Elsa von Snackenburg

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Known As: Elsa von Schammach
Commonly Known as: Libby
Registered Name: Else Schemmer
Home Group: Province of Mooneschadowe
Joined SCA: Gulf Wars XI
Current Status: Active
Last Seen: Weaving under a tree
Rank/Title: Ehrenwerten Herrin (Honorable Lady [HL])
Device Registered? Yes: Azure mullety Or, in chief a stick shuttle argent.


Badge Registered? Not Yet.
Offices Held:
  • Local Knight Marshal of Mooneschadowe
  • Local Seneshal of Mooneschadowe
  • Local Reeve of Mooneschadowe
Favorite Projects:
OP Listing: Elsa von Schammach

Persona History

  • 15c Germany: Born German
  • Learned Textiles from my "childhood" friends
  • Apprenticed to a Glass-working Dane/Saxon Silversmith of the Kudzu
  • Married a Milanese Centurion


  • Weaving
  • Lampwork Beads
  • Lucet braiding
  • Knitting
  • Cooking things that include saffron (I've had happy times with researching Moorish cuisine)

Timeline of Activity


Stepping out of Local Reeve office in August. Stepping into NR Exchequer soon after.

  • Steppes 12th Night. Turpin and Elyssa. Stayed at Asoph and Michelle's. Asoph feast - very tasty.
  • wInterkingdom. Lucet class. Not very polished, but I met some very nice Calontiri and sat with them at Feast.
  • Kingdom Arts and Sciences. I received my Grant in February in the form of an invitation to join the Companions of the Iris of Merit, in my sister B.Audrella's lands, the Barony of the Eldern Hills. Presented by HRM Amelot (and bearing her token) in the presence of HRH Elizabeta (most of the Knights were away at a Knights' Retreat). It was definitely a surprise, and a welcome one at that. But I was shaking so hard, I couldn't get any of the pins to work. I'd almost talked myself out of going to the event but came back around when a caravan was assembled, and anyway, I had bearded hats to deliver to Adena before Company of Wolves the following weekend (for a tribute to her dad). I got one ribbon from M.Michelle and one from M.Beorhtlic - the one M.Elisavetta had made for HL Aelfwyn, complete with a rockin' pin from Aelfwyn.
  • Provincial Games. Inaugural year. Payne County Fairgrounds. TRM Hrafn in attendance. Wreath meeting.
  • Gulf War XXI. Turpin, Isolde, and I stopped by New Orleans on the way to Site and Turpin bought us hats from a street vendor. I ran the camp kitchen and was staff at Volunteer Point. (JP Land.) Octavia sammich ninja'd! I got my very own "flash mob" led by Nik when he hunted me down through Merchant's Row (on VP business) to give me a MOG Cog for running the kitchen for the week. The Guard was so involved in playing "Weeping Angels" that they ended up attracting the attention of HRH Elizabeta, who had also been looking for me to give me one of her shmexy unicorn pins to put on my pretty rainbow ribbon! It was a good day to be me!
  • Adlersruhe's Lady of the Lake. Cooking competition. Our presentation was very simple but easily documentable: stewed meat, rice, tea. Our competition was a very elaborate, fancy (semi-documentable) meal: roasted chicken, bread, mead; and a mixed-medium hodgepodge meal: custard, bread, starters, something with bananas in it.
  • Roadtrip! Roswell with Shannon, the Swede, Charles, and some others!
  • Triumphe VII of the Apocalypse! Autocratting with Reis ap Tudor
  • Coronation of Jean Paul II and Gilyan II. Feast with Charles



  • wInterkingdom. Bread class for kids, to coordinate with the kitchen run by Elisabeth de Calais!
  • Gulf War XX. Emma ran the camp and Charles ran the kitchen. (JP Land) I got just short of 30 hours at Troll and Waterbearing.
  • I was in Atlanta, GA for FRI (a work trade show). So, I sent my stuff to LPT with Vailathai and Charles. By the end of the event, I gained a son in Vailathai.
  • Triumphe VI. Ran Waterbearing and Troll at the same time. I wouldn't recommend it. Haemon's feast went over VERY well. Court got interrupted by a ridiculous storm that knocked out some tents. I got a Thistle in Lampwork Beads and Charles got his Crane. I got kicked out of the Kitchen Party this year. It needed to happen.
  • Adlersruhe's Passa des Armes. With Karl and Toinette. Won their A&S competition. :-D
  • Winter Meeting (my semi-annual work conference) conflicted with Winter War Maneuvers. :-( Pretty much heartbroken. But, I was working on Search and Rescue 8th, so that made it better.
  • Bryn Gwlad's Candlemas. With Gilyan and Emma and Niki, staying at Pug and Myfanwy's. Discovered that it is the Right Thing to bring lots of candles in wide varieties because they drop the lights low.
  • Wisenfeuer Yule. Helped watch Adena's book at her Pelicanning. Highlight of my life: Carrying the Giraffe Rising Star in Adena's processional! :-)
  • Award of the Province's Honor.


Took over Reeve in January. Moved out of Fratopia in June. Moved into Fallinghaus.

  • wInterkingdom. Weaving Solar, second year
  • Gulf War XIX. King Owen did us proud - our allies made up quite a crowd; and Prince JP lead us well for all to see (when Owen was down with his staph infection).
  • LPT. With TRHs JP and Gilyan (since they'd promised to go if the date got moved off Tourney Season).
  • Married Charles in July. Not only did we get to have a fantastic party with close to 200 of our favorite people, our date predated JP's successful Crown Tourney, so we were on the Royal Progress!
  • Triumphe V. Elyssa's Booze Feast!
  • Winter War Maneuvers. Sammich Ninja sitting in the back of the Field House with our armor and other supplies, hanging out with the cool people who were sitting out a round or just there for the ambience.


On the tail end of being Seneschal. Fratopia. Started at FPP in October.

  • wInterkingdom. Weaving Solar, first year. (Rhiannon's idea)
  • Gulf War XVIII. Mooneschadowe shared space with Namron. We hosted the Northern Region Dinner and it went okay. (Liliana coordinated the Land.)
  • Triumphe IV. Charles Squired to Owen.
  • Chemin Noir. Apprenticed to Beorhtlic.
  • Winter War Maneuvers.


Seneschal. Moved into Old Frat in May, then Fratopia in June.

  • wInterkingdom. Adalia's Knitting Class
  • Gulf War XVII. Rode with Rhiannon and Toinette. Short War. Card Game.
  • Triumphe III.
  • Winter War Maneuvers. I think this is the year I fought. (I fought the year the Men of Scutum Calendar came out. That was the year with the picture of me and Ollj looking opposite directions, looking bedraggled and happy.)


Stepped out of KM and took over Seneschal in July.

  • Gulf War XVI. Took my white Lumina. It broke down one town before Site. Very traumatic.
  • Triumphe II. Sabine, Isabella autocratting. Zorya running Archery.
  • Winter War Maneuvers.


Moved in with Rhiannon in December.

  • Gulf War XV. This was the second year we took Thirsty. (I think this is the year I helped Maggie with Land.) I had the Card Game going this year. It didn't fall on Spring Break. I was in the car following the bus, and that car's water pump seized on the way home. I spent two nights with Asric and Tim Hardin while the car (his grandmother's) was in the shop.
  • Thirsty the Magic Shed broke down in Namron on the way to Gothic in the late summer.
  • Triumphe I. Feast Steward with Aline as my Second. That was the inaugural year for the Mooneschadowe Kitchen Party because Charles loves me and wants me to be happy.
  • Blood of Heroes. The Damn Dirty Foreigners ride again. Magnus committed atrocities and Eirik got blamed for them.


Knight Marshal, starting in July. Moved into Fighter Frat in May.

  • Gulf War XIV. Cold War! Spent a lot of time at Troll. Green 6-person nylon from my parents. Charles was LDGC. We took Thirsty the Magic Shed (the Bus) to War. Mahdi was crown. I had the Card Game in full swing. I think this was the year I only brought flip flops for footwear.
  • Guardian XXV. Charles autocratted. I was M.Maggie's Second in the kitchen. This was the year with the white sausages. Ollj, AnneLyse, Kat, and a handful of others stayed up late to get this done after Maggie blacked out. This was also the year when we had surprise Calontiri coming out of the woods in such numbers that Rhiannon wrote a Treatise on Poo to account for the rest facilities.
  • Blood of Heroes. Return of the Damn Dirty Foreigners. I think this was the second year we brought the bus to this event. They'd told us the year before that we couldn't use the couches to block the goal post unless they had tabards, so we sewed couch covers with bulletholes so we'd be able to use the couches. They still argued that we weren't using the couches legally.
  • Winter War Maneuvers. Shannon and Sarah were allowed to go with us because we had a Certified Canadian caravan driver following the Bus. We stayed with Jean-Michelle, I believe.


(lived alone, no office)

  • Gulf War XIII. JP's Knighting! Did a lot of Waterbearing. Double-long Army half-shelter tent with Charles. In the Main Mooneschadowe camp this year!
  • Guardian XXIV. Helped Mark von Mainz in the kitchen. I mostly remember breaking up Romaine heads for the salad.
  • Blood of Heroes. Introduction of the Damn Dirty Foreigners. We had the bus and therefore List-Side couches, at the rural site with the tiny grocery store at the end of the road, and we bought steaks and kitchy Christmas mugs for the Feast of Meat.
  • Winter War Maneuvers. Bonnie went the previous year as a fighter. Charles told me that girls don't go to this event. Shows what he knows: I sammich ninja'd this year with Adena, Emmalina, Dani. I think we took the bus this year. I think this was the year of -10 degrees.


(lived in Kerr-Drummond, did RHA)

  • Gulf War XI: First War! Did a lot of wandering around and Waterbearing. Army half-shelters in the Mooneschadowe Ghetto. Highlight of the War: Chatting with then-HL Maggie at the Ghetto campfire for hours. We didn't have a good run of supplies for food, so we had to use some creativity to get anemic grilled cheese sandwiches. On the way home, we stopped by Gulfport to hang out on the beach for a little while - until we all got 2nd degree sunburns. Then we went to dinner with Ian's dad in Lafayette, LA.
  • Charles and I went separate ways in October and reconnected in January 2004.


(lived in Kerr-Drummond)

  • Ainar and Mercedes' Investiture, at Will Rogers, wearing garb out of the Northkeep loaner box (I loved that dress!).
  • Started dating Charles in November.

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments

  • 2011 A&S Champion of Adlersruhe


Mundane Information

Libby works as an editor for an international publishing company that writes training manuals for the fire and emergency services.