Mhearai Saoirse Hamelin

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Receiving the Acorn at 2023 Steppes Artisan
Photo by Margery Heron
Registered Name: []
Resides: Steppes
Status: Active
Joined SCA: 2023
Order of Precedence
Mhearai Hamelin


Bhann Mhearai Saoirse Hamelin

Previously Known As:
Title: Bhann is pronounced similarly to "Vaughn" and means woman/Lady.

Additional Registered Heraldry:


  • Local Offices Held
    • Deputy Hospitaler, Barony of the Steppes
    • Deputy Social Media Officer, Barony of the Steppes
  • Regional Offices Held
  • Kingdom Offices Held

Persona History:

Mhearai Hamelin was born to Irish nobility in 1230 to a family whose ancestors came over during the Norman Conquest. Her family took Irelands side during the conquest and stayed when the Normans left. She grew up in an affluent family and her parents made sure she was well educated. In 1260 she found herself no longer in Ireland but in Ansteorra.


Timeline of Activity:


  • April: Joined the SCA. Started teaching ocarina. Became social media deputy.
  • May: Started talking to Hospitaler about being a deputy. Attended first event, Warlord, and competed in Bardic Competition and taught first class at an event. Became Hospitaler deputy.
  • June: Started 3 months of stand-in Hospitaler while Wilhelm was away. Helped with the SCA demo at Fan Expo. Attended second event, Two Artisans Two Bards and competed in Bardic Competition and taught ocarina class.
  • July: Became warranted Hospitaler.
  • August: Attended three events, Steppes Artisan, Serpents Symposium, and Glaslyn Artisan. Competed in Novice Artisan at Steppes and Glaslyn Artisan and Bardic Competition at Serpents Symposium. Taught the ocarina class at all three events. Received the Acorn award at Steppes Artisan.
  • September: Continued to help run newcomers academy after the return of Wilhelm. Volunteered to organize music for 12th Night.
  • October: Put together a list of music for 12th Night. Found a Director of Dance for 12th Night. Made 18 circlets for the kingdom.
  • November: Applied for MOAS office and became deputy. Continued to support the Hospitaler. Attended War of the Rams and competed at Bardic. Started painting charters.
  • December: Finalized the music list for 12th Night. Attended the Baronial Christmas Party.


  • January: Attended and was on staff for 12th Night. Received AoA. Became Interim Hospitaler. Made first tunic dress and wore it for the dress with pride parade for 12th Night.
  • February: Started to help organize two upcoming demos. Came up with a cosplay panel to get more recruitment for the SCA.
  • March: Participated in two demos for recruitment to the Steppes and Ansteorra. Ran a panel on how to make cosplays medieval. Made a medieval cosplay for one of the demos. Put in a bid with Sean Tabor for Coronation and won. Started painting custom scrolls. Painted over 70 charters for kingdom and two baronies by this point.
  • April: Attended Elfsea Defender and ran coronation. Saw one of their custom scrolls given out at Elfsea Defender. Painted and did the calligraphy for the Guardian of the King's Dream award for Coronation. Sewed first kirtle without a pattern. Celebrated first year in the SCA at Elfsea Defender 4/6/2024, first anniversary being 4/4/2024.

Prior Groups:

Populace Provided Information:

Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:

Service to the Arts

  • Started what is lovingly called the Ocarina Mafia
  • Is writing a non European Bardic Compendium with the research and documentation included
  • Painted over 70 charters for baronies and kingdom
  • Has painted 8 custom scrolls including Guardian of the King's Dream for Their Highnesses Sven and Antigone
  • Made 18 circlets for the kingdom

Classes Taught
  • Introduction to Ocarina:
    • 2023 Two Artisans Two Bards
    • 2023 Steppes Artisan
    • 2023 Glaslyn Artisan
    • 2023 Serpents Symposium

Service to the Community

  • Has Entouraged for three baronies
  • Has served on staff for one event and autocratted Spring Coronation 2024 for Their Highnesses Sven and Antigone

Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions:

  • Acorn of the Steppes


Mundane Information:

Special Needs:

  • Please give advance warning for court. Prefers a small pop-up interaction.
  • Is autistic and can get overwhelmed and over stimulated.
  • Legally blind

In Case of Court:

Prefers a heads up when they will be called into court due to autism or would like drive by/roving court. Surprises are not something they can handle well.