Tales of Allon McBain

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Ahlanna a'Becket

I met Allon at he first year I started playing SCA when a bunch of us were Dragonsfire. He was one of the few who could hang out with Brin Dorean and give it as hard as Brin dished it.

He made some of the best songs, always laughed, was friendly with everyone and would get wild at our revels. I remember when he and Maura met. I remember them falling in love. I remember him when he was just a baby faced you g guy who partied hard with us.

I remember his voice singing out over the campfires.

I remember him playfully picking on me and Scher.

I remember bellydancing around the fires and in Wolfstar camp and seeing him on a drum, hands pounding, big smile on his face. I will never forget that sight… him at the drums… him by the fire… him laughing that laugh of his...

Dragomito Skomorokhova

I think one of my fondest memories with Allon was at Bordermarch Autumn Melees, many moons ago. I showed up in Wolfstar Camp on Friday Night and was settling in and Allon came to me all excited saying that he had good pieces prepared and he was finally going to beat me in a bardic competition. I did not plan to compete that weekend and I told him and he was all "What??!! No!" And he proceeded to poke at me all night about it until I finally gave in and competed. He then spent the rest of the weekend lamenting talking me into competing =).