Defender of the Dream.


  • When Don Avery was made a White Scarf, he was given two scarves. "Diarmuid mac Ruis gave me the one he was made with... which had been Maelgwyn's, from Iolo, from Sigmund (first WS King). Last I heard, Brian now has it." The other scarf was from Benedict.
  • When Master Avery was made a Lion of Ansteorra in the final court of Miguel & Conal, there was no medallion available. Seeing this, Master Robin of Gilwell removed the medallion from around his own neck, and offered it up.
  • Master Avery was a guest on Live from CAID, discussing the Lions of Ansteorra.

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions:


Mundane Information:

Special Needs:

In Case of Court: