Mateo Montero de Madrid
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His Excellency, Master Mateo Montero de Madrid, WSNS
Previously Known As:
Nickname(s): Don Mateo
Pronouns: He/Him
Additional Registered Heraldry:
- Local Offices Held
- Regional Offices Held
- Regional Rapier Marshal (Northshield)
- Regional Cut and Thrust Marshal (Northshield)
- Kingdom Offices Held
- Kingdom Rapier Marshal, Ansteorra
- Kingdom Cut and Thrust Marshal, Ansteorra
- Kingdom Cut and Thrust Marshal
- General of the Rapier Army, Ansteorra
- Society Offices or Projects:
- Northshield APEC Committee (Rapier)
Persona History:
Mateo is a Spaniard born in Madrid in 1579. He is a mercantile sailor and privateer sailing out of Venice under the flag of House DiCellini.
- Rapier Combat
- Cut & Thrust Combat
- Music: Mateo has recorded three albums of original music and covered traditional music - About Damn Time, Quarters, and Tribute. He books and manages the musicians that play at the Green Dragon Inn every year at Gulf Wars.
Timeline of Activity:
Mateo began playing in the SCA in approximately 1997 in the Barony of Jararvellir (Madison, WI). He was taken to his first fighter practice by Master Chandler Greyfeather, who thought Mateo and the SCA would be a good fit. Mateo was quickly taken as a Lackey by Doctour Jock McKee, who trained him in the art of defense and helped begin his education as a gentlemen. Other early influences on Mateo's upbringing in the SCA include Master Elijah Cameron of the Black Isle, Mistress Dianora DiCellini, Sir Guillaume LaForte, and Sir LOGOS, in addition to many others. Legend has it that the late Master Thorbjorn the Greyside's boots walked Mateo to his early rapier practices...
Mateo quickly took to the sword and to the Bardic Arts, eventually earning the Midrealm's highest award for Rapier Combat at the time (the Order of the Bronze Ring) and several honors for his work as a bard. Mateo's early career as a fencer included research and scholarship into period combat forms in rapier (Italian and Spanish), sidesword, and longsword. In 2004, Northshield became a Kingdom, and at the new kingdom's first coronation Mateo was asked to join the Order of the White Scarf as one of three Premieres (alongside Don Toshikage and Don Rodrigo de Montoya) by Queen Bredei and King Siegfried.
Mateo was a founding member of the rapier melee unit Cameron's Hellhounds. The Hellhounds went on to achieve notoriety and fame at Gulf Wars and Pennsic War. He has served as General for the rapier armies of Ansteorra, and Northshield.
At Gulf Wars in 2006, Mateo was introduced to the owners of the Green Dragon Inn. Mateo was the first Bard to perform at the Dragon, and that night met a certain barmaid named Rhien. The two hit it off, and within two years, Mateo decided to move to Ansteorra where Rhien lived. The couple was married at the Green Dragon in May of 2011. He and Lady Rhien are now co-proprietors of the Green Dragon, alongside friends and family.
Mateo served on the first APEC committee, helping to craft the initial proposal for the Order of Defense. He has served as KRM for Ansteorra, Kingdom Cut and Thrust Marshal for both Ansteorra and Northshield, and as a regional and local marshal in various places over the years.
In 2015 Mateo was offered elevation to the Order of Defense by Queen Antigone and King Sven of Ansteorra. He is the 4th Master of Defense of Ansteorra, and bears the distinction of being the first polled-on member of the Order from Ansteorra. Mateo also holds an Iris of Merit for his work as a bard and his application of period fighting techniques to Rapier and Cut and Thrust rapier combat.
Prior Groups:
Populace Provided Information:
Notable Contributions or Accomplishments:
- Premiere White Scarf of Northshield
- Served on the APEC committee that created the initial submission for the Order of Defense.
- Early participant and contributor to the Sidesword Project (eventually to become Cut and Thrust)
- Co-Founder of Cameron's Hellhounds
- Co-Founder of the School of Tyranny
- Member of the Most Honourable Quack's Guild
- War Bard, Gulf Wars
- Royal Blade to Creppin I & Toryn I
Wiki Mentions
- Lineages of the Masters of Defense
- Lineages of the White Scarves of Ansteorra
- Guardian of the Gauntlet
- 74th Crown
Non-Armigerous Awards and Recognitions:
- Former Cadet to Doctour Jock McKee
- Co-proprietor of the Green Dragon Inn.
- Cadets, past and present:
- THL Caelfind ni Mullen
- Lord Ulrich Kreer
- Lady Petranella Asteria Peregrina
- Baroness Dierdre Wydville
- Dona Christiana Ivarsdottir
- Master Martin Malone WSA
- Lord Thomas
- Lady Willhemena
Mundane Information:
Mundanely, Mateo works as a professor of Drama at Austin Community College, and is an award-winning playwright.
Special Needs:
In Case of Court:
In case of court, please inform Lady Rhien.