Simon Gof

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Registered Name: Simon Gof
Resides: Wiesenfeuer
Status: Active
Joined SCA: 2011
Order of Precedence
Simon Gof

Or, a smith's hammer proper its haft maintaining an entwined vine vert, a bordure gules.

Lord Simon Gof

Previously Known As:

Additional Registered Heraldry:

  • Registered Badge: (Fieldless) A smith's hammer proper its haft maintaining an entwined vine vert.


  • Local Offices Held
    • Prior Minister of Arts and Sciences, Barony of Wiesenfeuer, 2013

Persona History:

I am a 14th Century Englishman, son to a Welsh blacksmith (Gof).


Blacksmithing (specifically, ward spring lock and keys), Woodworking (rawhide lanterns), Candle making, Brewing, Archery, Thrown weapons.

I use a period inspired wooden side blast coal forge, with either a tandem bellows or great bellow set up. I love to bring this to events when able.

I generally am interested in an any medieval sciences.

Timeline of Activity:

  • First Event: The Feast of Eagles, Kingdom of Calontir, 2011
  • Moved to Ansteorra: 2012

Prior Groups:

Populace Provided Information:

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

I brought to life the idea of Krampus to the annual Wiesenfuer Yule event.

Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions:


Mundane Information:

Special Needs:

In Case of Court: