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Revision as of 22:28, 26 December 2021


Registered Name: Margaret ny Connor
Resides: Steppes
Status: Active
Joined SCA: 1990
Order of Precedence
Margaret ny Connor

Per pale, sable and gules, a sinister gauntlet couped argent, maintaining three cala lilies proper within a crenellated bordure argent
Artwork by Emma de Davyntre

Her Grace, Duchess Margaret ny Connor, OP

Previously Known As:
Nickname(s): Maggie
Pronouns: She/Her

Additional Registered Heraldry:


  • Local Offices Held
    • Deputy Seneschal, Shire of Nithgaard, Kingdom of the East: 1990 to 1991
    • Archery Marshal, Barony of Bordermarch, Ansteorra, 1992 to 1995
    • Seneschal, Barony of Bonwicke, Ansteorra, 1996 to 1998
  • Regional Offices Held
    • Western Region Rapier Marshal, Ansteorra, 1996 to 1999
    • Central Region Seneschal, Ansteorra, 2009 to 2001
    • At-Large Rapier Marshal, Ansteorra, 1999 to 2002
  • Kingdom Offices Held
    • Crown Princess, Kingdom of the East: October 1991 to April 1992
    • Queen, Kingdom of the East, April 1992 to November 1992
    • 81st Queen, Kingdom of Ansteorra, April 2019 - October 2019
  • Society Offices Held
    • Member, SCA Legal Committee, 2007 to 2011
    • Member, Board of Directors of SCA, Inc., 2012-2015, and 2016-2018
"Like all Ansteorran Queens, you are an inspiration, and not just to me. Like all Ansteorran Queens, your love for her and her people is evident in all that you do. Like all Ansteorran Queens, you are a strong, courageous woman who I would be proud to have stand beside me. In our traditions, the Queen rules beside the King, not behind him and certainly not beneath him. It is my wish that you stand beside me as my queen, but I will not, cannot, force that on you. If it be your will, I would ask that you take this and Crown yourself Queen of Ansteorra." - Vladislav Shah

Persona History:

Margaret ny Connor is a 15th-century noblewoman, born to a son of the O'Connor Faly and the daughter of an Anglo-Irish Lord. She's been widowed twice by warfare and has retired to the manor of her late second husband, in which she has a life estate. She has wielded both spear and rapier to defend her lands. She dabbles in the arts and has taken up lap harp, recorder, black-work, embroidery, weaving, silk painting and jewelry-making in her time. She managed to hide all the fun she was having for 18 years before they made her a Pelican, and she had to start attending meetings. Just look where it's gotten her now.


Watching rapier and chivalric combat, both tournament and melee, and List Mistress duties for any kind of tournament are all a good time. Needle arts, fiber arts, making jewelry, listening to and appreciating musicians who add to the ambience with their playing, and hanging out with friends and chosen family. Mentoring and advising newer members who are pursuing their interests and goals.

General Information:

Margaret joined the SCA in the Shire of Nithgaard in the then Principality of Aethelmearc, Kingdom of the East and played for one year before being made Crown Princess by Ruslan Novgorodcev. During their reign, they hosted Pennsic 21 and created the Order of the Golden Rapier of the East, and her love for rapier and the rapier community was born (even though they snuck the order name with those initials past her!). She moved to Ansteorra two weeks after stepping down from the throne of the East, and while the East (and the OGREs) will always own a corner of her heart, she’s been Ansteorran to the bone for more than 20 years.

Timeline of Activity:

  • Kingdom of the East, Member, Shire of Nithgaard, 1990 to 1992
  • Kingdom of Ansteorra, Member, Barony of Bordermarch, 1992 to 1995
  • Member, Barony of Bonwicke, 1995 to 1998
  • Member, Barony of the Steppes, 1998 to Present
  • Authorized Chivalric combatant 1990 to 1996
  • Authorized Marshal for Chivalric, Rapier and Archery 1991 to 2003
  • Authorized Rapier combatant 1996 to 2003
  • Authorized Combat Archer 1999 to 2003
Ansteorra 40th Year, Friday Court

Prior Groups:

Ansteorra 40th Year:

"One magic moment (among so many) - the Roses' Cut & Thrust Tourney under the BFT with Stary Olsa playing. AT least twice, I lost track of time and space when the music merged into the effort and the movement and clash of steel. Although there are so many other great moments from the weekend, I think this was my favorite experience of this event, and possibly, of any event I've attended."

Populace Provided Information:

Rónán Fionn Ó Dubáin

A Treatise on Compassion - The Legacy of Margaret Ny Connor

There are times in our lives when we are not at our best and then there are times when we're lucky we have a life at all. Then the questions start to come, how will I move forward, so much has changed, what do I do now? My friend, Hextilda Corbett, had their own experience with this earlier this year. They went through a scenario that challenge anyone's spirit.

During that time of worry and doubt and confusion, a voice of compassion, one among many no doubt, but one bearing weight and significance, one that resonated with understanding, one that bore the great fruit of hope upon its branches. That voice belonged to Margaret. It wasn't a singular act of reaching out to offer sympathies, there was substance and longevity to her empathy.

We learn much about each other during times of great suffering and I doubt this was an isolated behavior for the Queen. You can see it in her smile, in her eyes, in her words, in the gentle press of her forehead against another's.

A legacy of kindness, is there anything greater she could leave us?

Original work by Emma Farewyll

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

  • During her reign as Queen of the East, she and her King created the Order of the Golden Rapier of the East.
  • During her terms on the Board of Directors, Corpora was amended to allow same sex consorts for Crown Tournaments.
  • During her terms on the Board of Directors, Corpora was amended to create the Order of Defense.
  • During her terms on the Board of Directors, Avacal was advanced to Kingdom status.
  • Moderator, Ansteorran Rose email list and website since their inception.
  • Co-Steward and/or List Mistress for the Ansteorran Rose Breakfast and Tourney at Gulf War multiple years
  • List Mistress for the Ansteorran Rapier Tourney at Pennsic, multiple years
  • Coordinator for Ansteorran Rose Champions Tournaments, six tournaments at events hosted by different kingdom groups in 2003 and 2004 (chivalric, rapier, equestrian, archery, static arts, bardic)
  • Steward for the Ansteorran Rose Champions Events, multiple years

Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions:


Mundane Information:

Special Needs:

In Case of Court: