Jehanne de Montauban

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Registered Name: Jehanne de Montauban
Resides: Northkeep
Status: Active
Joined SCA: 2006
Order of Precedence
Jehanne de Montauban

Erminois, on a saltire vert an arnica Or.

Her Excellency, Jehanne de Montauban, Baroness of Northkeep

Nicknames: Jehanna
Pronouns: she/her


  • Local Offices held:
    • Northkeep Baronial Webminister, 2016-2018
    • Northkeep Baronial Historian/Librarian, 2016-2018
    • Northkeep Baronial Seneschal, 2018-2020
    • Northkeep Deputy Missile Marshal 2020-2021
    • Baroness of Northkeep

  • Kingdom Offices held:
    • Chancellor of the Kingdom of Ansteorra Herbalism & Apothecary Guild 2020-present

Persona History:

Jehanne was born in 1365 to a Burgundian mother who had married a minor French noble living near Montauban. Her mother was horrified at the prevalence of Catherism in the area, but her father didn’t see that as a problem. However, because the area was at that time ceded to the English under the Treaty of Bretigny, her mother was able to convince her father to have her raised in a convent near Dijon. In 1382, on the advice of her mother’s family, she was married to Perrin de Beaujeu.


  • Herbology
  • Archery
  • Vernacular Architecture
  • Material Culture
  • Medieval Technologies
  • Living History presentations

Timeline of Activity:

Jehanne's first event was Gulf Wars 2007, but her first SCA experience was the required creation of garb for two adults and two children for most of a week, with a hard deadline and on a shoestring budget. She attended events and meetings sporadically for several years, taking time off to bear two more children and raise them to be fit for company. Jehanne gradually found a growing interest in the skills, knowledge, and experience of daily life for her persona. She began in Northkeep, and she remains in Northkeep.


Classes Taught

  • It’s the Balm! - Northkeep A&S Night (2017), wInterkingdom (2018), Northkeep H&A Guild Night (2018), War of the Rams (2018)
  • Rose Beads – Northkeep H&A Guild Night (2019)
  • Elderberry Tonic - Northkeep H&A Guild Night (2020)
  • Wildcrafting Hike – Ansteorran 40th Year Celebration
  • H&A Guild Class: A History of Herbals - Northkeep H&A Guild Night (2018), Kingdom A&S hosted by Ffynnon Gath (2019), King’s College hosted by Bonwicke (2019), Virtual Spring in Our Steppes (2020)
  • H&A Guild Class: Humors, Uroscopy and the Doctrine of Signatures - Northkeep H&A Guild Night (2018), Kingdom A&S hosted by Ffynnon Gath (2019), King’s College hosted by Bonwicke (2019)
  • H&A Guild Class: Poisons & Antidotes - Northkeep H&A Guild Night (2018), wInterkingdom (2019), Kingdom A&S hosted by Ffynnon Gath (2019), King’s College hosted by Bonwicke (2019), War of the Rams (2019), Virtual Beltane (2020)
  • H&A Guild Class: Ointments, Decoctions, Oils and Poultices – War of the Rams (2019)

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

  • 2016 Got the Baronial library out of boxes and entered into an online, browse-able catalog
  • 2018 Moved the Baronial website onto Wordpress, got Wordpress sites for both Cantons and worked with incoming webminister Koke Gan to get them completed.
    • Served on the team working to rehabilitate Thorvald’s Fort at Will Rogers Boy Scout Reservation.
    • Designed new Guestbook sheets for demos, improved guest data collection and follow ups
    • Went to Central and Southern Regions to present Herbalism & Apothecary Classes and meetings
  • 2019 Spearheaded the build of a Medieval Demo Herb Garden for the 40th Year Site
  • 2020 Got permission to have a kingdom hosted H&A Guild website, built website
    • Chosen as premiere Herbalism & Apothecary Guild Chancellor
    • Hosted all of Northkeep and Chemin Noir’s virtual events and meetings for 2020
  • 2021 Autocrat for Northkeep’s virtual wInterkingdom with 35 teachers and 49 classes, attended by 228 individuals (including newcomers!) from 15 Kingdoms.

Non-Armigerous Awards:

  • 2017 - Merlon of Northkeep

Populace Provided Information:

Koke Gan

Lady Jehanne is possibly the most put-together person I've met within the SCA! If there's something that needs done, she can make it happen! She organizes for our barony while also managing her own family (with the help of Perrin de Beaujeu, of course!). She is one of the biggest proponents for everyone participating in some fashion and for full inclusion. Jehanne & Perrin have clearly set an amazing example for Francois de Beaujeu, who is clearly following in their footsteps and is always volunteering. I honestly think we might be completely lost without her & her family!



Married to Perrin de Beaujeu
Mother to Sierra of Northkeep
Mother to Francois de Beaujeu
Mother to Victor of Northkeep
Mother to Lenora de Montauban

Mundane Information:

  • Mom of 4
  • Avid traveler (46 states, 8 countries and counting!)
  • French speaker
  • Licensed Massage Therapist
  • Permaculture student
  • Database Administrator
  • Website Administrator
  • Theatre Stage Manager/Production Manager
  • Theatre Lighting Design/Electrician